PDF documents in GTS

Hi all,
i am trying to find the physically location where the ABD and AGV documents are saved. Background: We want to download the files for achivation to an other storage location. And I am a little bit confused, because I didn´t find any PDF file. For you information, we are using the content server. My questions:
- Do GTS save the documents as .PDF files?
- Where can I find the storage location, where this .PDF files physicalle saved?
Thanks for help.
BR Marco

We found a solution for transfering GTS documents "back" into ERP system. A report send the binary data from GTS server to ERP server and creates a document link on the original invoice. Now we are able to show and print this documents with transaction VF03 as PDF.
Issue solved ;-)
best wishes

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    Looks like this is a sort of known bug with PDF creator in 11g. Try implementing the below solution:
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    Hello Kathie,
    Sorry for the inconvenience that has caused to you.
    Please let me know if you have tried converting any other PDF to word with Reader.
    Alos, please sign up at "https://cloud.acrobat.com/" using your Adobe ID credentials. Click on 'ExportPDF' tab and upload the PDF that you want to convert to Word.
    Let me know if this converts fine.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    Thank you very much for your answer.
    Needless to say I tried opening the document in IE, FF and Chrome, and neither worked.
    I had a look at the code at your web site, and saw that you were serving files for direct download: Content-Dispositoin:attachment... .
    This works fine for me too, and the filename is recognized correctly in that case. The problem is, I want to display the PDF inline...
    My server is not configured for URL rewriting, and I would be probably quite some problem to make this app work with it, so the /filename.pdf is not an option for me.
    Edited by: matavulj on Sep 25, 2008 7:21 AM

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    Jeff Corbets

    Hi there
    I have a tutorial on this process available at the link below:
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Multiple Payslips in PDF Document

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement of getting multiple Payslips in a single PDF document.
    Right now, we use the Java Webdynpro application to display payslips in ESS using a custom HR Form / Smartform.
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    you can control from here but having multiple payslips ? you mean different smartforms for each scenario??
    You can check these features
    1. HRFOR  - This feature decides whether to use HRFORMS or CEDT forms
    (configured in PE51) for the payslip. If HRFORMS, the name of HRFORM has
    to be mentioned here. If PE51 needs to be used then $CEDT$ should be
    2. EDTIN - This should hold the value of the variant to be executed in
    the CEDT program (payslip program). The variant should be proper with
    the with the correct CEDT (payslip) form name and other parameters.
    3. EDPDF - The name of the smartform (standard smartform
    HR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF or customer specific form) used to show the output
    in the ESS.
    Or you can check in method L_PRODUCE_FORM
    Default implementation of BADI XSS_REM_INTERFACE is stored in
    class CL_DEF_IM_XSS_REM_INTERFACE. If you go to SE24, enter this
    class and then select method PROVIDE_FILTERED_RGDIR, you will be able to
    see the default implementation regarding the 3 days I mentioned before:
    DATA: newest_date LIKE sy-datum.
    ex_filtered_rgdir] = im_in_rgdir[.
    CLEAR ex_message.
    remove all in-periods where not:
    a) paydt is at the past
    b) paydt is in the near future (3 days)
    newest_date = sy-datum + 3.
    DELETE ex_filtered_rgdir WHERE paydt GE newest_date.
    Please, when implementing this BADI do not forget to mantain the other
    methods as explained in note 901850.

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    PO Email From Tools>Communicate At Same Time of Approval Corrupts PDF File Transmits As .HTML & System Failed to Generate PDF [ID 1287488.1]

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    Best to keep the replies in the other post, but I wanted to comment on something you said "I was told that Adobe X is a 32 bit program and that could be why it's running slow." Yes, it's a 32 bit program. No, it's complete nonsense to say that 32 bit programs run slow. There seems to be a general belief that 64 bit is better because, well, because, um, because it's a bigger number so it must be, right? Sorry, I'm not mocking you, but there is such nonsense about this, that I think software makers are having to put a lot of effort into making 64 bit software for no good reason at all.

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    No -- I installed adobe acrobat -- and now, whether I'm signed in or not -- the little disc/save icon is whited out and it can no longer be selected -- when I open a PDF I can only save it to the cloud
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    tried to attach screen shot to show you, but it was too big .......


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    Best to keep the replies in the other post, but I wanted to comment on something you said "I was told that Adobe X is a 32 bit program and that could be why it's running slow." Yes, it's a 32 bit program. No, it's complete nonsense to say that 32 bit programs run slow. There seems to be a general belief that 64 bit is better because, well, because, um, because it's a bigger number so it must be, right? Sorry, I'm not mocking you, but there is such nonsense about this, that I think software makers are having to put a lot of effort into making 64 bit software for no good reason at all.

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