Parsing blogger rss feed ! Is it possible

I try to parse an blogger feed
I work on part of the feed :
var myXm : XML =  <feed xmlns="" xmlns:openSearch="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:thr="">
  <category term="ShowRoom Mode"/>
  <category term="Concourons"/>
  <category term="Get the look"/>
  <category term="Rams23"/>
  <category term="Pirate Parfum"/>
  <category term="Video: la minute blonde"/>
  <category term="Easy Make Up"/>
  <category term="Trépied"/>
  <category term="Fruit Rouge"/>
  <category term="Saraha"/>
  <category term="Look du jour bonjour"/>
  <category term="Marque à suivre"/>
  <category term="Coup de coeur"/>
  <category term="Chloé en 2D"/>
  <category term="Sélection Shopping"/>
  <category term="Coiffure/Make Up"/>
  <category term="kling"/>
  <category term="South Park"/>
  <category term="Fashion obsession"/>
  <category term="partenariat"/>
  <category term="Article Sponsorisé"/>
  <category term="Shooting spécial"/>
  <category term="Eleven Paris"/>
  <category term="Shopping"/>
  <category term="Déboires capilaires"/>
  <category term="Peudo-réflexion mode"/>
  <category term="Walldress"/>
  <category term="Rocket Dog"/>
  <category term="JC/DC"/>
  <category term="Vide dressing"/>
  <category term="Party Girl"/>
  <category term="Aphrodisiak Leather"/>
  <category term="Emmaüs"/>
  <category term="beauté"/>
  <category term="Drolatic"/>
  <category term="bordeaux"/>
  <category term="Evénements"/>
  <category term="Bijoux/Accessoires"/>
  <category term="A propos du blog"/>
  <category term="Bon plan"/>
  <category term="Inspirations"/>
  <category term="My sweet dressing"/>
  <category term="Bobbies"/>
  <category term="Bershka"/>
  <category term="Les JBB jolies boutiques bordelaises"/>
  <category term="Blogosphère"/>
  <category term="Les soldes c'est la vie"/>
  <category term="Manie"/>
  <category term="Mia Reva"/>
  <category term="tendance insolence"/>
  <category term="French Place"/>
  <category term="Betty London"/>
  <category term="ZnJ"/>
  <category term="Le blabla de Chloé"/>
  <category term="Bournemouth"/>
  <category term="Vero Moda"/>
  <category term="Faguo"/>
  <category term="Les petites breloques"/>
  <category term="Monoprix"/>
  <category term="Nouveauté shopping"/>
  <category term="Spartoo"/>
  <category term="test e-hop"/>
  <category term="Motel"/>
  <category term="Haul"/>
  <category term="Morceaux de vie"/>
  <category term="Collaboration"/>
  <category term="SlowFashion Street"/>
  <category term="La mode"/>
  <category term="institut arnaud"/>
  <category term="Zara"/>
  <category term="panty"/>
  <category term="Inlovewithfahshion"/>
  <title type="text">* La penderie de Chloé</title>
  <subtitle type="html">Parlons peu, parlons bien, parlons mode.</subtitle>
  <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
  <link rel="hub" href=""/>
  <link rel="next" type="application/atom+xml" href=" 5"/>
    <name>My name is Chloé</name>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
  <generator version="7.00" uri="">Blogger</generator>
    <category scheme="" term="Bournemouth"/>
    <category scheme="" term="Look du jour bonjour"/>
    <category scheme="" term="Aphrodisiak Leather"/>
trace (myXm)
I could trace myXm but it look like it is impossible to access to sub node
like trace (myXm.entry)

you can use a double dot ( .. ) to jump anywhere in your xml.  for example,[4]
should reference <link rel="next" type="application/atom+xml" href=" dex=26&max-results=25"/>

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    Probleme solved without having to change anything in the flash.
    The solution was to add a small part in the CSS in HTML
    html {
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;
    Solve probleme. All browser. VERY usefull to know !

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    <cfset feedURL = "">
    <cfhttp url="#feedUrl#" method="get" />
    <cfset rss = XMLParse(cfhttp.filecontent)>
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    <cfset title="">
    <cfset description = XMLSearch(items
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    <cfset description="">
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    <cfif ArrayLen(link)>
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    <cfset QuerySetCell(yakItems, "description", description,
    <cfset QuerySetCell(yakItems, "link", link, row)>
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    Suddenly I'm getting this error error:
    Element XMLTEXT is undefined in a Java object of type class
    coldfusion.xml.XmlNodeMap referenced as
    I've uploaded this test page and you can see the full error
    Element XMLTEXT is undefined in a Java object of type class
    coldfusion.xml.XmlNodeMap referenced as
    Any ideas what's going on?

    <cfset items = XMLSearch(rss, "//:item")> is returning
    an array of xml objects so the subsequent searches of <cfset
    description = XMLSearch(items, "//:item[#i#]/:description")> are
    not working against an XML object
    if you change the items reference to reference the individual
    item it will work again.
    <cfset description = XMLSearch(items
    , "//:item[#i#]/:description")>
    Not sure why you were grabbing the title from the rss object
    and then grabbed the rest of the data from the items object, but
    here's a shorter script that may help;
    <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(items)#" index="i">
    <cfset row = QueryAddRow(yakItems)>
    <cfif IsXmlElem(items.title)>
    <cfset QuerySetCell(yakItems,"title",items
    <cfif IsXmlElem(items.description)>
    <cfset QuerySetCell(yakItems,"description",items
    <cfif IsXmlElem(>
    <cfset QuerySetCell(yakItems,"link",items

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    To get the RSS feed for a tab in iTunes U (for subscribing outside of
    1) Navigate in iTunes U to the "Course" containing your podcast.
    2) Click on the tab for which you want to get the feed.
    3) Right-click on the "Subscribe" button and "Copy iTunes Store URL".
    4) Paste the link into a text editor to verify it matches this pattern: 85954
    * Note: If you right-click on the "tab" of the feed instead of the
    "Subscribe" button, you get a link like this:
    * That link only works inside of iTunes. To make it match the link
    format above, change the "/BrowsePrivately/" to "/Feed/" as such:

    Hi Alan,
    Sorry for the tardiness of my reply.
    In principle, a backup app much as you outline could be made. It would backup enough of a private site to allow you to restore it in a genuinely substantive way. An outline of how you would approach this would be as follows:
    1. You would download full site XML. Apple has a web service API for that. This gives a sort of snapshot of the structure of your site.
    2. You would traverse your site XML and download a copy of each content item in your private site. A small twist in this is that you would have to pick up extra things (course/album artwork, for example). There is no Apple API for this, but it's possible to do this other ways.
    Unfortunately, I the process of creating such an app would be rough. Maybe a year ago or so, I worked on some code that would allow a person to backup a specific course/album page within a site. And I nearly finished that app, but got distracted with other stuff. If there were enough interest, I could revive that work. Unfortunately, it would have to be Mac-only, I'm afraid. I could probably tackle it in WIndows, but my OS X/iOS coding chops are a LOT stronger than they are for Windows.

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    In CRM 7, every user can customize his own RSS feed.
    You can find the settings in the WEBUI under personalize -> Feed
    You can also find some additional customizing in the SPRO under
    ->Customer Relationship Management
    ->UI Framework
    ->UI Framework Definition
    kind regards,

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    Mail in Mountain Lion no longer supports RSS feeds. You have to install an RSS feed reader, as the message suggested.
    Regarding the Messages question, see: and-mac/

  • Torss - downloads selected torrents from RSS feeds

    I often have a problem with various private torrent trackers that by the time I add to torrent to my client it has already been active for a long time and I struggle to maintain a good ratio. As such I wanted something which could scrape the tracker's RSS feed, find torrents that match various patterns and download the torrent files to a folder for my torrent client to pick up.
    So I wrote torss. It's quite simple, but it does what I need it to do. The user defines some rules, decides which "getter" to use (each RSS feed has its own getter) and runs torss with those settings (likely from cron).
    $ torss -h
    Usage: /usr/bin/torss -g getter [OPTIONS]...
    torss is parser of RSS feeds which downloads files referenced in the RSS if the
    title of the entry matches given rules.
    -g, --getter getter script to use
    -r, --rules rules file to use
    -d, --destination destination path to save torrents to
    -i, --history history file to use
    -h, --help help
    The rules file must contain an array named rules containing at least one entry.
    These entries should be regular expressions (for grep -Ei) for torrent titles
    to be downloaded. See /etc/torss/rules.sample
    The getter script will be looked for in ~/.config/torss/getters/, then
    /etc/torss/getters/ and finally as a file referenced from the CWD. This means
    you can pass either simply the filename or the absolute/relative path.
    The destination path will usually be a folder where your torrent client
    automatically picks up torrent files.
    The history file is used to ensure the same torrent isn't downloaded multiple
    times, as such it should, for normal use, be left as the default value.
    Example Use:
    rules[0]="foobar S01E[0-9]{2}(.+)?720(.+)?x264"
    Those rules match what's in a demo getter script that's included in torss.
    $ torss -g demo
    Downloading 'Foobar S01E02 720p x264-Pirate' to /home/sid
    Downloading 'Foobar S01E01 720p x264-Pirate' to /home/sid
    There is also a history file to avoid downloading the same torrents a second time.
    I've created the following PKGBUILD, but not yet put it in the AUR as I'd like some feedback first.
    # Maintainer: Sid Karunaratne <sakaru at gmail dot com>
    pkgdesc="scrapes RSS feeds to find torrents that match user defined rules, then downloads them"
    backup=('etc/torss/getters/' 'etc/torss/getters/' 'etc/torss/getters/')
    build() {
    # We need to rename githubs folder as its name isn't easy to predict
    cd $srcdir
    folder=$(tar -tf ${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz | head -n1)
    mv $folder ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
    package() {
    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/torss $pkgdir/usr/bin/torss
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/rules.sample $pkgdir/etc/torss/rules.sample
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/getters/demo $pkgdir/etc/torss/getters/demo
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/getters/ $pkgdir/etc/torss/getters/
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/getters/ $pkgdir/etc/torss/getters/
    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/getters/ $pkgdir/etc/torss/getters/
    post_install() {
    cat <<EOF
    ==> Various getter scripts have been installed to /etc/torss/getters.
    ==> If you intend to use the getters for private trackers you will need
    ==> to edit the appropriate scripts to use your credentials. Copy them to
    ==> ~/.config/torss/getters if you wish them to be private.
    Since it's on github I know I could use git to clone the repo for the latest code, but I prefer using tags to state releases. This way things like aurcheck/yaourt/packer/etc know there has been an update.
    Some private trackers (the ones I made for myself) are already included, though you'll need to edit them, setting the cookiejar values to those of your own cookies.
    I would greatly appreciate feedback, this is the first non-trivial bash script I've written.

    Yes - and the same here all of a sudden. Very annoying indeed. I really don't want to have to have another app. just to read my RSS feeds but is that going to be the solution? I'm sure this trouble started after I'd inadvertently erased messages instead of marking them all read. And it's only with two VersionTracker feeds too, not the others I get. VT have yet to respond to my request for ideas but if the y do, I'll post here again.

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    My popup menus were working OK until I added an RSS feed to
    the page that
    uses javascript to parse the feed. Has anyone else
    experienced this? Or
    found a way to parse the RSS feed and still have the popup
    menus work?

    On Tue, 1 Aug 2006 17:42:28 -0500, "D Woods"
    <[email protected]>
    >My popup menus were working OK until I added an RSS feed
    to the page that
    >uses javascript to parse the feed. Has anyone else
    experienced this? Or
    >found a way to parse the RSS feed and still have the
    popup menus work?
    Perhaps, if you post a link to the page that doesn't work,
    someone can
    show you how to fix it.

  • Parse RSS feed -System.out

    As below i have been reading RSS feeds.
    When i execute the parser.parse(url) method i get a dump of the xml bones from the feed onto System.out, which in my case is a catalina log file.
    Is there any way/method that im not aware of that can prevent this going to System.out?
    public void readRSSDocument() throws Exception {
            //Create the parser
            RssParser parser = RssParserFactory.createDefault();
            //Parse our url
            Rss rss = parser.parse(
                    new URL(""));

    I am presuming that you picked up the code from [this tutorial|]
    Looks like the library was compiled with System.out.println() statements in it.
    There is always the handy little method "System.setOut()" to redirect it.
    Alternatively, decompile the code, delete/comment the System.out.println statements and then recompile it.
    Its not that hard. Here's the offending class:
    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page:
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
    // Source File Name:
    package com.sun.cnpi.rss.handlers;
    import com.sun.cnpi.rss.elements.Element;
    import com.sun.cnpi.rss.elements.Rss;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    // Referenced classes of package com.sun.cnpi.rss.handlers:
    //            NullElementHandler, ElementHandler, HandlerException
    public class DocumentHandler extends DefaultHandler
        public DocumentHandler()
            handlers = new HashMap();
            handlerStack = new Stack();
            parentStack = new Stack();
            rss = new Rss("rss");
            handlers.put(null, new NullElementHandler());
        public void registerHandler(String key, ElementHandler handler)
            handlers.put(key.toLowerCase(), handler);
        public void addToParentStack(Element parent)
        public Element popFromParentStack()
            return (Element)parentStack.pop();
        public Element peekParentStack()
            return (Element)parentStack.peek();
        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
            throws SAXException
            //System.out.println("<" + qName + ">");
                ElementHandler currentHandler = (ElementHandler)handlers.get(qName.toLowerCase());
                if(currentHandler != null)
                    Element parent = (Element)parentStack.peek();
                    currentHandler.startElement(this, parent, uri, localName, qName, attributes);
            catch(HandlerException e)
            super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);
        public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length)
            throws SAXException
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            Element element = (Element)parentStack.peek();
            if(element.getText() != null)
            buffer.append(ch, start, length);
            super.characters(ch, start, length);
        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
            throws SAXException
            //System.out.println("</" + qName + ">");
                    ElementHandler currentHandler = (ElementHandler)handlerStack.pop();
                    if(currentHandler != null)
                        Element parent = (Element)parentStack.peek();
                        currentHandler.endElement(this, parent, uri, localName, qName);
                catch(HandlerException e)
            super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
        public Rss getRss()
            return rss;
        private Map handlers;
        private Stack handlerStack;
        private Stack parentStack;
        private Rss rss;

  • RSS feed into newsletter.  Is it possible?

    Hello I need an expert's opinion please.
    Is it possible to incorporate RSS feed into a newsletter?  Let's say that a client has an RSS feed. Is it possible to add it in a  custom-made newsletter campaign like mailchimp or  any other campaign service? What do I need? Should the client provide me with something like an embedding code? Have you (experts) done anything similar?
    Thank you in advance.
    Please note that the newsletter campaign is custom made but it runs perfectly with mailchimp but i haven't add any rss feed as yet.

    Have a look at this Mail Chimp tutorial
    RSS to Email Tutorial | MailChimp Email Marketing Blog
    Nancy O.

  • I'd like a search keyword-based RSS Feed for iOS apps. Possible?

    It's great that Apple offers a variety of RSS feeds for the iTunes store. I'd like to be able to further hone the feed to particular search-based keywords. For example, limit the top paid apps to just those about dogs or some other long-tail (I did NOT mean that as a pun :-) ) keyword term. Is this possible?
    Alternatively, if one could convert Apple JSON-based searches into an RSS feed, that would do the trick, too. An example JSON feed:

    If you want more, then see these (if you're not coming from windoze, skip the switching stuff):
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac 101: Mac Essentials,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    MacTips, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist.
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

  • Best Way to Aggregate Multiple Announcement Apps and Possibly External RSS Feed

    I have two separate announcement apps (one in sub-site A, and one is sub-site B). I am trying to create a webpart that will display content from both apps together.
    I have tried to setup a CSWP and have been able to set the query to pull in the data (Although it shows expired announcements, which I would need to eliminate). Now, I am trying to customize the display of the CSWP, including the property mapping values
    to display the announcement title (currently working with the URL as a link) and body (truncated like the announcement summary view if possible).
    How can I get the body from the announcement to display? The 'body' field isn't listed as an option in the drop down list of mapping values. Do I need to toggle an option on the separate announcement apps, create a column, map a field, or some combination?
    Also, I'd like to know if it is possible to add in an external RSS feed. Or, if there is a completely different way to approach and accomplish this, please let me know.
    Thank you

    To display the “Body” field of Announcements list properly in Content Search Web Part, you can take a look at this blog about how to customize the display template for a good
    If there are more complex needs in customization, the two links below would be helpful:
    Also, if you have several questions, it is recommended to post them in each single thread to make others in this forum easier to focus on one issue in one thread.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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