Parsing char-variables to String

I 've got a little problem: I got three characters like 'a','b','c' and want to parse these characters in a String like str = "abc". How can I do so , or isn't this possible in general ?

or even more simple, even though this is not the
proper programming theory you should use... let's
pretend the chars are in an array called chars..It's not really any more simple than using a StringBuffer. Using StringBuffer and appending each characters is a lot more efficient than creating a new String object for each iteration. This is a lazy shortcut I used to use too, but it's not worth it :P

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    String letters=""+leter1+letter2+letter3;is fine and dandy. What it actually compiles to is
    String letters = new StringBuffer().append(letter1).append(letter2).append(letter3).toString();Which ofcourse is much more code to write, but still good to know.
    So do see the API for java.lang.StringBuffer.

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         InputStreamReader in=new InputStreamReader(fis);
          StringWriter out=new StringWriter();
          char[] buffer=new char[8192];
          int sizeRead;
          while ( (, 0, 8192) ) != -1 )
            out.write(buffer, 0, sizeRead);
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    not sure about the internal array size( integer?)...
    but as charactor occupies 2 bytes, ability to create
    lengthier string is restricted only by out of memory
    in which case, the allowable size will be different
    in different memory configurationsActually, kajbj and you are both correct. There are 2 limitations: 1 is physical memory, the other is the index of the char[] may not exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE (standard is 2,147,483,647). Depending on your physical memory, it is possible (and likely in many large systems) to run out of integers before running out of memory.

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    Try it in this way
    String MyString = "ABCDEF";
    MyString = MyString.substring(0,MyString.length()-1);

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    There's example code in "The Button" download from in the file "".
    Putting the query directly into ABOUT() also works if you don't need to clean up end-user input.

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    Do you have separate columns for Year and Month Name. If Yes, Then why it is so confusing?
    1. create a dashboard prompt with month name column
    2. Assign it to monthname variable
    3. In your report use above variable any where.., but what ever you are doing should be logical and valid to get some data.
    In general above approach will work.
    You said, "No! I don't want to do a filter with month! I would like to pass this variable, in this example don't make sense but I need to pass a char variable with presentation variable to do another things..."
    what does that mean, what you are trying to do with the variable in your report. If you give a example that would be better.
    - Madan

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    My code was for splitting string at space  (if offset is multiple of 4,like at 4 or 8 or 12 etc)..
    find this code ,it will serve ur purpose -
    data: str1 type string,
          str2 type string,
    data: len type i,
          count type i,
          off type i.
    str1 = 'ABC DEF GH'.
    count = 1.
    len = strlen( str1 ).
    do len times.
    off = count - 1.
    D_CHAR = str1+off(1) .
    if count gt 4 and d_char = ''.
    str2 = str1+count.
    str1 = str1(off).
    count = count + 1.
    write: 'STRING1 ',STR1,
          / 'STRING2 ',STR2.

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    Different methods:
    int a;
    string s=a+"";or
    String.valueOf(int) is the better option because Int.toString() generated an intermediate object to get the endresult

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    my jnlp file looks like:
    <?php header('Content-type: application/x-java-jnlp-file'); ?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://www.****" href="fileuploader_jnlp.php">
    <homepage href="index.html" />
    <j2se version="1.4"/>
    <jar href="fileuploader.jar" main="true" />
    <jar href="JimiProClasses.jar" />
    <application-desc main-class="fileuploader.FileUploader">
    <argument><?php echo $_GET[id]; ?>/</argument>
    <!-- <argument>100000</argument> -->
    <!-- <argument>thomas:test</argument> -->
    but its not parsing the variable
    I have tested for the variable using
    echo $_GET[id];
    ?> on a standard php script and all works fine
    I can even hard code the variable and it works
    <?php header('Content-type: application/x-java-jnlp-file'); ?>
    <?php $bob =367; ?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://www.****" href="fileuploader_jnlp.php">
    <homepage href="index.html" />
    <j2se version="1.4"/>
    <jar href="fileuploader.jar" main="true" />
    <jar href="JimiProClasses.jar" />
    <application-desc main-class="fileuploader.FileUploader">
    <argument><?php echo $bob; ?>/</argument>
    <!-- <argument>100000</argument> -->
    <!-- <argument>thomas:test</argument> -->
    Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong

    I'm gonna have to do exactly the same thing as you...
    I haven't look at it yet, but I'd apreciate if you publish the working PHP script you fixed (if you managed that is ;-)).
    thanx a lot.

  • Deleting the last char of a string

    How can I Delete the last char of a string???
    I want delete the last @!
    Tks in advance!

    try this:
    lv_count = strlen(string).
    lv_count_last = lv-count - 1.
    replace string+lv_count_last(lv_count) in string by ' '.
    This should work.
    Edited by: Agasti Kale on Jun 4, 2008 9:03 PM

  • How to remove last char in a string by space

    I have to implement backspace application(remove a last char in a string , when we pressed a button).
    for ex: I enter the no
    instead of 1236
    So when i press a button on the JWindow... it should display
    so that i can enter 6 now.
    I tried to display the string "123 " instead over "1234" but it is not working when the no background is specified. but works fine when a background color is specified.
    The string is displayed as
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)window.getGraphics();
    AttributedString as = new AttributedString(string, map);
    In the map, the background is set to NO_BACKGROUND.
    Thanks and regards

    Deja vu. I saw this kind of post before, and I'm sure
    it was today.
    Here it is.

  • Deleting last char in a string...

    I have a string that is created as follows: strBuffer += k.getKeyChar();(k is KeyPressed ...KeyEvent) How can I delete the last Char in the string strBuffer?

    // simply substring
    if (strBuffer.length() > 1)
        strBuffer = strBuffer.substring(0, strBuffer.length()-1);
    // you may also use
    if (strBuffer.length() > 1)
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(strBuffer).
        strBuffer = buffer.toString();
    }I've not tested the above code myself & I've written the above code on the go after reading your query. The above code definitely work & help you.

  • Finding last char in the string

    i need to find out whether the last char of a string is '/' (forward slash). please let me know if there's a FM to do that. Other post me the logic for this ASAP.

    len = strlen(char).
    len = len - 1.
    if char+len(1) = '/'.
      *write ur code
    chk this code
    REPORT ychatest.
    DATA : str(5) VALUE '123/',
           len TYPE i.
    len = STRLEN( str ).
    len = len - 1.
    IF str+len(1) = '/'.
      WRITE : '/ found'.
    <b>Reward points if helpful and close thrad if solved</b>
    Message was edited by: Chandrasekhar Jagarlamudi

  • Parse a Date to String

    i would use this to parse String to Date :
    public Date parseFromString(String dateString){
          try {
              java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter
                  = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
              return formatter.parse(dateString);
          catch (Exception e) {
          return null;
      }how can i parse a Date to string?

    check the API Docs for SimpleDateFormat - particularly the format method. public StringFormatFromDate(Date date){
          try {
              java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter
                  = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
              return formatter.format(date);
          catch (Exception e) {
               // You really shouldn't catch Exception - and you really should do something in your catch
               // blocks so you don't post a question like "my code executes no problem, but nothing happens...
          return null;

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