PE7 transcoding error

    I'm having an issue burning my latest project to blu-ray.  At the 33% - 35% completion mark, PE7 fails and returns a "transcoding error - PE failed to return a video frame."   I've gone through my content multiple times, and the timeline is fluid and complete.  When I preview the movie on the title composition page, it plays without error.
     Any suggestions on how to figure out which video file is corrupt? Does the completion percentage correlate with the length of the timeline? i.e. - if my movie is 12 minutes long, and my transcoding error is at 33%, should I be looking around the 4:00 minute mark?
     Thank you for your help.

     The camcorder is a Sony HRD-SR10 camcorder.  My computer has 90GB free on the hard drive, is a 3.2 GHz dual core processor with a blu-ray burner and 4GB RAM.  I have successfully burned 15 minute blu-ray movies via PE7 on this computer before.  As for presets, I cannot recall exactly, but they remain the same as the settings I used in my previous movie.
     I went through every frame of the timeline, and it is without a single gap.  Here is the only thing I can speculate:  I have two sequences in my 12 minute movie where I scroll through high resolution still photos (10+ megapixel and over 4 MB per shot).  I have read in the forums that I should down-size these shots, as they can cause a transcoding error.  I will attempt this shortly (when I can find the time with my work schedule).  My only hesitation is that I have done the same still sequencing in the past with high-res photos, and it never caused a problem.
Thank you for your help.

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    Hi, I created a slide show in pse7 and sent it to pe7 to burn a dvd. I keep getting transcoding error. Could you please help?

    Is this your first expereince using the workflow of Photoshop and Premiere Elements to make a slide show? If yes, I realize that Premiere Elements can be confusing at first (been there: been thru that) so I am trying to keep my instructions as straight forward as possible.
    I numbered my specific questions so you can respond by number :
    1-- for the
    b resolution of the images
    that Allen requested : if they came from a digital camera, it may be simplest to post how many megapixels in the photos that your camera takes ?
    2-- aproximately
    b how many photos
    are in this slide show ?
    3-- what is the
    b duration of the slide show
    as shown by the Photoshop Elements slide show editor? (the duration is found to the left of the controls for playing the Preview within the slide show editor)
    4-- from the PSE slide show editor Output command, did you choose
    b "Burn to Disc - DVD"
    or did you choose
    b "Send to Premiere Elements"?
    Do you know how to do the "render your slideshow" that Allen suggested?
    Across the bottom of the Premiere Elements window, you should see either a Timeline or a Sceneline.
    -- Within that area, Click on the word "Timeline" that is in the upper left of that specific panel/section of the screen. This will put you in the Timeline view.
    --Click (left click) on the clip that you see in the Timeline and then next hit the Enter key.
    -- As the clip is being rendered, you will see a popup showing progress and a line above the clip that was red will start turning green. If rendering completes successfully, that entire line will become green.

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    Thanks for any help you might give :)

    You may have to remux the VOBs using VideoRedo Plus. Remuxing is relatively fast and can correct problems with VOBs that you have in Premiere Elements 2.0.
    Is there audio for the entire movie?
    You might also have a problem with DVD markers or the menu. The only way you are going to find out is to remove them and try burning.

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    Well, gentlemen, I awoke this morning to the same error in the same spot.
    So I combed the entire timeline again and did actually find and fix a couple of gaps which I'd somehow overlooked the first two times (can't imagine how that happened).  Burned it again and same error, same place.  Really, this is killing me.
    So all I need now is to know how to successfully export/burn it to a folder or other media.  Then maybe I can re-load it into Adobe or burn directly to DVD from remote place.  I'm trying now to burn it to 8.(?)G folder because when I tried burning it to 4.7G folder it didn't work.
    Any other suggestions for getting this movie onto another form of media so I can go from there?
    Thank you

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    Sorry I didn't realise email responses would not show up in the forum correctly. Here is my response to ATR posted using the forum:
    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on?
    >Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. This is running on a 2nd generation i7 with 8GB of RAM and more that 1 TB space left on the c:/ drive. I have used this laptop for similar projects before using Premiere Elements 11 and have not had a transcoding problem before. These were similar length (1.5 hr productions of a repertory club in an Australian hick town), shot in HD on the same camera a Canon LEGRIA HF G30.
    Have you updated 12 to 12.1 using an opened project's Help Menu/Update? If not, please do so.
    >I updated and tried to publish to DVD again - same result.
    What produced this error
    >a. burn to DVD-VIDEO standard or widescreen
    What is the size of this project...just before you hit burn, does the burn dialog give you a reading for Space Required and Bitrate? What type/capacity disc are you using?
    >6.96GB (Bitrate 8.00Mbps) to single layer DVD 4.7G, Fit to Disk size selected, resulting in 4.38GB at 4.99Mbps.
    If menus, how many menu markers and how many main menu pages and how many scene menu pages.
    > One main menu, 2 scene menu pages with 6 scenes.
    1. Expand the Timeline with the -+ slider above the Timeline, press the End key of the computer keyboard. Does the Timeline Indicator stop at the last item on the Timeline or does it go beyond that point?
    >Yes, at end of last item on Timeline.
    If beyond, check out the place where the Timeline Indicator stopped. Look for debris there and remove it if found.
    > N/A
    2. Check the spacing of the Timeline menu markers. Check the menus for overlapping buttons.
    >Some Scene Markers were slightly out of place at maximum Timeline expansion. How do I get back into the Title and Scene screens to check for button overlaps (don’t believe there are any though)?

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        url: Embed(source="assets/images/header-logo.png");
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    Welcome to the forum.
    First, editing Video is far more intense on the computer, than even very large images in PS. The resources issue can likely be overcome by the tips in this ARTICLE.
    Also, with any resources issues, remember that these can be physical RAM, and also the Windows Virtual Memory (Page File). The size, location and management of the Page File can be very important, especially if one has many other programs and Processes stealing resources unnecessarily.
    Last, let's talk about the burning (and Transcoding) of a DVD-Video. First place to look would be the size of your still images. You cannot display more pixels, than the Frame Size of your Project. Unless you are doing a lot of animation, having them any larger than the Frame Size is a waste. The quality will actually be better, if you do your resizing in PS, and not letting PrE do it for you. This ARTICLE will give you some tips. Having to process large stills will rob your system of necessary resources.
    As for the burned DVD-Video not playing in a set-top player, and only a computer, the most likely causes of this are the blank media itself, and too high a burn speed. I strongly recommend using Verbatim, or Taiyo Yuden media, and recommend against using Memorex, TDK, recent RiteK or any store brands. I also would use slower speed media, as PrE will try to get the fastest burn, based on the speed of the blank media and the burner. Slower is better. I can manually assign the speed in my authoring program, and choose a speed at least half of the max.
    Good luck,

  • Transcoding error Premiere Elements 2.0

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    Any guidance would be appreciated.

    Have you tried this?
    Based on the information you've provided though, my first guess would be that you don't have enough free, defragmented space -- particularly if your source files are something other than DV-AVIs captured from a miniDV camcorder.

  • SWFloader causing "transcode" errors

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    My Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="1000" minHeight="600"
        <fx:Style source="archive.css"/>
            <s:State name="CloseArchives"/>
            <s:State name="OpenArchives"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:BorderContainer id="s1" x="0" y="0" width="1000" height="600" backgroundColor="#730F0F" width.OpenArchives="675" x.OpenArchives="325">
                <s:Label text="Map Area" x="0" fontSize="17" fontWeight="bold" color="#FFFFFF"/>
                <s:Button width="42" enabled="true" x="0" y="284" label="&gt;" includeIn="CloseArchives" click="currentState='OpenArchives'"/>
                <mx:SWFLoader x="0" y="0" width="1000" height="600" width.OpenArchives="675" x.OpenArchives="0" id="mapload" source="@Embed(source='index.swf')"/>
        <s:BorderContainer includeIn="OpenArchives" x="0" y="0" width="325" height="600" backgroundColor="#4289AA" id="s2">
            <s:Button x="273" y="287" label="&gt;" width="42" enabled="true" id="OpenArchives" x.OpenArchives="294" y.OpenArchives="289" label.OpenArchives="&lt;" click="currentState='CloseArchives'"/>
            <s:RichText x="10" y="10" text=" Previous Years Information:&#xd;  2009&#xd;   Albemarle-Pamlico&#xd;    Map&#xd;    Report&#xd;    Project Photos&#xd;      Project Name (Before)" width="294" height="578"/>
            <s:Transition id="opening" fromState="CloseArchives" toState="OpenArchives">
                <s:Parallel targets="{[s2]}">
                    <s:Fade duration="1000"/>
    My Errors all for the line where the SWFloader is located:
    unable to resolved 'index.swf' for transcoding
    Unable to transcode index.swf
    Thank you in advance,

    Hi Michael,
    Thank you for the tip.  I tried making it a full path and received the same error message.
    -Alison Page

  • Transcoding error with Premiere Elements at 50% encoding point

    I am getting a transcoding error at exactly the 50% encoding point multiple times.  I have reduced the amount of video to burn and also tried burning to a file with no success.  I have even purchased a 1 TB hard drive, re-installed Windows XP and the Premiere Elements software to make sure I had enough hard drive space and still am getting the error.  Any other ideas.

    These messages are not necessarily about PrEL, but read for the ideas
    Long File Names or odd characters cause problems
    And #4 Here
    And This Message Thread
    Photo Scaling for Video
    -Too Large May = Crash

  • Another Take on the Vexing Transcoding Error

    Here's another take on the vexing and sometimes difficult to solve "Transcoding Error" when burning a DVD.
    Here's the background.
    I use a Canon Vixia HF21 which is a memory based camera.
    There are 5 different settings on the Vixia from full HD 1920 to LP. We shoot in what they call XP+ mode which is 1440.
    The project preset used is the hard disk flash memory HD1080I(60).
    The videos we shoot are simple instructional videos with basic fade in and fade out without much in the way of fancy layers.
    The process is usually where we import the video off the camer, then
    render, edit and then burn. Editing usually involves cropping.
    However today I kept getting the infamous transcoding error when trying to burn a DVD. It always happened at the
    14% mark and did everything I could find others had suggested in other forums, such as disk defragmention etc.
    On my own I decided that I'd try to re-render it again and when I did found that it wouldn't render. It would crash
    at the same 14% mark. Hm?
    Well to make a long story short, I decided to remove the crop on the 1st clip and lo and behold was able t
    get the render process to go until the 21% mark, which was the 2nd video clip (still cropped).
    So, I changed all the clips from "Crop" to "Clip" and was then able to re-render and burn a DVD to file.
    So don't know if anyone has a take on this but thought it would be worth adding to the repository of information
    about transcoding and help someone else out in the future.

    The purpsose of safe zones is not so that you'll crop or resize your video to fit inside them, boss. It's so that the IMPORTANT video information stays within them -- particularly text.
    Resizing your video so that it stays within your Safe Margins only multiplies the amount of rendering the program needs to do and increases the likelihood that the program is going to crash.
    The best way to work is to match your source footage to your project settings and leave it at that. Only rarely should you resize your video to emphasize or highlight something in it.
    Also, if your project and source video is hi-def and your output is DVD (standard def), you can improve your odds of success (and improve the quality of your output) if, instead of going straight to DVD, you use Share/Computer/AVI with the DV preset to output your video first as a standard def video. Then open a new project (with DV settings) put your DV-AVI on the timeline and generate your DVD from there.
    This will save you hours of rendering time as well as greatly increasing the odds of a successful DVD creation.

  • Transcode Error when burning to DVD

    Trying to to a DVD in PRE10. It begins to encode the media and does great until it gets to the 24% mark. It then says I have a "transcode error" and stops. I have rendered the footage, it plays through fine, but I can't burn a DVD or save it as a AVI either. What does that message mean and does it mean it's occurring 24% into the project? I've checked all I know to check. The project is less than 4 minutes in length, so I don't think that could have anything to do with it. Help - working with a deadline

    MY timeline is at 24% everytime the error occurs, so I take that would be about at the half way point of the project since it makes the 2 passes. Anyway I've had no luck. I redid the project again,albeit, hurriedly so, but I had worse results, error again , but right at the atart of the burn. I went through the project as best I could looking for any gaps, seen none. Per your suggestion, added a title on video track 3, I have an audio track, video 1 track is completely filled, a couple of clips on video track 2. I've never encountered this before to this extent. usually there is a gap, but not this time. I'm running Windows XP SP3, a 7200 rpm HD, 4g of memory, ATI video card. I defragmented my main drive before starting, so I had roughly 20gb free. I missed my deadline, but my aggravation was more irritating. Thanks for the info Hunt.

  • Transcoding Error Premiere Elements 10

    I would like to start by saying what a great forum this is, I am so glad I found it. The information here is...well, a little overwhelming at first.
    I am new to elements 10,  three weeks ago. I am trying to create a slide show of mainly stills (4320x3240) and a couple of clips (1280x720). I have a blueray player so to maximize the quality of stills on the tv I would like to output to Share/Disc/AVCHD and burn to a DVD disc. I start the project with the preset of NTSC/AVCHD/1920 x 1080 because the pixel size is square as I believe my pics are. I have taken Bill Hunt's recommendations to heart and resized my pics to 1080 tall, which will make them 1440 wide. The reason I don't use the 1440 x 1080 preset is because it is not square pixels. Is this correct?
    The problem I am having is once the project gets larger, 50 stills, 2 short clips, transitions, titles, etc. I end up getting a "Transcoding error" while trying to burn it to a DVD. When I try to burn a smaller project half that size, it completes fine and I have the best looking pictures on my TV. Is the transcoding error possibly caused by lack of system resources or is there something else I am doing completely wrong? My system meets and slightly exceeds the recommended specs for Premiere Elements 10.

    As Steve says, Scale the Still Images, prior to Import. The quality will be better, if you use a program, like Photoshop, or Photoshop Elements. This ARTICLE goes into more detail, plus will tell you how to use Actions, and Automate To>Batch, to Scale entire folders, almost instantly.
    With HD-lite material, going to SD, there are some choices, and also compromises, that will need to be made. The choice of workflow might depend on how one likes to work, and possibly on some testing.
    One workflow would be to edit the HD-lite material in a Project, that matches perfectly, and then Export/Share to DV-AVI. One would then create a New Project for DV SD, Import that material into it, along with your Still Images Scaled to the DV SD Project. This leaves ALL Still Image Scaling to PS/PSE, and the quality WILL be better. The downside is that your HD-lite material will be down-rezzed, but that will have to happen somewhere, so PrE is not a bad place to do it. The Projects will also edit smoothly.
    Another, and a variation on # 1 would be to follow the guidelines in this TUTORIAL on down-rezzing from HD to SD, by Jeff Bellune.
    A third workflow would be to create an HD Project, that matches your Source Footage, and also to Scale the Still Images to match THAT Frame Size. Edit, as is needed, then output to DV-AVI for the SD/DVD material. Then, one would create a New Project, for DV SD, and Import that DV-AVI into it, for any touch-up, and the final authoring to DVD-Video. The downside to this method is that one would be letteing PrE do the down-rezzing of the Still Images too, and PS/PSE is much better suited.
    Good luck, and welcome to the forum.

  • PE7 (& 8) error message missing adobepsl.dll when writing to disc

    I have been using PE7 exclusively even though I purchased PE8 since it didn't work on my Windows 7 64 bit laptop.  I edited a video without any problems like usual and when I went to write it to a disc, it wouldn't write and I got an error message that it was missing or error occurred in adopepsl.dll.  This was on the Windows 7 laptop.  I then moved the files to a Vista laptop and tried it there but got the same error message.  I read a lot of forums and articles here and so I created a new user specifically for PE8  on the Windows 7 laptop and installed PE8.  I tried to write the project to the DVD and once again I got the same message.  As a last resort, I created a new user on my XP desktop and installed PE7 since I knew that I had successfully worked with that one for almost 2 years without a hitch.  I got the same error message on the XP:
    AppName: adobe premiere elements.exe AppVer: ModName: adobepsl.dll
    ModVer: Offset: 000e0c83
    Since it was three different computers and three different systems and I never had problems before either laptop before, I am extremely confused as to why all three separate computers would be missing the same exact file and get the same error message.  I installed them directly from the DVD that I purchased new and had used it to install onto the laptops when I intially started using the program and then when I purchased the second (windows 7) laptop.  And then to have it also happen with the PE8, which was also bought new but never used since it wasn't working on the Windows 7 laptop.  (No, I did not update it since I went back to the PE7 because I knew that worked and I was in the middle of another project at the time and didn't want to jeopardize my project or my usage of the laptop.)
    How is this possible that all three computers (and the PE8) are all having trouble burning to the DVD?  Is it possible that it's a program disc problem but then why would the PE8 have that same problem?
    desktop info (laptops are off and I'm exhausted after having dealt with this for over 12 hours):
    windows XP
    processor: intel pentium 4 cpu 3.00 ghz (2cpus)
    memory: 1.37 gb RAM
    Any suggestions?  Unfortuanately, I'm not as "techy" as the rest of you.

    Thanks Steve.  I checked that article and I already do everything on all machines in your article except #4 of weekly and #1 of monthly.  I have read your articles over time and have always found them informative.  I've also gone to your website for information. 
    I do not have Adobe Bridge or Creative software.  How do I correct all three machines so that it will write to a DVD?  How do I get that file back?

  • Transcode Errors

    When I start up Encore I get MULTIPLE errors such as:
    "Error loading transcode preset C:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore DVD 2.0\Presets\Internal\NTSC PCM.vpr"
    I also get an error after it starts trying to add a new slideshow:
    "Error loading transcode preset"
    Also when I shut it down I also get:
    "Runtime Error! Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore DVD 2.0\Adobe Encore DVD.exe
    - pure virtual function call"
    What is wrong?! I've done several reinstalls and I'm clueless...

    Just an update. I added an additional 1Gb of RAM (2.5 total). It made no difference, and I think the dropped frames are worse.
    I tried removing the music track, re-rendered and then transcoded to the camera. 10 mins into the dump, the G5 crashed and required a restart.
    Restart, re-render, crash again.
    I am currently running the hardware test. More later, Dave

Maybe you are looking for