Password expiration

How do I disable password expiry for APEX user accounts ? There only seems an option for setting the time limit. I woud like to be able to expire some accounts but not other ones.
Any ideas ?

Shared Components->Authentication Schemes->Click Application Express Current->Under "Login processing"->Post-Authentication Process
Type the below:
Click Apply Changes.
Suppose you have create enduser with the following credentials:
password: abcd
After the first login the pwd "abcd" is changed to "pwd", this way the user can't use the same password!

Similar Messages

  • How can I display the password expiration date for a user

    I have created a GUI (using PrimalForms) which runs powershel scripts to pull information like user ID, email address, last logon ec. for the helpdesk to help establish the validity of some user claims of "it worked yesterday" and the like.
    I have been asked to add the password expiration date, but I am struggling to get the code for this addition.
    Does anyone know how I can include this, and have it in a human readable format?
    The current scripts (there are 3) allow the helpdesk staff to search on user ID and display name, the third provides the last logon, it was impossible to include this in the other scripts so I added an extra search button and called it good. An example of
    these scripts is below (please note, PrimalForms needs a slightly different syntax in order to get the results displayed, but the core script is standard PS, I use Powershell 3.0)
    $results.Text=Get-ADUser -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq '$($EntryBox.text)'" -Properties DisplayName, sAMAccountName, mail, extensionattribute5, PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, buMemberOf, telephoneNumber, msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable, whenCreated, whenChanged, enabled, AccountExpirationDate | select givenName, surname, DisplayName, sAMAccountName, mail, extensionattribute5, PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, buMemberOf, telephoneNumber, msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable, whenCreated, whenChanged, enabled, AccountExpirationDate | Out-String
    for info:
    $results.text is the window in the GUI results are displayed  in
    $entrybox.text is the text box the helpdesk staff use to input the user ID or display name of the account they are querying
    $results.focus simply tells the script to put the results in the results.text window
    The screenshot below shows the current setup, this is purely to put the above information into perspective. Obviously some of the information displayed has been removed/redacted along with our logo.

    Here's an example you can build from:
    $maxPasswordAge = 120
    Get-ADUser USER -Properties PasswordLastSet |
    Select SamAccountName,
    @{N='PasswordLifeRemaining';E={$maxPasswordAge - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days}},
    @{N='PasswordExpirationDate';E={(Get-Date $_.PasswordLastSet).AddDays($maxPasswordAge)}}
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

  • Want a solution for a scenario-To Set Password expiration in OID from OIM

    I have one scenario. Please guide me in some details to achieve this.
    I have one password policy in OIM. When user's password expires in OIM, then his password should also expire in OID. We have OID as user's repository.
    For this I have one solution but dont know how to implement this in OIM.
    "OID has the LDAP attribute called “pwdMaxAge” map this attribute to the OIM resource object and reset this value to number of days (as per password policy) whenever you change the password in OIM. This will set the password expiration time in the OID without having the password policy in place. "
    Plesae suggest.
    Thanks in advance.

    Well here is what you can do:
    - For OIM the user's password will be governed with the Xellerate User password policy, which says that password must be changed every 28 days. So you are good in handling this in OIM.
    Now for OID side, you have two options - *1. User changes OID password directly* and *2. User changes OID password through update in OIM profile password*. Most probably tou would want the second case. If true then here is what you can do.
    - As user changes the OIM password. Create automatic trigger Change User Password which updates the password in the process form of OID.
    - This invokes the Password Updated task.
    - On SUCCESS of this task, call another task which goes to OID target and updates the attribute pwdMaxAge to Current date + 28

  • Password Expire agrument while creating a new user

    When I create a user using the script:
    create user xxxx identified by yyy
    default tablespace -----
    temporary tablespace ----
    quota ---
    password expire;
    When the user logons for the first time, oracle throws a
    ORA-00988 error:
    missing or invalid password...
    My question is?
    On a UNIX system (I'm running on Window 2000 Professional)
    do you get the same error? Is this a misleading error message?
    Has anyone else seen this error message?
    Thank you in advance
    Mike Parish
    Toronto, Canada

    I found the answer:
    You must loging in sql/plus and typing alter user OWBSYS identified by password. The password depend on you, which name you will to them.

  • Capturing the Message on the Login Page (Invalid user/password expired etc.

    Hi, I have a requirment for capturing the error message on the Login page if the User's Account is expired or Account is Disabled or Invalid credentials, Password Lockout etc.
    I am using the attached login page. Can any one please help me out on this.
    <html><head><title>AARPLogin Page</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" xml:space="preserve">
    // This function automatically gets called for broswer detection
    var isNav4 = false;
    var isIE4 = false;
    var isNS6 = false;
    function obDetectBrowser()
    if ( navigator.appVersion.charAt( 0 ) == "4" )
    if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
    isNav4 = true;
    } else {
    isIE4 = true;
    if ( navigator.appVersion.charAt( 0 ) >= 5 )
    if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
    isNS6 = true;
    obDetectBrowser ();
    var HOSTNAME =
    var COOKIE_OBFORMLOGINCOOKIE = "ObFormLoginCookie";
    var NCID_LANDING_PAGE_URL = "/landing/";
    var QS_REDIR = "ReDir";
    var keyChooser;
    function checkPasswordEnterKey( event )
    var form = document.forms[0];
    if (isNav4 || isNS6) {
    keyChooser = event.which ;
    } else if (isIE4) {
    keyChooser = window.event.keyCode;
    if (keyChooser == 13) {
    if (
    && form.userid.value != ""
    && form.password
    && form.password.value != ""
    return true;
    alert('Please enter a UserId and Password');
    return false;
    function showHidePanel( panelID, displayValue )
    var panelElement = document.getElementById( panelID );
    if ( displayValue == 'show' ) = 'block';
    else = 'none';
    function getQueryVariable( variable )
    var query = 1 );
    var vars = query.split( "&" );
    for ( var i=0; i < vars.length; i++)
    var pair = vars[ i ].split( "=" );
    if ( pair[ 0 ] == variable )
    return unescape( pair[ 1 ] );
    return "";
    function Get_Cookie( name )
    var nameEQ = name + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split( ';' );
    for( var i=0; i < ca.length; i++ )
    var c = ca[ i ];
    while ( c.charAt( 0 )==' ' )
    c = c.substring( 1, c.length );
    if ( c.indexOf( nameEQ ) == 0 )
    return c.substring( nameEQ.length, c.length );
    return null;
    function Set_Cookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure)
    document.cookie = name + "=" + escape( value ) +
    ( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "" ) +
    ( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
    ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
    ( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" );
    function Delete_Cookie( name, path, domain )
    if ( Get_Cookie( name ) )
    document.cookie = name + "=" +
    ( (path) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) +
    ( (domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) +
    ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
    function lostPassword()
    var CurrentLogin = document.forms[0].userid.value;
    if ( CurrentLogin == "" ) {
    alert ( "Please enter your eMail Address." );
    else {
    Set_Cookie( COOKIE_OBFORMLOGINCOOKIE, "done", 0, "/" );
    var LOST_PWD_PAGE = "/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=passwordChallengeResponse&login="+CurrentLogin+"&backUrl=";
    window.location = LOST_PWD_PAGE;
    function emailPassword()
    function onLoad()
    if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'LOGIN_FAILED' )
    alert ("Login Failed, Please try again");
    else if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'PWD_EXP' )
    alert ("Your Password Is About to Expire. Please Change it at your earliest convenience.");
    var pwdExpUID = getQueryVariable( "login" );
    var hostTarget = getQueryVariable( "hostTarget" );
    var resURL = getQueryVariable( "resURL" );
    var PWD_EXP_PAGE = "/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=redirectforchangepwd&login="+pwdExpUID+"&backURL="+hostTarget+resURL+"&target=top";
    window.location = PWD_EXP_PAGE;
    else if (getQueryVariable( "MSG" ) == 'CHGPWD' )
    alert ("You are required to change your password.");
    var chgPwdUID = getQueryVariable( "login" );
    var hostTarget = getQueryVariable( "hostTarget" );
    var resURL = getQueryVariable( "resURL" );
    var CHG_PWD_PAGE = "http://"+HOSTNAME+"/identity/oblix/apps/lost_pwd_mgmt/bin/lost_pwd_mgmt.cgi?program=redirectforchangepwd&login="+chgPwdUID+"&backURL="+hostTarget+resURL+"&target=top";
    window.location = CHG_PWD_PAGE;
    </script></head><body onload="onLoad();document.login.userid.focus();" alink="blue" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="blue" vlink="blue">
    <p align="center">
    <img alt="AARP Header Logo" src="login_files/aarpLogo.gif" border="0" height="91" width="219">
    </p><form name="login" method="post" action="/access/oblix/apps/webgate/bin/">
    <div class="boldText" align="center">
    <div class="boldText" align="left">
    <div id="LoginFailed" style="display: none;">
    <table align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="500">
    <table bgcolor="#e5e5e5" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <td rowspan="3" height="40" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
    <img src="login_files/error.gif" name="error" height="20" width="20">
    <td rowspan="3" align="center">
    <font color="#ff0000" size="-1">
    <div id="TryAgain" style="display: none;">Login Failed! Invalid UserID and/or Password, Please try again.<br></div>
    <div id="AccountLocked" style="display: none;">Your Account has been Locked!</div>
    <font color="#ff0000">
    assistance call E-Services Help Line at (XXX) XXX-XXXX Monday through
    Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm eastern standard time.</b>
    <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
    </tr><tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
    <td background="login_files/border_upper_left.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_top.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_upper_right.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_left.gif" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <table bgcolor="#ebebce" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%">
    <td colspan="3" align="center">
    <font color="darkred" face="Arial" size="3">
    <b> </b></td>
    <tr valign="bottom">
    <td colspan="3" width="100%">
    <table bgcolor="#ebebce" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <tbody><tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
    <td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#ebebce" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="4%">
    <font color="#000000">
    <span class="text">
    <img src="login_files/arrow.gif" align="top" height="20" width="20">
    <font color="#000000"> </font>
    <td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#ebebce" width="96%">
    <font color="#000000" size="-1">
    <span class="text">Please enter your Email and Password. If you are a new user to AARP, please select First Time AARP User.
    <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
    <tr valign="bottom">
    <td colspan="3">
    <table align="center" border="0" width="349">
    <td nowrap="nowrap" width="74">
    <font color="#000000" size="-1">
    <div align="left">eMail:</div>
    <td width="265">
    <input name="userid" value="" size="32" maxlength="32" tabindex="2" type="text">
    <font color="#000000" size="-1">
    <div align="left">Password:</div>
    <font color="#000000" size="-1">
    <input name="password" size="32" maxlength="32" length="30" tabindex="3" type="password">
    <font color="#000000" size="-1">
    <p align="center"><b>Forgot Your Password?</b></p>
    <td align="center"> <font color="#000000" size="-1"><!--
    Reset Password      
    Email New Password
    <td colspan="4">
    <div class="boldText" align="center">
    <input src="login_files/button_login.gif" name="Submit" value="" alt="login" type="image">
    <b class="boldText"><img src="../images/button_login.gif" width="68" height="25" name="img_login" border="0" alt="login"/></b>
    --> <b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_clear.gif" name="img_clear" alt="clear" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
    <b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_help.gif" name="img_help" alt="help" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
    <b class="boldText"><img src="login_files/button_cancel.gif" name="img_cancel" alt="cancel" border="0" height="25" width="68"></b>
    <td background="login_files/border_right.gif" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_lower_left.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_bottom.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
    <td background="login_files/border_lower_right.gif" height="20" nowrap="nowrap" width="20"> </td>
    <span class="text"><br><br><b>NOTICE:
    This system is the property of AARP and is for authorized use only.
    Unauthorized access is a violation of federal and state law. All
    software, data transactions, and electronic communications are subject
    to monitoring.</b></span>
    <div id="hr" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 10px; z-index: 90; top: 657px; left: 10px;">
    <div id="footer" style="position: absolute; width: 700px; height: 55px; z-index: 115; top: 678px; left: 50px;">
    <span class="subhead">
    Privacy Policy
    Contact Us
    <span class="bodytext">
    <form name="passform" action="" method="post">
    <input name="login" value="" type="hidden">
    <input name="backUrl" value="" type="hidden">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" xml:space="preserve">
    var undefined;
    if (
    && document.login.password
    function clearForm()
    function navigate( linkName )
    if ( 'login' == linkName )
    if ( document.accountLogin.userID.value != '' && document.login.password.value != '' )
    alert('Please click the Account Registration Setup link for now');
    //document.location = 'userDataPersonal.htm';
    alert('Please enter a UserId and Password');
    function openHelp()
    helpDoc = "", "", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=300" );
    function cancel()
    // open dialog
    var initX = parseInt( window.screenX ) + parseInt( window.outerWidth ) / 2 - 100;
    var initY = parseInt( window.screenY ) + parseInt( window.outerHeight ) / 2 - 50;
    cancelDialog = "./cancelDialog.html", " cancelDialog", "resizable=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,width=200,height=150,screenX=" + initX +",screenY=" + initY );
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    Is it not possible that someone fired the password expiration cmd ?
    SQL> select limit
      2  from   dba_profiles
      3  where  profile='DEFAULT'
      4  and resource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
    SQL> select profile from dba_users where username='MYUSER';
    SQL> conn myuser/myuser
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user myuser password expire;
    User altered.
    SQL> conn myuser/myuser
    ORA-28001: the password has expired
    Changing password for myuser
    New password:
    Password unchanged
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
      2  from sys.user$ where name ='MYUSER';
             1 23-11-2011 11:15
    23-11-2011 11:15
    23-11-2011 11:17

  • Accounts getting disabled after enabling password expiration on BOXI R2 SP2

    Hi All,
    We have a strange issue with our production environment.After enabling password expiration on the enterprise some accounts got disabled,on further investigation I found that these users were either trying to log on to Designer or 2 tier Deski.
    I made them login through the Infoview to fix the issue.These users were Universe deginer or report writers.
    Any Suggestions

    Hi Tim,
    These accounts are Enterprise accounts,according to the users they were not given a chance and they never got any prompt for the password change it was disabled directly at the first login.
    These people were trying to logon using the Desginer or 2 Tier DESKI login and they are the members of the Administrtor Group also.
    Is it important to logon to infoview or 3 tier DESKI to change your password?
    I have no answer to give them why there accounts were disabled.
    Please suggest

  • Password expire date back to 2011 from 2012  after assigned  a user profile

    I created a profile test as
    IDLE_TIME 60
    PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME           60
    PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX           30
    the user default profile default PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME is 180 and password expired date is 1/7/2012. the test account was created in 7/11/2011.
    Now I assign test user to test profile successfully.
    However. expire date becomes 11/8/2011 1 from 1/7/2012 by select dba_users
    which wrong is in my profile or somewhere?
    As I think, the account password expired should be start after assigned new profile with PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME. but is seems expire date is start from original account created date.
    Edited by: Oradb on May 24, 2012 1:56 PM

    I would think the expire time would be based on the last password change time which Oracle stores in the rdbms base table for user information (user$). Find a second user, alter the password, check the expire date, then assign the user to the new profile, re-check the expiration date. Post back. Behavior may vary between releases so include full Oracle version of test.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Initial password expires:Communication Users

    Hi All,
    I have created one user for early watch alert generation purpose user password expires every 15 days :
    Defined profile parameter is:login/password_max_idle_initial:14
    As per my understanding communication user password never expires.
    Kindly please suggest me
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Siva,
    Thanks for you response.
    But it will effect to all the users right,sap also is not recomending to put 0 value this parameter.
    Is their any other way to resolev this issue.
    I am using communication users for generating earlywatch laerts.
    Advance thanks

  • Remove password expiration time limit for ocs users

    I want to know how to remove password expiration time limit for ocs (11gR2) users? In our system all user accounts are getting expired in 1 week. I have to remove expdate. (profile was changed)

    SQL> select * from dba_profiles where RESOURCE_NAME LIKE 'PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
    Profile altered.
    SQL> select * from dba_profiles where RESOURCE_NAME LIKE 'PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';
    To change the password for a user:
    alter user username identified by new_password;
    Edited by: hitgon on Apr 30, 2012 7:33 PM

  • Remove Password Expiration Time setup

    I want to know how to remove password expiration time limit for ocs users? In our system all user accounts are getting expired after 3 to 4 weeks. I have to remove this restriction and make password never expires

    You have to do this directly in OID using oidadmin (Oracle Directory Administrator)
    Instructions are in the admin guide at this URL

  • My iTunes password will update some of my Apps on iPad but not all of them.  When I try to update the remaining ones, my password expires.  I've just created 5th PW.  Does anyone else experience this?

    My iTunes password will update some of my Apps but not all of them.  When I try to update the remaining ones, my password expires.  I've just created 5th PW.  Does anyone else experience this?

    - Try going to Setings>Store and sign out of the account and then sign back in.
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears

  • Diferent password expiration days for different users in the same system.

    Hi sdn gurus,
    We need to configure different password expiration days for different groups of users in the same system.
    We know how to configure the system to define a password expiration time for the complete system (parameter login/password_expiration_time), but we must configure some expiration time to a group of users and another expiration time to another one in the SAME system.
    Somebody know a way to do this?
    Thanks in advance for your help!!!

    Hi Sunny,
    Thanks for your reply!!!
    We know the parameter is for the complete system ... but we are trying to find out if exist another way to define diferent passwrod expiration days, to diferent group of users (may be with an additional system parameters or UME configuration).
    Thanks to all for your help.

  • Password expiration in 9.0.2

    When a user changes his/her password, the action is stored along with a timestamp in ODS.ODS_CHG_LOG. However, this table also stores login failures and a zillion other things, too.
    Is there another table that stores only change password data? I just want to do a simple query that returns the users who have reset their password along with the dates they have done so. Thanks!

    Apparently there is no such table. There is, however, a tool called "ldapsearch" that can retrieve password expiration information for a given user or for all users. This tool runs from the [oracle_home]\bin\ directory.

  • Root password expired - not your typical case

    Hello everyone,
    I apologize for asking what is a very FAQ, but I am unable to find an appropriate answer anywhere on the interweb.
    The facts of my unfortunate situation are:
    1. I am a newbie in the SA world.
    2. I am even more of a newbie in the Solaris world.
    3. I am administering a Production Database system on Solaris 9.
    4. Within the last couple days the root password expired.
    5. When I attempt to login at the console as root, I receive the following message. "Roles can only be assumed by authorized users."
    It seems to me that root ought to be authorized to login to the console.
    I've read that I can boot from the CD to resolve this issue, but the system in question has the CD drive disabled. If only I could figure out how to login to the console as root, I'm sure that it would let me update the password, but I don't know how to work around the "Roles can only be assumed by authorized users" issue.
    Please help!
    Thanks in advance for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated.

    Well, I've learned an awful lot in the process of trying to resolve this issue. I'm still not there, but I'm getting close.
    I have done a ton of research on the net, and I am unable to find any specific detailed instructions on how to fix the root password expired issue. So, I figured I would paraphrase what I believe are the detailed steps to be taken. If you see an error in my logic, or my syntax please let me know, as I will be beginning this process soon.
    So, we have RBAC or Role Based Access Control on the Solaris 9 box, and the root password has expired. This is a pretty annoying situation to be in, but it can be fixed easily enough.
    First, we'll want to gracefully shutdown all the processes which are currently running on the system. This is accomplished by executing the following command which will put the system into single user mode:
    init -1
    Determine where your root file system (e.g. c1t0d0s0) is located by typing the following command (you'll want to make note of the result):
    Next, we need to access the EEPROM. Before doing this, you should do execute the following command to see if your EEPROM is password protected.
    eeprom |grep security
    Look for the line that reads "security-mode=" If security mode is set to "none" or "none-secure" you're golden, proceed with the next step. If security mode is set to "command" "command-secure" "fully" or "fully-secure" you want to make sure you have your EEPROM password, otherwise you'll be in worse shape than when you started.
    Assuming that you either have the EEPROM password, OR the system is set to "security-mode=none" you can proceed to the EEPROM prompt by pressing the following key combination:
    Stop + A
    You should now have an OK> prompt. Insert the Solaris 9 Installation CD into the CDRom drive. At the prompt type the following command to boot from your CD rom:
    boot cdrom -sw
    Once the boot sequence is complete, execute the following command to mount your root filesystem.
    mount /dev/dsk/<root filesystem device file> /mnt
    Once you have mounted the root file system, you will need to change the /etc/user_attr file to allow console access by root. Open /etc/user_attr with your editor of choice. On the line beginning with root::::type=role; etc etc change the setting type=role to type=normal and save the user_attr file.
    Enter the following command to go back to the OK prompt:
    Then enter boot -s to reboot your system. You should now be able to login to the console with root, which will allow you to update your password. Once you have done so, do an init -3 to bring the user back up to the standard mode of operation.
    Thanks again Jeffery for your help in this matter. I hope to have this situation resolved soon, but I want to make sure that all my ducks are in a row before I start playing Russian Roulette with my server. Does the above walkthrough sound accurate? Is there anything that I have misuderstood or overlooked?

  • Portal Users Passwords expiring

    In 9.02 it seems my portal users passwords seem to expire for no reason. When it happens, I have to go in and manually re-set their passwords. Is this a bug or is there some place to control this.

    Set the number of seconds before password expiration that the directory server
    sends the user a warning. By default the "Password Expiration Warning"
    parameter is set to 0, which disables the expiration warning.
    Also if the users need to be able to login after the password expiration set
    the "Number of Grace Logins after Password Expiration" parameter to a
    number greater than 0.
    Change these parameters in the following manner:
    1. Start the Oracle Directory Manager from the home of the iAS Infrastructure
    2. Login as the OID administrator, i.e. orcladmin
    3. Click on the + on the left of Password Policy Management
    4. Click on your password policy to change the settings on the right pane
    5. Set the Password Expiration Warning in seconds i.e. 259200 for 3 days.
    6. Set the Number of Grace Logins after Password Expiration to a greater than 0
    value i.e. 1. This will add a last opportunity for the user after his/her
    password expired.

  • WLC 4402 username and password expires automatically

    We are facing issue with Cisco WLC 4402 (Cisco AireOS Version and username and password expired automatically. It happens very often. We are not able to retreive the password, so everytime we need to reset(factory default) the Cisco WLC4402 and doing fresh installation.
    Whether it is the hardware issue or software bug.
    Also is there any possibility of recover the username and [password with resetting the cisco wlc4402.
    Kindly suggest on this issue.

    Hmmm.. Strange!! are we using any TACACS to manage?? or just the management username and password??
    I guess after 5.2 WLC code or so we have the option of resetting the password without losing the config!!

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