Pages in iDisk - SITES - iWeb

In - Home - Web - Sites - there are folders for my 3 websites.
And in - Sites - iWeb - there are just titles of only some of the pages from one of my websites (the top of this column says 'iWeb Pages')
Have these in the iWeb folder got put there by some error I've made? Should/can I delete them safely?
Thank you.

I don't know what the original URL looks like.
The url for iweb 08 sites is always like this:
I've tried
.Mac urls never have "iweb/sites" in the middle. You can see that none of your other urls are structured that way. The thing to try would be
which works fine for me.
I also get the "announcement" box that says "published to"
Just ignore the announcement box, it is not telling you anything that is relevant here.

Similar Messages

  • Iweb page on Idisk but can't open in iweb?

    I make a photo webpage and put it in a separate site on my Idisk. Later, I decided I wanted that page on my main site, I dragged it there but it never appeared on my idisk. So, I opened my idisk, found the name.files & name>html and moved those to my main site. I can access them from the web but I cannot open that "name" in Iweb. I don't feel like starting over from square 1 but I would like to edit that photo webpage. Am I out of luck or what? Odd that Iweb does not have an "open" command.

    iWeb doesn't open html files. You can only edit
    published pages or Sites by opening the iWeb app. If
    you have any published pages or Sites they will
    appear in the left side window pane.
    Since you must have published to a "folder" and then
    uploaded those files by dragging them to a folder in
    your iDisk Sites folder (now moved) there is nothing
    for iWeb to edit except your original.
    You would have to edit, then publish to folder, then
    drag to the location of your files in your iDisk. If
    everything goes right you'll be prompted that an
    older version of the files exist. Click OK to replace
    I didn't publish to a folder but to my .mac idisk. However, I was playing games here. The page of interest does not appear on the left side with my other pages. I will keep playing and if all else fails, redo it and learn from experience. Thanks.
    IMAC G4, 12 Powerbook, 14" Ibook Mac OS X (10.4.6)

  • IWeb hypertext links to pages from my site not "viewable" in some browsers

    I am new to iWeb 08. iWeb created hypertext links to eleven pages from my "top level" site are not "clickable" or viewable in some browsers yet the hyperlinks I added on top page to other sites don't present a problem.
    No problem with Safari or AOL Desktop Version 1.2 or Firefox browsers. However, AOL Ver 10.3.7 (rev 4136.310) only shows other site links and NOT the page links at the top of site page. Only a dot is visible where links to other pages in the site. I thought it could have been a Java Scripts problem so I updated my AOL to latest JAVA. Not concerned for my part but others with Mac AOL may have same problem.
    Is there something I could do diferent at my site or is this another AOL shortcoming?
    Thanks, LouieDeA

    No solution yet. I am sure it is a shortcoming of AOL's Mac browser but am trying to contact AOL support (difficult now that they are free). I don't use their browser but there are probably those that do. I presume you don't have that problem when you use Safari, etc?

  • Incorporating iWeb's blog page into another site

    Hello all,
    I have a site hosted by go daddy.
    Is there a way to incorporate the blogging function (or any page for that matter) of iWeb as a page in the site?
    I find Word Press just too complicated when it comes to editing the look of it.

    Paste this code in a HTML Snippet. It will add a menu item to the navagation bar :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    theNavUL = parent.document.getElementById("widget0-navbar-list");
    TheLi = parent.document.createElement("li")
    TheLi.innerHTML = "<a href='Tuinproject.html'>More</a>";
    TheLi.className = "noncurrent-page";
    TheLi = parent.document.createElement("li")
    TheLi.innerHTML = "<a href='/'>Home</a>";
    TheLi.className = "noncurrent-page";
    // -->
    You can see it here :
    (The 2 menu items on the right)
    Study the widget-markup files to see how it's done.

  • IWeb podcast page in different site.

    My current site is many pages, many graphics, etc. .... i.e. it's slow loading, and slow to publish. I have another .me account and was thinking of creating my podcast page there to facilitate faster publishing when updating my podcast. I have feedburner so all I have to do to change it for iTunes is to change the page link on feedburner. So my question is, if I create my podcast page on another .me site page, how is that going to affect my iTunes listing?
    Whenever I submit a new podcast to my site and publish it, it sends it to iTunes automatically, soooo, if I create a totally new id with all my podcast imported there (I will need to have all the podcast there as it will be the redirect from feedburner for my podcast), will they all submit to iTunes again and mess up my iTunes listing?
    What do I need to be concerned with regarding my iTunes listing and ranking?
    Thanks in advance for the feedback and suggestions.

    Is your requirement is to have different master page for different site collection. If so, refer to the following posts for more information

  • Publish Error - An error occurred while publishing file "/Web/Sites/iWeb/X"

    Hello everyone,
    I've been using mac for about 10 years now and have finally decided to try out this iWeb application. Spent several hours putting the site together... fun... but when I hit the publish button, the following error popped up.
    Publish Error
    An error occurred while publishing file "/Web/Sites/iWeb/X". (X being my site name which also happens to be my .mac account name.
    So I've spent another 3 hours trying it over and over again but still no luck. So I've searched this forum and see if there's any tips. Found a lot of solutions but none of them seem to help. I've deleted all the folders and file on my 'Sites' folder on the iDisk. Closed all running apps before hitting the 'Publish' button. And I've even deleted all my work and tried just to upload the 'welcome' page. Still doesn't work.
    I'm getting a bit annoyed... Are there any solutions for my problem??
    I'm using a PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz Mac OS X 10.4.9 with iWeb 1.1.2
    Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
     88kin 
     PowerBook G4 12" 1.33GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Probably not. No big deal, really. The important thing is we have been able to get your site on the .Mac server, albeit in the homepage directory.
    Ok here's your last assignment. This will also take awhile, but when you are finished your site will be up on .Mac and accessible using the url.
    Since you have already initiated a publish to .Mac from iWeb, the root directory for iWeb should be on your iDisk. You should be able to navigate to the iWeb folder following this path:
    "SiteFolder" should be a folder named for the site you are having trouble publishing.
    On your desktop, open the Site folder that iWeb delivered when you published the original site using the Publish to a Folder... command. You will see a number of folders in there and a number of page.html files. Drag each of these into the Site Folder mentioned earlier, on the iDisk. (The one named for the site). The root index.html file, (the one published outside of the Site folder) needs to be placed in the Web/Sites folder; you should see it in the column above the iWeb folder when done. Basically, you are "manually" uploading your site. It's cumbersome and a royal pita, but if successful, this exercise will confirm what I have suspected all along:
    The problem is a latency/time-out error. (The actual error message itself is misleading and somewhat immaterial--iWeb probably chose it randomly). Lots of things contribute to it, but basically, iWeb gets tired of waiting on the WebDav protocol and then generates an error message. I wish I could be more specific, but that's about as close as I can get to the core issue. Many folks publish successfully from your area of the world; just keep trying, and when all else fails, you can always swap out the changed files manually following the method outlined above.

  • Is it possible to embed a page I created in iweb into say perhaps a CL ad?

    I noticed some craigslist ads that open up to a site page such as this:
    I would like to do this with a page I created on iweb such as this:
    If this is not possible with iweb what do I need to do to make this happen?

    If you look at that Craig's List posting you linked to it is an image. So you would need to make a jpg image of your iWeb page and link it to the ad using the add photos section of your ad.. An easy way to make a jpg/gif/pdf file of a web page is to use Paparazzi@.
    You could post a link to the web page but adding a jpg version would be better IMO.

  • An error occurred while publishing file "/Web/Sites/iWeb/Jim and Steph's Si

    I'm guessing this is a common message most see when they try to publish their website. Reason I say this, is it is the only message I have recieved in the last week when trying to use this faulty software.
    Here it is again if you missed it:
    An error occurred while publishing file “/Web/Sites/iWeb/Jim and Steph's Site/Jim's Blog”.
    I got this MacBook week ago yesterday. Totally excited to share pictures and blog information. Spent 99 dollars or close to it for a mac account to simply share this information on the web. The first four pages (all pictures), I published worked well. Then I updated to iWeb 1.1.1 and tried to publish with blogs and more pictures and it won't work. Now all that I published before does not even come up. I emailed support here on and got the generic reply that I have already read on this forum. I tired as many fixes as I could to no avail. Two questions:
    1. Any ideas to fix this problem?
    2. Can you get your money back?
    Sorry this was so long.
    Thanks everyone,
    Jim B

    Try doing a "Publish All to .Mac" if nothing else works for you. And if I could make a recommendation, it probably wouldn't be a bad thing to simplify your site name (Jim and Steph's Site) and eliminate the apostrophes (also in Jim's Blog). A longer site URL with complexities such as punctuation and spaces and even capitalization can potentially wreak havoc on your site navigation and function. Simplifying your site and page names will at the very least lead to shorter and more recognizable URLs...and when you start to add more pages it will also make the navigation menu at the top of your pages look "cleaner". Think simple names, like "oursite" and "HeSays" or "SheSays"
    Just a suggestion.

  • How do YOU organize pages, create a site map, and use hyperlinks?

    I had to get out of bed to bring this up with you all; I couldn't stop thinking about this next learning curve. It is: How shall I organize the topics I have in my website? One extreme is to have all of the topics showing in all of the nav bars at the top of all the pages. The opposite extreme is ............ I cannot truly visualize it.
    I think that the big obstacle for me is that i don't want to hide any pages so well, so slickly, that they can be found only by the most focused and persistent website visitor. I can see how some pages could be lost to a lot of casual website viewers.
    On the other hand, there are some pages that are natural groups. In my case, the U.B.R.O.L. group is that. It is made up of five people and me. I have one page for a photo slideshow which has one photo of each of us, but then I have a separate page for Nigel and his photos, a separate page for Vali and her long bio and photos, and a separate page for Helen, her short bio and her many photos.
    Tonight I tried making hierarchies using hyperlinks, so that U.B.R.O.L. shows up in the Site Menu, but Nigel, Vali, Helen, and Peggy do not show up. To get to their photos, one would have to click onto the U.B.R.O.L. group page. Once at the U.B.R.O.L. page, one can then click onto Vali's, Nigel's, and Helen's page, and then from each of their pages there are 3 hyperlinks: one to return to U.B.R.O.L., and three more hyperlinks to click onto the others who have personal pages. (Peggy does not have a personal page because she is shy and never gave me more photos or a bio of herself. She prefers anonymity.)
    But even though I put those hyperlinks on those pages, I am having an internal concept war, my friends, and a solution is not at hand.
    I am thinking of how I am going to deal with the pages made for me, my husband, and my husband and I together.
    I cannot imagine clearly how a Site Menu would look at the topmost level and much less of an idea how each page would look several levels down.
    I welcome any direction you could send my way. I would like to know how you organized your pages, how you decided which pages would not be listed in the nav bar, and what you did to/with the pages that were not listed in the nav bar.
    Would you please send me the URL of your website so that I can SEE what you are talking about? I am not good at imagining what people say; I have to see it rather than imagine it.
    Lorna in Southern California

    Lorna, mostly from reading books, Iearned the following things.
    •Don't make me think (actually the title of an excellent book on webdesign)
    •Every information should be available in at most 3 clicks
    •Tell them where they are, where they can go and where they have been.
    IMHO, iWeb lends itself fairly well for these last 2 criteria. The Navbar is a very useful tool and I suggest you do not go too far away from it.
    On my current issue of the toy theatre magazine (which is NOT a beautiful website) I wanted to go in 3 languages; English, German and Dutch. I knew i was courting disaster but one can be so ambitious. This in fact meant that I had to do 3 sites. Sites being defined as a group of pages structurally belonging to each other.
    So I made an Index/Splash page with a nice picture, a title and 3 flags. These being links to the 3 versions. (I did not want to make them think on the Splashpage).
    Clicking a flag brings the visitor to a Contents page on their version of the site. Just like the Contents page in a book. Here they can choose to go to any of the items and on each and every page of the site is a Contents button that returns them there.
    Pages are numbered in the middle of the website, and to the leftside the number of (and link to) the previous page and to the right the same for the next page.
    The current issue is number 25, ( http://www.vischmarktpapierentheater ), the previous 24 were done in Freeway and the design stems from there.
    The translation to iWeb did work well but in the end the result was disappointing mostly because I wanted some slideshows, hated the "None .Mac accounts" version and went overboard with Keynote slideshows, really ugly.
    The other problem stems from the triple language idea. This meant that I had to do either 3 versions of each slideshow, or make one version accessible for every language. This menat some convoluted linking which I will never do again.
    In short If you want to go "deep", make various sites and link each starting page to you Index/Splash, keep the starting pages of each site on the Navbar Make a Contents sidebar or something like that on each of the starting pages, and than you can go anywhere within the required 3 clicks.
    Good Luck

  • Adding pages, lost everything in iweb but not on web itself,

    Okay, so I am new, did the tutorial to set up a web site. Had four pages finished, three already published, did not publish the fourth. I then went to add a photo page and all other pages are gone on the iweb building area. The first three pages are on the web, but not listed in the site organizer. Now what do I do to save the pages on the web when I publish and to return the web pages to my site organizer. yikes!! I spent hours on this project and am worried I will lose it all. thanks

    Go to Varkgirl's site and download her Automator backup application. It creates a copy of the Domain.sites file and puts it where you want. A smart thing to do after any session with iWeb.
    Also if you expect to have multiple sites you might think about using iWebSites. It's to iWeb as iPhoto Library Manager is to iPhoto.
    I use iWebSites to manage multiple sites.. It lets me create multiple sites and multiple domain files.
    If you have multiple sites in one domain file here's the workflow I used to split them into individual site files with iWebSites. Be sure to make a backup copy of your Domain.sites files before starting the splitting process.
    This lets me edit several sites and only republish the one I want.

  • Home page is blank in iweb, but visible on internet

    I have created two web sites in iweb. Everything seemed to go well initially. But as I started to run out of room on my hard drive - I could no longer publish and though I could view my site online - I cannot see my home page (in either site) in iweb. I see no content even though I can see it online. I also cannot see my photo or blog page - though I can see them on line. I have about 8 other pages - that I can see both online and in iweb.
    I thought it might be a memory issue and dumped 70g's - but no luck.
    One more interesting question. I can rename all of my pages besides one - every time I try it switches back. The page is titled TAhoeA - I cannot change it.
    Appreciate any help.

    iWeb stores your website data in a domain file. If you ran out of storage then the pages you cannot see on your Mac may not be present in this file. You will probably have to rebuild them.
    As for your other issue, try deleting the iWeb preference file Home Folder/Library/Preferences/ and then try renaming the page again.
    If that doesn't work, delete it again and restart your Mac.
    When was the last time you ran Disk Utility to repair permissions?

  • How to publish my site iWeb on a FTP servor ?

    How to publish my site iWeb on a FTP servor since Mobilme is no longer available ?

    You might want to check out third party hosts like Machighway or Hostexcellence or others who offer low cost website hosting. They will give you the info you need to plug into iWeb's ftp page to upload the site. they cost less than mobileme and offer more.
    Apple has some tutorials on ftp and iweb.

  • Passwording a page within a site

    Back in the day, I was able to password protect a page within a site, or at least I thought I could. Now it seems I am unable to do so in iWeb '09. I found where I can enable an entire site to be passworded but it goes away when I select "publish to FTP server" instead of Mobile Me.
    Did I miss something?

    Go to where you host your website and see if you can password protect a folder/directory.
    It's usually done in a cPanel, or whatever the name is your webhoster allows you to manage your website with. Similar to this at GoDaddy :
    Protecting a Site in iWeb only works with MobileMe.

  • Can I add a custom .html page as a separate page within my site?

    I'm creating a website for my local baseball association using iWeb 1.1.2.
    I'm given several .xls files for schedules, rosters, etc. and I can save them as an .htm/hmtl page.
    But within iWeb, it doesn't look like I can import them as a separate page within my site.
    Is this possible? I suppose my only option is to create an external link to the pages correct?
    Will iWeb '11 allow me to do this?

    Yes, you can in one of two ways:
    1 - put the custom page on your server and embed it into one of your iWeb pages using an HTML snippet and iFrame code as done in this demo page: Embed a Site Within an iWeb Page.
    2 - put the custom page on your server and in iWeb create a totally blank page, name it for the custom page and add the following redirect code in an HTML snippet:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    parent.window.location = "URL TO THE CUSTOM PAGE"; </script>
    Thanks to Cyclosaurus for this code
    When the visitor clicks on the page in your iWeb navbar they will immediately be redirected to the custom page.  You'll need to add a link on the custom page to send them back to your iWeb site.
    If you modify/update the custom page it will be automatically updated in your iWeb site without having to open iWeb.
    UPDATE:  3 - or add an HTML snippet to on of your pages and put the HTML code from the custom page into it.  That will display the custom page on your iWeb page.

  • IWEB An error occurred while publishing file "/Web/Sites/iWeb/t etc etc

    An error occurred while publishing file “/Web/Sites/iWeb/testsite/workfiles/DSC04544.jpg”.
    this is the message i get every bleeding time I try to update my page. anything I can do, or is it just the mac crew that have buggered up thier RUSHED update.
    angry mac fan.

    yes - I have just done it - I tried to publish again
    and got the same error, but on a different file...
    bummer - this is really fustrating
    This problem has been floating for several days already. There was a previous forum 'iWeb Publishing Nightmare' which ran over 4,500 people participating in comments and sharing their problems. Many had proposed solutions ending with more frustration among MacUsers.
    All I did was downgraded back to 1.0 and shall wait until a fix is at hand. Use your original installer and choose custom, then select iWeb only.
    I use iWeb for my work particularly every hour ... uploading work to clients. So I can afford time wastage here. I don't use or need 'Comments' nor the extra 6 new templates. My entire site is running over 100 pages with several sites.

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