Parameter screen pops-up while moving between worksheets

I have a workbook with mutiple sheets. Everytime i navigate from one sheet to the other, teh parameter page pops-up !
I am using Discoverer 9i and have checked the "Allow only one value for all

I have developed the workbook in the desktop version and am viewing it through Discoverer viewer. We have a custom parameter page that the user uses to enter parameters.
There are 4 parameters defined and I have checked all of them as "allow only one value for all sheets". I have also un-checked the "let the user enter mutiple values" check-box.
Even in the Disco desktop, I get the parameter page while moving from one sheet to the other. When depolyed on the web ( viewer), the parameter page pops up when the user navigates between worksheets.
How do I resolve this ? Is this a known bug or is there a patch available for both viewer and desktop ?

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    We are developing a specific functionality where we have four different tabs...When user press button on first tab it generates a some data which is stored in a list. This list has a ID which is stored in the View State. Now when user presses next button
    it goes to next tab where the same ID is used to retrieve the details from List.similar is the case for multiple tabs. There is a sporadic issues reported in this application. The issue is that sometimes data is not saved in the list first time. Secondly even
    if the data is saved and user moves to second tab all the fields are coming blank. Looks like ID field is blank. Now sure how can the ID field is blank if we are on second tab after saving the data in first tab. This issue only happens once in a blue moon
    for specific users.I can paste the code for button click
    protected void imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
    //int trackerIds = erossoperationtracker.StartOperation("Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click");
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Start - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    //Check if the requested by field is valid before saving
    //if (peRequestedBy.IsValid && peRequestedBy.ResolvedEntities.Count == 1)
    if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartup)
    (Container as StartupROSSUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithoutStartup)
    (Container as MainROSSWithoutStartUpUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithStartup)
    (Container as MainROSSWithStartUpUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartupRevision)
    (Container as StartUpROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainRevision)
    (Container as MainROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMain)
    (Container as MainROSSUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMainRevision)
    (Container as DrugMainROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("End - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    catch (Exception ex)
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Error - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - " + ex.Message, erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    private void PrepareSave(bool isSaveAndProceed)
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Start - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    int Id = erossoperationtracker.StartOperation("PerpareSave to List");
    generalInfo = new GeneralInfoEnt();
    if (WebpartMode == WebpartModes.Edit)
    generalInfo.ROSSId = eRossId;
    //Add mode but user already saved data once
    else if (ViewState["ID"] != null)
    generalInfo.ROSSId = (int)ViewState["ID"];
    generalInfo.ROSSId = default(int);
    generalInfo.ContentType = ContentType;
    generalInfo.RossGroup = RossGroup;
    //Check if statup ross has been changed
    if (!hdnOldStartUpRossNo.Value.Equals(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    generalInfo.IsParentChanged = true;
    hdnOldStartUpRossNo.Value = hdnStartUpRossNo.Value;
    generalInfo.ProtocolName = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolName.Text);
    generalInfo.TherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtTherapueticAreaName.Text);
    generalInfo.PAID = Convert.ToString(txtPaid.Text);
    generalInfo.PAIDName = Convert.ToString(txtPaidName.Text);
    generalInfo.ProjectNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProjectCode.Text);
    generalInfo.ProjectName = Convert.ToString(txtProjectName.Text);
    generalInfo.ProgramName = Convert.ToString(txtProgramName.Text);
    generalInfo.ProgramCode = Convert.ToString(txtProgramCode.Text);
    generalInfo.Status = Convert.ToString(Utility.GetStatus(RossStatus.Draft));
    DateTime requestedDate;
    if (DateTime.TryParse(hdnRequestedDate.Value, out requestedDate))
    generalInfo.RequestDate = requestedDate;
    if (WebpartMode == WebpartModes.Add)
    generalInfo.RequestDate = DateTime.Now;
    generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCost = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtTotalEstimatedCost.Text);
    generalInfo.PrimaryCRO = Convert.ToString(txtPrimaryCROServiceProvider.Text);
    generalInfo.StudyObjective = Convert.ToString(txtObjective.Text);
    generalInfo.StudyDescription = Convert.ToString(txtDescription.Text);
    generalInfo.ProjectType = Convert.ToString(txtProjectType.Text);
    if (peRequestedBy.ResolvedEntities.Count > 0)
    string userAccount = peRequestedBy.CommaSeparatedAccounts.Split(',')[0];
    generalInfo.RequestedByLoginName = userAccount;
    hdnRequestedBy.Value = userAccount;
    switch (ContentType)
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainRevision:
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
    generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
    generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
    generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
    generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
    generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
    generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
    if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
    generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnFutureCAPAmount.Value);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithStartup:
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlStartMonthMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue, ddlStartYearMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlEndMonthMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue, ddlEndYearMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCodeMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
    if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
    generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtCAPAmount.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
    generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
    generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
    generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.ROSSNumber))
    lnkStartUpRossMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.InnerText = generalInfo.ROSSNumber;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.StartUpRossLink))
    lnkStartUpRossMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.HRef = generalInfo.StartUpRossLink;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
    generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
    generalInfo.LastApprovedStudyDescription = Convert.ToString(hdnApprovedDescription.Value);
    generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithoutStartup:
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
    generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    if (ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text);
    if (ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
    if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
    generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtCAPAmount.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartup:
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
    generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    if (ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text);
    if (ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartupRevision:
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
    generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
    generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
    generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
    generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
    generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
    generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
    case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantClose:
    /****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
    generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
    generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
    /****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
    case ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMain:
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlRossType.SelectedValue) && ddlRossType.Text != "0")
    generalInfo.DrugSafetyROSSType = ddlRossType.SelectedItem.Text;
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = ddlRossType.SelectedItem.Value;
    case ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMainRevision:
    generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
    generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
    generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
    generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
    generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
    generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnMainRossLink.Value))
    generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnMainRossLink.Value;
    generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
    generalInfo.DrugSafetyROSSType = txtRossType.Text;
    generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text;
    if (isSaveAndProceed)
    (Parent as AbstractView).EventName = Constants.GeneralInformation_SaveAndProceed;
    (Parent as AbstractView).EventName = Constants.GeneralInformation_Save;
    (Parent as AbstractView).InvokePresentor();
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("End - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    catch (Exception ex)
    erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Error - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
    Do you see any issue in the code...We are not able to understand where is the issue.Amazingly this code was working absolutely fine in SharePoint 2010 and never given any problem but after migrating it to SharePoint 2013 it started
    showing this sporadic issue.

    Per my understanding, there is a sporadic issue in your custom web part solution.
    As a common practice, I would suggest you debug this web part in Visual Studio and test different data input, as it is a sometimes issue, the most probably cause would
    be an issued entry, debugging would make it easier to be noticed.
    As you said, it “works absolutely fine in SharePoint 2010 environment”, you can repeat the same operations when issue occurs in the SharePoint 2010 environment to
    see if it is we can get more information there.
    Feel free to reply if there any progress.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • While updating, my I-phone froze with apple on screen. Hasn't moved, please help

    While updating, my I-phone froze with apple on screen. Hasn't moved, please help

    If it's frozen you may have to do a reset.
    Hold down the home button (circle with a square in it) and the sleep/wave button (button on top) together until the phone restarts.
    It may go into recovery mode, which means I hope you have a backup

  • Customizing request screen not popping up while saving

    I have created a company and saved. but while saving no customizing request screen popped up.
    Does any one know the reason behind it and also let me know if any settings to be done to get the customizing request screen pop up.
    with regards
    Ramesh Y

    Hi Eli,
    Thanks for quick reqply but when I tried to access the Tcode SCC4 it throws an error as below
    Transaction SCC4 is locked (in Transaction SM01) &
    when I tried to access the Tcode SM01 it throws an error as below
    Transaction SM01 is locked (in Transaction SM01)
    is there any way I can check this and activate the same.
    Ramesh Y

  • Is it possible to use booleans to build a VI that uses buttons to switch between screens (3 only) while the other screens disappear?

    As a beginner, I need help figuring out how to build a simply VI that uses boolean logic to switch between three different screens. I need a "Home" screen, the next screen which has a button to go back "Home" and a third screen which has two buttons to go "Home" and "Previous Screen". Can someone help me with a simple block diagram?

    Or put the data in three tab controls. The tabs itself are hidden. The
    program switches between the tab sheet if one of the buttons is pressed.
    The buttons are best not copied, e.g. the same buttons are used in every tab
    sheet (buttons hover above the tab, a black shadow will apear). If the first
    sheet is shown, button 2 and 3 are hidden, sheet two: only button 3 is
    hidden, sheet three no button is hidden.
    Showing the tabs allows the user to choose the views directlly. The button
    logic is not needed anymore. But you'll have to live with a simple tab
    sheet, instead of a fancy button system!
    "Jason R" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Another solution if you want to avoid property-node hell...
    > Divide your screen into 1/4ths. That is, make your FP 4x larger than
    > your desktop.
    > Place screen 1 on the upper left quadrant.
    > Place screen 2 on the upper right quadrant.
    > Place screen 3 on the lower left quadrant.
    > Screen 4 (lower right quadrant) is unused.
    > Disable the ability to scroll at run time.
    > As the user clicks buttons, use the properties of this vi to move what
    > the user can see on the front panel.
    > Cheating? yep. Easier? yep.
    > Hope this helps! =)
    > btw - be sure not to update the FP controls when they are not visible,
    > or this will eat processor cycles.
    > Sincerely,
    > Jason G Richmond
    > Project Engineer II and LVAAD Instructor
    > VI Engineering
    > [email protected] (domain should be (no A's))
    > missileman wrote:
    > > Is it possible to use booleans to build a VI that uses buttons to
    > > switch between screens (3 only) while the other screens disappear?
    > >
    > > As a beginner, I need help figuring out how to build a simply VI that
    > > uses boolean logic to switch between three different screens. I need a
    > > "Home" screen, the next screen which has a button to go back "Home"
    > > and a third screen which has two buttons to go "Home" and "Previous
    > > Screen". Can someone help me with a simple block diagram?

  • I have both Mozilla Firefox & Internet Explorer installed one my computer, but chose to us Firefox. Several days ago while opening Firefox a screen popped up wh

    I have both Mozilla Firefox & Internet Explorer installed one my computer, but chose to us Firefox. Several days ago while opening Firefox a screen popped up which said that my Firefox browser was out of date. I clicked on the box, which said free download. This happened several times and now on my desktop I have Firefox Setup 3.6.13, Firefox Setup 3.6.13.exe, Firefox Setup 3.6.13(2), Firefox Setup 3.6.13(3), Firefox Setup 3.6.13(3).exe, Firefox Setup 3.6.13(4) and I still keep getting the same pop-up screen for a free download of a newer, speedier, more secure version of Firefox. I tried calling Mozilla Corporation in Mountain View, CA; but was unable to speak with anyone. I also got an 800 number (1-800-229-9895) from information and called that number. On the first 800 call the person hung-up. On the second call I spoke to Marv and supposedly got disconnected. On the third call I spoke to Marv again. He informed me that I couldn’t speak to anyone at Mozilla and had to pay $99 to get any help. He also told me that: if I tried to remove the extra Firefox downloads or tried to remove Firefox completely, my computer would crash. I can’t afford the $99 and don’t know what to do next. Can you help me. Jack (Phone number removed by mod).

    As far as I know, Mozilla doesn't have any paid support service. There are lots of other companies that advertise paid support for desktop software including Firefox. Maybe you called one of those other providers??
    Anyway, I suggest dragging all those exe files on your desktop to the recycle bin. They are all out of date.
    Before upgrading, have you considered making a backup? Your bookmarks and other Firefox settings ''should'' be safe during an upgrade, but better safe than sorry. This article describes how you can back up: [ Backing up your information]. For example, you can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder.
    To get the latest Firefox, you can try either of these:
    (1) Help > Check for Updates - this should work automatically
    (2) Download the installer for Firefox 12 from (green button) to a convenient location, then double-click to launch it (Firefox needs to be closed)
    After you see Firefox 12, the user interface will look different. For tips on how to restore features you miss from Firefox 3.6, you can ask questions here. For a little advance reading, check out this article: [ Make Firefox 4+ Look Like FF 3.6 | Computer Tech Tips].

  • How to keep green screen effect in one place while moving camera?

    Hello all. I have been trying to use a green screen while moving the camera in Final Cut Pro X however I am running into a problem. Basically when I move the Camera all of the effects on the green screen move with a camera. Is there a way to make them stay in one place as the camera moves from side to side? The following video shows what I am talking about more clearly.

    Karsten Schlüter wrote:
    sure ...
    you track, e.g. the corner of your monitor; then apply the motion-path to the second source; apply keying (color, luma, whatever) - done.
    in my 2nd example, I had to track the shaky hand-camera, the second track is no green-screen, but a manual masked freeze .. but basicly ...
    Okay thank you! I think im just going to buy Motion 5 then

  • Web report - Variable values while switching between views.

    Hi Gurus,
    We have a query which has a few variables that are getting populated with default values during query execution[customer exits].
    We have added this query to the web.Now there is a date variable  which gets populated with the current date value by default.Suppose the users don't vant to run the report for the current date, they are able to change the date in the variable window and execute. But once the report is run, and we try to choose a different vieew for the report, the report automatically gets refreshed with the selected view, but for the default current date value (because of the customer exit).Shouldn't the selected view be getting refreshed with the date values that the user had entered while executing the report?
    Also when navigating between the different views, shouldn't a variable window pop up? Is there any setting to have the variable window pop up when navigating between the different views of a web report?
    Would appreciate a quick response.
    Thanks a Lot

    we need to go to Query properties -> interaction tab-> remove reuse variables to populate the variable screen everytime or "Save and reuse variable values" to supress variable window
    Problem could be due to any personalisation.try this:
    One the query is executed, click on the button which says change variable values.
    In the variable pop-up screen which comes up click on the personalization button
    In the new screen which comes up click on reset personalization button
    Enter new variable values and execute the query.

  • My iPhone 3Gs randomly shutting off at any given moment. I could be in the middle of a text, a call, or doing some games and it'll just shut off.  Now here's the unique part. When I go to turn it back on, the apple loading screen pops up but it takes some

    My iPhone 3Gs randomly shutting off at any given moment. I could be in the middle of a text, a call, or doing some games and it'll just shut off.
    Now here's the unique part. When I go to turn it back on, the apple loading screen pops up but it takes somewhere from 3-5 minutes for it to boot up. Then the lock screen with the time and whatnot shows up. From this point on, my iPhone has a chance to shut itself back down and I have to repeat the process over and over again. Most of the time the lock screen flashes and then goes straight to black (shut down) but sometimes I can make it a few menus before it shuts itself down.
    The only way to keep the iPhone on is to plug it into a charger of any sort. I'm fairly certain it isn't a battery charge issue because this happens at any % of power and sometimes my iPhone can use up all of its charge and not have this happen while other times I can be at 90-100% and it could randomly shut itself down. What can I do in this situation if some has some solution to this problem please let me know on [email protected] Thanks!

    Not sure if this Term is Relevant towards an iPhone but, my iPhone won't Post unless if it's plugged into a Charger.

  • I cant use facetime. but my sister can. we share the same account for itunes.but when i go to face itme and click on create a new account a blank screen pops up. what do i do?when i go to make a new facetime account nothing comes up

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    Please follow these directions to delete the Mail "sandbox" folder.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A Finder window should open with a folder named "" selected. If it does, move the selected folder — not just its contents — to the Desktop. Leave the Finder window open for now.
    Quit and relaunch Mail, and test. If the problem is resolved, you may have to recreate some of your Mail settings. You can then delete the folder you moved and close the Finder window. If you still have the problem, quit Mail again and put the folder back where it was, overwriting the one that may have been created in its place. Post your results.
    Caution: If you change any of the contents of the sandbox, but leave the folder itself in place, Mail may crash or not launch at all. Deleting the whole sandbox will cause it to be rebuilt automatically.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • How to avoid Print pop-up while using a Adobe form.

    Hi Experts,
    I am calling a adobe form from a BAPI.I am using the following function modules FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME and CALL FUNCTION fun_name. But when I try to execute the BAPI a print preview pop-up appears.Please let me know the steps to avoid the print preview pop-up while execution of the BAPI.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Warm Regards,

    I don´t understand the connection between BAPI and the printing program. I guess - at least that is what I have done - is to generate the form when creating and invoice or something, then I could understand.
    When you ask for GETPDF = 'X' then you always get the PDF data back and not the popup.
    Or if you would like to display the print preview without a print settings popup. Or variants...
    *"*"Lokální rozhraní:
    *"  CHANGING
    fp_outputparams-dest     = 'ZPDF'.
    fp_outputparams-nodialog = 'X'.
    fp_outputparams-preview  = 'X'.
    regards Otto

  • HT4623 How come I can not use WIFI to update the new IOS in my iPhone 5 ? the screen pop up " you no longer connection to Internet " . And I won't be able to download any Apps using Wifi, the screen popup " can not connect to iTunes stores " ..

    I can not use Wifi at home to download Apps . The screen pop up " can not connect to iTunes Store " ?? I am using iPhone 5 . I used to be able to download any Apps before .
    I can not even download the new IOS which Apples sent to my phone to update . ???? Please help !!!
    My husband is using IPhone 5 and his phone is fine , he can use WIFI to download any apps or update any software from apple . Does that mean my phone have problem , not my WIFI right ???
    Now, I have to use my data plan to download any Apps which waste my money :( Thanks a lot !!

    Hello phonphon,
    We've got an article that can help restore your phone's connection to the iTunes Store while on your WiFi network.
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store

  • CTI: screen pops with out CTI connector

        i have business scenario where we need to perform screen pops for an incoming phone call without traditional connector solution. currenty we have ivr/cti and sap crm icweb. my initail thoughts were to implement  webservice from cti/when call gets routed to agent.once acd sends call to agents it should trigger webservice to sap crm ici through http call ici should intercept the soap message and parse(transformation) it to abap through ici. e.g if i use exisiting ici soap and use ici adapter( with custom built ICI proxy classes from the WSDL ) plus a http get to include user id and account from CTI would this be a good approach*  sap crm 5 version*
    1. now questions araises on how we should assign call to same agent who got call routed.
    2. how to sync up both cti and ic webcient so that there is no time lapse
    i have seen few experts implemented similar solution How to trigger a search in CRM IC
    "server-side integration between CRM 5.0 IC WebClient and web-based telephony client
    running besides. We used same technique as ICI interface to communicate IC WebClient,
    i.e. simple abap messaging (SAM). Restriction: works only INBOUND"
    it should be great help if anyone can share there thoughts on this.

    The update was interuppted. You will need to grab a micro usb cable and restore via iTunes

  • Calling report with parameter screen from form using frmrwinteg

         I am calling a report with a parameter screen from a form and am using the frmrwinteg bean. This works fine on our test application server but, when moved onto our production application server, the database logon screen is presented after pressing the submit button on the parameter screen. The cause of the problem seems to be the html generated to simulate the parameter screen. The html on the test application server contains a BASE tag in the HEAD section with an href starting "http:/". However, the same tag in the html generated on the production application server is missing the "", causing the cookie produced by the frmrwinteg bean to not be found. Does anyone know how the BASE href tag is generated and what I need to change to get the correct BASE href value? I am using Forms/Reports 10g R2 and Application Server 10.1.2.

    Appendix "A" of this document describes how cookie_domain works:

  • Decision Pop up while starting actual cost process

    Can anyone help me on this?
    I am getting a Decision Pop up while starting actual cost process.
    Prior Inventory period has not been closed. Cannot proceed.
    By clicking on continue, the accept button became available and I launched the process.
    However, we are uncomfortable with that situation since it looks like that February period is closed for all inventory accounting periods under that LE. It is also the first time that we are getting that pop up decision screen since we are testing under R12. We want to understand the reason for that.
    Note: it is the first time that we were trying to close a period before fully completing it (closing Feb period on Feb 29).
    NOTE: This is in UAT. This does not occur in any other instance (Dev, PPB, CRP).
    We normally did not perform final cost update and the calendar assignments org periods will be always open.
    Let me know if you need any more details.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kannan Jay

    Thanks for your quick response yesterday!  After chatting with our official IT guy, He lined some things out for me.  We are using SQL 2005.  We discussed working up a program to add our data directly, which is an option.  It will take some learning on my part, and I am willing to do it. 
    It would be optimal, in my mind, to use our web version in conjunction with Labview.  But the more experienced person might know better.
    When I call up our webpage on the front panel, I am able to navigate it by clicking around just like a normal browser.  Using this method, the refresh issue I mentioned in my original post is not a problem.  It refreshes with no pop-up.  BUT I lose the capability to place my data into the fields.  I am assuming the reference at the property node before the data placement is incorrect. (pictured below)
    Is there a way to physically navigate a webpage and then use Labview to find the reference of whatever page I am currently on in order to place my data?  This might be the route I need to go.

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