Page Folder Structure

I am replacing an exisiting webiste with a redesigned version done in Adobe Muse. I want the published structure (when exported from to Business Catayst) to be the same as the previous site to ensure that any indexes that have been created by Google in past are not deemed invaid for the new site content published from Muse.
In our current site, the "Our People Page" is at:
But when using Muse the "Our People Page" will be exported as:
Is there anyway to maintain consistency with the original website structure with Muse?
Thanks in advance

This is correct that Muse exports/publishes pages as .html only.
If you're going to upload your site to Business Catalyst, the easiest way to prevent de-indexing of the pages from search engines would be by creating 301 redirects in BC so that if someone visits /our-vision, he automatically gets redirected to /our-vision.html. A 301 redirect sends both visitors and search engine crawlers to the new URL -
Read more about creating page redirects in BC -

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    Based on your description, my understanding is that you want to you want filter the document library by the title column so that the users could filter based on the name and don’t need to pull all of the data each time the library was opened.
    Refer to the following steps:
    Open your document library-> choose Export to Excel->in excel, click insert PivotTable,
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    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen

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    Joel H

    Hi Joel, all other js files are loaded at the bottom of this file: yourFileName_edgePreload.js
    aLoader = [
        { load: "edge_includes/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"},
        { load: "edge_includes/jquery.easing.1.3.js"},
        { load: "edge_includes/edge.1.0.0.min.js"},
        {test: !hasJSON, yep:"edge_includes/json2_min.js"},
        { load: "test_edge.js"},
        { load: "test_edgeActions.js"}];

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    Thank you

    Sorry , my earlier reply was a bit hasty...
    So do you need a navigation model based on a UCM content query ?
    Would the document manager taskflow work ?
    And you don't need any MDS customization (Terribly sorry for my post above). The default behavior of the document manager is to display the folder structure on the left and the contents on the right.
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    Günther. wrote:
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    Please repost your query in the more appropriate Windows Community forums here..
    Note however that the WLM 'file structure' is essentially different to the Windows file structure, so what you appear to want to do may not be possible.
    (Moving the thread to the 'Where is the Forum For...?' forum, as it's not related to WGA issues)
    Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi
    CrashFixPC |
    The Three-toed Sloth
    No - I do not work for Microsoft, or any of its contractors.

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    You can see the temporary site at

    Beacause Muse doesn't have an option for creating folders it is not possible to create the desired structure in Muse and this folder structure will have to be created in BC or if you choose to connect over FTP to your site.
    If you need help using FTP go through this article: (it's easier to create the folder structure).
    What will be helpful in this case, and Muse will keep all the configurations inside your project, will be to create your menu items manually and specify the path for your files using the field next to the Hyperlink for each item. However, this method is not recommended unless you know how links works on different levels (folders)
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    5) Other best effort suggestions to achieve this?
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    - It must be possible as the system does something similar when a new user is created.
    Thank you in advance for anyones help and suggestions.
    Any note and suggestion for easy-to-read and illustrated documentations are welcome.
    Kind regards

    Take a closer look at the ditto(1) man page in Terminal.

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    specified for OIM connectivity from the OIM configuration files (authwl.conf, xl.policy, xlconfig.xml).
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    Thanks All .
    Thanks & Regards,
    Dharmathej M

    Hi Daniel, thanks for the response but i readed that doc before asking here and that's one of the reasons of my question.
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    WAS_NDS_HOME/AppServer/bin/ -create*
    -templatePath WAS_NDS_HOME/AppServer/profileTemplates/managed*
    -profileName oia-managed01 -profilePath WAS_NDS_HOME/profiles/oia-managed01*
    -nodeName oia-managed01-node01 -hostname hostname*
    Integrate the OIA node to the OIM Cell by typing the following command on the OIA Machine:*
    cd OIM_HOME/xellerate/setup; ./ oia-managed01 oia-managed01-node01 8883 xelsysadm password1*
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    Many thanks in advance.

    There are several approaches to this problem. You could do this via the Folders panel in LR. You can do just about everything in the Folders panel that you can do in Explorer or Finder. Just create folder and drag and drop.
    Another way is to do this outside LR use Explorer (Windows) or FInder (Mac). after you're done then go back into LR and tell LR where to find the moved files. Depending on how many you have this could be a bit tedious.
    Another method is to choose the files you want then Export them as a Catalog. When you do this be sure to include the option to export the negatives. Point the new catalog at you other drive. It will recreate the folder structure during the export. Then remove the images from your present catalog. Don't delete from disk just remove. Now import from catalog and choose the newly exported catalog. This time choose the option to add the files without moving them. Once you are sure everything is back and is fine you can use Explorer or Finder to go into your original file structure and delete the files that were moved to the new drive.  Be careful to only choose the moved files. If you are separating the RAWs out this should be relatively easy.
    I hope that helps!

  • How can I batch move files to the same folder structure in a different location?

    I recently had an issue with my iTunes Library so I used the Organize Library feature to have iTunes organise my library.  What happened was that it put all of my music in a folder called 'Music' on my external hard drive, whereas previously it was not in a folder at all, e.g.
    BEFORE: External Hard Drive / Abba / Greatest Hits / Mama Mia.m4a
    AFTER: External Hard Drive / Music / Abba / Greatest Hits / Mama Mia.m4a
    I don't have any particular issue with the updated folder structure, except that I had copies of the artwork for each album in my album folders, and these weren't moved when the audio files were moved/consolidated/organised.  So I need to find a way of moving all of the artwork to the new folders, e.g.
    External Hard Drive / Abba / Greatest Hits / folder.jpg
    needs to become:
    External Hard Drive / Music / Abba / Greatest Hits / folder.jpg
    I have to do this for 3,000+ albums, and I have multiple artwork files for some albums, so I am hoping that there is a way of doing this using a batch/automated method of some kind, but I haven't been able to turn up anything yet.
    Can someone help with this?

    You can make a smart playlist containing episodes of both series and play from that. Podcasts are linked together by the URL they are served from so merging ongoing series isn't really practical.

  • Hi. I am having trouble with the folder structure.

    I import my pictures like probably most Lightroom users.
    They go to:
    Pictures / (Year)  / (Subfolder name crated checking "Into Subfolder" during import)
    Recently, after upgrading to Yosemite, when I import to this structure, Lightroom creates a folder visually outside it. Above, the "01_Sao_Paulo" folder should appear inside 2015 while "12_Atacama" and "12_Hasselblad" under 2014. The right folders were actually created when I check them in Finder.
    And when I try to move the folders under the right folder structure, Lightroom recognizes  that the folder already exists.
    My question two questions are:
    1. How do I make the folders appear correctly under the right folder structure?
    2. How do I make Lightroom stop creating the folders outside the structure on my next imports?
    Thanks for any help.

    Back up your iPhoto library, Depress and hold the option (alt) and command keys and launch iPhoto - rebuild your iPhoto library database

  • Using Metadata to generate view as conventional folder structure

    Can Metadata be used to generate a view as the conventional folder drill-down?
    I have a list with metadata for different projects, releases, content type etc and I would like to view them in folder structure with different hierarchies, i.e. using projects--> releases--> content-type as well as release --> projects --> content-type.
    I have asked the same question at :

    If your metadata is based on a hierarchical term set you could use ‘Metadata Navigation’.
    You may have to change your information architecture a bit to accommodate this approach. More info on ‘Metadata Navigation’ here:
    Hope this helps

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    lv 2013 sp1
    This is the layout of an example project, (please don't mind the horrible naming)
    When i create a source distribution.. no matter what settings I try, the preview is always like this:
    But I want the folder structure from the build to become as the virtual folder structure. is there any way of doing this without moving them by hand in the file explorer tab?
    Go to Solution.

    Unless you use auto-populating folders (which I don't like), the virtual folders are not meant to reflect the location on disk, so it certainly won't be automatic.
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