P67A-GD65 (B3) memory not working properly (XMP)

Hi, I have a P67A-GD65 (B3) motherboard that I recently purchased, along with GSKILL F3-12800Cl7-2GBXm ram that is advertised as CL7-8-7-24.
I cannot get the system to post using XMP or custom timings using the 7-8-7-24 timings. I went on the GSKILL forum to find out that it is an issue related to BIOS firmware on the motherboard end of the spectrum. Even after updating to the newest BIOS the problem still persists. When I am running the ram on auto mode in the bios, instead of running at CL7-8-7-24 the bios ends up bumping me up to higher latencies of CL9-10-10-29....
Is there any plans for a future BIOS update to address this problem? I would really like to know.....
Here is a pic showing the XMP spd profile:
As you can see I can get the frequency up to 1866Mhz.. but I cant get the lower the timings even at 1600MHz...

Thanks for clearing things up guys
Your welcome. A lot of misconception is out & about. Here's another example. You were not alone. https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=147512.0 Reply #2 & Reply #4.
It can be fun though with some trial & error to squeeze a little bit extra out of components, but sometimes the minimal gain 'just isn't worth it'. This is diving into OC'ing, which this section of the forum is not appropriate, however, as long as you don't exceed 1.65v's on the DRAM V., I think you can safely do some experimenting, but 1333 is a good stable native RAM speed on this platform.

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  • Undo is not working properly (grayed out)

    Undo is not working properly in Indesign CC 9.2. I am using a 17" MBP running OSX 10.9.1.
    Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory: 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    I ran into this issue doing a publication layout. I was not doing anything overly complicated. Copying/pasting, placing images, adding text boxes, copying/pasting text boxes. It seems to happen without rhyme or reason.
    I know that is not helpful for troubleshooting so I was able to isolate the problem. Here is how to recreate it.
    Open new doc (standard letter)
    Create text box with random text
    copy the text box (cmd C)
    paste the text box (cmd V)
    move the resulting text box using selection tool (V)
    select NEW text box (selection tool)
    copy the NEW text box (cmd C)
    paste the NEW text box (cmd V)
    move the text box (selection tool).
    Repeat until there are 5 text boxes (at least).
    Undo the various actions after placing and moving the 5 text boxes.
    I cannot undo back to a "new document."
    In some cases I can only undo 2 actions before "undo" becomes grayed out, and in some cases, I can undo up to 9 or 10 actions before it gets grayed out.
    Other programs running:
    Text Edit
    MS Word 2011
    Excell 2011
    Fetch (FTP software)
    I need to have these programs running simultaneously in many cases and have done so successfully in the past. I have a feeling it might be a memory issue, but I have not seen a similar post and I never had the issue with CS5 running with an identical setup. I was able to undo actions up until my previous save in CS5 sometimes 25-30 actions.

    I unplugged the USB items and the problem still persisted so it is not related to any of those.
    I shut down InDesign and tried reopening. InDesign crashed at reopen. I have provided the log below. Hopefully this shows where the problem is occurring.
    Process:         Adobe InDesign CC [3814]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe InDesign CC
    Identifier:      com.adobe.InDesign
    Version: (9200)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [172]
    Responsible:     Adobe InDesign CC [3814]
    User ID:         ***
    Date/Time:       2014-01-27 11:58:37.300 -0800
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  ********************
    Sleep/Wake UUID: *********************
    Crashed Thread:  8
    Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    abort() called
    *** error for object 0x6180002737c0: Heap corruption detected, free list canary is damaged
    Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44622 __open_nocancel + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff8fa09c9b __opendir2$INODE64 + 59
    2   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d160d4a _CFIterateDirectory + 74
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1636b3 _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectoryWithVersion + 627
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d16331d CFBundleGetInfoDictionary + 141
    5   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d15fb5b _CFBundleCreate + 827
    6   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1a3e89 _CFBundleEnsureBundleExistsForImagePath + 89
    7   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d24bb93 _CFBundleEnsureAllBundlesUpToDateAlreadyLocked + 67
    8   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1a3bf8 CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier + 248
    9   com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x000000011667d2bc 0x116676000 + 29372
    10  com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x000000011667a577 0x116676000 + 17783
    11  com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x000000011667a370 0x116676000 + 17264
    12  com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x00000001166772a7 0x116676000 + 4775
    13  com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x0000000116683fb0 0x116676000 + 57264
    14  com.adobe.InDesign.AWS         0x000000011668472e 0x116676000 + 59182
    15  com.adobe.InDesign.AWSUI       0x0000000116646597 0x116636000 + 66967
    16  com.adobe.InDesign.AWSUI       0x0000000116645f05 0x116636000 + 65285
    17  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework 0x000000010d6739bb 0x10d632000 + 268731
    18  ObjectModelLib.dylib           0x0000000104b2fcd3 0x104b10000 + 130259
    19  ObjectModelLib.dylib           0x0000000104b4306c 0x104b10000 + 209004
    20  ObjectModelLib.dylib           0x0000000104b3e3fc ShuksanInit(IStartupScreen* (*)(), IPlugIn*) + 7676
    21  com.adobe.InDesign             0x0000000100001c7e main + 94
    22  com.adobe.InDesign             0x0000000100001bb4 start + 52
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af45662 kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib             0x00007fff9067043d _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 239
    2   libdispatch.dylib             0x00007fff90670152 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 2:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97874c77 _pthread_cond_wait + 787
    2   com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x00007fff92a51c37 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 148
    3   com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x00007fff92a2238d MPWaitOnQueue + 192
    4   PMRuntime.dylib               0x0000000101682be1 0x101681000 + 7137
    5   com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x00007fff92a2290b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 58
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97872899 _pthread_body + 138
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787272a _pthread_start + 137
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97873f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af4534a fstat$INODE64 + 10
    1   IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a3d2dd 0x1199c0000 + 512733
    2   IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199f3616 0x1199c0000 + 210454
    3   IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199f39ef 0x1199c0000 + 211439
    4   IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a1f3c8 0x1199c0000 + 390088
    5   IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199f328d 0x1199c0000 + 209549
    6   IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a2ebdf 0x1199c0000 + 453599
    7   IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199f64f0 0x1199c0000 + 222448
    8   IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199f894b 0x1199c0000 + 231755
    9   IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a3fc0e 0x1199c0000 + 523278
    10  IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a40a0b 0x1199c0000 + 526859
    11  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199ea34e 0x1199c0000 + 172878
    12  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199ded11 0x1199c0000 + 126225
    13  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199d37ef 0x1199c0000 + 79855
    14  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199e3851 0x1199c0000 + 145489
    15  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199da4f1 0x1199c0000 + 107761
    16  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199cce14 0x1199c0000 + 52756
    17  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97872899 _pthread_body + 138
    18  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787272a _pthread_start + 137
    19  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97873f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 6:: com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af40a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af3fd18 mach_msg + 64
    2   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1b0315 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1af939 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1af275 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    5   com.apple.Foundation           0x00007fff975a1907 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 348
    6   com.apple.Foundation           0x00007fff975a170b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97872899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787272a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97873f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 8 Crashed:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44866 __pthread_kill + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787335c pthread_kill + 92
    2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff8fa39bba abort + 125
    3   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x00007fff919a5bf9 nanozone_error + 486
    4   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x00007fff919a5dbb _nano_malloc_check_clear + 445
    5   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x00007fff919a46c4 nano_malloc + 35
    6   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x00007fff919a287c malloc_zone_malloc + 71
    7   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x00007fff919a3290 malloc + 42
    8   libc++abi.dylib               0x00007fff90c5853e operator new(unsigned long) + 30
    9   libstdc++.6.dylib             0x00007fff8f47d0be std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned long, unsigned long, std::allocator<char> const&) + 102
    10  libstdc++.6.dylib             0x00007fff8f47d00d std::string::_Rep::_M_clone(std::allocator<char> const&, unsigned long) + 35
    11  libstdc++.6.dylib             0x00007fff8f47dae6 std::string::reserve(unsigned long) + 62
    12  libstdc++.6.dylib             0x00007fff8f47de3b std::string::append(char const*, unsigned long) + 101
    13  IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a414fb 0x1199c0000 + 529659
    14  IMSLib.dylib                   0x0000000119a416a2 0x1199c0000 + 530082
    15  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199ea192 0x1199c0000 + 172434
    16  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199ded11 0x1199c0000 + 126225
    17  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199d37ef 0x1199c0000 + 79855
    18  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199e3851 0x1199c0000 + 145489
    19  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199da4f1 0x1199c0000 + 107761
    20  IMSLib.dylib                   0x00000001199cce14 0x1199c0000 + 52756
    21  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97872899 _pthread_body + 138
    22  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787272a _pthread_start + 137
    23  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:: com.apple.CFSocket.private
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af449aa __select + 10
    1   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff8d1fbd43 __CFSocketManager + 867
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97872899 _pthread_body + 138
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9787272a _pthread_start + 137
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff8af44e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97873f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff97876fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 8 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000000119dfa000  rcx: 0x0000000119df8958  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
      rdi: 0x0000000000007c13  rsi: 0x0000000000000006  rbp: 0x0000000119df8980  rsp: 0x0000000119df8958
       r8: 0x0000000000000000   r9: 0x0000000000000000  r10: 0x0000000008000000  r11: 0x0000000000000206
      r12: 0x0000000104bf7000  r13: 0x00006180002737c0  r14: 0x0000000000000006  r15: 0x0000000000000000
      rip: 0x00007fff8af44866  rfl: 0x0000000000000206  cr2: 0x00000001083c9000
    Logical CPU:     0
    Error Code:      0x02000148
    Trap Number:     133
    Binary Images:
           0x100000000 -        0x100005fff +com.adobe.InDesign ( - 9200) <B7C09BD6-74AF-323E-8D22-D5E1F7965643> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe InDesign CC
           0x10000c000 -        0x10000eff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.InDesignModelAndUI (9.0 - 0) <612870BE-869E-3165-9714-55F900A66BCC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignModelAndUI.framework/Versions/A/InDesignModelAndUI
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           0x101089000 -        0x101089fff +com.adobe.InDesign.InDesignModel (9.0 - 0) <7DCCCD9E-8ECB-330B-84AF-4F090F82BBBA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignModel.framework/Versions/A/InDesignModel
           0x10108e000 -        0x10109cfff +com.adobe.boost_threads.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <A0AE19A9-2B8E-310A-8AC1-0E2E026E7A40> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_threads.framework/Versions/A/boost_threads
           0x1010b2000 -        0x1010b8ff7 +com.adobe.boost_date_time.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <F30F59C3-41C0-3DB1-899A-E2491EA25263> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_date_time.framework/Versions/A/boost_date_time
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           0x101681000 -        0x10168bfff +PMRuntime.dylib (1) <0164EA5E-E56E-332F-901A-5E514833C38F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/PMRuntime.dylib
           0x101694000 -        0x1016abff7 +com.adobe.AFL (AdobeAFL 1.5.0 - 1.5) <1C46F2BE-2E4D-3E25-ACDF-85E2962B92DF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAFL.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAFL
           0x1016ba000 -        0x1019cbff7 +com.adobe.CoolType (AdobeCoolType - <42323DBD-3A6D-3C41-A2C1-2B944789D8A9> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCoolType.framework/Versions/A/AdobeCoolType
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           0x102200000 -        0x10223dfff +com.adobe.ARE (AdobeARE - <73174C59-1DDC-3416-A0AD-4D70930ABA60> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeARE.framework/Versions/A/AdobeARE
           0x102245000 -        0x10226bfff +com.adobe.BIBUtils (AdobeBIBUtils 1.1.01 - 1.1.01) <FA20BCA0-05BF-35ED-95B7-5775B8310D12> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeBIBUtils.framework/Versions/A/AdobeBIBUtils
           0x102273000 -        0x10280cfff +com.adobe.MPS (AdobeMPS - <96C4D283-326B-3E50-B555-534492C6AA95> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeMPS.framework/Versions/A/AdobeMPS
           0x102889000 -        0x1028a7fff +com.adobe.dvaflashview.framework (7.0.849324 - 7.0.849324.0) <46FFD5B4-2182-3CC3-A258-486E585A5B2D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/dvaflashview.framework/Versions/A/dvaflashview
           0x1028bf000 -        0x1028c3ff7 +com.adobe.ape.shim ( - <B9447EE8-6F91-9E85-C163-96600BF70764> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/adbeape.framework/Versions/A/adbeape
           0x1028ca000 -        0x10298cfff +com.adobe.exo.framework (7.0.849324 - 7.0.849324.0) <AF41BB10-6BB7-3645-9F60-AE77E54F04F1> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/exo.framework/Versions/A/exo
           0x102a2a000 -        0x102ad8fff +com.adobe.dvaworkspace.framework (7.0.849324 - 7.0.849324.0) <97F274A8-A56B-3F3A-AAA7-66B9FBEFEBF1> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/dvaworkspace.framework/Versions/A/dvaworkspace
           0x102b5b000 -        0x1031fafff +com.adobe.PlugPlugOwl ( - <D6EC53B4-E257-3698-8EA8-24D4E3D98EBD> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/PlugPlugOwl.framework/Versions/A/PlugPlugOwl
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           0x103536000 -        0x103555fe7 +libtbbmalloc.dylib (0) <6887ED68-67ED-3748-82DA-B39A3EB210BB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtbbmalloc.dylib
           0x10357a000 -        0x1042bffff +com.adobe.ICUData (4.0 - 3.61) <01D90725-4B10-312C-9546-9C0CCCA1B7BB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUData.framework/Versions/4.0/libicudata.40.0.dylib
           0x1042d3000 -        0x104404ff7 +com.adobe.ICUInternationalization (4.0 - 3.61) <CD4AD967-00CD-3979-8F82-1166E2058FA6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUInternationalization.framework/Versions/4.0/libicui18n.40.0 .dylib
           0x104458000 -        0x10454eff7 +com.adobe.ICUUnicode (4.0 - 3.61) <2352E6C8-3431-3A99-92B9-382E85A018AC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUUnicode.framework/Versions/4.0/libicuuc.40.0.dylib
           0x104586000 -        0x1046b4fff +com.winsoft.wrservices (WRServices 7.0.0 - 7.0.0) <0853A41B-A14A-37B7-B27F-457F87865EAD> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/WRServices.framework/Versions/A/WRServices
           0x10470f000 -        0x1047fffff +com.adobe.amtlib ( - <48D8FFDB-DFEA-310D-BAE3-DFD8D05B0160> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtlib.framework/Versions/A/amtlib
           0x104812000 -        0x104814fff +com.adobe.AdobeCrashReporter (7.0 - 7.1) <B68D0D42-8DEB-3F22-BD17-981AC060E9D7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCrashReporter.framework/Versions/A/AdobeCrashReporter
           0x10481a000 -        0x1048d1ff7 +com.adobe.boost_regex.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <F1C659D9-D3E8-3ACE-8368-9161529A6A66> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_regex.framework/Versions/A/boost_regex
           0x10493b000 -        0x1049aaff7 +com.adobe.adobe_caps (adobe_caps - <CE3C6356-9EE2-3B88-8261-8612A0743F56> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/adobe_caps.framework/Versions/A/adobe_caps
           0x1049b5000 -        0x1049c0fff +com.adobe.boost_signals.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <E0B3BB47-4294-3D65-8979-29B2D6C5DD2E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_signals.framework/Versions/A/boost_signals
           0x1049cf000 -        0x1049d3fff +com.adobe.boost_system.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <70F73B9F-8416-37BF-9294-086AE475B743> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_system.framework/Versions/A/boost_system
           0x1049d9000 -        0x104a7afff +com.adobe.ICUConverter (4.0 - 3.61) <46764474-111C-3B13-AF62-002B71877405> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUConverter.framework/Versions/4.0/libicucnv.40.0.dylib
           0x104a9a000 -        0x104afcfff +DataBaseLib.dylib (1) <670C9B64-DD9A-3B32-BDA9-22D6EA26A5EF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/DataBaseLib.dylib
           0x104b10000 -        0x104b7dfff +ObjectModelLib.dylib (1) <38EFA738-542E-32EB-A5AA-45380C5CCAAF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/ObjectModelLib.dylib
           0x104b9a000 -        0x104bbefff +com.adobe.AXE8SharedExpat (AdobeAXE8SharedExpat - <16FF5E16-19E0-3CE1-A68E-27567234429F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAXE8SharedExpat.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXE8SharedExpat
           0x108348000 -        0x108386fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Dictionary Editor Dialog ( - 0) <EC06E951-7EDF-306A-85E2-B52805F8110C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Dictionary Editor Dialog
           0x1083a7000 -        0x1083b6ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.DTTransform ( - 0) <417A914C-BEA9-3AF6-94BC-158C93DCDC56> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/DTTransform
           0x10846c000 -        0x108479ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Color Panel ( - 0) <B9722BDD-B3B2-3B6B-90EC-D7B52D54C678> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Text Color Panel
           0x108482000 -        0x108496ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Story Panel ( - 0) <989D8312-C513-36B9-9A2A-A161EC806905> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Story Panel
           0x1084a5000 -        0x1084afff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Span Columns Panel ( - 0) <15F063E0-7874-30AE-841C-C10A12CF8B5E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Span Columns Panel
           0x1084b8000 -        0x1084c9ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.SING ( - 0) <3CC6846B-D663-31F2-BAB9-03BCAD89606E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/SING
           0x1084d3000 -        0x1084ddfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Justification Panel ( - 0) <4F940073-AAF8-3FDF-87FA-04A8DC87679D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Justification Panel
           0x109caa000 -        0x109cabff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Metadata Database Filter ( - 0) <3BE1DF86-81E8-359D-A40E-84EC7A016E16> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Metadata Database Filter.InDesignPlugin/Metadata Database Filter
           0x109cb0000 -        0x109ccaff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.IME ( - 0) <905334C5-8BF8-3958-8216-720BDB4D3A1F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/IME.InDesignPlugin/IME
           0x109cda000 -        0x109cddfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Global Preferences Panel ( - 0) <3B261D67-E6B5-32E3-AC7E-AFCCDC9B75CB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Global Preferences Panel.InDesignPlugin/Global Preferences Panel
           0x109ce3000 -        0x109cedfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Workgroup Client UI ( - 0) <5025F9EC-7C4C-377B-92F0-EC208F75B671> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Workgroup Client UI.InDesignPlugin/Workgroup Client UI
           0x10aa1f000 -        0x10aa23fff  com.apple.agl (3.2.3 - AGL-3.2.3) <1B85306F-D2BF-3FE3-9915-165237B491EB> /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
           0x10af61000 -        0x10af9ffff +com.adobe.AAM.AdobeUpdaterNotificationFramework (UpdaterNotifications - <75ADE364-1107-3DA7-84A2-26C6874EB881> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/UpdaterNotifications.framework/Versions/A/UpdaterNotifications
           0x10afdc000 -        0x10afeefff +com.adobe.boost_filesystem.framework (7.0.847203 - 7.0.847203.0) <B0F56E9F-BAAB-34C5-93C4-C713203AB0DF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/boost_filesystem.framework/Versions/A/boost_filesystem
           0x10c6ee000 -        0x10c6f0ff7  com.apple.textencoding.unicode (2.6 - 2.6) <0EEF0283-1ACA-3147-89B4-B4E014BFEC52> /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
           0x10c6f5000 -        0x10c6f9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Help ( - 0) <09CFAB79-828F-39A9-8E6C-634999CF4EC8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Help
           0x10d632000 -        0x10d7f8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework ( - 0) <D84FAD4D-B653-3EB4-8FDA-7264A51F7359> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/AppFramework.InDesignPlugin/AppFramework
           0x10e0cf000 -        0x10e255ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.SettingsInCloud ( - 0) <EC5B37FA-9195-3243-9D62-C6A5FB8E394A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/SettingsInCloud
           0x10e640000 -        0x10e7feff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Walker ( - 0) <BA84432B-6B10-3684-982F-856AB2248204> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Walker.InDesignPlugin/Text Walker
           0x10e856000 -        0x10e8a7fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Linguistics ( - 0) <13A4BC6D-4C68-3884-9059-5837B952EC17> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Linguistics.InDesignPlugin/Linguistics
           0x10e8c1000 -        0x10e927fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Panel ( - 0) <70BA1FF5-A8FD-3D59-976A-5AE782CB79ED> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Text Panel
           0x10e94a000 -        0x10e996ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spelling Panel ( - 0) <B208BBCC-1AAB-354C-9CA6-44C6B5D35946> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Spelling Panel
           0x10e9b0000 -        0x10ec14fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Package and Preflight ( - 0) <6590908A-0A78-32F4-A455-ABBEC9D97B5E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Package and Preflight
           0x10ec5a000 -        0x10ecc7ff7 +com.adobe.AdobeXMPCore (Adobe XMP Core 5.5 -c 21 - 79.154911) <E8E31BC1-F7BC-3018-8CF8-AC3C7B2DCEA2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeXMP.framework/Versions/A/AdobeXMP
           0x10ecd3000 -        0x10eda5fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Editor ( - 0) <C8F82611-461D-3339-A65E-51190B515F9F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Editor.InDesignPlugin/Text Editor
           0x10edd5000 -        0x10efe3fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout UI ( - 0) <5BC0A7D6-7A69-346C-B5A1-4F4AF2AC5F01> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layout UI.InDesignPlugin/Layout UI
           0x10f043000 -        0x10f0b3fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Import Export UI ( - 0) <FFA896AE-BAF9-30EC-A788-25AD02061296> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Import Export UI.InDesignPlugin/Import Export UI
           0x10f0da000 -        0x10f1e8fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Hyperlinks ( - 0) <BF029BB8-6578-303F-A983-9ADEE43AB7A4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Hyperlinks.InDesignPlugin/Hyperlinks
           0x10f213000 -        0x10f2b7fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Master Page ( - 0) <557BD678-3F9D-3A4F-ABDA-8A1DD7D41AF6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Master Page.InDesignPlugin/Master Page
           0x10f2d1000 -        0x10f2fffff +com.adobe.InDesign.Utilities ( - 0) <9F7A613A-54DB-3604-B811-FCE0BC56F416> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Utilities.InDesignPlugin/Utilities
           0x10f31a000 -        0x10f417fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Color Management ( - 0) <33023C59-D4C5-3BF2-8C42-54BD6E50E651> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Color Management.InDesignPlugin/Color Management
           0x10f444000 -        0x10f659ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Application UI ( - 0) <2235307F-D211-397C-BAA7-34028F1C4F56> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Application UI.InDesignPlugin/Application UI
           0x10f6f0000 -        0x10fa0eff7 +com.adobe.dvaadameve.framework (7.0.849324 - 7.0.849324.0) <FF303DE3-2F53-3AA7-94E7-93B46DB28918> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/dvaadameve.framework/Versions/A/dvaadameve
           0x10fce4000 -        0x10fd33fff +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework ( <160BF2F9-B418-31C5-866F-6FADA1B720ED> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogSession.framework/Versions/A/LogSession
           0x10fd59000 -        0x10fe17fff +com.adobe.AdobeExtendScript (ExtendScript 4.5.5 - <7764EE73-651A-3D8A-9B0F-A25DF57D79E1> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeExtendScript.framework/Versions/A/AdobeExtendScript
           0x10fe3f000 -        0x10feeaff7 +com.adobe.AdobeScCore (ScCore 4.5.5 - <0E9111E5-ECBF-3C1C-82DB-9A945F1A573C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeScCore.framework/Versions/A/AdobeScCore
           0x10ff14000 -        0x110064fff +com.adobe.dvascriptui.framework (7.0.849324 - 7.0.849324.0) <EC31CE70-34C1-31E0-A68D-F49D99ADA604> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/dvascriptui.framework/Versions/A/dvascriptui
           0x110186000 -        0x110366fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Document Framework ( - 0) <ABC1E3A8-3AC3-3199-B572-B734998B696E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Document Framework.InDesignPlugin/Document Framework
           0x1106d2000 -        0x110813fff +com.adobe.InDesign.SangamServicer-Mapper ( - 0) <F2E5BD34-3091-317F-88A8-0B6090F262E0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/SangamServicer-Mapper
           0x110837000 -        0x1108a0fff +com.adobe.AdobeSangam (AdobeSangam - <81A4C7F3-E791-3AD1-A44B-CF5BB5B6A545> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSangam.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSangam
           0x1108ee000 -        0x11091aff7 +com.adobe.Reader for DOCX (Reader for DOCX - <C21B199B-542B-34CD-8F0E-F38D970D88BD> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for DOCX
           0x110925000 -        0x110a23ff7 +com.adobe.AXEDOMCore (AdobeAXEDOMCore - <DF0EC9F6-D499-39B8-B2F4-CAF4F742D702> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXEDOMCore
           0x110a39000 -        0x110b16fff +com.adobe.AXEXSLT (AdobeAXSLE - <6299FB87-471B-3EA2-9E02-6DEA293FA533> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAXSLE.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXSLE
           0x110b2b000 -        0x110b96ff7 +com.adobe.AdobeSangamML (AdobeSangamML - <BF6D92E9-AF42-3B9F-BBDD-FBCDE605C4BE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSangamML.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSangamML
           0x110bba000 -        0x110c18ff7 +com.adobe.Reader for Excel (Reader for Excel - <628DA00F-210B-3856-89F3-66393386E801> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for Excel
           0x110c2b000 -        0x110c3ffff +com.adobe.AdobeSFL (AdobeSFL - <A1874DA3-6F12-333D-8941-ED3A08A1E265> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSFL.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSFL
           0x110c47000 -        0x110d3cfff +com.adobe.Reader for Quark (Reader for Quark - <7877BBF5-B31A-3CA9-9E8E-3FDFB174F261> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for Quark
           0x110d56000 -        0x110db1ff7 +com.adobe.Reader for RTF (Reader for RTF - <3ACB0F8E-0B51-3E5C-B924-A31D1D6606F6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for RTF
           0x110dca000 -        0x110e38ff7 +com.adobe.Reader for Word (Reader for Word - <27531852-B602-3785-94C0-3B316DBEC69C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for Word
           0x110e4d000 -        0x110eb3fff +com.adobe.Reader for XLSX (Reader for XLSX - <D896568B-FB6A-3036-91FC-A1DF0FA820DF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/Reader for XLSX
           0x110ecd000 -        0x110ed5ff7 +com.adobe.ZTextReader (ZTextReader - <28B268EF-A3AD-3933-B4DC-247428D3A88D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/*/ZTextReader
           0x110f5c000 -        0x110fcbfff +com.adobe.InDesign.XMLParser ( - 0) <745F02C0-071B-3979-B284-391BA59D9CF5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/XMLParser.InDesignPlugin/XMLParser
           0x110fe1000 -        0x111204fff +com.adobe.InDesign.XML ( - 0) <97314A64-BB21-3965-B9D3-F4C219C3DCDF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/XML.InDesignPlugin/XML
           0x11124e000 -        0x11127bfff +com.adobe.InDesign.WorldReady ( - 0) <787871A9-77D2-3095-8930-4F140D091F0A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/WorldReady.InDesignPlugin/WorldReady
           0x11128b000 -        0x1112c8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Workgroup ( - 0) <FEA65E81-92F4-36EE-940C-3C7BD07DB7F4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Workgroup.InDesignPlugin/Workgroup
           0x1112d8000 -        0x1112fafff +com.adobe.InDesign.Workgroup Client ( - 0) <2447A61F-74CA-38D1-9444-22A25D2DEE98> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Workgroup Client.InDesignPlugin/Workgroup Client
           0x111308000 -        0x111416fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Widgets ( - 0) <A9FB91A0-7CDB-3025-B6AC-D53BA8BBEB1E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Widgets.InDesignPlugin/Widgets
           0x11147c000 -        0x1115c0ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Transparency ( - 0) <636FD3CD-06FE-3D25-A252-368317D80C66> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Transparency.InDesignPlugin/Transparency
           0x1115eb000 -        0x11259ffef +com.adobe.psl (AdobePSL - <1EBD1547-F7B1-379D-8F50-FB49C7E01A58> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePSL.framework/Versions/A/AdobePSL
           0x112762000 -        0x11281bff7 +com.adobe.JP2K (1.2.2 - <8BD41D6E-B8A2-36FA-B855-7CF02E856A08> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeJP2K.framework/Versions/A/AdobeJP2K
           0x112842000 -        0x1128a4fff +com.adobe.InDesign.TOC ( - 0) <99A6C9FF-2F20-3475-A9CF-24C7B0F63CF3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/TOC.InDesignPlugin/TOC
           0x1128b8000 -        0x112ebbff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text ( - 0) <4216A99F-7F58-3E9B-A37E-8178A6ED812A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text.InDesignPlugin/Text
           0x112f59000 -        0x112fcfff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Wrap ( - 0) <8B65C672-BB4E-3F46-A7C5-6B2D0331C0F5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Wrap.InDesignPlugin/Text Wrap
           0x112fe8000 -        0x11300cfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Wrap Path ( - 0) <D826BA05-20A8-367F-9414-573944D46303> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Wrap Path.InDesignPlugin/Text Wrap Path
           0x113015000 -        0x11302bff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Editor Model ( - 0) <C997B3C0-98C6-34A5-89E0-DBD7FB071AD6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Editor Model.InDesignPlugin/Text Editor Model
           0x113036000 -        0x11308cff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Attributes ( - 0) <F90E2E25-38B2-3F12-8902-D5A56D6AD919> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Attributes.InDesignPlugin/Text Attributes
           0x1130a7000 -        0x113104ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.TableStyles ( - 0) <4D83BFF9-CAF4-34EF-BEAE-86E2D8A1D14F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/TableStyles.InDesignPlugin/TableStyles
           0x113117000 -        0x113349fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Table Model ( - 0) <829471A3-999A-3B01-BD5A-B2ADC2F2972A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Table Model.InDesignPlugin/Table Model
           0x113385000 -        0x1133d8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Image Filters ( - 0) <F3DF9DCA-6073-3DF8-89EB-18F8D1DB8902> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Image Filters.InDesignPlugin/Image Filters
           0x1133e4000 -        0x11346ffff +com.adobe.InDesign.SVGExport ( - 0) <E86D7C69-48CA-362B-B3A0-CC2C8F4B31B5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/SVGExport.InDesignPlugin/SVGExport
           0x113489000 -        0x113547fff +com.adobe.SVGExport (AdobeSVGExport 6.0 - 6.0) <2FAB4B9A-EDB9-0FF9-55B2-52DEC380D2BF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSVGExport.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSVGExport
           0x11356a000 -        0x11360efff +com.adobe.InDesign.Support for JavaScript ( - 0) <EC1C0215-E510-3D0F-B692-E2F8853811D9> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Support for JavaScript.InDesignPlugin/Support for JavaScript
           0x113639000 -        0x113690ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript ( - 0) <7D7706C3-B3C9-3B96-8473-CAD03A053148> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Support for AppleScript.InDesignPlugin/Support for AppleScript
           0x1136a6000 -        0x1137a8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Graphics ( - 0) <FCBDB8E7-46E8-3987-9BCB-0E3177F00F11> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Graphics.InDesignPlugin/Graphics
           0x1137cc000 -        0x113827ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Stroke and Fill ( - 0) <72D3DE23-CFCC-3821-80AE-0908DB5768F5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Stroke and Fill.InDesignPlugin/Stroke and Fill
           0x11383f000 -        0x113980ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spread ( - 0) <AF10A69E-0D98-3E25-ABE5-CC310529098A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spread.InDesignPlugin/Spread
           0x1139b2000 -        0x113a14fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Spread UI ( - 0) <B7A3AE3F-DC65-34F6-B601-1780AF9220D9> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spread UI.InDesignPlugin/Spread UI
           0x113a30000 -        0x113a7afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Spline ( - 0) <53E6EF37-C070-39BE-BB18-2703B2041EC6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spline.InDesignPlugin/Spline
           0x113a92000 -        0x113adaff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spline UI ( - 0) <9FC93D14-6D7C-32EE-BF90-3756FEA25FEE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spline UI.InDesignPlugin/Spline UI
           0x113af6000 -        0x113b09ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spelling Service ( - 0) <1E6AAFFE-ACCA-3E0B-AA63-37A767CC336E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spelling Service.InDesignPlugin/Spelling Service
           0x113b18000 -        0x113b26fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Sound ( - 0) <43D68A27-E17F-3E9D-A02D-EB3230178339> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Sound.InDesignPlugin/Sound
           0x113b32000 -        0x113bbcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.SharedContent ( - 0) <3863D336-3468-35E6-8298-3C1BFB37FBA5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/SharedContent.InDesignPlugin/SharedContent
           0x113bdd000 -        0x113c05fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Sections ( - 0) <4DB2B4F0-124A-36F1-B1A3-9BFA36BB2FCF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Sections.InDesignPlugin/Sections
           0x113c16000 -        0x113cc4fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Scripting ( - 0) <01395410-7F18-323A-BF92-4FAC6F3ECCD5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Scripting.InDesignPlugin/Scripting
           0x113ce3000 -        0x113d0dff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Rulers ( - 0) <C21FAD98-14EA-3E6F-9D58-7DED5B0EFB76> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Rulers.InDesignPlugin/Rulers
           0x113d20000 -        0x113eb5fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Print ( - 0) <4E53767E-8497-32D1-B922-735E610640E2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Print.InDesignPlugin/Print
           0x113ee2000 -        0x113f21ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.PNG Import Filter ( - 0) <3EA87A99-3FBF-38E5-BE00-896001E5AD91> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/PNG Import Filter.InDesignPlugin/PNG Import Filter
           0x113f31000 -        0x113f6afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Photoshop Import Filter ( - 0) <B62B89C7-29F4-3058-BBD9-62BAB193B133> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Photoshop Import Filter.InDesignPlugin/Photoshop Import Filter
           0x113f7a000 -        0x113fe0fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Book ( - 0) <A57C7841-5282-3A46-8202-CAB3C70DFBD0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Book.InDesignPlugin/Book
           0x113ff7000 -        0x11410dff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Image ( - 0) <E026A24C-EF82-33E8-95FD-463A23618CB2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Image.InDesignPlugin/Image
           0x114139000 -        0x114145ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Group ( - 0) <8DF66586-0FC5-3EA5-8F0D-6083387F0697> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Group.InDesignPlugin/Group
           0x114152000 -        0x114294fe7 +com.adobe.InDesign.EPS Page Item ( - 0) <CFD4D636-06B2-3969-91FA-ED68F0873111> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/EPS Page Item.InDesignPlugin/EPS Page Item
           0x1142d3000 -        0x11451ffff +com.adobe.InDesign.PDF ( - 0) <36EED87F-F233-3B82-83C4-57584FEBE296> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/PDF.InDesignPlugin/PDF
           0x114561000 -        0x114665fff +com.adobe.PDFPort (AdobePDFPort - <83787D51-C878-3CFF-A3A2-F2107F7BB920> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePDFPort.framework/Versions/A/AdobePDFPort
           0x114678000 -        0x1146a1ff7 +com.adobe.PDFSettings (AdobePDFSettings 1.04.0 - 1.4) <E07D101E-E47A-392A-8A44-005B49393DEC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePDFSettings.framework/Versions/A/AdobePDFSettings
           0x1146ab000 -        0x114917ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Generic Page Item ( - 0) <F0DECCE6-EAF5-30C0-8FB0-48FA56CB3503> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Generic Page Item.InDesignPlugin/Generic Page Item
           0x114963000 -        0x1149a7fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Path Type ( - 0) <32D8F2D5-AF06-375A-85ED-C4E42D3B790B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Path Type.InDesignPlugin/Path Type
           0x1149c0000 -        0x1149caff7 +PathTypeLib.dylib (1) <A6E44FB4-61D6-3729-B3DD-A4D22EEC73B3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/PathTypeLib.dylib
           0x1149d3000 -        0x114a88fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Paragraph Composer ( - 0) <EEE3D51D-AF42-30AF-A8BA-DE663DC95888> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Paragraph Composer.InDesignPlugin/Paragraph Composer
           0x114a99000 -        0x114adafff +com.adobe.InDesign.Open Place ( - 0) <6CBC4B8F-3B3D-3B14-9512-6808497AC68A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Open Place.InDesignPlugin/Open Place
           0x114aee000 -        0x114b06ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Movie ( - 0) <FD78448B-F572-32C2-9580-4A0681AC69EE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Movie.InDesignPlugin/Movie
           0x114b15000 -        0x114ba0fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Metadata ( - 0) <361ED9DD-BAD7-35E5-AFE5-3176BAD1C0FC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Metadata.InDesignPlugin/Metadata
           0x114bbd000 -        0x114ccafff +com.adobe.AdobeXMPFiles (Adobe XMP Files 5.6 -f 81 - 79.154911) <38348CA8-7905-3AA4-AA00-95A6D912C491> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeXMPFiles.framework/Versions/A/AdobeXMPFiles
           0x114d00000 -        0x114d5cff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Media ( - 0) <560CE1DB-99AF-389F-8BC2-37D5F83C110F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Media.InDesignPlugin/Media
           0x114d72000 -        0x114eacfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Links ( - 0) <1BCD7856-3DD0-3C58-AF61-0E430CF5EFBC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Links.InDesignPlugin/Links
           0x114ee1000 -        0x114f0afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout ( - 0) <98815961-6446-3917-B266-7E3DB625B782> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layout.InDesignPlugin/Layout
           0x114f19000 -        0x114f46fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Layer ( - 0) <94604B73-0E52-30CB-9CC0-805F5B138FE4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layer.InDesignPlugin/Layer
           0x114f59000 -        0x115029fff +com.adobe.InDesign.INXCore ( - 0) <FCF49243-A7FD-3993-A242-7ECAB3971857> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/INXCore.InDesignPlugin/INXCore
           0x115051000 -        0x115157ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Indexing ( - 0) <CD23A88C-DBB2-3F46-91CC

  • P67A-GD65 (B3) will not boot with external USB DVD connected.

    Damnedest thing... just put the build together last night and this was the biggest issue. If I connect my external Samsung USB DVD RW the system stops booting and only displays (B3) in the bottom right corner of my display. If I remove the USB plug the system boots and operates normally. If I connect it to the USB port after boot the system recognizes it and it works fine. The same issue occurs no matter which USB2/3 port I plug it into. I've banged around the BIOS and cannot see any issues in the boot sequence that would indicate an issue. Anyone else in das same boot?

    Quote from: cadhopper on 24-March-11, 07:19:08
    I just came to the forum for the same reason. I'm glad you had a thread already going. Mine is a Seagate 1.5T USB 2.0 hard drive and the screen reads 98 in the lower right corner. Hopefully MSI will get this fixed soon. Other than that the new system is running great.
    They are working on it. They sent me a BETA BIOS to try out. The BIOS v1.10B3 was dated 3-17-2011 and it nearly bricked my system though.  Here is the response I sent to them the other night after a few hours with a massive headache trying to bring my system back up:
    Tried the new BIOS. While it did indeed fix the USB DVD boot issue and let me boot into windows it created a few new issues. After flashing the new BIOS would not recognize my old overclocking profiles from the v1.8 BIOS.. "hole" error. So I manually adjusted all the settings and saved the new settings. I copied them EXACTLY from my previous settings.. I had screenshots which I had printed out as a fool-proof guide. After rebooting I could no longer get into windows. BSOD. If I tried entering the BIOS by tapping the DEL button while booting the system would freeze at the "entering setup...." screen and never progress into the actual BIOS. I unplugged the power, waited a few minutes and held the clear CMOS button on the back panel down for a few seconds. After rebooting I no longer had video output. After much trial and error I ended up having to also unplug my LCD and cycle power on it as well to get video back. But could still bot get into the BIOS by tapping the DEL key during boot. Luckily I have a laptop with all the files on it and I was able to finally re-flash back to the v1.8 BIOS from a USB drive. I'm not sure what exactly you changed.. but I don't think this new BIOS version should leave BETA status.
    To their credit they promptly responded the next AM:
    There were some changes to the CPU voltage, so your overclock settings may not work properly. We are still working on a 1.A release version. It will be updated to our website soon. http://www.msi.com/product/mb/P67A-GD65--B3-.html#/?div=BIOS
    I only wish they had informed me of the changes to the CPU voltage up front or included a change log so I could have made an informed decision as to whether or not I wanted to try the BETA BIOS. I was under the impression (mistakenly) that it simply addressed the USB DVD issue. I'll wait for the new release BIOS. I can live without the external USB DVD being plugged in at boot. Bricking my MOBO and having to RMA would be a far less desirable outcome. :p That said.. I'd still recommend this MOBO. It has relatively few issues and MSI support is responsive so far.

  • I have upgraded My leopard to Mountain lion 10.7 via snow leapeard. Now My itunes is not working properly nor I able to install google chrome successfully. Please help me in this occasion. I am facing following messages.

    Hello Team,
    I have upgraded My leopard to Mountain lion 10.7 via snow leapeard. Now My itunes is not working properly nor I able to install google chrome successfully. Please help me in this occasion.
    Also, I am not being able to upgrade Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.7.4 or letest for lion.
    I am facing following messages when I open itunes ( I down loaded and install new for 10.7)
    Process:         iTunes [463]
    Path:            /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes
    Identifier:      com.apple.iTunes
    Version:         10.7 (10.7)
    Build Info:      iTunes-10702101~1
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [273]
    Date/Time:       2012-10-22 23:33:07.226 +0200
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7 (11A390)
    Report Version:  8
    Interval Since Last Report:          4918 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                      3DE933E2-7A48-4840-91F4-7DC466ED9C26
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/iPodUpdater.framework/Versions/A/iPodUpdater
      Referenced from: /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes
      Reason: unsafe use of @executable_path in /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes with restricted binary
    Binary Images:
           0x102a96000 -        0x103c36fff  com.apple.iTunes (10.7 - 10.7) <0CC47E12-134F-A9E1-7E4F-3EAC797C3050> /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes
        0x7fff62696000 -     0x7fff626cb1ff  dyld (195 - ???) <71093406-21CF-3DBE-A001-802259ED5300> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: MacBook4,1, BootROM MB41.00C1.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.31f1
    Graphics: Intel GMA X3100, GMA X3100, Built-In, 144 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz, 0xAD00000000000000, 0x48594D503131325336344350362D59352020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz, 0xAD00000000000000, 0x48594D503131325336344350362D59352020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x88), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.5.0b13, 2 service, 12 devices, 2 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: FUJITSU MHY2160BH, 160.04 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-867
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, apple_vendor_id, 0x8501, 0xfd400000 / 2
    USB Device: USB Receiver, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc52f, 0x1d100000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8205, 0x1a100000 / 2
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x022a, 0x5d200000 / 3
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0x5d100000 / 2
    And Google chrome just keep loading the page for hours and nothing is appear on its browser. But safari and firefox working absolutly fine.
    In addition, I have reboot computer as well but it never worked. Please help me in this occasion.
    Eagerly waiting for your response on this issue.
    Best Regards,

    You need to upgrade your copy of MS Office. You're using a version that is 8 years old (at least). You can buy Office 2011, which will work. You could also get a copy of Pages from the App Store, which is cheaper and will open Word files (though not perfectly). Or you could get a free Office clone, like OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

  • After updating iso 6.1.3 in my 4s my phone is not working properly

    After updating iso 6.1.3 my 4s is not working properly the main problem is touch is not working properly and battery problem also there pls anyone have some solution

    IOS 6 has had a lot of issues to date. I have a possible solution to offer but I cannot  be sure it will work. Two ideas.
    1. Reset the phone: hold the lock button and home button in at the same time for 10 seconds. This does nit erase anything, it's basically like rebooting a computer.
    2. Factory reset: Hook up to a computer and go to iTunes. Sync the phone (if possible). Once synced, in the summary screen select factory reset (or may be another name, I'm working from memory) it's right beside update software. This will completely reset the phone, you will need to restore it after the reset it complete. I don't know if this will help you, but it may. I hope you can fix it, good luck!!!

  • Browser is not working properly

    default browser is not working properly .....
    closed on few second !!!!!!!
    what the solution?

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness shows up, the first thing to try is a proper reboot:
    Pre-BB10 Devices ONLY. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes.
    BB10 Devices. Hold the top button down until the counter reaches zero. Wait for the device to be fully shut down (e.g., nothing at all displayed on the screen, no LED lights, etc.). Hold the top button until the red LED is lit. Wait through the full boot-up process. If this fails, you can attempt the battery-pull method above, but it is normally NOT recommended unless nothing else works.
    See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
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    Knowledge Base Updates
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  • N70 not working properly

    My N70 is not working properly. Whenever I try to install new softwares, it says 'Corrupted File!'. I can't view my captured images and videos, it says 'Corrupted File!'. It even damages my music tracks. I have formatted my phone memory as well as my memory card for many times but still it isn't solved.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi bipul,
    Have you tried Hard Format in the phone? If not, try the steps below:
    Hold 3 keys; Green dial key, * Star key, no. 3 key on keypad (until you get it to work).
    - Turn off PIN code requests.
    - Charge the phone fully.
    - Turn off the phone.
    - Remove the memory card (not really needed, but I usually do it to be on the safe side).
    - Put the phone on a table (easier to press the keys then, in my opinion).
    - Press the three keys and keep them securely down and do not release.
    - While the keys are still down, turn the power on.
    - Do not release the three keys until you see the prompt for the home city.
    If it doesn't work, retry until you get it right. It is easier if you have three hands.
    If you can dial, try atleast these steps to reset to factory settings:
    dial *#7370# after that it will ask for security code dial 12345 it's by default! make sure you back up your important detail first
    Either of them should work.

  • OEM not working properly

    i have installed OEM 10g in windows2000. it is working normally untill yesterday.
    yesterday i keep playing with the import/export because it is not working properly. And all of a sudden, the OEM seems to slow down. Especially when i click on something about storage.
    any idea what happen?
    any suggestion is appreciated

    check the windows task manager to see what is hogging resources.. cpu or memory...and that should help.

  • Driver not working properly

    My laptop model is hp probook 440 G0.its graphics card number is AMD 8750M. it was work fine windows 8.1. But today i update into windows 10. i installed version 13.x.x but it not work. Then i go to device manager and update driver and it comes version 15.x.x. And show no errors but it is not work properly. In "dxdiag" display memory is only 1796 but in windows 8.1 it show 3047. I have also another graphics which is Intel HD graphics 4000. Now what can I do to run solve to problem?

    Welcome to the forum!
    Did you install the Windows XP Chipset Driver for your model prior to trying to install the Ati driver?  The chipset driver must be one of the first drivers installed so that the operating system can correctly identify the rest of the installed hardware for their driver installation.  Once the chipset driver is installed, reboot and then try installing the Windows XP version of the Ati driver.
    Owner & Operator of the following:
    ● Lenovo Ideapad Z570 w/ Win 7 & Win 8.1 Dual Boot ● Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro w/ Windows 8.1 ● Toshiba A75-S206 w/ Win 7
    ● IBM Thinkpad T-23 w/ Win XP ● IBM Thinkpad T-22 w/ Win XP • As well as multiple desktops dual/triple booting XP, Vista and Win 7.
    ★ Find a post helpful? Thank that member by clicking on the ☆Star☆ to the left awarding them a Kudo.
    ★ Posting a problem and a reply is helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"
    ★ I'm not a Lenovo employee, just a volunteer geek who likes to help folks. Enjoy your time here, pay it forward by helping others !
    ★ Sorry, I don't answer questions via Private Messages. Posting in the appropriate forum is the best way to get assistance.

  • Asha 501 : Whatsapp not working properly after 14....

    whatsapp is not working properly after software update, some times contacts never sync. screen goes pale and chat window doesn't show properly.
    Looks like memory problem after the new  updates or anything else?

    Similar complains around the web. I'd recommend getting the phone flashed at a care point to see if that improves the situation.
    Do wait for a couple of weeks for the full firmware files to be available at the respective care centers. AFAIK, they are not yet available in India.

  • How come my dvd studio pro 3 is not working properly with leopard? Need help!, How come my dvd studio pro 3 is not working properly with leopard? Need help!

    I recently installed os leopard on my power MAC G5 and my DVD studio pro 3 application is not working properly as it used to be. I was unable to create motion menu and build the dvd properly. Then I deleted and reinstall dvd studio pro 3, but it did not solve the problems. What should I do?

    I have a sneaking suspicion it won't work in 10.5.x, possibly because of the version of Quicktime...
    System Requirements:
    Mac OS X v10.3.2
    733 MHz or faster PowerPC processor (G4 minimum) and AGP graphics card
    256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended)
    20 GB available disk space
    8 MB of video memory (32 MB recommended)
    QuickTime 6.5
    DVD drive required for installation
    I think your going to need a dual boot Mac with 10.4.x on another drive or partition.

  • The head phone jack on my brand new iPod touch 5th generation is not working properly

    The head phone jack on my brand new iPod touch 5th generation is not working properly. It has sound without the headphones in but when I plug them in it has no sound, it's low, or poppy. I had only used my apple supplied headphones once before and it worked fine. I know it's not the headphones because I tried them on my girlfriends phone and they worked fine.

    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so. There is a little switch in the headphone jack that disconnects the speaker when the headphone jack is inserted.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • TS1702 When I update to IOS6 on my 4S Facebook does not work properly, the news feed never updates it only says no new storeys and shows a picture of an antenna. When I reset my phone and go back to IOS5 Facebook works fine. What's up with IOS6 ????

    When I update my iPhone 4S to iOS six Facebook does not work properly the newsfeed doesn't load properly and I can never see what's going on all I see is a picture of an antenna and a little thing underneath it says no new stories when I reset my phone back to iOS 5 then it works just fine and I don't have any issues so there must be something wrong with iOS six that isn't letting Facebook load properly

    No I did not use any unauthorized methods for anything, I simply reset my phone back to factory.
    <Edited By Host>

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    Adobe Creative Cloud (Desktop) does not work properly. The application is blocked : it could not be launch neither stopped. I'm on MAC Yosemite OS, does anyone know how to remove it properly or to force its stop. It does not appear in the launched applications.

    I received no error message. The application was just trying to find applications unsuccessfully.
    I am using MAC OS 10.10.1
    I tried to uninstall the application  but it seems that a kind of deamon is still installed thus providing me to reinstall properly. Do you know where are the elements to remove in order to get my machine just like before ?
    Otherwise I would have to reinstall everything and this would be a pain.
    Thanks for your help.

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