Performance problem with OLE_FLUSH_CALL function module

Hello Everyone,
I am facing problem with OLE_FLUSH_CALL function module (execution is taking long time which is going to be dump error).
Could you please help me in knowing solution for this problem?
Thanking you in advance.

Hi Srinivas,
the OLE_FLUSH_CALL does an RFC from ABAP backend to frontend UI. So high execution time could result from high network time, for example latency between UI and backend server.
How many UI interaction steps did you measure for the trace above? Ideally, there should only be one OLE_FLUSH_CALL per user interaction step. If its more, the application is not written in an optimized way.
Best Regards, Randolf

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    I know lot of posts have been done about problems with this function module. However I was not able to find the answer to my problem. Hence posting a new thread
    I have the following code which changes the reason rejection (if required to 'ZF') and also updates the sales order quantity.
    The code works absolutely fine as long as the PGI date of the order item is either today or in the future. However if the PGI date of the order item is in the past. I get an error in the t_return table with error type 'E' saying 'PGI date is in the past hence could not update the item'.
    If I try to update the same order quantity in VA02 for the item with PGI date in the past it does so without any problem.
    Can someone please suggest what the problem might be. Or if there is some other way I can update the quantity. (I dont want to use BDC)
    FORM change_sales_order_item USING value(r_rtb_posnrs) TYPE zpsd_ztsdrtb_ro_track
                                 CHANGING r_return TYPE type_t_bapiret2.
      DATA: v_order_header_in TYPE bapisdh1,
      v_order_header_inx TYPE bapisdh1x,
      t_schedule_lines TYPE bapischdl OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      t_schedule_linesx TYPE bapischdlx OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      v_temp_rtb_vbeln TYPE vbeln,
      v_temp_rtb_posnr TYPE posnr,
      wa_old_rtb_posnrs TYPE ztsdrtb_ro_track,
      t_item_in TYPE bapisditm OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      t_item_inx TYPE bapisditmx OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
      v_rtb_old_vbeln TYPE zrtbvbeln,
      v_rtb_old_posnr TYPE zrtbposnr,
      v_ro_old_vbeln TYPE zrovbeln,
      v_ro_old_posnr TYPE zroposnr,
      v_rtb_count TYPE i,
      v_next_row_index TYPE i,
      v_update_order_flg TYPE char1, "Update the sales order flag
      v_rtb_record_counter TYPE i,
      v_original_vbeln TYPE vbeln,
      t_bapiret TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <wa_r_rtb_posnrs> TYPE ztsdrtb_ro_track,
                     <wa_r_rtb_posnr_next> TYPE ztsdrtb_ro_track.
      CONSTANTS: c_updateflag TYPE bapisditmx-updateflag VALUE 'U'.
      v_order_header_inx-updateflag = 'U'.
    Get rid of the duplicate records for the same RTB order. Just use
    the last record quantity in the internal table
      LOOP AT r_rtb_posnrs ASSIGNING <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>.
        v_rtb_record_counter = v_rtb_record_counter + 1.
        <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-seqnr = v_rtb_record_counter.
      SORT r_rtb_posnrs DESCENDING BY zrtbvbeln zrtbposnr seqnr zrtbconsumedflg.
      DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM r_rtb_posnrs COMPARING zrtbvbeln zrtbposnr.
      DESCRIBE TABLE r_rtb_posnrs LINES v_rtb_count.
      v_rtb_record_counter = 0.
      v_update_order_flg = space.
      LOOP AT r_rtb_posnrs ASSIGNING <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>.
        v_rtb_record_counter = v_rtb_record_counter + 1.
        v_update_order_flg = space.
    Popluate the item quantity update flags for schedule lines
        t_schedule_linesx-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
        t_schedule_linesx-sched_line = '0001'.
        t_schedule_linesx-updateflag = c_updateflag.
        t_schedule_linesx-req_qty = 'X'.
        APPEND t_schedule_linesx.
        CLEAR t_schedule_linesx.
    *Item (Order QQuantity Field to be changed "KWMENG")
        t_schedule_lines-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
        t_schedule_lines-sched_line = '0001'.
        t_schedule_lines-req_qty = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbchgqty.
        APPEND t_schedule_lines.
        CLEAR t_schedule_lines.
    If fully consumed then set the rejection flag
        IF <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbconsumedflg = 'X'.
          t_item_inx-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
          t_item_inx-updateflag = 'X'.
          t_item_inx-reason_rej = 'X'.
          APPEND t_item_inx.
          CLEAR t_item_inx.
          t_item_in-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
          t_item_in-reason_rej = 'ZF'.
          APPEND t_item_in.
          CLEAR t_item_in.
          t_item_inx-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
          t_item_inx-updateflag = 'X'.
          t_item_inx-reason_rej = 'X'.
          APPEND t_item_inx.
          CLEAR t_item_inx.
          t_item_in-itm_number = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbposnr.
          t_item_in-reason_rej = ' '.
          APPEND t_item_in.
          CLEAR t_item_in.
    If you have reached the last line of the RTB intern table update the sales order
    *Index pointing to the next row
        v_next_row_index = v_rtb_record_counter + 1.
        IF v_rtb_record_counter = v_rtb_count.
          v_update_order_flg = 'X'.
        ELSEIF v_rtb_record_counter < v_rtb_count.
    Get the next row data
          READ TABLE r_rtb_posnrs INDEX v_next_row_index ASSIGNING <wa_r_rtb_posnr_next>.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            IF <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbvbeln <> <wa_r_rtb_posnr_next>-zrtbvbeln.
              v_update_order_flg = 'X'.
          v_update_order_flg = space.
    update the rtb orders with quantities and the rejection flag (if required)
        IF v_update_order_flg = 'X'.
            PERFORMING callbk_bapi_salesorder_change ON END OF TASK
              salesdocument    = <wa_r_rtb_posnrs>-zrtbvbeln
              order_header_in  = v_order_header_in
              order_header_inx = v_order_header_inx
              return           = t_return
              schedule_lines   = t_schedule_lines
              schedule_linesx  = t_schedule_linesx
              order_item_in    = t_item_in
              order_item_inx   = t_item_inx.
          WAIT UNTIL t_return[] IS NOT INITIAL.
          READ TABLE t_return INTO wa_return WITH KEY type = 'E'.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            r_return[] = t_return[].
            MESSAGE ID 'ZSD' TYPE 'E' NUMBER 613.
           RAISE errorinorderupdate.
          REFRESH t_schedule_linesx.
          REFRESH t_schedule_lines.
          REFRESH t_item_in.
          REFRESH t_item_inx.
          REFRESH t_return.
         return = t_bapiret.
    ENDFORM.                    "Change_Sales_Order

    see the following example and try to do this:
    i_hdrx-updateflag = 'U'.
    *" Fill required SCHEDULE_LINES data.
    i_sched-itm_number = p_posnr.
    i_sched-sched_line = p_etenr.
    i_sched-req_qty = p_reqqty.
    i_schedx-updateflag = 'U'.
    i_schedx-itm_number = p_posnr.
    i_schedx-sched_line = p_etenr.
    i_schedx-req_qty = 'X'.
    APPEND i_sched.
    APPEND i_schedx.
    salesdocument = p_vbeln
    order_header_in = i_hdr
    order_header_inx = i_hdrx
    return = i_ret
    schedule_lines = i_sched
    schedule_linesx = i_schedx.

  • Problem with the function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing the problem wiht the function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1,
    My actull requirement is : - i need to send the sap data to my externa mail id (Like as XYZ@) with out the any attachment , So i have implemented the code with the function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.
    The mail has successfully sent the sap inbox (SOST) but the mail are not reached to the external mail ID'S( XYZ@GMAIL)
    i Have maintained my code lines same as below.
          document_data = wa_doc_data
          put_in_outbox = ca_x
          commit_work   = ca_x
          packing_list  = tb_packing_list
          contents_txt  = tb_mailbody
          receivers     = tb_receiver.
    Can you please tell me soultion ,

    Hi charan,
                      If u r able to see the mail in sost, then i think ur code has worked fine. if the mail is not going to outside domains from sost u need to do some configurations for that, u can find lots of configuration docs regarding mail setup in sap.
    once try to pass below parameter also.
    t_receivers1-rec_type = 'U'.
    For configuring mail setup u need to sit with ur basis guy.
    Moderator message: please do not use SMS speak.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Nov 23, 2010 5:51 PM

  • Problem with SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 Function module

    Hi Experts,
    Is it anyway possible that If we are sending excel attachment through email using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1, column width in excel get adjusted as per the field content without any manual interaction.
    Looking forward towards your valuable suggestions!!!

    please see the following
    [alignment problem with SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 FM;
    [Problem with function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1;
    hope these helps you

  • Collection problem with RFC function module WSDL.

    I have developed an RFC function module in a SAP system version 4.7 (WAS 620). This FM has 2 table parameters. I have no problem when I see the WSDL in the SAP Web Service Browser.
    Another team is trying to consume this RFC FM as a web service from a Java application but they say they can't see the table parameters as collections.
    Here is the WSDL of the FM, the table parameters are T_MOVIM and T_ERROR:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <definitions xmlns="" xmlns:s0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:http="" targetNamespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
              <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
                   <xsd:element name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001">
                                  <xsd:element name="GENIDOC" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                                 <xsd:maxLength value="1" />
                                  <xsd:element name="T_ERROR">
                                                 <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="s0:ZMMTASAPTK_0012" />
                                  <xsd:element name="T_MOVIM">
                                                 <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="s0:ZMMTASAPTK_0011" />
                   <xsd:element name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001.Response">
                                  <xsd:element name="CODRET">
                                            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                                 <xsd:maxLength value="1" />
                                  <xsd:element name="T_ERROR">
                                                 <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="s0:ZMMTASAPTK_0012" />
                                  <xsd:element name="T_MOVIM">
                                                 <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="s0:ZMMTASAPTK_0011" />
                   <xsd:complexType name="ZMMTASAPTK_0011">
                             <xsd:element name="REFERENCIA" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="FECHACONT" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="8" />
                             <xsd:element name="FECHADOC" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="8" />
                             <xsd:element name="CODMOV" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="2" />
                             <xsd:element name="NROPLAN" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="12" />
                             <xsd:element name="NROCOMP" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="CLASEMOV" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="3" />
                             <xsd:element name="CENTRO" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="4" />
                             <xsd:element name="ALMACEN" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="4" />
                             <xsd:element name="MATERIAL" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="5" />
                             <xsd:element name="LOTE" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="CANTIDAD" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="15" />
                             <xsd:element name="MOTIVOMOV" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="4" />
                             <xsd:element name="CENTROREC" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="4" />
                             <xsd:element name="ALMACENREC" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="4" />
                             <xsd:element name="CENTROCTO" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="ORDEN" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="12" />
                             <xsd:element name="TIPOSTK" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="1" />
                             <xsd:element name="NROPEDIDO" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="CODCISTERNA" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="50" />
                   <xsd:complexType name="ZMMTASAPTK_0012">
                             <xsd:element name="REFERENCIA" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="10" />
                             <xsd:element name="CODERR" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="3" />
                             <xsd:element name="MSJERR" minOccurs="0">
                                       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                                            <xsd:maxLength value="100" />
         <message name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Input">
              <part name="parameters" element="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001" />
         <message name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Output">
              <part name="parameters" element="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001.Response" />
         <portType name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001PortType">
              <operation name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001">
                   <input message="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Input" />
                   <output message="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Output" />
         <binding name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Binding" type="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001PortType">
              <soap:binding style="document" transport="" />
              <operation name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="" />
                        <soap:body use="literal" />
                        <soap:body use="literal" />
         <service name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Service">
              <documentation>SAP Service ZMMFUSAPTK_0001 via SOAP</documentation>
              <port name="ZMMFUSAPTK_0001PortType" binding="s0:ZMMFUSAPTK_0001Binding">
                   <soap:address location="" />
    Should I change something in the definition of the parameters of the FM? or the problem is with the parsing process on the other system?
    Thanks in advance.

    Welcome to SDN.
    I am not sure about this particular issue, but i have used WSDL from WAS6.20 system in MS Office infopath to consume webservice where we have had table parameters without any issue.
    may be try with office infopath to make sure that the problem is with the WSDL or with the java application.

  • Problem with CRM_ROLES_OF_USER_GET function module in BW3.5

    We have a problem in the standard function module.   CRM_ROLES_OF_USER_GET.  This should get the latest roles of the user but it is reading from Buffer and displaying all the old roles.
    How can i clear the buffer so that this function module will return the latest roles not the old roles.

    Let me clear my problem once again.
    -->Home page i.e. P2 does not use authorization, So it is displayed along with text item :p2_user_privilege.
    -->Then user click on one of the links , Now page :P70: should get displayed.
    P70 is using authorization scheme.
    -->But :p2_user_priviledge value is not accessible at authorization scheme, I dont know why.
    I could not find out where to create Application item , as suggested by you.
    & not able to find Developer menu , session at home page as suggested earlier.
    And one more question, my application at runtime display
    X en us
    at bottom
    How to make it
    USER: X Language: en us
    Like in development environment.
    Hope I have cleared my problem, waiting for reply.
    Edited by: TEJU on Nov 17, 2008 9:25 AM

  • Problem with "QC01_Q_CHARACTERISTICS_SELECT" function module

    Can anyone help me out with the problem that i am facing while using the function module "QC01_Q_CHARACTERISTICS_SELECT"?
    This function module is working fine for me for the first time with a specific inspectio lot number but when i call the same function module for the second or third time with the same above data then it gives me an error that "No Characteristics Found"?
    I am using this function module in an Interactive ALV report, where the initial list stores all the storage conditions based on the material,  plant and batch number we give.
    Then in the second list, when the user clicks on the storage conditions we will display the results for that conditions.
    This concept is working fine for the first time but not for the second time.
    Is there any restriction on the number of times that we have to call this function module?
    Can anyone please help me out with this?

    Hi Praveen,
    I observed one thing in the function module that is after executing this function module se37 and gave a lot no in I_QALS i could not get the result initially the system is giving the message
    No characteristics were found for inspection lot 040000211677 000000
    But for the same lot when i remove the default value 'X' in the field I_WITH_OPERATIONS and tested the result i am able to get the result, Please check this, Hope this helps you.

  • Problem with RFC function module from R/3 to CRM

    Hi, i have a RFC function module created in R/3, this is the code:
    ""Interfase local
    *"      NOT_FOUND
      select single  KDMAT POSTX
              into (GV_KDMAT, GV_POSTX) from KNMT
              where   VKORG = GV_VKORG
                      and  VTWEG = GV_VTWEG
                      and  KUNNR = GV_KUNNR
                      and  MATNR = GV_MATNR.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    When i call this function from CRM, i do it like this:
        GV_VKORG  = lv_vkorg
        GV_KDMAT  = IT_POS_LINE-material
        not_found = 1.
    it_pos_line-descripcion type string
    it_pos_line-material type string.
    Well, my problem is that when debugging, in R/3 the 2 return values have the correct value, but when they are passed to CRM they have only one position.
    As i've been told, it was working ok, but it's being wrong since we made a ¿conversion to unicode?. Maybe I should change the type of return ???
    Thanks in advance !!!

    Hello Maria,
    Make sure you define your parameters in CRM exactly the same way as in R3, do not use type string here.
    it_pos_line-descripcion type C char 40,
    it_pos_line-material type C length 35.
    Kind regards,

  • Problem with Create_Text Function module

    Hi All,
    I am using the function module Create_Text to create the text for Condition types in ME31K. Its working fine and creating text when i go to debug mode. Its updating into transactions(ME31K). But if i run the program in back ground or foregorund with out debuging modes its not creating text. Please do let me know any reasons

    Have you used FM COMMIT_TEXT  after CREATE_TEXT ? :
                OBJECT   = 'PMS'
                NAME     = W_TDNAME
                ID       = 'LTXT'
                LANGUAGE = 'E'.
    Try adding the 'COMMIT_TEXT' and check.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Facing Problem with RFC Function Module

    I have created an RFC function module to get some data in table format.
    I have run the RFC in original system: It is giving the data.
    However, when I run this in target system, It is not giving any values.
    Could you please let me know, why it happens? I am not sure where I missed out.

    i hope you are calling the RFC function module in the target system like this
    CALL FUNCTION <FUNC NAME> DESTINATION <DESTINATION NAME> . The destination should be logical system name of the source Logical system .

  • Problem with SO_OBJECT_UPDATE function module

    Hi ABAPers,
    Here i have an another question.
    i am unable to use this function module 'SO_OBJECT_UPDATE', i am getting dumb after running it. As per my knowledge i am passing the relevant parameters. what are the relevant data to be passed, i want to know that.
    object_hd_change                 = lv_object_hd
    object_id                        = lv_object_id
    I am not clear about object_hd_change that what it does. also tell me about the importing as well as tables parameters.

    hey i did it.
    may you tell me something about object_hd_change and object id.
    i have declared like this.
          lv_object_hd TYPE sood1,
           lv_object_id TYPE soodk,
    is this wrong.
    this is value in lv_object_id.

  • Problem with BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT function module

    I am updating the two fields of a custom table through a custom BAPI function module.
    After this I am using "BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT" function module to commit the LUW.
    but after calling this FM one field is updated in the table and another field is disappearing from the table.
    Could anybody help me in this please?

    You can also update the table directly:
        UPDATE Table SET field1=Value1, field2=Value2, ... fieldN=ValueN
        WHERE Condition;
        commit work.
    Hope this information is help to you.

  • Problem with HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE function module

    Hi all
    I tried using HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE for inserting records in IT0008.
    I have filled my structure with all values completely.
    But when I pass it to this fm , casting to hexadecimal  happens inside and the amounts get distorted.
    All my wagetype amounts are moved to the left ( so whole numbers are shown as decimals).
    As a work around I had to multiply the amounts by say 100 before i pass the structure to the FM.
    Is this a Standard issue  ? Has any one faced similar problems? Please let me knw if there is any better solution than this.

    HI All
    This happens for Hourly employees for whom the currncy is configured as USD4.
    For regular Salaried employees currency is USD   and the config is in USD(t510K) its normal.

  • Problem with RFC Function module

    Hello All,
    I have created one RFC with importing parameters as material and material description.when I pass some value in material desc it always convert into the uppercase.I have one option of checkbox for upper/lower case but i have to do it manually evrytime.Is there any solution for making the material desc as case sensitive or we can make the checkbocxticked permanently?

    Hi Lalit,
    There is no option for making the input case sensitive .
    One alternate can be using "test data directory " but that will not be of much help if you are changing the materail number each and very time.
    Better convert the materail number to upper/lower case inside FM using convert to -

  • Performance issue for this function-module(HR_TIM_REPORT_ABSENCE_DATA)

    Hi Friends
    I am having performance issue for this function-module(HR_TIM_REPORT_ABSENCE_DATA) and one my client got over 8 thousend employees . This function-module taking forever to read the data. is there any other function-module to read the absences data IT2001 .
    I did use like this .if i take out this F.M 'HR_TIM_REPORT_ABSENCE_DATA_INI' its not working other Function-module.please Suggest me .
    call function 'HR_TIM_REPORT_ABSENCE_DATA_INI'
    exporting "Publishing to global memory
    option_string = option_s "string of sel org fields
    trig_string = trig_s "string of req data
    alemp_flag = sw_alemp "all employee req
    infot_flag = space "split per IT neccessary
    sel_modus = sw_apa
    org_num = fdpos_lines "number of sel org fields
    fieldtab = fdtab "all org fields
    field_sel = fieldnametab_m. "sel org fields
    To Read all infotypes from Absences type.
    central function unit to provide internal tables: abse orgs empl
    call function 'HR_TIM_REPORT_ABSENCE_DATA'
    pernr = pernr-pernr
    begda = pn-begda
    endda = pn-endda
    absences = absences_01
    org_fields = orgs
    emp_fields = empl
    REFTAB =
    APLTAB =
    awart_sel_p = awart_s[]
    awart_sel_a = awart_s[]
    abstp_sel = abstp_s[]
    i0000 = p0000
    i0001 = p0001
    i0002 = p0002
    i0007 = p0007
    i2001 = p2001
    i2002 = p2002
    i2003 = p2003.
    Thanks & Regards

    guessing will not help you much, check with SE30 to get a better insight
    The ABAP Runtime Trace (SE30) -  Quick and Easy
    what is the total time, what are the Top 10 in the hitlist.

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