Pen Tablet Driver?

Does anyone know what pen tablet driver is?
I go to activity monitor and it doesn't respond. I do a sample and it says something about being open in Rossetta.

Pen tablet driver is for the Link: [Wacom|] range of Graphics tablets I think.
Message was edited by: gumsie

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    For others who may encounter this issue:
    These are the steps which I found worked:
    1. Search C:\ for "wintab32.dll", this is a Wacom driver packaged with windows (I thought it was the Windows Standard pen driver, but it is not!). You must remove this .dll file for the Bosto Kingtee 19MA tablet to work in Photoshop CS6 in Windows 8 or 8.1.
        Also: There are two instances of this file in windows! Be sure to only remove the one in Wow64, not the one in the System32 directory. (I'm using a 64 bit OS, and       I'm not going to make any assumptions about this situation in a 32 bit environment.)
    2. Run the TouchPanel Bosto driver installer again, this replaces the Wintab driver... apparently somehow...
    3. Manually Install the following updates for CS6: (do not use the Application Manager, it doesn't seem to catch these updates (on my system at least))
    (Starting from the bottom with and going up in order by date)
    Adobe Photoshop update for CS6
    Adobe Photoshop update for CS6
    Dynamic Link Media Server 1.0.1 Update for Windows
    Adobe Photoshop update for Adobe Photoshop CS6
    4. Restart Computer after the update per the dialogue box's request.
    5. After the update is installed, the Bosto tablet should be working in Photoshop and Win 8.1!
    Important Note:
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    Have you read that?

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    That is the question I asked you.  I think you will find that your display only functions as a touch device.   My old Wacom Intuos 3 Tablet was just a tablet device.  My new Intuos 5 Touch is both a Tablet and touch device. When the pen is in close proximity with the tablet surface touch is turned of and it functions as a tablet.  The Wacom device driver has some Touch functions the can be configured to work with Photoshop.  I could configure touch so I could finger paint in Photoshop. Photoshop does not have its own touch support and touch settings.   If you can find a device driver for your displays touch feature that use wintab api. to support a pen interface you may have a chance,

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    Please help

    Although this description doesn't tell much about your problem (next time you'd might to be more specific about your system info and what exactly doesn't work), here's one thing you might try:
    Download and install a Wacom driver (on top of your Genius driver). You don't need to set it up, it just needs to be there, so Illustrator sees it and is tricked into assuming a Wacom is present. That is a tip I once read on a web site dedicated to Wacom alternatives. I have never tried it, but it sounds sensible enough.

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    Ive just downloaded a Driver update from Wacom for my Tablet so hopefully this has resolved this problem.

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    got my new Cintiq 21ux today. ! its my first pen tablet and i really love it !
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    i am using a strong pc computer with windows 7 and i have i downloaded and installed the latest cintiq wacom driver - the 6.1.5-3 driver version.
    thx in advance @

    Das sind irgendwelche Fehler im Wacom-Treiber in Kombination mit bestimmten Grafikkarten und PS' Hardwarebeschleunigung. Eine wirkliche Lösung zu dem Problem habe ich noch nirgendwo gesehen, aber vielelicht hilft ja das Ausknipsen von OpenCL oder andere Grafikeinstellungen im System.

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    This issue is fixed in latest Oct update of Flash Pro CC 2014. The new version is Please check if you have this version.
    If the issue is still happening, Can you please provide the following information
    Flash Pro Version Number
    Tablet model
    Tablet driver version Number
    Mapping mode set for the tablet ,Is it PEN mode or MOUSE mode.
    ----------------If its Mouse mode pressure and tilt does not work. Please set the mapping mode to PEN.
    Also check what is the compatibility mode set : RightClick the FlashPro Application Shortcut -> Properties > Compatibility and checking the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" option.
    There was similar issue reported on Re: Sensibility on flash cc 2014. Check if this helps.
    PS : Generally updating to the latest wacom driver and restarting the system and Flash Pro resolves most of the issue.Please try this once.Latest wacom drive can be downloaded from

  • Elements 7 - Where are my pen tablet options???

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    To make sure the problem didn't arise from he parallel installation of PSE 5 and PSE 7 or an old driver, I deinstalled PSE 5 AND 7, reinstalled PSE 7 and updated the driver of the pen tablet. Didn't solve anything.
    Is there some general option that has to be activated, to get access to the tabletoptions or is this a known problem?
    I would appreciate any hint. Thanks.
    By the way: If there are typos or other mistakes in this posting I apologize. English isn't my mothertongue. But I hope, I could make my problem understandable.
    Greetings, Jörg

    OMG. Sometimes it would just help to open the eyes and to try each and every graphic element before calling for help...
    This is really one of these Homer Simpson "D'Oh"-Moments. I did see this arrow, but though it would belong to the icon on its left as an indicator of a dropdown-menu. That's why I didn't try it.
    Thank you very much for your help!

  • Pen Pad Driver

    I recently bought my new Macbook pro, and I wanted to use my tablet (Aiptek Hyperpen 12000U) which i havent used in a while. I cant find the cd, so I searched on the net to find the right driver for it. I came up with Pen Pad USB Tablet Driver v1.67... this should be right one. Everything seems to be working fine, until I press the Install button. After this, I can see a progress bar installing a few files. But after a few second the installer is going to the first installation window again. Without any errors.. I cant seem to install this driver. I did this over and over again.. I can see items remaining to be installed: 33... and short after this .. I'll get to the first installation window again.
    I tried a few other version like, 1.66, 1.63 .. it gets really frustrating. I tried TabletMagic as well (as I read somewhere that that could work as well).
    As Aiptek is not providing Mac OSX drivers, I thought it was just an Aiptek issue. But I have installed this same very aiptek to my other mac computer (imac) which is running Max OSX leopard as well.
    Is there something I can do in order to install this driver successfully?
    Thanks in advance!

    "But I have installed this same very aiptek to my other mac computer (imac) which is running Max OSX leopard as well."
    Is your iMac a PowerPC or Intel based?
    Have you tried connecting the PenPad to see if it works without drivers? I can't even find a gimp driver for this tablet for Mac, only Linux.
    Just my 2 cents, but I use a Wacom tablet with a graphire pen. Comes with Mac OS X compatible drivers and works like a charm.

  • Photoshop CC doesn't recognize the right mouse button of my Wacom Intuos pen tablet, how do I solve this?

    For some reason photoshop CC doesn't respond to the right mouse button that is on my tablet pen.
    It's strange because it does work for illustrator CC, so why would photoshop CC not respond to it?
    Anyhow, help please!
    I have a wacom intuos pen tablet.

    I checked my settings and they´ve always been like this:
    So that's not it.

  • Photoshop Elements 8 FROM WACOM PEN TABLET: INTOUS 4 (Mac) Error 150:30.

    I use Photoshop Elements frequently and I got this message yesterday. The collations I've found on the site don't seem to work, and i can't find that Flex file to delete. I got the program through my Wacom Pen tablets and really need help fixing it.

    You have posted in the wrong forum since your state program is Photoshop Elements 8. You have posted in the Adobe Premiere Elements Forum (video editing) and not the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum.
    Please repost your thread in the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum
    Photoshop Elements
    or otherwise you will have to wait for a moderator to see your thread here and then move it from here to there.
    Until you get to the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum, please take a look at the following thread to see if it contains any Mac related answers for you in what appears to be a licensing issue.
    Error code 150:30

  • Is there a Graphic Pen Tablet that...

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    I don't know of any tablet where you can't touch the pen to the surface. What tablet did you use that you were told, or thought, that you had to hover the pen above the surface of the tablet? Perhaps the pressure sensitivity was just set too high or something was wrong with the tablet.
    Wacom tablets are generally felt to be of very high quality and are the ones I encounter most frequently.

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    For what you want to do, it is not possible through one mini-display/dvi port as the graphics card can only handle 1 output at a time. Check out this little device. It'll turn one usb port into an average quality video output. I have my second Cinema display running off one of these. I wouldn't recommend playing games or anything on these though because the output frame rate is much too low. Check it out. _trksid=p3286.c0.m14#ht_4670wt941

  • Problem or bug ? Photoshop - pen tablet- mask- help :(

    Hi, iv got a big problem or a simply bug :s with photoshop cs4 and my pen tablet wacom bamboo. I link three screenshots: A screen with a line made with the mouse ==> everything is normal
    A screen makes the pen ==> we can see that, this mask be created with the form.
    A screen just after use the pen ==> form disappeared and history line shows: "activation of a mask Oo" ... uris1.jpg/ ... tivoo.jpg/ Help me please, i cant use the pen normally, my created form or line disappeared everytime  Thanks for your answers !

    Have you read that?

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