Painting JPanels and graphics

I have a JPanel into which want to display boxes of data connected by lines. The boxes are JPanels (with a ScrollPane and JList) and the lines simply Graphics2D objects. I have overridden the paint(g) method of the enclosing panel to call super.paint(g) followed by my graphics calls. This works fine on start-up and repaint (from maximizing), but when I resize the main panel, the middle of the panel doesn't show the graphics (the inner panels display fine). I think I see the graphics being drawn then erased, but I'm not sure. Reviewing the Painting in AWT and Swing articles hasn't helped. I've tried various versions of paintComponent(), paintChildren(), etc. as alternatives, but the problem remains (or I never see the graphics at all). This seems like a timing and clipping problem but I can't figure it out. Can anyone explain what resize is doing that is different than a normal paint? How should one combine JPanels and graphics?Thanks.

Unfortunately, overriding paintComponent() causes the graphics to be completely over-written for some reason. The problem is apparently when the inner Panels are written (I guess by paintChildren()). I'm following the directions in Doing Without a Layout Manager in the Java Tutorial: setting the outer JPanel's layout to null, explicitly setting the bounds of the inner JPanels and overwriting paint() with super.paint() (which paints the inner panels correctly) followed by my graphics code. All is well until I resize.
Now the Doing Without a Layout Manager page states "However, creating containers with absolutely positioned containers can cause problems if the window containing the container is resized." Guess they're right ;-) Anyone know how to get around this problem?

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    - a table,
    - buttons for the actions.
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    I succeed in a first program’s version. There were two windows JFrame, one included the Canevas3D and the other the table with the buttons.
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    Then, I put the Canevas3D in a JPanel (and neither in a separate window). And I add this JPanel to the JFram (those contain the table and the buttons for the actions).
    And after that my class Behavior don’t work.
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    This is my class Behavior :
    import java.awt.AWTEvent;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
    public class InterGraph3d extends Behavior {
           // Condition qui va declencher le stimulus
           private WakeupCondition wakeupCondition =
                new WakeupOnAWTEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED);
           private Canvas3D caneva;
           InterGraph3d (Canvas3D cane){
                   this.caneva = cane;
         public void initialize() {
         public void processStimulus(Enumeration criteria) {
              WakeupCriterion critere;
             AWTEvent[] events;
             MouseEvent evt;
             // On boucle sur les critères ayant declenche le comportement
             while (criteria.hasMoreElements()) {
               // On recupere le premier critere de l'enumeration
               critere = (WakeupCriterion)criteria.nextElement();
               // On ne traite que les criteres correspondant a un evenement AWT
               if (critere instanceof WakeupOnAWTEvent) {
                 // On récupère le tableau des evements AWT correspondant au critere
                 events = ((WakeupOnAWTEvent)critere).getAWTEvent();
                 if (events.length > 0) {
                   // On récupère l'événement
                   evt = (MouseEvent)events[events.length-1];
                   // Traitement au cas par cas selon la touche pressée
                   switch(evt.getButton()) {
                   // Obtenir les coordonnées 3D du point cliqué
                     case MouseEvent.BUTTON1: // clic gauche
                     // pour avoir les coordonnées du point cliqué dans l'univers en 3D
                     // on déclare un point 3D
                     Point3d ptSourie = new Point3d();
                     // on utilise la fonction pour avoir les coordonnées de la sourie en 3D.
                     ptSourie = obtenirPointSourieCaneva(caneva, evt.getPoint());
                     // ici faire une liaison avec l'interface graphique
                     System.out.println("Coor sourie");
              // Une fois le stimulus traite, on réinitialise le comportement
         // fonction pour récupérer les coordonnées de la sourie dans le
         public Point3d obtenirPointSourieCaneva(Canvas3D myCanvas, Point clickPos)
              Point3d mousePos = new Point3d();
              //pixel value in image-plate coordinates and copies that value into the object provided.
             myCanvas.getPixelLocationInImagePlate(clickPos.x, clickPos.y, mousePos);
              //This block of code converts our image plate coordinates out to virtual world coordinates
              Transform3D motion = new Transform3D();
              //We do this convertion the mouse position.
              return mousePos;

    The ScrollDemo uses the column and row header as well as the corner to create the rulerIt adds a component to the colum and row header and the corner. That component may or may not be a JPanel, or JComponent which they have used for custom painting.
    Can I change the ScrollDemo to use a JPanel instead?Makes no sense. There are 9 areas to add a Component. Any of those 9 areas can hold a JPanel.
    Does a JPanel provide the same elements A panel uses a LayoutManager to place components. Check the scroll pane source code to see what LayoutManager it uses.

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    Hi all,
    This is probably a five second answer but im really stuck on it!
    How do i have two classes both writing to the same JPanel?
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    How do i do this?
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    Many thanks

    I have tried sending the Graphics g object from the
    one class to the other but only the original class
    draws still. I was thinking perhaps if it carn't beThis is the right idea. One problem you may be running into is that JPanel fills in its background with the background color by default. If you switch and use JComponent instead of JPanel you may get better results. Another idea is to use a "painter": a class that has a paint(Graphics g) but is not a component and just paints on a component. I've done this before in implementing Tetris where the dropping piece is a class which can paint itself but is not a component.

  • Buttons and Graphics

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    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    public class Start extends Component{
         BufferedImage naruto;
         BufferedImage sakura;
         BufferedImage sasuke;
         static JButton start = new JButton("HI");
         public void paint(Graphics g){
              g.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 800);
         public Start() {
         try {
              naruto = File("naruto.jpg"));
              sakura = File("sakura.jpg"));
              sasuke = File("sasuke.jpg"));
         } catch (IOException e) {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              frame.setTitle("Anime Clash");
              frame.add(new Start());

    Tyler0976 wrote:
    Ok I will reexplain. I want to add a JButton to my frame, but I also have a Graphics g. Note that you don't add a button directly to a frame. You add it to some container, like a JPanel, and so on.
    Again, I strongly suggest you separate your buttons from the component that is doing the drawing.
    For example:
    JToolBar tb = new JToolBar();
    MyDrawingPanel drawing = ...
    frame..getContentPane().add(tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    frame..getContentPane().add(drawing , BorderLayout.CENTER);The buttons will no longer get in the way, and any problems you are having with your drawing panel are because you aren't following the steps I gave in a previous post.

  • Use the JPanel's graphics to draw something

    I get a Jpanel's Graphcis g and use g to paint something,
    the rectangle show on the JPanel , but it was clear when I resize the JPanel
    or switch between applications. I think I can override the paintComponent()
    method to let the image keep on it. I want to know: Is there some component
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    be clear?
    BTW, I want to try some small game programming, anyone know some BEAutiful
    component package?

    the rectangle show on the JPanel , but it was clear when I resize the JPanelThe reason your painting clears when you resize your window (or min/maximize) is because you will need to
    tell your program to repaint the scene after anything happens to the window. The best thing to do is create
    a thread to constantly call your paint routines so that even when the painting clears, it is repainted
    Is there some component I can get its' graphics like JPanel and whatever I painted on use it can not
    be clear?I'm afraid not, all components behave this way. You don't have to worry if you use a thread for painting
    (a thread for painting is infact one of several standards for rendering). Here is some code:
    public void startPainting(){
       Thread paintTimer = new Thread(
          new Runnable(){
             public void run(){
                }catch(InterruptedException e) {break;}

  • Drawning text/images in a JPanel and then resizing/moving it with the mouse

    Hello ebverybody!
    I need to be able to draw some text objects in a JPanel and then resize/move it with the mouse... How could I do that!? Same for some images loaded from jpg files...
    Should I just paint the text and then repaint when the mouse selects it? How to do this selection?! Or should use something like a jLabel and then change it`s font metrics?!
    I need to keep track of the upper left corner of the text/image, as well as the width/height of it. This will be recorded in a file.
    The text/images need to smoothly move around the panel as the mouse drags when selectin an entity.. not just "click the entity, then click another point and the entity appears there as if by magic...":)
    Please, tell the best way to do that!
    Thanks everybody!
    Message was edited by:

    I know what you mean! This happened to me as well!
    And one thing that I found useful is, if you want to directly select a layer without selecting from the layers pallete and without having autoselect enabled, just hold Ctrl and click on in directly in the image. This saved me a lot of time!

  • Displaying image in JPanel and scroll it through JScrollpanel

    Can any one will help me,
    I need to draw a image in a JPanel and, this JPanel is attached with a Jscrollpanel.
    I need to scroll the this JPanel to view the image.

    Here is my code for that
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class PicPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements WindowListener{
    /** Creates new form PicPanel */
    public PicPanel() {
    // this.setOpaque(true);
    JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("Panel Tiler");
    myFrame.addWindowListener( this );
    myFrame.setSize(new Dimension(1000,300));
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000,300));
    Container cp = myFrame.getContentPane();
    cp.add( this, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    im =tk.getImage("smple.jpg");;
    // jPanel1.setSize(new Dimension(1000,300));
    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
    * initialize the form.
    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
    * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
    private void initComponents() {
    java.awt.GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints;
         jPanel1=new JPanelC();
    jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(jPanel1);
    setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
         gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
    gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0;
    gridBagConstraints.gridy = 0;
    gridBagConstraints.gridwidth = 2;
    gridBagConstraints.gridheight = 3;
    gridBagConstraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    gridBagConstraints.ipadx = 378;
    gridBagConstraints.ipady = 298;
    gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
    gridBagConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
    gridBagConstraints.insets = new java.awt.Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
    add(jScrollPane1, gridBagConstraints);
    gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
    gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0;
    gridBagConstraints.gridy = 1;
    gridBagConstraints.ipadx = 372;
    gridBagConstraints.ipady = 280;
    gridBagConstraints.insets = new java.awt.Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
    add(jPanel1, gridBagConstraints);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    new PicPanel();
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    // myFrame.dispose();
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}
    private JPanelC jPanel1;
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
    private Icon iiBackground;
    private Toolkit tk;
    private Image im;
    class JPanelC extends javax.swing.JPanel{
    public Image im;
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
                   imageobserver io = new imageobserver();
    setSize(im.getWidth(io), im.getHeight(io));
         // setOpaque(false);
    class imageobserver implements java.awt.image.ImageObserver{
    public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y,int width, int height) {
              if ((infoflags & java.awt.image.ImageObserver.ALLBITS) != 0) {
    return false;
    return true;
    Here i need to scroll the image in the panel but it is not working out.

  • JScrollPane for pane and JTabbedPane and Graphics

    Sort of have two topics with same problem.
    I have a set of Panels. I get a stream of jpegs which I have to decode to the fly.
    There are seperate video feeds in the stream and I have to read jpeg data to see which image goes where.
    I was trying to see if I could have a larger image in smaller area. this is why I tried to draw to panel inside a scrollpane.
    One: I tried to put a JPanel into JScrollPane and tried to draw an image to panel with Graphics g. No Scrollability and even when scroll bars are made to stay on permanently, they get overwritten.
    if(isVisible()) g.drawImage(image,0,0,320,240,Color.BLUE,null);
    two: When putting the pane with the drawn images into toplevel pane into JtabbedPane. I can turn off the drawing of images with a check to isVisible(). When they are not in top level pane isVisible() does not work and the images get drawn over the other tabbed panes.
    BTW everything is swing. JPanel,JScrollPane,JTabbedPane.

    No Scrollability and even when scroll bars are made to stay on permanently,First of all the scrollbars will only appear when the preferred size of the panel is greater than the size of the scrollpane.
    A think a better design for updating the image is to extend JPanel and create a setImage method. The set image method would set the preferred size of the panel and then invoke repaint() on the panel. You would then also need to override the paintComponent(..) method to do the actual drawing of the image. Then when the image changes you just use the new setImage(..) method.

  • Oil Paint Filter "unknown graphics processor error"

    When I try to use the Oil Paint filter in Photoshop, I get this error message:
    "The filter you were using encountered an unknown graphics processor error that caused an unexpected exit. Check the manufacturer's website for the latest software."
    I have updated both my system and Photoshop. When I'm at work on a newer machine the filter works great, but I've been working from home on a macbook from 2007 and it doesn't work. I can't afford to buy an ENTIRELY NEW laptop simply to use this filter.
    Below are my mac and graphic card specs - is there anything I can do?
    Model Name:
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:
    2.1 GHz
      Number Of Processors:
      Total Number Of Cores:
      L2 Cache:
    3 MB
    4 GB
      Bus Speed:
    800 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:
      SMC Version (system):
      Serial Number (system):
      Hardware UUID:
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
    Intel GMA X3100:
      Chipset Model:    GMA X3100
      Type:    GPU
      Bus:    Built-In
      VRAM (Total):    144 MB
      Vendor:    Intel (0x8086)
      Device ID:    0x2a02
      Revision ID:    0x0003
    Color LCD:
      Resolution:    1280 x 800
      Pixel Depth:    32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Main Display:    Yes
      Mirror:    Off
      Online:    Yes
      Built-In:    Yes
    Display Connector:
      Status:    No Display Connected

    Photoshop CS6's GPU requirements are here along with discussion of the Oil Paint filter.
    When you go to Preferences > Performance and look at the GPU settings, what is the mode? Basic, Normal, or Advanced?
    Perhaps you can try ratcheting down the settings,but I somehow sense your video card is not supported and your vram is below the 256MB minimum.

  • Graphics.drawLine and Graphics.drawRect do not match

    Using a Graphics.scale (not == 1.0, but the value is insignificant) often Graphics.drawLine and Graphics.drawRect do not match (with same and x and y-Values), there are differences of one pixel in x- and y-direction when you use JDK 1.6_Update12 and later in about every third rectangle. The values in the code sample are not significant for getting the problem.
    I am using Windows XP and can get the error with JDK 1.6 Update 12 until JDK 1.6 Update 16, but not with the earlier updates.
    Could this be considered an Java error ?
    public class LbCanvas extends Canvas
       Image scratchPad = null;
       Graphics scratchPadGraphics;
       double small = 0.99;
       public LbCanvas()
          setSize (new Dimension (1354, 1397));
       public void update(Graphics g)
          if (scratchPad==null)
             scratchPad = createImage (this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
          scratchPadGraphics = scratchPad.getGraphics();
          g.drawImage (scratchPad, 0, 0, null);
       public void paint(Graphics g)
          ((Graphics2D)g).scale (small, small);
          for (int i=30; i<900; i+=31)
             g.drawRect (10, i, 150, 21);
             g.drawLine (10, i, 160, i);
    }Edited by: Mausboesie on Oct 1, 2009 2:25 AM

    I tried your code with various scalings--it seems some are better than others. It looks, without checking the implementation, that the problem is in how each andles the scaling and I would definetly consider this a "Java Error".

  • HP Photo Creations - where's the text and graphics tabs?

    I downloaded V 3.5  HOwever I can't seem to find the tabs for text, graphics, etc. All I can find is touchup, crop, red eye, and one or two others. But where is the text and graphics, and the other cool ones.?  I'm sure I downloaded 3.5.

    Hi Melodee.
    The additional editing tools appear with collage projects. When you choose basic prints, you'll see only the touchup tools (crop, image adjustments, red-eye, airbrush, tint).
    In other words, to add text, borders, and graphics, choose Collage Prints instead of Prints. This link will take you there:
    Collage Prints
    There are quite a few cool effects in the touchup section, though.
    Under Image Adjustments, click Advanced Controls at the bottom of the screen to try the Posterize effect.
    Under Airbrush Effects, try the Rub Through, Blur, and Monochrome brushes. 
    Rub Through loads a photo in the background that's slowly revealed as you paint over the original photo. Blur is good for toning down distracting elements in your picture, making a snapshot look like a photo taken with a fancy lens. The photo below uses both those plus the Monochrome Brush.
    Hope this helps,
    RocketLife, developer of HP Photo Creations
    » Visit the HP Photo Creations Facebook page — news, tips, and inspiration
    » See the HP Photo Creations video tours — cool tips in under 2 minutes
    » Contact Customer Support — get answers from the experts

  • Questions on Report Builder and Graphics Builder

    Hi there:
    I'm currently using Report/Graphics builder V NT version to create RDF and OGD files.
    I was wondering with the following confusions:
    1) Is the RDF/OGD file that I create under NT plat form portable to Sun Unix?? (ie. would Report Server for Sun understand this NT RDF/OGD file?)
    2) Is/will there a Sun solaris version of Report/Graphic Builder?? And would RDF/OGD file be compatible for both NT and Sun plat form??
    Thank you very much.

    The answer to both your questions is yes. the rdf and ogd are portable to the solaris version of reports and graphics which you can download from on the software tab.

  • The Crew –Racing with Your Coolest MSI Gaming Motherboard and Graphics Card

    Most gaming fans are crazy about racing games, and there is a new game title just launched to fulfill gamers’ dream. We want to share with you the experience from Taiwan user who assembles a rig with a brand new MSI Z97 Gaming 5 motherboard and 960 graphics card, along with a hardware and game (The Crew) benchmarks. You may find the original article from:
    The Crew - Launch Trailer
    PC configuration:
    CPU: Intel i5-4670K
    RAM: Avexir DDR3-1600 8G*2
    SSD: Kingston HyberX 3K SSD 240G
    CPU Cooler: SilverStone AR01
    The MSI Z97 Gaming 5 motherboard box
    Overview of the motherboard: Black and Red color scheme, it’s also the favorite color combination from MSI’s user reservation.
    The PCI-E slots and bandwidth are enough for a two-way SLI setting.
    Killer Ethernet, outstanding performance on internet access, especially reduce the lag issue.
    The new arrival MSI GTX960 GAMING 2G graphics card
    New cooling design: ZeroFrozr
    The dragon symbol on LED panel
    With MSI Gaming series motherboard plus graphics card, you can enable a Gaming App to overclock CPU and GPU. There are 3 modes to choose.
    6-month free trail of the XSplit game caster software, free bundled with MSI gaming motherboard and graphics card
    Done with assembling, quiet nice color combination and clean cable arrangement.
    An overview of the very gaming look system.
    Some benchmark results before racing with The Crew.
    CPU and GPU info on CPU-Z and GPU-Z applications:
    3DMark Fire Strike score: 6441
    3DMark Fire Strike Extreme score: 3384
    3DMark Fire Strike Ultra score:1262
    The excel performance proof the brand new 960 graphics card comes with good a high Cost/Performance Value.
    Now, check out this test benchmark score of the renowned game “The Crew”.
    The game presents an ultra-quality display, 60 Frames Per Second (FPS)
    FPS: Average frames is at:
    Frames: 3859 - Time: 76828ms - Avg: 50.229 - Min: 43 - Max: 56
    The comments of the game for your reference:
    There are many types of missions that can be chosen from the America’s map.
    Street racing, high-speed collision, breakaway from police, sky jumps, zigzagging, etc… make the game quite dynamic.
    Now, when it comes to multi-player matches, the performance has exceeded expectations. Perhaps, it is the killer Ethernet that’s working the magic. Thus, this game is highly recommended if you have the right rig.
    The downside is that the display intricacy is not as refined as GTA V and in addition, the game FPS is limited at 60 FPS. However, the overall gaming flow and performance is better than good.
    The user's comment for using MSI Gaming 5 motherboard and 960 graphics card:
    (The following commends are translated from user’s article, does not represent the viewpoint of MSI) ^^
    Recently, MSI GTX 960 just launched so the initial price tag is still adjustable.
    According to the current product line, it seems like this GPU is going to replace 750Ti. So once all the stocks (750Ti) at the store empties, we are most likely to see a price drop on GTX960.
    Once the price hits the sweet spot, it’s time to try out GTX960 SLI’s performance.
    The CP value on MSI GTX960 and GAMING 5 MB is pretty high. But the XSplit software that comes with the product is a bit annoying since the authentication steps are divided into 2 parts to go through for using it.     
    Enough said, anyways, GAME ON!

    NVIDIA 960 card  + GAMING 5 motherboard = best bundle for budget gaming!
    it would be nice to see more testing of hardware-demanding games!

  • Processor and graphics card upgrade for hp dc5100 MT(EF633US)

    Can someone kindly tell me a variety of Intel processors and graphic cards which i can install in my pc coz right now i'm using Intel pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz and Intel 82915G/GV/910GL express chipset. but i would like to upgrade to a faster processor and a graphics card which can play games which require large graphic memory (eg FIFA 2013,GTA 5.etc)

    Personally, I wouldn't invest the money to upgrade that PC.
    You would be better off getting an off lease newer dc5800 MT or dc7800/dc7900 model that has a PCIe x16 video slot.
    The killer for your model is you can only install a PCI graphics card.
    Very inefficient and pretty expensive for what you get in return.
    After you install the required microcode update, the best processor I know for sure you can install would be the P4 650.
    Below is the link to the quickspecs.  The supported processors are listed on page 7.
    I do not know of anyone who that has installed the 651 or 661 processors and got them to work--even though the specs state they are supported.
    You can try the 651 or 661 and if you do, please let me know if they worked for you.

  • Satellite P200D-11R sound and graphics crash after waking up from sleep mode

    I am wondering if anyone here has had similar experiences to mine (below) or can offer any solutions.
    I have upgraded my P200D-11R OS to Vista 64 Ultimate to take advantage of the extra performance. I also add that the BIOS has already been updated to version 1.4.
    Well, everything works fine with the standard 2Gig of RAM which the laptop was supplied with originally, however, when I upgrade the RAM to 4Gig (2 x 2GB Samsung 667mHz modules), sound and graphics problems appear every time the machine is brought back from sleep mode.
    The sound card makes a very laud fuzzy noise every time it wants to play a sound and the graphics produce lots of horizontal lines on the screen. I then just have to restart the machine which means loosing all my unsaved work.
    Everything works fine as long as the machine does not enter sleep mode. I have currently disabled the sleep mode to prevent the machine from entering it but I am finding life very hard without it.
    I am very surprised and also disappointed at the fact that Toshiba did not test these machines with Vista 64 Ultimate and 4Gig of RAM!
    Extra info:
    The memory is the same Samsung type as the 1Gig modules supplied by Toshiba originally with the machine, and the part number Toshiba recommends.
    I have tried installing other (more recent) device drivers by Realtek and ATI without any improvements.
    The memory modules pass all tests and are not defective. They have also been tested on my friends Dell notebook with no problems even in sleep mode.
    I have installed my friends Dell 2Gig memory modules in my P200D and they too produce exactly the same results with post-sleep crashes.
    My thoughts are that this must be another BIOS issue unless anyone can shed some light on the issue from another angle.
    Please help! Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Sascha
    Since you are running a Vista 32bit version, the upper limit of the memory recocnised by the machine is 3.2gb which is the maximum a 32bit operating system can address and use. The diffrence here is that I also upgraded my OS to Vista Ultimate 64bit to get yet better performance out of the 64bit dual AMD processor.
    3.2gb of RAM on 32bit OS does not necessarily increase the performance. However, it keeps the performance stable when you open many more programs at the same time since the machine has more RAM to play with before staring to use the much slower hard drive as operating memory (Page File), to keep all thoes open programs running.
    A 64bit OS such as Vista Ultimate 64, recognises the whole 4gb of RAM and much more (for instance, 8gb with 2 x 4gb RAM modules). The 64bit OS itself would generally consume more RAM to start with, however, with 4gb I found the general performance to be much better. Going back to the problem however, my P200D-11R with Ultimate 64 and 4gb RAM refuses to wake up from sleep mode gracefully and the graphics and sound crash every time, forcing me to restart.
    My feelings at present is that eventhough your machine may be slightly different, I bet if you upgrade your OS to 64bit, the machine will start recognising all of the 4gb of RAM and post-sleep crashes will start to appear!

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