Panech Hotshot Alarm not working

The alarm wont go off...any suggestions?

I'm having the same problem. Your issue was more than a year ago, so you probably have a completely different phone by now unless your "fix" with taking out the battery & putting it back in worked permanently for you. I've had this phone for more than a year, & this issue just started 2-3 weeks ago. None of my ringtones will play, & none of my alerts or alarms will sound. I took out the battery & put it back in, and I even did a complete restore on the phone & nothing has worked.

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    Hello WhiteDrone,
    Are you still experiencing this?  If you are please PM me your name, mobile number and best contact number so I can further assist you.  Thank you.   

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                             
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar              

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    Apple has told Engadget that it is aware of the iPhone alarm glitch. "We're aware of an issue related to non repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3," the Apple spokesperson said.

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    2) I made sure that iCalAlarmScheduler is in the login items and that is is loaded.
    3) Tried again with open iCal, but no luck again.
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    I am glad to hear that you resolved the problem.
    You said: I really don't understand why it didn't work before and it did this time, but thank you for "making me" do it again.
    Did you have iCal running when you previously tried the plist removal?
    I suggested a specific order to ensure that you did not have iCal running when you removed the appropriate plist files. Plist removal is more often than not, unsuccessful if the application concerned is running or the application is restarted before a log out/in or system restart is accomplished.

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    Try this:
    Make sure IOS is updated to latest version
    (How to update your iOS device
    Reboot device by pressing both the home button and sleep/wake (power) buttons at the same time for 10-15 seconds until the apple logo appears on the screen, then let go.
    If that doesn't work then reset the device by going to settings/general/reset/reset all settings  (or for network connection issues 'reset network settings').
    (no media or data will be deleted from the device, this will only take a minute).
    If that doesn't work then backup and then restore the device as new first (to isolate cause of the issue). Then from backup if necessary.
    How to back up and restore (iCloud and iTunes)

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    Force Quit iCal, from the  menu by choosing >Force Quit...>iCal.
    Paste this text ~/Library into the Finder Menu>Go>Go to Folder...window and select "Go." This will open the Users Library Folder.
    Then open the Calendars Folder which is in that Library Folder, and move any any files with "Cache" listed in the name field to your Desktop.
    Next open the Preferences Folder in that same Library Folder and move the file to the Desktop.
    Log out/in or restart and open iCal.

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    Has anyone had this issue and resolved it. It makes getting up for shift work a right pain..

    Read here:

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    yes there are morons out there saying get an normal alarm clock well what is the phone supposed to be multi functional.
    I am due back on duty on friday and had we not found this out who knows what could have happened on friday
    there are rumours there is a fix that will work tomororow but having seem the result of today confidence in the fix
    My work collegues have been trying to convince me to go to MAC PC,s and laptops Not a chance after this.
    NEVER again will I Purchase any item linked to this a product

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