Path finding based on an image

I know its possible to create a path finding algorithm based on an image... That is, if the color map is blue then there is water, if it is brown then there is land. So detection of land and water is not the problem.
What I want to know is, is there an easy way to set up a path finder aside having a for loop try all the possibilities? The loop should follow logical paths rather than iterate through each turn...

I'd try an image processing forum. This forum is typically for Java-specific issues and there might not be that many people who've done this here. Sorry I couldn't help. Have you read some image processing books?

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  • Path Finder in a 2D Grid Map With Different Terrain Types

         I have been thinking for a while on path finding game algoritms and I can up with one idea witch I want to publish. The goal of my project is when I have a 2 dimensional grid map where squares can have different movement cost, like in Civilization II, to find the shortest way from one point in the map to another. I've used the Breathed First Search Engine. If you are not familiar to this search engine it is better to read about it first because I am not fcusing on it and I assume that you now how it works. You can read about it at the book "Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java" writen by Mark Watson, witch is freely distributed at
         Actually the idea of this 2D grid path finder is to use a third dimension witch have a size equal to the highest movement cost among all terrain types. This helps solving the problem with the different movement cost of the squates. By adding this abstract third dimension it is posible to use the Breadth First Search Engine.
         I this example the movementcost of a terrain type is always the same, no matter from witch square to with are you going (like in Civilization II but I haven't included roads or railroads). For example if you want to go from one square A to another square B with movement cost X (A and B are attached) you must go "up stairs" in the third dimension X - 1 times and then move to square B. But when you step on square B you are again at the lowest floor. So if you want to come back to the previous square A and it have movement cost Y first you must go floor Y and then jump in square A. And now you are again at the lowest floor at square A. When you move from one square to another you go always at the lowest floor. This is the way I handle with different movement costs.
         When you find the path to the goal point it is in 3 dimensions. So you must just project it in the 2D map and that's all you have the shortest path.
         I am sure this is not the best way to code this search engine but this is just the first scratch with no optimisation and so on. If I make a 100x100 randomly generated map it takes on my configuration(400Mhz Pentium II CPU with ASUS P2B MotherBoard on 100 MHz and 256 MB SD RAM on 133 MHz but because of my MB on 100MHz) around 1000 miliseconds (1000 miliseconds = 1 second) to find the shortest path from (1, 1) to (100, 100) witch is pretty good compare to the goTo function in Civilization II witch does not finds the shortest path at all and have made hundrets of gamers angry. This is amazing that nowadays there are so many games with bad path finding.
         This project includes:
    1. The PathFinder class witch does the jub.
    2. The Map class witch has a generator for a random map in it.
    3. The class TerrainType, every square on the map is based on this class.
    4. The class TerrainTypes witch is the set of all terrain types used in the map.
    5. The class PathFinderTest witch just test the path finder.
    To test this project put all files in one directory and run
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Random;
    //This class just creates a random map and keeps it. I will not comment on this.
    class Map {
      //here is kept the information about the terrain types placed in the map. Where
      //every terrain type has a specific movement cost.
      private int[][] terrain;
      public TerrainTypes terrainTypes;
      private int landMass;
      private int width;
      private int height;
      private int highestMovementCost;
      public Map(int aWidth, int aHeight) {
        width = aWidth;
        height = aHeight;
        terrainTypes = new TerrainTypes();
        highestMovementCost = terrainTypes.getHighestMovementCost();
        terrain = new int[width][height];
        landMass = 0;
      public void clearGoalAndStartLocFromWater(int sx, int sy, int gx, int gy) {
        terrain[gx][gy] = 0;
        terrain[sx][sy] = 0;
      private void expandWater() {
        int waterConstant = 40;
        int waterExpansion = 2;
        int[][] moreWater = new int[width][height];
        Random randomizer = new Random();
        for (int t = 0; waterExpansion > t; t++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
              if (i + 1 >= 0 && j >= 0 && i + 1 < width && j < height) {
                if (terrain[i + 1][j] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i + 1][j] = 1;
              if (i + 1 >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < width && j - 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i + 1][j - 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i + 1][j - 1] = 1;
              if (i >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0 && i < width && j - 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i][j - 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i][j - 1] = 1;
              if (i - 1 >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0 && i - 1 < width && j - 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i - 1][j - 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i - 1][j - 1] = 1;
              if (i - 1 >= 0 && j >= 0 && i - 1 < width && j < height) {
                if (terrain[i - 1][j] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i - 1][j] = 1;
              if (i - 1 >= 0 && j + 1 >= 0 && i - 1 < width && j + 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i - 1][j + 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i - 1][j + 1] = 1;
              if (i >= 0 && j + 1 >= 0 && i < width && j + 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i][j + 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i][j + 1] = 1;
              if (i + 1 >= 0 && j + 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < width && j + 1 < height) {
                if (terrain[i + 1][j + 1] != 4) {
                  if (randomizer.nextInt(waterConstant) == 0)
                    moreWater[i + 1][j + 1] = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            if (moreWater[i][j] == 1) {
              terrain[i][j] = 4;
      private void generateRandomMap() {
        Random randomizer = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            if (randomizer.nextInt(3) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 0;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 1;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 3;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 2;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 2;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 1;
            else if (randomizer.nextInt(2) == 1)
              terrain[i][j] = 3;
              terrain[i][j] = randomizer.nextInt(5);
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            if (terrain[i][j] != 0)
      public int getMapHeight() {
        return height;
      public int getMapWidth() {
        return width;
      public int getSquareID(int x, int y) {
        return terrain[x][y];
      public int getSquareMovementCost(int x, int y) {
        return terrainTypes.getMovementCost(terrain[x][y]);
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class PathFinder {
      private BufferedReader consoleReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
      //The array t3D[][] represents the 2D square map where t3D.leght = map width
      //and t3D[x].lenght = map width (-1 < x < t3D.leght). The third dimension
      //is refered to the square's movement cost, witch is definite by terrain.
      //The fourth dimension will be with lenght = 3. When running the search engine
      //(expanding the explored squares) this 3 values will keep the position of
      //the previous square in 3 dimension, witch are width, height and the maximum
      //movement cost among all squares.
      private int[][][][] squares3DReference;
      //Keeps information witch squares are visited.
      private boolean[][][] visitedSquares;
      private Map map;
      //this is the queue used in the Breathed First Seatch.
      private Vector queue3D;
      //Here is saved the shortest path
      private Vector path2D;
      private int highestMovementCost;
      public PathFinder(Map aMap) {
        map = aMap;
        queue3D = new Vector();
        path2D = new Vector();
        squares3DReference = new int[map.getMapWidth()][map.getMapHeight()][][];
        visitedSquares = new boolean[map.getMapWidth()][map.getMapHeight()][];
        highestMovementCost = map.terrainTypes.getHighestMovementCost();
      private void buildAbstract3DTerrain() {
        for (int x = 0; x < map.getMapWidth(); x++) {
          for (int y = 0; y <map.getMapHeight(); y++) {
            int movementCost = map.terrainTypes.getMovementCost(map.getSquareID(x, y));
            if ( movementCost > 0) {
              visitedSquares[x][y] = new boolean[highestMovementCost];
              squares3DReference[x][y] = new int[highestMovementCost][3];
              for (int z = 0; z < highestMovementCost; z++) {
                for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
                  squares3DReference[x][y][z][t] = -1;
      private boolean isMoveValid(int x, int y, int z, int x2, int y2, int z2) {
        if ( x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x2 < 0 || y2 < 0 || z2 < 0 || x >= map.getMapWidth() || y >= map.getMapHeight() || z >= highestMovementCost ||  x2 >= map.getMapWidth() || y2 >= map.getMapHeight() || z2 >= highestMovementCost)
          return false;
        if (map.terrainTypes.getMovementCost(map.getSquareID(x2, y2)) < 1)
          return false;
        if (visitedSquares[x2][y2][z2])
          return false;
        if (x == x2 && y == y2)
          return true;
        else {
          if (z == map.terrainTypes.getMovementCost(map.getSquareID(x2, y2)) - 1)
            return true;
            return false;
      private void clearPreviousSearchData() {
        for (int x = 0; x < map.getMapWidth(); x++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < map.getMapHeight(); y++) {
            if (squares3DReference[x][y] != null) {
              for (int z = 0; z < highestMovementCost; z++) {
                visitedSquares[x][y][z] = false;
                for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
                  squares3DReference[x][y][z][t] = -1;
      private Vector copyPath2D() {
        Vector path = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < path2D.size(); i++) {
        return path;
      public Vector findPath(int sX, int sY, int gX, int gY) {
        int head = 0;
        int tail = 0;
        int x = sX;
        int y = sY;
        int z = 0;
        visitedSquares[x][y][z] = true;
        mainLoop: {
          while (tail <= head) {
            int[][] moves = getPosibleMoves(x, y, z);
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
              if (moves[i] != null) {
                squares3DReference[moves[0]][moves[i][1]][moves[i][2]][0] = x;
    squares3DReference[moves[i][0]][moves[i][1]][moves[i][2]][1] = y;
    squares3DReference[moves[i][0]][moves[i][1]][moves[i][2]][2] = z;
    if (moves[i][0] == gX && moves[i][1] == gY) {
    break mainLoop;
    visitedSquares[moves[i][0]][moves[i][1]][moves[i][2]] = true;
    if (queue3D.size() == 0 || queue3D.size() == tail)
    break mainLoop;
    int[] nextInQueue = ((int[]) queue3D.get(tail));
    x = nextInQueue[0];
    y = nextInQueue[1];
    z = nextInQueue[2];
    if (squares3DReference[gX][gY][0][0] == -1) {
    return path2D;
    fillpath2D(sX, sY, gX, gY);
    Vector path = copyPath2D();
    return path;
    private int[][] getPosibleMoves(int x, int y, int z) {
    int[][] moves = new int[9][3];
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x + 1, y, 0)) {
    moves[0][0] = x + 1;
    moves[0][1] = y;
    moves[0][2] = 0;
    moves[0] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x + 1, y - 1, 0)) {
    moves[1][0] = x + 1;
    moves[1][1] = y - 1;
    moves[1][2] = 0;
    moves[1] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x, y - 1, 0)) {
    moves[2][0] = x;
    moves[2][1] = y - 1;
    moves[2][2] = 0;
    moves[2] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x - 1, y - 1, 0)) {
    moves[3][0] = x - 1;
    moves[3][1] = y - 1;
    moves[3][2] = 0;
    moves[3] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x - 1, y, 0)) {
    moves[4][0] = x - 1;
    moves[4][1] = y;
    moves[4][2] = 0;
    moves[4] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x - 1, y + 1, 0)) {
    moves[5][0] = x - 1;
    moves[5][1] = y + 1;
    moves[5][2] = 0;
    moves[5] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x, y + 1, 0)) {
    moves[6][0] = x;
    moves[6][1] = y + 1;
    moves[6][2] = 0;
    moves[6] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1, 0)) {
    moves[7][0] = x + 1;
    moves[7][1] = y + 1;
    moves[7][2] = 0;
    moves[7] = null;
    if (isMoveValid(x, y, z, x, y, z + 1)) {
    moves[8][0] = x;
    moves[8][1] = y;
    moves[8][2] = z + 1;
    moves[8] = null;
    return moves;
    private void fillpath2D(int sX, int sY, int gX, int gY) {
    int[] gLoc = {gX, gY};
    int x = gX;
    int y = gY;
    int z = 0;
    while (x != sX || y != sY) {
    int x2 = squares3DReference[x][y][z][0];
    int y2 = squares3DReference[x][y][z][1];
    int z2 = squares3DReference[x][y][z][2];
    x = x2;
    y = y2;
    z = z2;
    if (z == 0) {
    int[] loc = {x, y};
    path2D.insertElementAt(loc, 0);
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class PathFinderTest {
      static BufferedReader consoleReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
      static Map map;
      static int startX;
      static int startY;
      static int goalX;
      static int goalY;
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        System.out.print("Enter map size.\nx = ");
        int width = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine());
        System.out.print("y = ");
        int height = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine());
        System.out.print("Enter strting location.\nx = ");
        startX = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine()) - 1;
        System.out.print("y = ");
        startY = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine()) - 1;
        System.out.print("Enter goal location.\nx = ");
        goalX = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine()) - 1;
        System.out.print("y = ");
        goalY = Integer.parseInt(consoleReader.readLine()) - 1;
        if (goalX < 0 || goalY < 0 || startX < 0 || startY < 0 || goalX >= width || goalY >= height || startX >= width || startY >= height) {
          System.out.println("Invalid parameters found. Program will exit");
        map = new Map(width, height);
        map.clearGoalAndStartLocFromWater(startX, startY, goalX, goalY);
        printSolution(new Vector());
        PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(map);
        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Vector path = pathFinder.findPath(startX, startY, goalX, goalY);
        long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long time = after - before;
        if (path.size() == 0)
          System.out.println("No path found.");
          System.out.println("Path found.");
        System.out.println("Finding the path took " + time + " milliseconds");
      static void printSolution(Vector path) {
        boolean[][] pathOnMap = new boolean[map.getMapWidth()][map.getMapHeight()];
        for (int i = 0; path.size() > i; i++) {
          int[] move = (int[]) path.get(i);
          pathOnMap[move[0]][move[1]] = true;
        for (int y = 0; y < map.getMapHeight(); y++) {
          for (int x = 0; x < map.getMapWidth(); x++) {
            System.out.print(" ");
            if (pathOnMap[x][y] == false)
              System.out.print(" ");
            if (x == startX && y == startY)
            else if (x == goalX && y == goalY)
              System.out.print(map.terrainTypes.getNameFirstLetter(map.getSquareID(x, y)));
    public class TerrainType {
      private int movementCost;
      private String name;
      TerrainType(int aMovementCost, String aName) {
        movementCost = aMovementCost;
        name = aName;
      public int getMovementCost() {
        return movementCost;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public String getNameFirstLetter() {
        return name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class TerrainTypes {
      //Here are saved the terrain types with the map has. ElementAt 'i' in
      //setOfTypes is represented by the number in Map.terrain[x][y] witch is
      //equal to i, were x, y are random integer as soon as they do not
      //throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Actually this is a coding to know
      //a specific square in the map to witch terrain type is refered in setOfTypes.
      private Vector setOfTypes;
      public TerrainTypes() {
        setOfTypes = new Vector();
        setOfTypes.add(new TerrainType(1, "Plains"));
        setOfTypes.add(new TerrainType(2, "Forst"));
        setOfTypes.add(new TerrainType(3, "Jungle"));
        setOfTypes.add(new TerrainType(4, "Mountain"));
        setOfTypes.add(new TerrainType(-1, "X"));
      public int getMovementCost(int i) {
        return ((TerrainType) setOfTypes.get(i)).getMovementCost();
      public String getName(int i) {
        return ((TerrainType) setOfTypes.get(i)).getName();
      public String getNameFirstLetter(int i) {
        return ((TerrainType) setOfTypes.get(i)).getNameFirstLetter();
      public int getHighestMovementCost() {
        int max = 1;
        for (int i = 0; setOfTypes.size() > i; i++) {
          int movementCost = ((TerrainType) setOfTypes.get(i)).getMovementCost();
          if ( movementCost > 0) {
            if (max < movementCost)
              max = movementCost;
        return max;
    }I hope this program will be helpful.

    Why is such a smart guy like you not using A*
    It is a general known algorithm which will find the
    optimal solution in a finite search-space (within a minimal time).
    The calculation time for the A* algorithm is influenced by two parameters:
    1 - cumulative cost
    2 - minimal expected additional cost
    The calculation of these two costs has a great influence on the
    I think the actual problems most games experience with shortest path calculatoin are
    1 - very little time to spent calculating the shortest path
    The quickest solution might be the best for the game
    If your solution takes 1 second for the calculation of a path for one element on the board (100x100)
    What would it take for the game to calculate the path for all elements controlled by the computer ??
    If the computer controls two players which each have 50 elements to control, it would take forever...
    Don't even consider the usage of a larger board (200x200 would take 4 seconds/element when
    algorithm has complexity O(n))
    2 - low priority.
    Users tend to forgive a bad shortest path-algorithm most of the time,
    but not a bad display, bad pictures,...
    This is why most shortest-path algorithms within games were
    developed as a depth first search,
    within some earlier games this was even developed as
    a rule which went straight to the endlocation and
    takes a right/left turn when blocked by water/wall/...
    So the actual steps you should take are:
    1 - develop a normal breath-first search (to get going)
    2 - develop a normal depth-first search (to compare speed and solution with)
    3 - develop a normal dijkstra algorithm (sometimes called A)
    4 - develop a best first algorithm (called A*)
    5 - develop other AI-algorithms building upon A* (tabu-search, limited memory A*,...)
    6 - develop some other AI-algorithms (Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing,...)
    7 - compare and tweak/change all search-algorithms for
    7 - a - size of maps (small versus huge)
    7 - b - optimality of the solution
    7 - c - actual usage for your game
    8 - !!! very important !!!
    Share the developed path algorithms along with remarks about speed, map-size,...
    with the rest of us. I would be very interested in such library.
    kind regards,

  • Help on path finding

    Hello everyone!
    Help me please!
    Have you ever played games like Baldur's gate or Diablo or classic adventure games (like Monkey island)?
    What I'm saying is:
    I'm trying to implement a way to move my character, on a 2D space, to the point I clicked on.
    If there is no obstacle between the start and the finish points, I can make it work pretty easily (I just let the charachter walk the straight line connecting the points).
    The problem is when I introduce obstacles.
    I'm trying to implement the A* algorithm for the path finding process.
    Since the character and the obstacles lay on a 2D plane not divided into tiles or any sort of sub-division, it is quite hard to calculate a path.
    What I thought of doing is:
    when I click on a destination point, I create a 2D grid surrounding the character, at its actual position, and the destination point.
    The intersections between the horizontal and the vertical lines of this grid, will be the possible nodes of the path to the destination. (I hope it's clear).
    The A* will calculate the best path among these nodes, considering whether a node is reachable (i.e. not overlapping an obstacle) or not.
    I still haven't implemented it, so it's just an idea, and I don't even know if it works!
    Is it possible there is no other way of doing that?
    How do the games I mentioned above work?
    My problem is finding a way to determine the possible nodes (2D points on the 2D plane) for the A* algorithm to work on.
    Please help, I'm stuck.
    Any suggestion?
    Thank you!
    P.S: If you need me to make it more clear, I'll give it a try!

    So far as I've tested it they haven't gotten stuck.
    The best way I can think of to do it is with the Line2D.Double class.
    - I draw a line between me and the enemy
    - create two lines that are equal to that first line
    - rotate the first line, from the enemy, to the left
    - rotate the first line, from the enemy, to the right
    - if both still intersect the obstacle, I rotate the two again
    - if one of them no longer intersects the obstacle, that new line becomes my path
    Once the clear path is found, I can use the endpoint of that line as the destination, rather than saying that MY coordinates are the destination. It takes a lot of math figuring so it gets messy written out, but in words it's very clean :)
    For simplicity you could try:
    - if he hits an obstacle do the following:
    - draw a line between the entity and the center of the obstacle
    - if you're on the left side of that line, make him turn left 90 degrees
    - if you're on the right side, turn right 90 degrees
    Based on how you're creating your obstacles you could think further how you want to do it, like tell them to move in that direction a set distance, that sort of thing.
    Or you could give them set paths to follow, that's another solution, and just have them be able to aim at you freely to fire, provided that's how they attack.

  • Trash Icon in Path Finder?

    Where is the trash icon in Path Finder located? I want to customize it with a different image. thanks.

    It's much easier than going into the path. Simply follow these instructions:
    However in step 1 simply choose the Trash Icon in your dock and that should be fine.

  • In my Macbook Pro finder folder under All Images, there are duplicate files, but one is small and the other is full size. I wanted to clean up the files, but don't know why I have two of everything. Any Ideas?

    In my Macbook Pro, the Finder folder has duplicate images in the 'all images' file. One image is small and the other is full size. First question is why do I have two of every image? Why is one small and the other large. Do I need two of everything? If not, which do I delete?
    thanks, Jean

    Hello fane,
    Re: duplicate images in finder.
    Nearly all images are JPG with a few GIF and PNG sprinkled in.
    I opened the inspector so I do get info when opening each image, but it a slow process.
    It seems that one image is around 70k while its twin can be up to 4Mb which is what comes unedited from my camera. Sometimes there will be 3 or 4 identical images in finder, but when I open iPhoto to see what ‘s really in the file, I find only one image, and it’s full sized.
    Are all these extra images, even if they are aliases, taking up space on my drive? And should I delete them? The info bar says I have over 10,000 images, which is rather a lot  for what I do.
    I am unable to add the file size on the view menu as it is grayed out. Don’t know why it’s gray, but having that info on the screen would save a lot of time and fiddling with each image.
    I am trying to resize selected pix so I can upload them to e-bay, which requires less than 70k. I have looked at resizing programs but most are for PC platform and not Mac, so I am trying to resize in the finder window under tools. Tedious at best. Any suggestions will be appreciated
    Thanks for your help,

  • How to find Based on PO item find ProjSt or Common Stock?

    Hi Gurus,
    How to find based on PO item and line item number find whether Project stock or it's common stock?  It's there any standard report is there? or provide me table name use with SQVI transaction code?
    Thanks and Regards,

    PO with account assignment category P - it is created for projects and need to provide account details in the tab.
    You can check these details from table EKPO - ( EKPO-KNTTP equal to P).
    Project stock can be finding in MMBE using special stock indicator as Q.  Details can be getting from table MSPR.

  • How can you find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas

    This is probably a really really simple question but I can't for the life of me find how I can find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas. eg I have 3 photos i want to arrange 1 large and the other two next to it half the size. How can I edit individual image size on the canvas as when I select the image on a sperate layer I want to resize it just resizes the entire canvas and not the individual image

    I want to know they exact dimensions though. You can get them by dragging to the 0,0 corner and then reading off of the ruler scale on the sides but its fiddily as you have to zoom right in and work it out. I know in photoshop there is a ruler but is there any other way in Elements?

  • As I can sometimes do, I did not read the directions before delving into LR.  Now I find my self with image history in LR on 2 or 3 of my HD's.  I would like to now consolidate it on one HD but fear in doing so I will lose the images I have created within

    As I can sometimes do, I did not read the directions before delving into LR.  Now I find my self with image history in LR on 2 or 3 of my HD's.  I would like to now consolidate it on one HD but fear in doing so I will lose the images I have created within LR.  Is there a tutorio or some other way to get me back on track with this application?

    Your image history (if I understand you properly) is stored in your catalog file, and nowhere else, and so it is only on a single drive.
    Do you mean you have edited photos on multiple drives? This isn't a problem for Lightroom at all, the software doesn't care, and you can leave things just the way they are. But if it bothers you for some reason, you can move the photos to a single drive if you want. In Lightroom select the desired photos or folders (it's easier to do this using Folders) and drag them to the desired drive.
    Alternative if you will be moving lots of folders: Adobe Lightroom - Find moved or missing files and folders

  • In Finder I have many images

    I have 10,000 images & documents(if you click on the finder icon & go to images or documents) on my computer - my question is:  can I delete these? Some I do not know how they got there.
    Or do I just leave them alone.  Some of the documents are gobeldy goop!

    Unless you have a space problem, leave them. Only delete stuff when you know what it is, and are sure you don't need it.

  • Where does time machine store content that would be found in the Finder window under "All Images, All Movies, All Documents"? Also, I have many Garageband projects and mp3 files I can't find.

    Where does time machine store content that would be found in the Finder window under "All Images, All Movies, All Documents"? Also, I have many Garageband projects and mp3 files I can't find.

    Easiest way to find time machine files is to open up the folder or application(works for email and iphoto)  they were in - then click on time machine ICON or enter time machine from the time machine menu to go back through the files.

  • Finder doesn't show image dimensions

    I have a problem with image dimensions in Finder. Finder doesn't show image dimension info in preview column and Get Info window. But when I open in Preview app I can see dimensions in Get Info window. How to solve this problem. If I want to sort images by dimension, I can't do that. Because Finder doesn't know image dimensions. You can see images below.

    Terence Devlin wrote:
    That's because the Finder is a file manager and works from file metadata. The data you're seeking is about the file contents. You need to use a Photo Manager or Browser.
    There is someone who can sort images by dimensions and see dimensions in list view. Also if Finder will not show image dimensions, why give me "Dimensions" and "Resolution" option to select in list view.
    VikingOSX wrote:
    Launch a Finder window. Press command+J, and set Show Item Info. Now the image dimensions will show below each image icon. If it is a movie, then the duration of the movie is shown.
    I have done this. But doesn't show information.

  • Finding and deleting unused images

    There's got to be an easy way to find all the unused image
    files (or any other type of file) so that they can be managed - in
    my case deleted. I'm trying to clean up my site - getting rid of
    unused files. I had a lot of selections for images but used only a
    small portion of them. I know if I go one-by-one and delete items
    it will tell me they're linked. But I have aprox 100 unused files
    so I'm looking for a way to automate it. Like in Flash - there's a
    usage count.
    thanks, Dave

    On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:13:59 -0400, E Michael Brandt
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> Site | Check Links
    >> then look at orphaned files in the results panel
    >Careful though. For example if you call some images via
    the Open
    >Browser Window behavior AND their Links are "#" or
    "javascript:;", then
    >those images will be reported as orphans when they are
    not. Not sure
    >also if images used only by CSS styles are reported as
    >Safest is to be certain you have a good off-site backup
    before deleting
    >the files reported as orphans.
    Yes indeed - Adobe need to do some work on this feature - it
    my php include files as orphans too !.

  • LR3: "Find file" when locating images error?

    When moving images from a portable drive that i use when on the road, i wish to copy them to my harddrive back at home (copy, not "drag & drop move" from within LR3 library modeule, as i wish to keep them on the portable drive).   Within LR2 i would then unplug the portable drive, use "Show in Finder" and then "Fnd Image" (ensuring that "Locate Nearby missing images" is on) and that then makes the connection to all of the images in that folder on the main drive at home.
    The only problem is that so far in LR3, this system of finding individual images does not appear to be working - i can click all the way thorugh to the image on the central home drive, but when clicked, it does not make that connection.
    "Find folder" works ok, but not if you have images from seperate occasions in there, then it can't work; only "Find Image".
    Has the process changed for LR3?  Any suggestions please as a 10 second job, now requires 1+ hour to copy between folders, drag and dropping then re-copying.

    That's a bug in LR 3.0 that was fixed in LR 3.2RC, as far as I can tell.
    The only problem is that so far in LR3, this system of finding individual images does not appear to be working - i can click all the way thorugh to the image on the central home drive, but when clicked, it does not make that connection.
    The workaround is to click the question mark icon on the thumbnail instead if clicking "Show in Finder" from the pop-up menu. This way you avoid the bug.
    Also, why not try installing LR 3.2 RC to check if it solves the problem when clicking "Show in Finder" and subsequently "Find Image".

  • HT5361 IN OS 10 where can one find the folder for images that came with email?

    IN OS 10 where can one find the folder for images that came with email?
    I wish to delete the leftover image files to free up drive headroom.

    I checked in this place, no dice!
    Home/Library/Mail Downloads, or
    the system "Downloads" folder

  • Path finder & Line Question

    Hello Illustrators.
    I'm having an issue with the pathfinder tool. Im using the pathfiners DIVIDE and some of my lines go missing. from 1px stroke they go to just turn to a thin line other lines go thicker, other times some lines merge together
    distorting the shape of the of my design. I am expanding the lines fill and stroke to to clear all the unwanted lines hanging off the edges if that makes sense..The reason why im doing this is, because I need the inner parts
    within the black border strokes.
    thank you.

    Hello Forum.
    Heres a better understanding of what Im doing. on A side, Im drawing out lines using the line tool, and also the pen tool.
    then on B side, im joining the anchor points to make up the shape.
    on C i lay over the lines a rectangle so when I use the path finder tool, to make the shape fill up.
    and on D is the result which some lines break up,some go thickers, some go thiner, leaving gaps where the rectnagle was supposed to fill up.
    on D the lines have ruined, some have go thick for what reason?

Maybe you are looking for

  • SQL Query with Joins

    Hi..I'm having trouble wiht my query. I'm getting way too many rows when displayed. I should have either 12 or 24 row...I think 12, but not sure. What I am getting is 228 rows displayed. This is all my code, including the select statment that dsiplay

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    Hi Gurus, Need your help in understanding if the CDF Essbasefunctions - String and Export are supported in v11.1.2.2 Arabic installation. The readme link mentioned CDF package does not give any information on the language support. Need to to understa

  • Rwserver -install server_name - failing in windows 2000 server

    Hi, I have installed Oracle Application Server 10g R-2 on windows 2000 server.I have deployed all the application of my concern but while configuring report server through command prompt via following command:- rwserver -install <server_name> autosta