PDf creation with Acrobat 10 freezes my Win7-64b system

Acrobat 10.1.3 reliably freezes (every day or so) my fully-patched Win7-64b system when creating pdf from MS Office 2003 or Word Perfect X5. Acrobat can be killed from TaskBar (often - be patient for the response) or via Task Manager (usually); sometimes it takes a hard reset. This thread (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/850202?start=0&tstart=0) shows the same topic; is there a solution?

"Acrobat 10.1.3 reliably freezes (every day or so) my fully-patched Win7-64b"
That's how I ended up here.  I just upgraded an accounting firm with new computers, i7, 8 GB, Windows 7 64 Ultimate, Office 2010 Small Business, and Acrobat 10 Standard.  More than once a day, when they go to print, Acrobat hangs. I have laptops there and elsewhere with i7, 8 GB, Windows 7 Professional 64b, Office 2010 Small Business, running Acrobat 9 Standard, and it has no problem.  Their previous machines with Core 2 duos, 1 GB, XP Pro, Office 2003 Small Business, and Acrobat 9 Standard, and had no problems.  The desktops and laptops are using different Anti-Virus programs.  That pretty much draws the circle around Acrobat 10 as being the source of the problem, on not something system or user specific.

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    Thank you for your answer.
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    default from Acrobat or any other software ?
    Thank you for your next message.
    Jean-Luc Rongé
    Le 21-10-14 14:24, ANAND8502 a écrit :
          I can't use thunderbird 31.2.0 to send attachement from a pdf
          file with Acrobat PRO XI
    created by ANAND8502 <https://forums.adobe.com/people/ANAND8502> in
    /Acrobat Installation & Update Issues/ - View the full discussion

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    Hi higi97,
    How are you connected to the internet? Are you behind a particularly secure corporate firewall? Are you on Mac or Windows? Do you have any anti-malware software running on your machine that may be preventing applications other than your browser from connecting to the internet?
    You may try to follow the steps below:
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    2.Navigate to the OOBE folder.
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    Mac OS: /Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE folder
    3.Delete the opm.db file.
    4.Launch Creative Cloud.
    Let us know if that helps,

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    PDF's with forms can only be optimized with a SAVE AS and the option set to "Save File For Fast Webviewing".
    Be sure that option is set and just do a save as and then rename the file back to your original.

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    Hi Deepak,
                     Before starting the code just like that,make sure u have configured all services in Visual Administrator.
    U can refer this:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/95/5a08cd0e274a0bae559622d6670722/frameset.htm">Configuration Guide</a>

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    In Acrobat X, SharePoint Integration has been added which allows users to check-out/check-in the document from within Acrobat. Clicking the file from document library in Internet Explorer opens the file in Acrobat. The configuration that needs to be done on the SharePoint server is explained in the following KB article in section 11.1.
    Please try these and let us know if you face any problems after this.

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            AcroExchPDDoc = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
            Dim JsObj As New Object
            JsObj = AcroExchPDDoc.GetJSObject
            JsOb = Nothing
            AcroExchPDDoc.Save(1, "c:\result_test.pdf")
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    How can this be solved?? Is this a bad approach to the process??
    Note that all inserted signatures trough this method are valid in Reader 9.
    Any help or comment would be appreciated.

    Thanks Steven,
    There is something I can´t undestarnd about this issue, and hope you can throw some light on it...
    If I use the AddSignature method of Adobe 8 SDK by clicking on the new menu option that it creates, these inserted signatures not causes the invalidation message in Reader 9. The used script is the same, so I can´t figure out why.
    Once inserted a new signature by ("my") code, it invalidates all previous "normally" inserted signatures trough the GUI, but not invalidate other signatures inserted trough this code (No matter how many signatures of this type are present in the document).
            I suppose that this means only a blank outline tree is inserted, and only the first time I apply the signature.
    As an additional info, I´ve attached to this post a new pdf file with one signature normally inserted, and three signatures "code-inserted". (The "result_pdf.pdf" included in previous post, with another two code-signature).
    As you can see, all except the first are valid, and any other new signatures inserted in the document (normal or code) won´t result in an invalid statement after the 1st code-insertion.

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    There's two answers if you want to modify the file:
    You can temporarily turn off PDF/A Mode in your preferences, so they don't open as read-only. The problem would be if you do something to the file that violated the PDF/A standard, so you should always run a Preflight check afterwards to make sure.
    If you want to remove the PDF/A header tag, use Preflight again - it's on the Print Production Panel in Acrobat X Pro (which may be hidden, use the options menu on the Tools Pane to show it). There's a profile called "Remove PDF/A information" - choose this and press Analyze and Fix. Nothing else about the file will be altered but when you save and reopen it all the editing tools will become active.

  • Compare 2 PDFs programmatically with Acrobat XI SDK

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    Is an API feature for Compare PDFs in Acrobat XI in the feature list/roadmap?
    Any technical details and links to information/references is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks very much for your response, really appreciate your help.

    So using methods like DigSigComparePages(from the link below) not an option anymore with the current version of Acrobat SDK?
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/API_References/Acrobat_API_R eference/Digital_Signatures/DigSig.html#DigSigComparePages411()

  • Win7 Pdf print with acrobat reader

    I have a problem with the printer's list,
    if install a printer... it does appear in the list.
    if i change or remove a printer it disappear...
    The problem is verified with acrobat 10 and 11, with the version 9 the printer's list is blank.
    With acrobat reader 9 i can't print because "no printer is installed"...

    Make sure you update to the lastest available version of Acrobat/Reader (these are two different things, by the way)... Only versions 9.2 or higher are compatible with Windows 7.

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    Maybe you misunderstand. The standard output for the Adobe PDF printer it the PDF Port. That is indeed a print to a file (a PS file) and then Distiller is activated in the background to finish converting the file to a PDF. By print to file, I mean the print-to-file check box on the print screen. That will allow you to print to a PS file, though it may have an extension of PRN. You can then open that file in Distiller to complete the conversion. If that works, then your problem is likely that AcroTray is not running in the background.
    AcroTray must be active for normal printer operation. When it fails you should still be able to print-to-file and then open the file in the Distiller to complete the process. That was my point and I am not sure that is what you have done. If it is, then I apologize for beating the point to death. The print-to-file is not the same as the PDF creation.

  • Unable to open pdf created with Acrobat Pro using Adobe Reader X

    Files created with some Adobe Professional applications such as Acrobat Pro ensure the file is small by excluding font information from the file.  Simple pdf creation applications embed the font in the file, which makes for transportability between apps but does make the files big.
    The problem i have experienced is that Adobe Reader X is one of the simple app varieties, so is unable to open, print, or read files created using Adobe Acrobat Pro..
    i'd welcome any help in (a) finding a free app that opens these 'pro pdf' files, OR (b) an option setting in Acrobat Pro which includes the font information in the file - or both!

    There are so many things wrong, around a tiny grain of truth, it really isn't worth examining. Not at this stage if you are more interested in getting things working.  It may be worth asking you though, since Reader doesn't even launch for you, how you came to focus on font embedding being the cause.
    Ok, Reader doesn't launch. Suppose you start Reader FIRST. Then use File > Open on your PDF.

  • How to edit a PDF created with Acrobat XI Pro after signatures have been applied (like I can in 7, 8.0

    I have a major issue that I need to resolve before we can purchase Acrobat XI Pro:
    Currently, with Acrobat 8.1 Pro, after all signatories sign a document, we add an Effective Date (we add it after they sign since we don't know when the last signature will be acquired and we can't have an Effective Date that is before the date of the last signatory, otherwise, it would be effective before they signed it, which is not possible). I'm also allowed the latitude (as stated in our Documentation Control procedure) to make spelling corrections, hyperlink updates and minor formatting changes (by using the typewriter tool and also by replacing a page that is NOT the signed page if the change repaginates the document or involves modifying a hyperlink that has changed).
    In all of the previous versions of Acrobat that we've used (7 Pro, 8 Pro and 8.1 Pro) , this has been easily possible and all changes would be listed under the Signatures tab, which is exactly what we want, which is traceability.
    I'm using the trial version of Acrobat XI Pro now but am getting the message "This document is signed and can not be edited." If I bring the same PDF that was created from Word 2003 & 2013 using Acrobat XI Pro into 8.1 Pro, though, I CAN add the date, use the typewriter tool and replace non-signed pages, save it and exit without clearing or losing any signatures.
    My question is this: How can I do this in Acrobat XI Pro, as XI Pro (in the Signature pane) also lists the changes made to the document when it was edited using 8.1 Pro? (It's OK that the changes made to the PDF then mark the signatures as "invalid", as the reason why they were invalidated is also listed in the Signature pane, e.g. "Form Field Added", which is usually the applied Effective Date.)
    Thanks for any help!

    Acrobat versions prior to 9 had a bug which allowed you to do what you did. In Acrobat 9 this bug was fixed. In order to do what you want you need to certify (apply special certification digital signature with your certificate -- it is "Certify (Visible/Invisible)" choice in the "Work with Certificates") your document first. In the process of certification you can specify which modification permissions you allow the users of your document to make after signing. Certification signature must be the first signature in the document.

  • Not able to view PDFs onlie with Acrobat 6 insalled

    I have Adobe Acrobat 6.0 installed and now whenever I go to view any PDF online I get an error message:
    "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a Web Browser.
    Adobe Acrobat/Reader version 8 or 9 is required. Please exit and try again"
    When I click OK (the only option), Acrobat 6.0 is launched and I still am unable to view the online PDF.
    I reinstalled Acrobat Reader latest version, but I'm still getting the same error above.
    How can I view PDFs from my web browser with Acrobat 6.0 installed?

    With version 7 Adobe changed the active x for webviewing.
    So you have to decide if you want to take Reader > 6 for Webviewing or Acobat 6 (where the later make not really sence to me).
    I think the last installed version will take over, the other produce only error for webviewing and also embedding.
    HTH, Reinhard

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