Pause before function

I'm making an animation in which the user can drag an object
(mc) and when it is released it pauses for 5 seconds and then
begins moving...
I had hoped to be able to simply make a function (Pause) that
would count down the 5 seconds and then when Times >= 5 it would
perform the move function repeatedly...
But it's not performing the move function...I don't
understand setInterval very well so it may be a problem with
Here's my code....

Hello Vapor,
If it were me, I would probably just make that animation's mc
start on a later frame in the timeline. Example, when a user
released the object it tells the mc in a certain frame label to
gotoAndPlay("frame labe"). In that mc I would have nothing for the
first 150 frames (given if you were setting your frame rate to 30)
then it would lead into the animation desired.
Not sure if that is the answer you are looking for, but I
know I sometimes over-complicate things I need done thinking there
is a certain Actionscript code for it, and I end up wasting more
time trying to find the answer. 150 blank frames in an animation mc
shouldn't add much, if anything, to the overall file size of the

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    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    body {
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        margin: auto;
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    Assign > cpCmndRsume with 1
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    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
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    Hi musicaddictedCT,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    The steps in this article can help with troubleshooting iTunes:
    iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues

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    problem is likely due to DDE. It can be fixed by reinstalling, OR this
    Go to Control Panel, Folder Options, File Types, scroll down to and
    select XLS, click Advanced, select Open entry, click the edit Button.
    Now uncheck "Use DDE" and then put your cursor in the Application box,
    arrow all the way to the right and put in "%1" (include the quote
    marks), IF there is /dde remove it. Then OK you way out. Things should
    work quickly again.
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    Hope that helps.

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