Pages didn't react after getting spinning colour wheel. Lost my document?

During writing in Pages, I got the spinning colour wheel and my whole imac wasn't usable any more. I could not force quit anything or save my document. Nothing reacted. I waited about 15 minutes but nothing changed,the spinning colour wheel stayed. I had no other option then to restart with the power button but of course, my document was lost. Is there somewhere on my hard drive a save copy that I can open again?

Wait, did you try unplugging all your USB devices, even your keyboard and monitor, wait half an hour or so, and then plug in the monitor and keyboard again? The Force Quit might work at that point.
It appears that the spinning umbrella (beachball, whatever it is called), sometimes rears its ugly head when a driver is having trouble talking to one (or more) of the USB devices. You know, sort of like the SCSI device arbitration phases of the olden days. But raised to another level of complexity because of the USB situation.

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    No, what you're experiencing is not normal.
    Try booting whilst holding down the Shift key - this will allow you to boot into Safe Mode, disabling third-party kernel extensions, etc. Your Mac will be slow to boot and will operate sluggishly. That's normal. If you can get in using Safe Mode then you have some start-up item that doesn't play well with Mavericks.
    Call back,

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    Hi Grant,
    Thanks for responding.
    I bought the FX 4500 card on ebay. The link is below. ME:B:EOIBSA:SG:1123
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    - Azman

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    It would help to give us more information. Etresoft: EtreCheck is a free app developed by one of the contributors to this forum which will generate a system report on your computer. If you can paste the report here we can take a look and see what might be the problem.

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    If you want help you’ll need to give us more information. There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 8 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
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    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. As full a description of the problem as you can. For example, if you have a problem with exporting, then explain by describing how you are trying to export, and so on.
    - History: Is this going on long? Has anything been installed or deleted? - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    - Anything unusual about your set up? Or how you use iPhoto?
    Anything else you can think of that might help someone understand the problem you have.

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    Thanks for any suggestions as to what I can do.

    If the cloud is showing, then it is not on your phone. You can fix it where you cannot see these by going to Settings>Music>Show All Music, turn that off.

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    Frustrated live long mac user. (Thomas)
    See if you have supported applications >

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • Spinning coloured wheel

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    What's happening?
    Is there a maintenance task I should carry out?
    Im running Tiger 10.4.2.

    Hi John.
    I have a friend that purchased a 12 in. Powerbook early in 2005 or late 2004. She has a warped casing from the battery problem, although it is not that bad at all compared to some that I have been reading about on this site.
    She also has the problem of the forever spinning beach ball. To describe it: the machine starts up somewhat slowly, but not really that slow. But when it gets to the login screen, it farely often will get a little bogged down entering the password. Once that is done, the machine gets slower and slower as it progresses in loading the user account. If it does finish loading the account, then it moves at the speed of the machines 12 years ago, if it doesn't freeze. But like you stated, sometimes it completes its task which shows that it actually didn't freeze. But often, it did freeze, and it is a freeze where the clock is still running, the beach ball is spinning, and force quit doesn't even work.
    Another problem that the computer is having is that it is making strange beeps that sound like they are coming from the hard disk. I guess to describe them, I would almost call them Atari 2600 type, but it is a high frequency beep though. I think the people who are complaning about their computers making noise, have the same problem, just with lower frequency beeps.
    It sounds like the 12-in powerbooks have been plagued with many problems since they first came out. I am curious if this is true and if it is, have they corrected them? Are they going to/trying to correct them? And if not, why has the 12-in powerbook not been taken off the market yet then?
    I hope there was some useful information in there.

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    Has anyone had this same prob...any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve it?
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    Could be, but I'd go for the preferences file first - delete it. You'll obviously lose your preferences but it may get you back where you were.

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    can anyone help?

    I suspect that you'll have to mount that volume at boot time and not at login time as you're doing now.  If you can arrange that, then the volume should be available to all users.
    Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do a boot-time mount.  I tried searching for "mount drive startup mac" (without the quotes), but most of the results described how to mount a volume at login time.  Ignore any advice that mentions "Login Items".
    I did find this discussion, but it's very sketchy.  You also have to be careful that any advice you find applies to the version of OS X that you're using.

  • Frequent appearance of spinning colour wheel

    My macbook is 2.5 years old, and every since the day i got it, the spinning colour wheel shows up frequently. Ive seen it so many times, I honestly thought it was normal, and nothing to worry about. However I was told that it is not a good sign Its been coming up much more often these days, and my system appears to be a lot slowed over all. I called apple and after spending 1.5 hours on the phone trying to figure out what the problem is, they concluded that everything appears to be ok, yet its still slow and the wheel still shows up frequently (as I open/close ANY application). Ive had so many problems with it in the past (replaced track pad, dead megapixels on screen and now this) 
    1- What are your recommendations?
    2- Is this fixable?
    Thank You!

    Hi Grant,
    Thanks for responding.
    I bought the FX 4500 card on ebay. The link is below. ME:B:EOIBSA:SG:1123
    The seller said the card was tested fine on a MacPro version 1,1 and OSX 10.6 before it was shipped out to me.
    Any thoughts ?
    - Azman

  • Spinning colour wheel on i tunes

    I've been getting the Mac spinning colour wheel a lot lately, but only on i tunes, either downloading or playing stuff from my library. If I browse the web, use apeture photo editing or you tube or email or anything else there is no problem.
    Any ideas anyone?

    Sorry, I should have mentioned that I do have the latest version of i tunes.

  • Blue Screen with spinning coloured wheel

    My girlfriend borrowed her iMac G4 Flat Panel to a friend and now it won't load the OS properly.
    The following happens:
    1. The grey screen appears (with the smiling MAC in the middle)
    2. The Mac OS X start-up screen appears with the progress bar
    3. Then a blue screen, with a spinning coloured wheel in the top left corner
    4. After a couple of minutes, a few windows pop open (probably whatever the person accessed last)
    5. The windows disappear and all you're left with is a blue screen and spinning coloured wheel in the top left corner
    6. The MAC then remains in this state indefinitely
    Unfortunately, I’m unable to tell what version of the MAC OS is running.
    We cannot find the OS disk either.
    I will greatly appreciate any assistance anybody is able to provide.

    Empty,Blue Screen.
    1. Start up in Safe Mode.(shift key at startup)
    a. Drag the Fonts folder from the Mac OS 9 System Folder (not the Mac OS X System folder) to the desktop.
    b. Drag the Fonts folder from ~/Library/Fonts to the desktop.
    b. Restart the computer in Mac OS X.
    c. If this solves the have a corrupt font in one of the above font folders
    2. Remove incompatible third-party startup items.
    a. Start up in Safe Mode.(shift at startup)
    b. Open the Mac OS X hard disk.
    c. Drag third-party items out of ....
    /Library/StartupItems .......
    /System/Library/StartupItems ...
    Place them on the desktop .... If you're unsure whether an item is a third-party item or an Apple-installed item, don't move it.
    d.Restart the computer.
    Note.. If this resolves the issue, add the Startup Items one at a time until the symptom occurs again. That way you'll know which one is incompatible. Repeat these steps and remove the incompatible item.
    3. If your computer still starts up to a blue screen, follow these steps.
    a. Start up using cpmmand+S....(Single-User Mode).
    b. Type: mount -uw /
    c. Press Return.
    d. Type:
    mv /Library/Preferences/ preferences2.old
    Tip: There is a space between ".plist" and "preferences".
    e. Press Return.
    f. Type:
    mv /Library/Preferences/ preferences3.old
    g. Press Return.
    h. Type: reboot
    i. Press Return.
    4. Reset certain privileges.
    a. Start up the computer in Single-User Mode.
    b. Check the volume with fsck.
    c. Type: mount -uw /
    d. Press Return.
    e. Type: chmod 1775 /
    f . Press Return.
    g. Type: reboot
    h. Press Return.

  • Reply button spinning colour wheel

    I've searched the archives on this, but cannot find a satisfactory fix (I've tried most of the suggested ones).
    The very first time I open mail, and click 'reply' or 'new', I get the spinning colour wheel for a few minutes before the action completes itself. It only happens on the first 'new' or 'reply'. Subsequent uses of these buttons causes no delay. If I shut down and restart mail the issue returns (ie, spinning colour wheel the first time I compose or reply).
    Despite numerous threads on this and similar experiences, there seems to be no obvious answer. Have I missed anything obvious ?

    cannot find a satisfactory fix (I've tried most of the suggested ones).
    If you don’t tell us what exactly have you tried, this isn’t very useful information, is it?
    What type of account is this (POP, IMAP, .Mac)?
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network > Show: Network Port Configurations. Make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet is at the top of the list.
    Try disabling Search .Mac For Certificates in Keychain Access > Preferences if it's enabled. Take a look at the following articles for an explanation of why this could be the problem:

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