Palm pre takes forever to re-start

is it normal for my palm pre to take up to 5 mins for it to restart?
Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

It could, pending on if additional services like patches were installed.  Has any patches and/or homebrew apps been installed?

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    First thing to check is your actual download speed. Services, especially cable internet providers, say their top speed is "up to" some value. Cable internet is a shared resource so, should someone on your node be hosting online games or hosting a file sharing site from their computer, they are robbing you of bandwidth.
    Try this speed tester:
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    Perhaps try the "Error -50," "-5000," "8003," "8008," or "-42023" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

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    iTunes 8.2.1 (6) / iPod Nano 3G
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    Message was edited by: JeffNY

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    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
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    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
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    It's likely that your Library database has been damaged in all the crashing.
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

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    i would suggest you backup and reformat the windows.
    Previously i also encounter similar error you encountered found out is malware attack, some of the antivirus are not even able to detect them. There are alot of users posted online which you can google around.
    i had tried remove the malware using those so-called malware removal but things gets worst. So finally i reformat the Windows and everything go back to normal.
    Personal advice, don't click or install those unknown message prompted from website. No antivirus or malware protection software can prevent this if you are letting then to get in your system.
    Cheers and hope i did help you in resolving your error.

  • Palm Pre crazy symptoms: "phone offline", will not charge battery, will not start, error message "an error has occured that cannot be resolved"

    This is a long description of a series of problems with my new Palm Pre. You may wish to search the text to find your specific issue(s). There is no solution in my post. Look for possible answers in the responses to come.
    I bought my Palm Pre 4 days ago and it arrived 2 days ago. Phone worked great. Last night I plugged in the phone and updated the OS. After completion, I selected "Done" and went to bed.
    - First Series of Issues: "Phone Offline", will not charge battery -
    In upper lefthand corner of the phone there is the message "phone offline". Although the phone has been charging all night it reads "26% battery". I called the general Sprint tech support number and we tried the following things:
    1) Restart phone (press and hold power button, then select "turn off". after power down, press and hold power button to power on.)
    2) Reset the phone (several different ways - call tech support so that you do this correctly)
    The individual at Sprint then sent me to another tech support person, presumably 2nd tier.
    - Second Series of Issues: Error message "an error has occured that cannot be resolved" -
    Sprint tech support person #2 also had me restart and reset the phone in a number of ways. In her words "we've tried every palm pre trick I know" and each time the phone was unresponsive. Often we received the error message "phone is offline". We did a full erase and after that the phone would no longer restart. At this point the error message came up saying "an error has occured that cannot be resolved" which referred me to for assistance. I think it's important to note here that this was not the typical error message (black screen with white letters) but rather the blue sky background with a semitransparent box over it with white text.
    Sprint tech support person #2 then connected me with Palm support and the dance continued. Again we tried a whole bunch of resetting and restarting and erasing options. Palm support instructed me to go to: to download WebOS Doctor, which I did. I downloaded the file. While that was happening he had me hold the "volume up" button and plug the phone into the charger. This caused a USB symbol to appear on the phone. When the file was complete I received an error message that the file couldn't run. Palm tech support person seemed surprised. I mentioned that I was on a Mac and he said he couldn't help me. He then transferred me to another Palm support person who works with Mac users.
    Palms tech support person #2 then informed me that I should have selected the "mac" download option on I verbally walked her through the whole series of webpages, telling her that it says that you need Windows (version whatever) or Mac (version whatever) but that at no time was there an option to download a different WebOS Doctor for different operating systems. After some more discussion she told me she would have to have someone call me back tomorrow.
    - Third Series of Issues: phone stuck on USB symbol -
    So at the moment the phone is completely useless. Not fantastic. I booted up the mac in Windows 7 and downloaded WebOS Doc and received the same error. I also ran Windows Vista virtually and received the same error. Later this afternoon I'm heading into work to try the same thing on Windows XP.
    In the meantime, I got onto this forum and located a thread that provided a direct link to the necessary file:
     After downloading that file, which I realized could totally be a virus, I was able to get WebOS Doc working on my computer. It required that I recharge the phone completely before beginning and now it's on the screen that says "Don't disconnect your phone" and the file is at 3% complete. Only... it's been at 3% complete for almost 30 minutes.
    I am hoping that Palm will follow up with me tomorrow, but I'm leaving at 7am on a business trip and would love to have the thing working. Any suggestions are welcome, even if you can just tell me how to get the think disconnected safely before my flight tomorrow. I don't fancy getting through security with my phone wired to my laptop.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello and welcome to the forums;
    Our phone support is open every day Monday through Sunday, although there are different hours of operation for the weekend. If after a webOS Doctor reset you are still experiencing the same problems, I would likely recommend replacement, either in a local store for your carrier or through our technical support department.
    There may be additional technical support offered or suggested over the phone, this would need to be done first before a replacement could be issued.
    Hope this helps,

  • Takes forever to load when starting up for the day. Why?

    Thunderbird appears to open within 30 seconds or so, showing the inbox messages of the previous day, but is unresponsive for 5 or 10 minutes or more before it finally displays the messages received since the last session and will open one of those when you click on it.

    Same here.
    Moreover, when I reply to a message in my inbox or when I forward it, it also takes forever (sometimes 5 minutes) even though the message may be just a short line of text.
    However, when I create a new message, it gets sent out immediately.
    Error message: MsgComposeCommands.js:465
    I keep my inbox clean, empty, and compact often. Antivirus program doesn't check outgoing messages.

  • Palm Pre showing "No Service" and losing Ev/Service over 50% of the time + random shut offs when shut.

    For starters, I have had 5 Palm Pre's.  The first pre had a battery that I was told was too small (which explained the occasional random shutdowns when being shut).  The second pre I had did the exact same thing brand new out of the box.  The third pre I had worked perfectly up until several days ago (right around the time change).  My calendar synced with G-mail was an hour early for every appointment; also several events were completely missing from my Pre calendar that were on g-mail.  In response to this problem I checked the time zone on g-mail with no resolve, and eventually tried erasing my google account on my pre in hopes of a fresh start.  
    This is when I encountered the real problems.
    My Pre would not delete the account.  Every time I tried deleting it the top bar read "No Service" or my "Ev" indicator would disappear along with the bars.  After this the Calendar app would either freeze or just never delete the gmail account (the gray circle would just spin endlessly for literally 30 minutes).  Ever since then I have been experiencing the "No Service" indicator plus random loss of service and Ev (in places where in the past I had PERFECT Ev and Service)
    Since then I have called Sprint and Palm multiple times, and both blame each other for the problem.  I recently took it in to the Tech's at Sprint and they could not find the problem and ordered me a "refurbished" pre.  woohoo.
    Today I went and got the "refurbished" pre and within an hour of having it, I noticed that the same problem was being experienced (along with a few dead pixels on the screen).  So I took it back to the Sprint store and asked for a new one (or one that just flat out worked and didn't have dead pixels).  I then experienced very horrible customer service from Sprint (which was unusual since in the past they have been very helpful) and received a second "refurbished" Pre after a very pointless arguement with a receptionist.  By then it was closing time and I had to leave.  
    Upon arriving back to my dorm, I noticed the same problem was occuring:  "no service" messages and  no internet/service literally 50% of the time I was looking at the Pre's screen.  Also, my second "refurbished" Pre (that I currently have) did the exact same thing my very first one did: it occasionally shut down when I shut it.  This leads me to believe that the battery is too small just like my first Pre's battery was. . . 
    So now I am very frustrated and looking for answers.  I have never posted any sort of "cry for help" on the internet before, I hope this wasn't too winey lol.
    Does anyone have any idea what is happening to my Pre?  Are there other people with a similar issue?  Any solutions to the problem?  
    Any info/help would be greatly appreciated.  
    Thanks in advance. 
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    I am on Pre number 5 and am so sorry I gave up my BB.  I have had this same issue numerous times and my biggest problem is the battery just drains.....and each one is the freezes, the keyboard does not connect with the screen, the phone calls my last callers in the middle of the night sometimes 2 and 3 times I assume during backup, the tech at the Sprint store tried to help me sync my google calendar and deleted my appointments. On the last refurb my pics did not syn....they said we will keep the phone so you can sync directly, and sent the phone back before I got there. So I lost the pics of my recently passed dog.  They were like well they would have charged us 400 a day if we did not send it whatever.  My chargers, car, wall and usb to computer work intermittently. I keep my car running to charge the battery.  It just continues to drain......and it goes on and on.......I baby sit this phone and cannot use it most of the time. .... palm says oh they should give you a new phone.....sprint says who said that palm?  I think about the first few months when i actually was trying to get outlook to i just would like to be able to freakin talk on my phone.  I purchase an album on amazone and they take the money and i cannot download the music.  I tried to convert a song into a ringone I have it for safety and it is really bad.  I have to drive an hour to a "corporate store"  to beg them to give me a blackberry. I love multitasking and accessing the internet however it is freezing here now and I would like to feel a little safer with having a freaking phone to talk on.  I have spent probably a total of 40 hours on this thing since july. They say well do you turn it off and on? how often do you charge its my problem......I remember the early treo's were great and then .................very similar to this 5 phones later and still in palm black abyss. So you see there are others who are having these problems they probably just like me do not want to spend another freaking second talking about this phone.

  • Facebook won't load properly. Takes forever and then I get a script page with log-in and then that takes forever and gives me further script that won't let me access anything. Other sites load and work OK!

    Started after last auto update several days ago. A few other sites are slow to load while many are good but Facebook just won't present it's usual mix of pre-programmed scripts and links but comes up eventually as part HTML script with a log-in box and when you log-in it then takes forever again and just gives HTML type script for "Friends" "messages" etc. but if you click these it goes nowhere!
    Also it won't let me clear history at all despite many tries. I removed and reloaded the program last night but no positive effect.

    I still haven't resolved this problem. Here is some more information...
    youtube is the only website that has started working, but it sometimes stops working again.
    There are many other sites that don't work,, (sometimes), and a lot of others.
    I have contacted our internet service provider and they said that they had nothing to do with the problem.
    Some websites will not work at all. Safari tells me that it can't find the server. Some that do this are,, and others.
    I think that the problem is that, for some reason, our mac computers can't access certain servers where we are. (We are at a small ski resort (on the mountain) in Canada.) I think this because when a site doesn't load properly there are several errors and they are all "can't find host" errors from a couple of the same sites (ex. example.something.something).
    *Also, I ran a test on on the laptop and one of our iMacs and the results were way faster than anything actually loads/downloads or than the activity monitor shows, even when checking the activity monitor at the same time as running the test.

  • Verizon against Palm Pre???

    Why is it in our area the Verizon sales staff does everything they can to talk customers out of a Palm device. I was almost strong armed into a Droid. Then when I went to return it for a Pre I was told it would be a HUGE mistake and that I should consider anything put a Palm. Everything they said bad about the phone was false. I love the Pre and how it performs. It is so much easier to use and functions much better as a phone. Palm should quickly address this issue.

    I had the same experience at the Sprint Store at 5528 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Culver City, CA - (310) 391-8610
    They did everything they could to talk me out of buying the Pre.  In addition, it was the only phone in the store that was locked in a glass case.  
    I believe the reason why these sales people try to talk us (and everyone else) out of the Palm Pre is that they are on commission.  Palm Pre's are returned  (for Hardware issues) more often than other phones.  This takes money out of their pockets.  It also slows down their operations due to the constant maintenance issues and complaints.  Only the manager can make a decision to lock a phone is a case full time.  I swear I had to wait almost thirty minutes to get someone to open up the case even though almost all of the sales people were walking around with keys.  No one wanted to help me because they did not want have their commission recouped from their paycheck later.
    Palm started this problem with their less than stellar hardware and now it has become a systemic problem throughout all of their sale conduits.
    I still have my pre and its cute little oreo twist and I am not giving it up, but many others have not been as loyal.

  • Help in Unlocking a Palm Pre Plus from AT&T!!

    I am new to the forum and also to how a phone is being unlocked.
    I have just received my new Palm Pre Plus purchased from AT&T USA with our any commitment, it now turns out it is locked and as it is new without any profile.
    As I am living in Thailand where the phone will be used, with a local SIM card and plan.
    I have tried through Nextgen Server to unlock the phone with out success, so I need some help now.
    Been able to boot into recovery mode and run the webOS doctor.
    Now the problem is how do I run the activate-Bypass tool?
    If I put in my local SIM card the phone ask for the net work pin code, which I believe I should get through the tool from Nextgen Server?
    Hope some one can guide me step by step.
    Thank you in advance.
    Post relates to: Pre Plus p100una (AT&T)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Since you are living in Thailand, IMO the EU unbranded Palm Pre 2 will be your best option there:
    1.  I'ts already unlocked.
    2.  You'll get access to the UMTS/HSDPA (3G) bands instead of just EDGE (2G).
    3.  webOS 2.x access
    The ATT Pre Plus was meant to be used in the North America region.  Just pop in the SIM card into the EU Pre2 and let her rip!
    Due note that running the activate-Bypass tool will put your phone in a pure "dev-mode" so it will not have ability to access the Palm Profile, make phone calls, nor SMS, but WiFi data connection will be possible still.  If you get the Pre 2, there will be no need to use that tool for you just dial #*DEVMODE# when its done booting up and it goes right into devmode, bypassing palm profile activation.  Same limitations will apply there too in devmode.
    If you have already ran the doctor, then open command (Windows) or terminal (Mac) and type this in when have downloaded the tool:
    java -jar devicetool.jar
    You will know if it worked if the device currently in recovery mode just starts booting up on its own and takes you to the desktop rather then profile setup.

  • Palm Pre 2 texting.

    Hi all and thank you in advance for all your help.
    I am typing a text on the Palm Pre 2.
    When hitting the return button on the physical keyboard to get to a new paragraph, the message is being sent.
    So, how do I get a new paragraph.
    In other words, what can I do that will stop the return button from sending messages and make it do what it is supposed to do, i.e., start a new paragraph?
    Post relates to: Pre 2 p102ueu (Unlocked EU)

    There is actually a WebOS Internals patch called "Enable Line Breaks In SMS" that will let you add line breaks in an SMS message when you hit the return key instead of sending the message.
    If you haven't already you will want to install Preware ( in order to gain easy access to this and other patches...The homebrew community around WebOS is absolutely amazing and I seriously couldn't live without their contributions to the platform. (Maybe I'm exagerating slightly, but they really do help take WebOS devices to a whole new level of goodness)
    PS. Absolutely Can Not Wait for the Pre3 to come to Sprint (crossing fingers) as my original Pre is getting a little long in the tooth (wink wink)

  • Palm Pre and backwards Palm app compatibility? 64 bit OS - Vista or XP Pro -- compatibility -- ?

    I am brand new to the board, so please bear with me if these questions have already been addressed elsewhere.
    The announcement of the Palm Pre might have just retained me as a Palm loyalist.  I was starting to look at BlackBerries, etc. for my next phone upgrade.  And then along comes the Pre.....which looks to be a Very Good Thing.  However, I have a couple of questions:
    1.  Will the Palm Pre be compatible with the apps that I currently have loaded onto my Palm TX?  Will a simple transfer of apps / data from the TX to the Pre be possible?
    2. Will I be able to sync the Pre with my Vista 64 bit laptop, or with my XP Pro 64 bit desktop?  Or does the Pre still lack 64 bit compatibility?  (Man, I hope that it will "do" 64 bit........)
    To anyone who knows -- thanks.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    Thank you for the responses in both cases, smkranz.  It's greatly appreciated.
    Yes -- my Palm TX has served me well for a few years.  It's still functioning quite nicely.  However, I'd hate to have to manually re-enter all of the data that's stored in it into another device.  Plus I wouldn't want to give up several of the apps that I have installed on that device.
    IMO, in many ways the TX 'anticipated' the Pre -- rotating screen (albeit manually set), and a list of other features.  Heh -- but these days, if a device is six months old -- then it's yesterday's news.  ;-)  The TX is a circa 2005 era device, IIRC.  So it's an ancient historical relic in today's world.  But I still like it.  A lot.  Few electronic devices that I've ever had the pleasure of owning have been as useful to me as the TX has.  That's why I hated the idea of switching brands......but I didn't see much choice, until now.  The Pre looks to be a real shot in the arm for Palm.  And for my continuing to use Palm's devices into the future.  The BlackBerry Strom was a real disappointment.  And I don't like iPhones.  But I don't think that the Pre is going to disappoint.  If the device lives up to its promise: then I think that we'll have a top-notch winner on our hands.  A great replacement for my venerable TX.
    Heh -- the first thing that I loved about the TX was the ability to download & read ebooks while traveling.  One TX in the pocket is a lot easier to carry around than a suitcase full of hardback novels.  The Pre looks to take that 'convenience factor' to a whole 'nother level..........
    Now......if only I can get the legacy Palm OS apps to work with it, and it syncs up with my 64 bit PC's: then everything will be right with the world.........  
    Thanks again for the help.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

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