Paint bucket and Pencil color fill problem

I'm coloring a comic book and I'm having an annoying bug with CS4.
Say I want to color these bushes:
I put the color on another layer set to Multiply. Using the Pencil tool (no anti-aliasing), I close all the gaps.
Then fill it with the Paint bucket (anti-aliasing off, contiguous, sample all layers) using the same color.
Now say I later decide to change that color; naturally I'll use the Paint bucket.
This is what happens:
As you can see the pencil strokes are still there, as if they were a different color, even if they're not!
But on closer inspection, it turns out the CMYK values are off by 1%. I have no idea why this happens. The tools are all set at the exact same color and opacity.
Someone posted a thread 9 months ago about this problem but it wasn't solved:
He says it also occurs on CS5.
I can only assume it's a bug. Help?

I just tried with the pencil set to Multiply, and it happened. And contradicting what I said earlier, the problem happened with Normal as well.
Well, here's another update: the real culprit seems to be the paint bucket tool. I experimented with color samplers to precisely measure the CMYK values. This is completely bizarre:
The paint bucket will occasionnally fill with a color that is off by 1% from the intended color. It seems to happen randomly, but more often with darker colors.
Check this out:
Sampler 1 is where I closed the gap with the pencil. Sampler 2 is the paint bucket fill.

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    Could you please post screenshots (with the pertinent Panels visible) to illustrate the issue?
    Are you not aware that you cannot reliably define a CMYK color in RGB because the transformation is performed through the Profile Connection Space (Lab) and depends on the involved Color Spaces/ICC profiles (edited) and the Color Settings?

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    Right-click on the Gradient to see the choices. Or keep pressing Shift+G a few times on the keyboard to tab.

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    Hi, thank you for this suggestion.  I will try it, and it also sounds useful for lots of quirky things.  In the meantime, I tried something else that solved my problem. I reset the eyedropper tool and picked another color with it and it cleared it out.  I had reset all the tools, but somehow it didn't work until I did this.  Thank you for your help.

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    Another way is to use the Replace Color Tool. The Hue/Saturation method is probably easier, but I thought I'd mention Replace Color for your information.
    In my example I changed the 3rd label in your picture to red.
    1. Roughly select the label using the Lasso tools.
    2. Enchance>Adjust Color>Replace Color.
    3. Click on the label in the picture; it will appear in the box as white on black background. In general you would move the fuzziness slider until just the portion you wish to change appears white. In this case since the yellow is uniform with sharp border the fuzziness slider had minimal additional effect, but I did move it all the way right to capture the fringe pixels.
    4. Play with the 3 Transform sliders to get the desired result.
    In this next example I changed the top of the lighthouse from red to green (why I would want to do that, I don't know!).
    Note that in this case I didn't have to move the fuzziness all the way right.

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    DelBoy78 wrote:
    I've found what the alt+eyedropper is all about; shortcut for applying a fill colour to a line. Thanks for that but as the image lower down shows, the areas I want to fill with colour are not built from a single fillable line.
    Eyedropper applies the attributes of the clicked object to the selected object/s as set in its options accessible by double clicking the Eyedropper tool
    Holding Alt while clicking with the Eyedropper (In my version CS5) does the opposite - it applies the attributes from the selected object to the object being clicked.
    Holding Shift while clicking with the Eyedropper applies the color being clicked to the fill or stroke of the selected object/s depending on which (the fill or the stroke) is in front in the color selector found in the Tool box and the Color panel. Pressing the X key on your keyboard, swaps which color, fill or stroke, is in front (focus of your input).
    While using the Live Paint Bucket tool, holding Alt switches temporarily to the Eyedropper tool. However using the Eyedropper to pick colors from a Live Paint group may feel as if it is working differently because it may not be picking the stroke color. This is because internally behind the scene, the Live Paint group is separating the fills as different objects without strokes. Expanding the Live Paint group reveals this.

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    import PNGEncoder;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    public class Main extends MovieClip
    /* Variables */
    /* Pencil Tool shape, everything drawed with this tool and eraser is stored inside board.pencilDraw */
    var pencilDraw:Shape = new Shape();
    /* Text format */
    var textformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    /* Colors */
    var colorsBmd:BitmapData;
    var pixelValue:uint;
    var activeColor:uint = 0x000000;
    /* Save dialog instance */
    var saveDialog:SaveDialog;
    /* Active var, to check wich tool is active */
    var active:String;
    /* Shape size color */
    var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
    public function Main():void
    textformat.font = "Arial";
    textformat.bold = true;
    textformat.size = 24;
    /* Hide tools highlights */
    pencil.visible = false;
    hideTools(eraser, txt);
    /* Pencil Tool */
    private function PencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    /* Quit active tool */
    /* Set to Active */
    active = "Pencil";
    /* Listeners */
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startPencilTool);
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPencilTool);
    /* Highlight */
    hideTools(eraser, txt);
    ct.color = activeColor;
    shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct;
    private function startPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    pencilDraw = new Shape();
    board.addChild(pencilDraw);, mouseY);, activeColor);
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool);
    private function drawPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void, mouseY);
    private function stopPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool);
    /* Eraser Tool */
    private function EraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    /* Quit active tool */
    /* Set to Active */
    active = "Eraser";
    /* Listeners */
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startEraserTool);
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopEraserTool);
    /* Highlight */
    hideTools(pencil, txt);
    ct.color = 0x000000;
    shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct;
    private function startEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    pencilDraw = new Shape();
    board.addChild(pencilDraw);, mouseY);, 0xFFFFFF);
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawEraserTool);
    private function drawEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void, mouseY);
    function stopEraserTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawEraserTool);
    /* Text Tool */
    private function TextTool(e:MouseEvent):void
    /* Quit active tool */
    /* Set to Active */
    active = "Text";
    /* Listener */
    board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, writeText);
    /* Highlight */
    hideTools(pencil, eraser);
    private function writeText(e:MouseEvent):void
    var textfield = new TextField();
    textfield.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
    textfield.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    textfield.selectable = false;
    textfield.defaultTextFormat = textformat;
    textfield.textColor = activeColor;
    textfield.x = mouseX;
    textfield.y = mouseY;
    stage.focus = textfield;
    /* Save */
    private function export():void
    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(600, 290);
    var ba:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(bmd);
    var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
    file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, saveSuccessful);, "ballin.png");
    private function saveSuccessful(e:Event):void
    saveDialog = new SaveDialog();
    saveDialog.closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, closeSaveDialog);
    private function closeSaveDialog(e:MouseEvent):void
    private function save(e:MouseEvent):void
    /* Clear Tool */
    private function clearBoard(e:MouseEvent):void
    /* Create a blank rectangle on top of everything but board */
    var blank:Shape = new Shape();;, 0, board.width, board.height);;
    /* Default colors function */
    private function convertToBMD():void
    colorsBmd = new BitmapData(colors.width,colors.height);
    private function chooseColor(e:MouseEvent):void
    pixelValue = colorsBmd.getPixel(colors.mouseX,colors.mouseY);
    activeColor = pixelValue;//uint can be RGB!
    ct.color = activeColor;
    shapeSize.transform.colorTransform = ct;
    /* Quit active function */
    private function quitActiveTool():void
    switch (active)
    case "Pencil" :
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startPencilTool);
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPencilTool);
    case "Eraser" :
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startEraserTool);
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopEraserTool);
    case "Text" :
    board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, writeText);
    default :
    /* Highlight active Tool */
    private function highlightTool(tool:DisplayObject):void
    private function hideTools(tool1:DisplayObject, tool2:DisplayObject):void
    /* Change shape size */
    private function changeShapeSize(e:MouseEvent):void
    if (shapeSize.width >= 50)
    shapeSize.width = 1;
    shapeSize.height = 1;
    /* TextFormat */
    textformat.size = 16;
    shapeSize.width += 5;
    /* TextFormat */
    private function addListeners():void
    pencilTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, PencilTool);
    eraserTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, EraserTool);
    textTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, TextTool);
    saveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, save);
    clearTool.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, clearBoard);
    colors.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, chooseColor);
    sizePanel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeShapeSize);
    shapeSize.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeShapeSize);
    Any ideas on how to code these features?


  • Color filling problem in fillarc() method of Graphics class

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    When i fill the color, i faced a problem. That is i have seen the panel background Color in some pixels of thet arc spaces.
    How will i fill the particular color in full arc spaces? How will i solve this problem?
    Thanks for your advance reply.

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ArcFill extends JPanel {
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            double radius = Math.min(w,h)*7/16.0;
            double x = (w - 2*radius)/2;
            double y = (h - 2*radius)/2;
            Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(x,y,2*radius,2*radius);
            // Fill east sector with Arc2D.
            Rectangle r = circle.getBounds();
            double start = -45.0;
            double extent = 90.0;
            int type = Arc2D.PIE;
            Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double(r, start, extent, type);
            // Fill south sector.
            // Draw circle and lines.
            double theta = -Math.PI/4;
            double cx = circle.getCenterX();
            double cy = circle.getCenterY();
            for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                x = cx + radius*Math.cos(theta);
                y = cy + radius*Math.sin(theta);
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(cx, cy, x, y));
                theta += Math.PI/2;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ArcFill panel = new ArcFill();
            panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,400));
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, panel, "", -1);

  • Can I create a simple Drawing App with Crayon, Marker, Paint Bucket and Eraser in Edge?

    I need to create an 'app' that allows user to 'color'/'paint' in simple colorbook pages with a specific color palette or if I can have an expanded color palette great..
    any thots
    I have found the code to do it, but I am not a coder that is why I am investigating Edge...
    Many thanks

    Hi, mark-
    It's going to be hard to do without code in Animate.  Yoshoika Ume-san did a little project in an earlier version of Animate that did it, but it was heavily code centric.

  • Paint bucket tool not painting color on canvas

    Ok - I'm new to photoshop (I just got cs4) and can't seem to get the paint bucket tool to paint the background.  I've started out with a new canvas, selected paint bucket and color from color menu on right side.  Foreground is selected and the paint bucket tool is showing on my cursor - when I click on it over my canvas I expected it to change to the color I selected and it does nothing.  Help??

    I am having the same problem and have checked the mode.  Normal.  Still not working- I have tried eve
    rything includig unlocking the layer- checking the opacity and tolerance.
    using it with other photos and still nothing.

  • Paint bucket, smudge and other tools missing

    Sorry If I am completely stupid, but the last version I used was 3.0
    Ok big problem I am so frusrated I can barely sit here anymore. I am looking at all my tools on the left hand side. I get to the tools by going to window-> tools out of all the tools, there is no smudge or paint bucket. who knows how many other tools are missing. so i went to help and find and typed in smudge and paint bucket and nothing.
    I googled cs4 paint bucket and smudge and apparently there is such options for cs4. but there are NO icons in the tools. what do i do???

    Oh i see, I hold down option and click blur and it will change to smudge and i hold option and click gradient and it will change it to paint bucket! Wow thank you soooo much! I have no clue why they didn't put that in help. Thanks!!!

  • Paint Bucket not previewing accurate colors/Hex values

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    Thanks for any help!!!

    Here is a photo to better show the issue:

  • Photoshop CC 2014 Paint bucket doesn't work

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    Also--no color in the paint brushes and no pattern fill. Basically nothing paints on that layer.
    If I unlock the background layer and make it editable, I can use the paint bucket and brushes on that layer, no problem. But not on any layers above that.
    If I drag the background layer up to make it the top layer, I can paint on it one time.  If I change color, change tools, or start another layer. the bucket, brushes, etc. cease to work on that layer.  The only way to paint on a layer is to drag it down to make the bottom layer on the stack and paint on it there.
    For my purposes, this makes CC 2014 absolutely maddening, close to useless. Help!!!  I have been using PS for years and never had this problem til 2014.
    PS CC 2014, Win7 64 Wacom Intuos. Art pen. "Use windows ink" checked.

    Chris, Thank you soooooo much. I would never in a million years have guessed this was the problem. As it was, it took a few hours to find the drivers, install them and recalibrate my monitor. The bucket and brushes are behaving as they should on all layers. Saved so much time, missed deadlines. You have no idea.

  • How to use paint bucket.

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    For some reason when i click nothing happens... Im getting frustrated. blah
    Please help.

    Something like this:
    1. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to draw the rectangular selection
    2. Select the Paint Bucket Tool
        Add a new blank layer
        (so it's easy to change later)
        Click on the foreground color chip in the toolbox and set your color for the fill
        Click inside the selection with the paint bucket tool
    You can use the rulers to see how far an inch is in your document

  • When I use paint bucket or brushes there is no colour not even black

    I have recently installed Elements 9.0.  I previously had 8.0 and no problems.  If I try to darken skies with a black paintbrush it's all pale and so is my brush icon.  I tried picking bright colours but they don't work, and I tried with the paint bucket and that's the same - no colour.  Can anyone help?

    Thank you - I've just been on and it is already in RGB.  I'm quite 
    In a message dated 29/01/2011 09:31:02 GMT Standard Time, [email protected] 
    Your  document may be in the grayscale color mode.
    Go to Image >Mode and  select RGB  Color.

Maybe you are looking for