Parse out global channels

I have cDAQ 9172. The users will enter different global channels and I want to parse out the digital channels and have them in a seperate array. The other channels should be in the same order as the user selects. I am reading in global channels that will always be in the same format but never in the same order. Example: 9401-DI-1:2 .... and 9205-VI-1:3 and 9237-PI-1:2 would end up in two tasks. The Analog In tasks will be 9205-VI-1:3, 9237-PI-1:2 and I would then have a different task for the Digital Input 9401-DI-1:2. The user should be able to enter tasks in any order.
Go to Solution.
Attachments: ‏15 KB

Well I solved this myself. Didn't see the Match Regular Expression Function. That allows the use of the or function and makes things a whole lot earier.
Attachments: ‏21 KB

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    Hi Giovani,
    There is a developer zone tutorial that discussus some advanced data acquisition features including programmatic saves of NI-DAQmx tasks, global channels, and scales.  This tutorial also includes an example program.
    I wrote a short program that creates tasks in MAX. Whenever I wanted to change a part of the task, I would just change that feature in the example program. Take a look at the examples and please let me know if you have any further questions.
    Hal L.
    create task ‏33 KB

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    Hi Kike,
    After your harddisk crashed, did you reinstall everything?  Make sure that you installed LabVIEW first, then the DAQmx drivers and finally the hardware.  If you did not install in that order, then it's possible that issues might arise. 
    Are you saying that you have 10 Global Virtual Channels and 7 Tasks, but now you don't see them, or is the issue still when you try to create a new task you don't see the Global Virtual Channels avaliable? 
    As for the example finder, are you getting an error message like NI Service Locater is not Running or are you not able to find the NI Help Server?  You can click on the two links for some trouble shooting steps if that is the case.
    If my assumptions are not correct, please provide more information so that I can understand your situation.
    Message Edited by Nick F on 07-30-2007 07:11 PM
    Thank You,
    Nick F.
    Applications Engineer

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    Many properties of the channel can only be modified when the task is not running.  Have you tried stopping the task in LV before modifying the parameters, and then re-starting the task?

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    <font face="Arial" SIZE="3">
    <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Recruiting</span>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(1010)">2008 Newsletters</A>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(1009)">2007 Newsletters</A>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(1008)">2006 Newsletters</A>
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    SELECT t2.*
    FROM (SELECT pagecontent
    FROM tb_rh_page
    WHERE pageid = 1) T,
    XMLTABLE('a/@href' PASSING XMLELEMENT(noentityescaping, EXTRACTVALUE(T.pagecontent,'/p_PAGECONTENT/Controls/divTopLeft/html/text()')).EXTRACT('//a')
    COLUMNS linkid integer PATH 'ora:replace(.,"[^[:digit:]]","")') t2
    Also the HTML is a little deeper in the XML than I originally posted, so I'm not sure if I'm getting to the path correctly.
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    <style>font-size:larger;overflow:auto;FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr=#3b6f9f, EndColorStr=#e6eff6);Height:560px;background-color:#003366;border-bottom-width: 1px;border-color: #c6ddf1;border-left-width: 1px;border-right-width: 1px;border-style: Solid;border-top-width: 1px;</style>
    <font face="Arial" SIZE="3">
    <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Recruiting</span>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(1010)">2008 Newsletters</A>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(1009)">2007 Newsletters</A>
    <A CLASS="divHyperLink" href="javascript:openLink(2008)">2006 Newsletters</A>

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    Mike Sachs

    Hi Mike-
    You can add global virtual channels to a programmatically-created task by using the DAQmx Create Task VI.  This allows you to create a task with existing global virtual channels and then add virtual channels at run-time in the usual manner.  Here's an example that shows a global channel (created for Dev5/ai0) and a virtual channel within the same task:
    Hopefully this helps-
    Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 02-09-2006 11:06 AM
    Tom W
    National Instruments
    global_virtual_task.JPG ‏52 KB

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    lg Clemens

    if your input stream is created by ObjectOutputStream/DataOutputStream, then you can use ObjectInputStream/DataInputStream, otherwise, you will need to parse it yourself.

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    Interesting problem and one that we had to deal with a couple of years ago. I think you might be talking about smart quotes and these are actually control characters used by MS products. They show up as squares in HTML unless properly dealt with. Try downloading some UNICODE charts to find out the values of these characters. I think they are something like 0044 and 0042 but I cannot remember off hand.

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    WITH T as
    (SELECT  '53-2010-2-101' test_string FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '2219-2010-3-22' FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '236350-2010-4-3' FROM DUAL)
    SELECT SUBSTR(test_string,INSTR(test_string,'-')-2) stu_id,   --This is incorrect
    SUBSTR(test_string,INSTR(test_string,'-',1,1)+1,4) fiscal_yr, 
    SUBSTR(test_string,INSTR(test_string,'-',1,2)+1,1) sess,      
    SUBSTR(test_string,INSTR(test_string,'-',1,3)+1,5) sch_id     
    FROM THaving problems with stu_id. How to count backwards with substr and instr? The results should look like so:
    STU_ID                         FISCAL_YR                     SESS                                        SCH_ID
    53                             2010                           2                                           101
    2219                         2010                           3                                            22
    236350                         2010                           4                                             3Thanks

    Would it be something like this?
    WITH T as
    (SELECT  '53-2010-2-101' test_string FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '2219-2010-3-22' FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '236350-2010-4-3' FROM DUAL)
    -- end of sample data
    SELECT substr(test_string, 1, instr(test_string, '-') - 1) stu_id,
            substr(test_string, instr(test_string, '-', 1, 1) + 1, 4) fiscal_yr,
                   instr(test_string, '-', 1, 2) + 1,
                   instr(test_string, '-', 1, 3) - instr(test_string, '-', 1, 2) - 1) sess,
            substr(test_string, instr(test_string, '-', 1, 3) + 1, 5) sch_id
       FROM tSample execution:
    SQL> WITH T as
      2  (SELECT  '53-2010-2-101' test_string FROM DUAL union all
      3   SELECT  '2219-2010-3-22' FROM DUAL union all
      4   SELECT  '236350-2010-4-3' FROM DUAL)
      5   -- end of sample data
      6   SELECT substr(test_string, 1, instr(test_string, '-') - 1) stu_id,
      7          substr(test_string, instr(test_string, '-', 1, 1) + 1, 4) fiscal_yr,
      8          substr(test_string,
      9                 instr(test_string, '-', 1, 2) + 1,
    10                 instr(test_string, '-', 1, 3) - instr(test_string, '-', 1, 2) - 1) sess,
    11          substr(test_string, instr(test_string, '-', 1, 3) + 1, 5) sch_id
    12     FROM t;
    STU_ID          FISCAL_YR SESS            SCH_ID
    53              2010      2               101
    2219            2010      3               22
    236350          2010      4               3
    SQL> With regular expressions would look something like this:
    WITH T as
    (SELECT  '53-2010-2-101' test_string FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '2219-2010-3-22' FROM DUAL union all
    SELECT  '236350-2010-4-3' FROM DUAL)
    SELECT regexp_substr(test_string, '\d+', 1, 1) stu_id,
            regexp_substr(test_string, '\d+', 1, 2) fiscal_yr,
            regexp_substr(test_string, '\d+', 1, 3) sess,
            regexp_substr(test_string, '\d+', 1, 4) sch_id
       FROM t;Edited by: fsitja on Jan 28, 2010 6:07 PM

  • Create global channels programmatically

    hello all,
    my question is related with daqmx.
    i want to know if theres any way to create global channels or tasks programmatically without using max or daqmx assistant
    the usual procedure is to create global  tasks or channels using max or daqmx assistant and then add them to ur tasks programmatically.
    i want to avoid the use of max here and create channels programmatically that can be used or called later.
    Go to Solution.

    You can use the DAQmx Save Task or DAQmx Save Global Channel VIs to save them programmatically.
    I agree with Dennis though, almost all DAQ tasks can be accomplished using the standard functions.  You might want to take a look at some DAQ examples by going to Help > Find Examples > Hardware Input and Output > DAQmx.  I always start with these examples and modify them as needed.
    Matt J
    Professional Googler and Kudo Addict
    National Instruments

  • Porperty "Descritpion" of a global channel

    Hello all,
    I have have to update a piece of software (written in LabVIEW 6.1) which read the description of a DAQ-Channels and dsiplays this information.
    It uses the traditional DAQ functions (the channel descriptions can be set through the M&A Explorer).
    After switching to LabVIEW 7.1 for the software and DAQmx for the hardware, I found, that the description of a channel could not be set through M&A.
    With the property "Description" of a global channel used in LabVIEW, I can assign a description to a global channel. But this description is only available as long as the software is alive.
    Two questions:
    1. Where can I assign a description to a global channel
    permanently (like to traditional DAQ channels)?
    2. Is this the right place for my question?

    Hi - you can programatically update and write to a global channel in DAQmx 7.4 and higher, however you cannot do this through MAX directly, so you have to make your own utility to do this.
    Have a look at
    and type in daqmxpro in the box.
    Hopefully that will give you enough information for the future.
    Sacha Emery
    National Instruments (UK)
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

  • Change global channel programmatically????

    is it possible to change a physical channel in global channel programmatically?????????
    i am using labview 8.2......

    Duplicate post (by browser's mistake ?!) .
    - Partha
    LabVIEW - Wires that catch bugs!

  • Parsing out HTTP headers

    I'm writing a simple HTTP client and server. I'm looking for an efficent way to parse out the HTTP headers that the server sends. The code below is working for me at the moment but i don't think it's the correct way of going about it.
    import java.util.*;
    public final class RequestTEST {
        public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
               final String CRLF ="\r\n";
               try {
                   Socket mySocket = new Socket ("", 5306 );
                   DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(mySocket.getOutputStream());
                   InputStream in = mySocket.getInputStream();
                   System.out.println("Enter a file name to request");
                   String filename = Console.readString();
                   String request = "GET /"+filename;
                   System.out.println("Sending "+request);
                   out.writeUTF( request );
                   int bytes = 0;
                   boolean header = true;
                   while((bytes = != -1 && header)
                        if(bytes==10) //Line Feed LF
                             bytes =;
                             if (bytes==13) //Carriage return CR
                   in = mySocket.getInputStream();
                   byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                   FileOutputStream oStream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
                   while((bytes = != -1 )
                oStream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
                   mySocket.close ();
               catch (Exception exp ){
    }I know the code is a little rough but i'm just developing the idea. Only started it today.
    Any suggestions or tips on the overall approach to this would be much appreciated.

    Maybe use the HttpURLConnection and then getHeaderFields().
    public class URLTester
         private final static String PROTOCOL = "http://";
         public static void main(String args[])
              if ( args.length != 1 )
                   System.out.println("Usage: java URLTester <url>");
              String urlString = args[0];
                   //  Create URL object from the URL string
                   URL url = new URL(PROTOCOL + urlString);
                   //  The connection object has information that may be
                   //  retrieved without parsing the data returned
                   HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                   //  Get an input stream from the URLConnection object
                   InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( conn.getInputStream() );
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( isr );
                   System.out.println( conn.getHeaderField(0) );
                   int headers = conn.getHeaderFields().size();
                   for (int i = 1; i < headers; i++)
                             + " : " + conn.getHeaderField(i));
                   String line;
                   while ( (line = in.readLine() ) != null )
                        System.out.println( line );
              catch(IOException e)
                   System.out.println( e );

  • Mutiple global channels

    In LV 7.1 how do I create a DAQmax task from multiple global max channels. The global channels are all analog but different types in a PXI\SCXI chassis

    Hi Larry,
    Please refer to the following link that discusses your issue:
    Ankita A.
    National Instruments

  • XML PL/SQL Parser Out of memory

    Im parsing a 20M file and recieving the following result.
    I have tried to cut the file size down and have found a small
    version that will parse successfully.
    We have tried adjusting
    the ulimit -d 2097152
    ulimit -s 32768
    and also set java_pool_size = 41943040 in init.ora
    none of these seemed to be enough to enable parsing of the file.
    The following are 2 executions of the parser using 2 different
    file sizes.
    t'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29554: unhandled Java out of memory condition
    t'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.XMLPARSERCOVER", line 0
    ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.XMLPARSER", line 118
    ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.DOMSAMPLE", line 84
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    Steve (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : Steve Coffman (guest) wrote:
    : : : Im parsing a 20M file and recieving the following result.
    : : : I have tried to cut the file size down and have found a
    : : : version that will parse successfully.
    : : : We have tried adjusting
    : : : the ulimit -d 2097152
    : : : ulimit -s 32768
    : : : and also set java_pool_size = 41943040 in init.ora
    : : : none of these seemed to be enough to enable parsing of the
    : : file.
    : : : The following are 2 executions of the parser using 2
    : different
    : : : file sizes.
    : : : Thanks,
    : : : Steve
    : : : BEGIN
    : : : domsample
    : : ('/u01/app/oracle/xmlparser/samp','dan55.xml','errors.tx
    : : : t'); END;
    : : : ERROR at line 1:
    : : : ORA-29554: unhandled Java out of memory condition
    : : : BEGIN
    : : : domsample
    : : ('/u01/app/oracle/xmlparser/samp','dan60.xml','errors.tx
    : : : t'); END;
    : : : ERROR at line 1:
    : : : ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    : : : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    : : : ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.XMLPARSERCOVER", line 0
    : : : ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.XMLPARSER", line 118
    : : : ORA-06512: at "PHASE2.DOMSAMPLE", line 84
    : : : ORA-06512: at line 1
    : : On what OS and with how much installed memory are you
    : : Oracle XML Team
    : :
    : : Oracle Technology Network
    : The server is a
    : Digital UNIX V4.0E (Rev. 1091)
    : with 2Gig Ram
    Oracle version 8.1.5

Maybe you are looking for