Overwrite problem on bin-release

i upgraded my eclipse and my project's .project file changed and now when i export my project to lcds(tomcat server) a new bin-release occuring
between this tag.

Not sure if this has anything to do with monitoring. Have you tried asking an eclipse support forum?

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    Hi All I've a problem
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    build... and everithing seams to work but when i use the swf file
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    [RPC Fault faultString="Security error accessing url"
    faultCode="Channel.Security.Error" faultDetail="Destination:
    at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
    at mx.rpc::Responder/fault()
    at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()
    at DirectHTTPMessageResponder/securityErrorHandler()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at flash.net::URLLoader/redirectEvent()
    and i use the swf file like this
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','
    http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','wid th','740','height','280','title','s','src','searchProd01','quality','high','pluginspage',' http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movi e','searchProd01'
    ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="
    width="740" height="280" title="s">
    <param name="movie" value="searchProd01.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <embed src="searchProd01.swf" quality="high"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="740"
    if any of you can tell me what can be this error maybe im
    using in the wrong way the bin release folder, how should i use it
    ?? or any idea ??
    well i hope someone can giveme a little of help
    best regards

    "cesaregb" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi All I've a problem
    > I have a httpservice in my little and small aplicaton,
    this works perfect
    > when
    > i run it inside of the IDE of flex the problem comes
    when i try to export
    > it
    > ... i press file and export- release build... and
    everithing seams to
    > work but
    > when i use the swf file of the bin release, i dont know
    why i keep getting
    > an
    > error on the httpservice this return me a error
    > this is the code that this give me
    > [RPC Fault faultString="Security error accessing url"
    > faultCode="Channel.Security.Error"
    faultDetail="Destination: DefaultHTTP"]
    > at
    > mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
    > ()
    > at mx.rpc::Responder/fault()
    > at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()
    > at DirectHTTPMessageResponder/securityErrorHandler()
    > at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    > at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    > at flash.net::URLLoader/redirectEvent()
    > and i use the swf file like this
    > <script type="text/javascript">
    > AC_FL_RunContent(
    > 'codebase','
    > 'quality','high','pluginspage','
    .cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movie','searchProd01' );
    //end AC
    > code
    > </script><noscript><object
    > classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    > codebase="
    > rsion=9,0,28,0" width="740" height="280" title="s">
    > <param name="movie" value="searchProd01.swf" />
    > <param name="quality" value="high" />
    > <embed src="searchProd01.swf" quality="high"
    > pluginspage="
    > n=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    > height="280"></embed>
    > </object></noscript>
    Are you testing locally or from the server? I think when you
    publish a
    release version, Flex automatically flips the switch that
    tells the swf it
    is a server.

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    Somebody else had posted before with the same problem:

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="
    1200" height="450" backgroundColor="
    <mx:Canvas color="#ffffff"backgroundColor="
    100%" height="100%" 
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    The solutions is to navigate to the Flex Compiler tab
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    “-use-network=false” argument to the “Additional
    compiler arguments” line.

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    Thank you for your answer. I had not checked (will do so tonight).
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- LinkButtonRenderer.mxml -->
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"> 
               import mx.events.ListEvent;
               import mx.controls.LinkButton;
               import mx.controls.Button;
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import flash.net.navigateToURL;
            private function handleClick(eventObj:Event):void
                var u:URLRequest;
                u = new URLRequest(data.url.toString());
                navigateToURL(u, "_self");
            <mx:LinkButton id="url" label="{data.label}" click="handleClick(event);" color="blue"/>

    For testing the URL im ausing is  http://google.com
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  • How to create Bin Release folder Through commandline (without flash/flex builder)

    Hi friends
                        is it possible to create bin release folder of my application without using flash builder or flex builder.i want to create the release of my application through sdk.is there any way to create this.i am working on windows.so please let me know any dos based command to create this release.
    Thanks and Regards
       Vineet Osho

    Hi lee thanks for your reply.actually i am already use tha command but it cant  create bin release folder it just make swf file.i want all bin-relase folder so that all the css and images and other resources that my application used should comme in relesed folder.is there any way to create bi-relese folder.i am working in flash-builder 4 and my operating system is windows 7
    Thanks And Regards
      Vineet Sharma

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    Any ideas?
    Many thanks

    I am in the same boat! And when I tried to delete the extra bin-release folders some of code started to get warnings, it would still work, but it has warnings where it shouldn't

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    " Please Check Release Classes (See Long Texts)"
    This is appearing on the Screen while I am trying to Save the Release Group.
    Please anyone give me solution for this.............
    Thanks & Regards,

    I think this happens because you are defining different release group using different class but using same class type for those classes.
    Rel. Grp     Class
    98              Z_Class1
    99              Z_Class2
    Z_Class1 has the same class type as Z_Class2.
    Hopefully this helps.

  • How to create Bin Release folder of my Application through command line

    Hi friends
                   Can any body guides me how to release my flex project without using flash builder.i mean i want to create bin release folder only from dos using SDK.
    is this possible?Waiting for reply.
    Thanks And Regards
      Vineet Osho

    Hi Vineet,
    To do what you are asking, I think you will want to use Ant from the command line (DOS).  Rather than go over the details of how to do that here, the Adobe Live Docs seems pretty thorough: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=anttasks_1.html

  • Problems setting up release management

    Hi I am running into problems in setting up Microsoft Release Management. I have 2 domains. My tfs (separate server), release management server and release management client (both on single physical server) are in domain1 and deployer is in domain2 in Azure
    VM. I am using a VPN tunnel to connect release management server, release management client and deployer. They connect with each other nicely. The problem comes when I add reference to tfs in release management client. TFS fails to verify. Now
    the user I am using to connect has Make requests on behalf of
    others' permissions so that is not the issue. I get TF400324 error. I even used wireshark to troubleshoot but it looks as if release management
    client is not even trying to connect. I can access tfs url via web browser with vpn connected from machine on which release management client is running. when  Now if I disconnect the vpn and try to verify tfs from release
    management client it works. Does release management client supports connecting via ipv6 tunnel?

    Hi abhijitdamle,
    I'd like to know how do you connecting via ipv6 tunnel, and when you get the error(without vpn connection?) . If your machine can be access via HTTP/HTTPS, then RM client can also be connected. For your situation, seems you got the
    issue resolved after using vpn.
    If you have other concerns about the error, you can also check the methods below to see if it works for you:
    1. Check the permission of the user account you use, make sure it has the permission of "make requests on behalf of others"
    2. Clean team foundation cache on your RM client machine
    3. Check the team project collection url to ensure it's input correctly, or use the solution on this
    Best regards,

  • DBLinks Problem in 10g Release 2

    I have many mappings taking data from tables in a remote database asociated with a Source Database module. All was working OK but after some changes in one mapping, when I triyed to deploy that mapping I got a warning in the Control Center's Job Details:
    ORA-06550: line 222, column 7:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 264, column 23:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exists
    Checking for errors in the package GNV_MP_B_VENTAS_01_PKG I've found the following message in compilation errors:
    ORA-04052: se ha producido un error al consultar el objeto remoto [email protected]@SOU_GNVBI_LOCATION1
    ORA-00604: se ha producido un error a nivel 1 de SQL recursivo
    ORA-01882: timezone region not found
    ORA-02063: line....
    Testing the DBLink created by OWB I have the followiong message:
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    Error at Command Line:1 Column:19
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-01882: timezone region not found
    ORA-02063: line precediendo a GASN@SOU_GNVBI_LOCATION1
    01882. 00000 - "timezone region %s not found"
    *Cause:    The specified region name was not found.
    *Action:   Please contact Oracle Customer Support.
    Can anyone help me with this issue ? This is my config info:
    Remote DB:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version – Production
    OWB's DB:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version – Production
    OWB 10.2 Release 2
    OWB Repository:

    Right Now we are seting up the Timezone patch y the 9i database. I'll tell you later how goes all the process but meanwhile here are some strange things about the ORA-01882 error:
    I've tested the DBLink using Oracle SQL Developer an it doesn't work. But if I test the same DBLink using SQL*Plus (no matter client version or platfom) it works...
    I realize that when I created a new DBLink via SQL*Plus to determine if the problem was related to OWB 10.2. Running OWB 10.2 client from Windows or Linux produces the same error in deploy. Testing the BDLink from SQL*Plus from Windows or Linux produces no errors. Althought I can't recompile the package generated when the mapping was deployed, I get the same ORA-04052 - ORA-00604 - ORA-01882 errors.
    When I completed the patch installation I will tell you the results...

  • Reg.Negative delivery cost problem in PO release

    Dear Friends
    '' PO cannot be released due to negative delivery costs" this is my client requirement, I am unable to understand this. Please explain and give the solution.

    how can you have negative delivery costs?
    that means you order material, get it delivered by a carrier, and then the carrier pays you (instead of you pay carrier)?
    Please explain your PO process in a bit more detail.
    maybe this thread with a similar problem can help you:

  • Agent problem in Payment Release Workflow   - SPRO

    Hi FI PRof's,
    I am using the standard workflow WS00400012 for Payment Release.I am using two level approval process.If the invoice amount is less than 20,000 it should goto approver X and if it more than that it should do for X first and then to Y.
    I have assigned the agents in SPRO Customizing as follows :
    WF Variant - 2000 Approval path - 0001 Level - 1 R.Amt - 10,000 Agent - X
    WF Variant - 2000 Approval path - 0001 Level - 2 R.Amt - 999999... Agent - Y
    I am using the standard rule 00400125 for agent asssignment.
    My Problem for single level release the agent is found(X) and WF is fine.
    But while two level release the responsible agent is not found..What could be the problem. Am I missing any thing in Customization.

    You had any response about this problem or able to solve it?
    I'm having the same current problems and have not found a solution!
    Ariel Prebianca

  • Agent problem in Payment Release Workflow

    Hi WF PRof's,
      I am using the standard workflow  WS00400012 for Payment Release.I am using two level approval process.If the invoice amount is less than 20,000 it should goto approver X and if it more than that it should do for X first and then to Y.
    I have assigned the agents in SPRO Customizing as follows :
    WF Variant - 2000 Approval path - 0001 Level - 1 R.Amt - 10,000 Agent -  X
    WF Variant - 2000 Approval path - 0001 Level - 2 R.Amt - 999999... Agent -  Y
    I am using the standard rule 00400125 for agent asssignment.
    My Problem for single level release the agent is found(X) and WF is fine.
    But while two level release the responsible agent is not found..What could be the problem. Am I missing any thing in Customization.

    I can't check it since I don't have access to a SAP system here, but don't you have to define the first-level approvers separately for the two scenarios? Perhaps my memory is incorrect, but I seem to remember that you can have one first-level approver for the low amounts, and a different first-level approver for the high amounts.
    This is mostly a chore that just requires additional maintenance since it seems "everyone" is using the same first-level approver independent of amount, but flexibility is highly regarded in SAP...

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