Parent path point to [null] object after effects

is it possible to parent an object or null object to a single point on a shape path? Beam is closest thing I can find but this feels hacky to me, and would be nice to have a fill too.

No way. Even expressions cannot access mask/ shape layer paths.

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    What version of After Effects? Include the minor version number (e.g., After Effects CS5.5 with the 10.5.1 update).
         After effects cs4 32bits
    Have you installed the recent updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".
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    If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
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    What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    front of it
    Has this ever worked before?
    Nope - new PC
    What other software are you running?
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    Do you have any third-party effects or codecs installed?
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    Tell us about your computer hardware. Include CPU type and number of processor cores, amount of RAM installed, GPU, number of disk drives, and how any external drives are connected.
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    Do you have any third-party I/O hardware (e.g., AJA, Matrox, Blackmagic, MOTU)?
    What is the exact sequence of steps that you are taking?
    I launch after effects cs4, i have the loading round near the cursor for 2 seconds, then nothing. No splash screen, not even in the application bar.
    Just in the process tab at 72Mo Ram

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    You need to install After Effects on your C: drive.
    Also, you need to install the bug-fix updates. You are running version 11.0.0, not 11.0.4. Updates:

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    OK, let's have some fun further!
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    Don't parent your AE cam. This is bound to fail. And at the risk of stating the obvious -create a proper 3D camera in the C4D file and assign it as the active view cam.

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    Edges/ lines are determined by the coordinates of their end points - basic planar geometry. You can get those by using the  toWorld() method and filling in the corner point coordinates relative to the layer anchor point, e.g.:
    Easy as Pi (or pie if you prefer).

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        #include Extendables/extendables.jsx
        var url = "";
        //Retrieve the data
        function retrieveData(_url){
            var http = require("http");
            var response = http.get(_url);
            var responseStr = JSON.stringify(response);
            var responseBod = JSON.parse(responseStr);
            var data = JSON.parse(responseBod.body);     
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    The line that generates the error tries to test whether the targetted application is InDesign, and the test is not so good because in other apps the test may generate an error.
    (For AfterEffects, the object 'app' exists [object Application] but it doesnt have a 'name' property, so is wrong).
    I don't know of a test that would work for any app. For After Effects, "if (app.effects instanceof Array)" might work, not sure.
    If the script is meant to target AfterEffects only you can simply omit the condition.

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    If you have movement on the stills you can set up expressions based on in and out points. That's what I do. I then drop all my stills in order into a comp then set the out point for all stills for the longest duration. I then set group colors for layers that I want to make different lengths, do a group select and then adjust the out points for those layers. When I'm done I sequence the layers using the keyframe assistant.
    The other way I work is to use an audio track with markers for timing. I have an expression that reads the markers and sets opacity for the layers based on pairs of markers. The motion is also controlled by expressions. That's an even faster way to set up an animated slide show.
    The last way I work is just to set in an out points for all layers, sequence the layers, use expressions to do the motion and then use time remapping on a pre-comp to adjust the timing of the slide show. All methods are quick and easy.
    Here's a fly in bounce and then drop out fxx preset that will give you an idea of how expressions based on in and out point work for slide shows. You just drag the layer to it's resting position, apply the animatiokn preset and the layer flys in, bounces, and then drops out the bottom of the comp. Works in 2D and 3D space.

  • After Effects video cue point data error #1107

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    I'm trying to create a personalised video using the techniques described here:
    I have created the video and tracking data in After Effects (CS5), converted the tracking data to Flash cue points and exported the .flv file. I can import the video into Flash (CS6) just fine and I can see all the cue point data however when I try to compile the Flash project, bearing in mind this is just an empty stage with an instance of FLVPlayback on it, I get the following errors:
    VerifyError: Error #1107: The ABC data is corrupt, attempt to read out of bounds.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Icon is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FLVPlayback is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Main is not defined.
    If I export the .flv without the cue point data I can import, compile and play the video without error.
    I've had a look around and I've not really been able to find any information about this issue and don't have a clue where to start with it.
    Any ideas?!

    Here is the script I used to export the markers as valid XML for Flash to import. Please note that this will export all markers from all layers so if, as I did, you have multiple 'versions' of your tracking data on different layers it will export the whole lot.
    var comp = app.project.activeItem;
    var XMLStart = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><FLVCoreCuePoints>";
    var XMLEnd = "</FLVCoreCuePoints>";
    var XMLTemp = "";
    var XMLFinal = "";
    var layerCount = comp.numLayers;
    var layer = new Object;
    var layerMarkers = new Object;
    var markerCount = 0;
    var curMarkerTime = 0;
    var curMarkerName = "";
    var curMarkerType = "";
    var curMarkerXML = "";
    //Layer markers
    for(i=1; i<layerCount+1; i++) {
        layer = comp.layer(i);
        layerMarkers = layer.marker;
        markerCount = layerMarkers.numKeys;
        for(j=1; j<markerCount+1; j++) {
            // get the parameters for this marker
            var params = layerMarkers.keyValue(j).getParameters();
            var XMLParam = "";
            var cont = false;
            // loop through parameters
            for(param in params) {
                // I added this conditional to strip out markers in my project which were superfluous
                if(params[param] == "410,230.5") {
                    var cont = true;
                // generate the XML for the parameter
                XMLParam += "<Parameter>";
                  XMLParam += "<Name>" + param + "</Name>";
                  XMLParam += "<Value>" + params[param] + "</Value>";
                XMLParam += "</Parameter>";
            // if this is a superfluous marker then don't add it to the XML string, just go on to the next
            if(cont) {
            // get / set additional marker meta data
            curMarkerTime = layerMarkers.keyTime(j) * 1000;
            curMarkerName = layerMarkers.keyValue(j).cuePointName;
            curMarkerType = "actionscript";
            // assemble the full XML element for this cue point
            curMarkerXML = "<CuePoint><Time>" + curMarkerTime + "</Time><Type>" + curMarkerType + "</Type><Name>" + curMarkerName + "</Name><Parameters>" + XMLParam + "</Parameters></CuePoint>";
            XMLTemp += curMarkerXML;
    //Comp markers
    var tempText = comp.layers.addText("");
    var tempSrc = tempText.text.sourceText;
    tempSrc.expression = "thisComp.marker.numKeys";
    markerCount = Number(tempSrc.value);
    if(markerCount > 0) {
        for (i=1; i<=markerCount; i++) {
            tempSrc.expression = "thisComp.marker.key(" + i + ").time;";
            curMarkerTime = Number(tempSrc.value) * 1000;
            tempSrc.expression = "thisComp.marker.key(" + i + ").cuePointName;";
            curMarkerName = String(tempSrc.value);
            tempSrc.expression = "thisComp.marker.key(" + i + ").eventCuePoint;";
            if(tempSrc.value == "true") {
                curMarkerType = "event";
            } else {
                curMarkerType = "navigation";
            curMarkerXML = "<CuePoint><Time>" + curMarkerTime + "</Time><Type>" + curMarkerType + "</Type><Name>" + curMarkerName + "</Name></CuePoint>";
            XMLTemp += curMarkerXML;
    //create output string
    XMLFinal = XMLStart + XMLTemp + XMLEnd;
    //Write file
    var cueFile = File.saveDialog("Save the XML file", "XML:*.xml" );"W");

  • Help with After Effects? Null Layer and Text not working?

    In after effects cs5.5 on mac, im motion tracking as normal, and the track works fine, then when i add the null layer and edit the tracking target to the null layer, the screen goes black, and all i can see is the null layer as a red box moving along the motion track path (i cant see the path) also, whenever i try to add text, (which im trying to motion track via attatching to the null layer) the text is invisible, when the screens black, all i can see is the wire frame of the text next to the square null layer, im pretty new to after effects, but im following tutorials as i should, and its just not working as it shows in all the videos ive tried, please help!

    Check whether you have wireframe mode enabled/ Live Update disabled. Sounds like one of those cases. Other than that this could be OpenGL issues, so turn it off in the prefs. Also check your comp size vs. the size of the footage you are tracking. Tracking works relative to the layer, so if the comp is too small, the values would be so large they end up being outside the comp.

  • Null object not following 3D camera tracking points.

    After applying the 3d camera tracker I right click between three targets and select "create null and camera", this creates a null object correctly aligned with the selected target and a camera, however, when I scrub through the timeline the null object is not tracking along with the selected target in the scene, it just stays in the one spot on the screen. It only just started to have this problem, it had been working fine before and all of a sudden its not working. Is there a way of fixing this? Did i accidentally deactivate the feature some how? Cheers Luke.

    I'm not sure I follow your description. When you say the null does not track with the target, that would be correct if the target is something that is moving in the scene because the 3D camera tracker solves for a moving camera solution by analyzing the change in parallax of fixed geometry in the scene. IOW, it's looking for things like buildings and roads and rocks that do not move. The camera is then added to the scene and 3D object you add to the scene should stick to the plane in the scene where it was placed. In other words, if you stuck a null to the sidewalk or to a wall, the null would stay stuck to the wall.
    If, on the other hand, you want to attach a null to something moving through the scene, like someone walking or a car driving, then Camera tracking is not the right tool. You need to use AE's motion tracker or Mocha to track the moving object inside the scene. That tracking data is what you must use to attach a null, or a layer, or text to something that is moving through the scene.

  • FR: Ability to move entire Motion Path (as in After Effects)

    If you like this Feature Request, please copy/paste on Adobe's Feature Request page to get your voice heard:
    *******Enhancement / FMR*********
    Brief title for your desired feature: Ability to move entire Motion Path (as in AE)
    How would you like the feature to work?
    The same way it currently works in After Effects: ability to move an entire motion path by selecting all of the motion path's keyframes before click-moving one of the selected keyframes in the Canvas/Program Monitor.
    Why is this feature important to you?
    This feature makes it so much more efficient to move a motion-animated asset to a new location without inadvertently changing the motion path.  This tremendous workflow efficiency works wonders in AE and could work equally well in Premiere Pro.

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    See this regarding the issue with your output file stuttering:
    Most important, start here to learn the basics:

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