Permanent OptimisticLockException

I'm having some weird problems with an OptimisticLockException on an object. No matter what the application tries to do with this object, toplink throws an OptimisticLockException.
The weird part is, the application catches the exception, and does a refresh on the object before rethrowing it, so I would expect it to be fresh the next time it's written upon.
I can see in the logfile that no other unitOfWork modifies the object in the meantime. But frustratingly the next uow fails with the same OptimisticLockException as before.
The object exists in the database. Restarting the application and thus having brand new cache doesn't change anything.
Unfortunately the culprit object has been deleted by hand in the database so the only evidence I have are the logfiles. But I have a sneaking feeling that if it happened once, it might happen again.
Any ideas how this can happen? Or how do I go about debugging the problem?
by the way, this is a productive environment and SQL logging is turned off for performance reasons.

Forget it, it's not a toplink problem. It's the database.
There are apparently some database rows "lost in space". They are there, unless you query them by primary key...
Example 1-n relationship parent ---> child
select * from child_table where parent_id = 4 id name parent_id
1 child1 4
2 child2 4
3 child3 4
select * from child_table where id = 30 rows
No wonder I kept getting an OptimisticLockException when reading all "children" and then trying to modify child3

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    Another option is to create a smart mailbox that includes emails with date received before a desired date.
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    Hi Matt,
    Thanks for replying. It's been a very long time waiting for you ;)
    ---"Are you running the,, or version of the Database?"
    we are using
    ---"If you installed the CM SDK schema in the "users" tablespace ......."
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    I suggest you try the steps in this thread for test:
    Disable Suggested Sites does not work.
    Vincent Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi TWalkerArt,
    Could you please create a test account and see whether the apps are working there:
    Romit Sinha

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    Thank-you for your time.

    Thank-you for clarifying third party and for pointing out the potential problems.
    i will either have my phone unlocked by the carrier or get my phone service from them. switching carriers is not essential.
    Thanks agin.

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    I haven't been able to figure this one out.  Any help is appreciated.

    Make local folders (On My Mac) and move the mails there, they will delete from the GMail servers but remain accessible in Mail, only in Mail.
    All Mail (in Gmail) is not a folder, it is a label for all your mail, anything in there is also in one of GMails folders, when you delete from All Mail you are deleting the original mail.

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    I delete some emails ,there are moved to trash . I delete them from trash folder too and they still appear in a folder called 'all messages". I repeat the same actions and after a while they appear again!what should i do to delete them permanently??

    If you are using Apple's Mail app 6.5 is the latest version irrespective of what a previous poster says. It does sound though that you are using a gmail account online via a web browser. Please confirm and fill in missing information.

  • Some emails are there when searching, but do not show up in inbox for mail account. How do we permanently fix that? This is dangerous for businesses that rely

    Hi, and thanks,
    I noticed that many dozens of others have expressed the same problem with Thunderbird, but it still continues.
    For no apparent reason, sporadically, some emails don't show up in the inbox list of an account, but are actually there. If we're told later that someone sent one, and if we do a search at that time, it does come up!
    We rely on this for business, and wouldn't know to search if we are unaware that an email has come in but simply doesn't appear in the list. We have actually lost significant business $ on 3 separate occasions, from clients who have said they emailed us, but we never responded! (That's really bad, and even worse because they also won't use us any more.)
    Obviously, we of course would not want to have to check with the webmail host when we have Thunderbird. So...., how can we permanently fix this problem so it never, ever occurs??? We used to use Eudora before switching, and this never happened.
    Some blogs say to delete one of the files in the system to re-index the inboxes, but again, that would not be the answer, because we wouldn't know to do that, nor when to do that, since some emails, without a warning or clue, occasionally simply don't show up in the list at all.
    Please let us know the permanent and complete fix for this ASAP.
    Thanks so much,
    Les Pock

    Lers, I have used Thunderbird for the best part of a decade and have only once experienced something similar to what you describe and it was a corrupt database.
    So lets just back up a bit.
    If you want mail to flow without issue the first bullet to bite is anti virus.
    * Scanning of outgoing mail is a total waste of time and an added risk for no return. You anti virus already certifies your machine clean.
    * Scanning of incoming mail is of extremely limited value. Thunderbird does not allow scripts in email, so there is no bug that will junmp out and start running even if your mail is not scanned and it contains a virus. The exception to that is attachments. But they are not dangerous either, unless you try and open them. Even then your anti virus should be monitoring the temporary folder on your computer and blocking any attempt to write the infected file, let alone execute the contents.
    * Scanning of your mail folder likewise is of limited value, but is more than often the cause of mail indexes not being updated. These days anti virus program appear to scan everything. Every file as it is accessed and opened. Thunderbird often has quite large files to store mail, up to 4Gb is not all that uncommon. Anti virus program take about 2 minuted per Gigabyte to scan files. So it can be the case that the anti virus is scanning while Thunderbird is timing out waiting for access to the appropriate files.
    To make things more efficient exclude your Thunderbird mail profile folders from on access scanning by your anti virus program. The folders contain NO executable programs, and a weekly scan along with the rest of your computer with Thunderbird closed should be more than adequate. Perhaps scheduled for1am Friday. Gives Friday to deal with anything found and does not interrupt your use of the device.
    A similar exclusion can also be beneficial for other data storage areas (databases especially)
    Finally look at what processes run on your computer. there aerew by default about 40 when it is new and over time this grows with almost every security, office or game you install until your computer is so busy running background processes to check if the latest versions of XXXX has been released that it becomes sluggish and performance on most things is degraded (That common nugget of Windows computers getting slower over time is TRUE, but a large part of that is added processes and security software which is actually reducing performance quite extensively.)
    BTW right clicking a folder, selecting properties and the repair button rebuilds the index non destructively as deleting the files as you mention also looses tags.

  • How to set SMS editor languange permanently ?

    Hi, I use Nokia E52. Since some time I cannot write SMS messages, because strange letters appear in SMS editor. Options -> Text language show me that Cestina language ist set. This is the first from the choice. When I set any other language like English or my Polish press OK and return to the editor I can write one letter and after it the editor switches back to Cestina language. How can I set the proper language permanently ? Alternatively how to reset the E52 to the factory state completely ?
    Thank you in advance for your help
    Go to Solution.

    menu -> tools -> settings -> -> telephon -> general -> language has solved the problem

  • Form Line Space Work Around (permanently set leading)

    Hi All,
    new to the forums – I find the format confusing, but I'll try to do my best!
    I have discovered a way to permanently set the line space (leading) of a form field. If you all discover a better way, then let me know!
         Create a small, multiline text field anywhere. Name it "Reference". This field will become hidden and read only later, so don't worry too much about it.
         Enable it to have rich text formatting. This is done in the form field properties under "Appearance".
         Exit form field editing. Place a single space in that field (no other characters).
         Select that space, then hit command + e (ctrl +e on PC) to bring up the rich text formatting options.
         Select a font and size, then press "More."
         Click the paragraph tab, then select a line height. I prefer to use the "exactly" option from the drop down menu, makes it the most similar to setting type in Illustrator or Indesign.
         We're halfway done! Exit out of this field and save.
    This next part gets a little trickier because it requires some event javascript.
         Create a new miltiline text field. Worry about this one more, because this is the one the user will use. For this example, name it "Text"
         Like before, enable it to be multiline and rich text in the appearance settings.
         Go to the "Actions" tab of the form field properties.
         Choose event "on blur" and action "run javascript".
         Insert the following code:
    if (this.getField("Text").value == "") {this.getField("Text").richValue = getField("Reference").richValue;}
    This code tells the form field that when exited, if it is left empty, it should copy the exact rich text found in the form field "reference."
    Now set the field "Reference" to read only and hidden under "general" in form field properties. Exit form field editing. Select "Text" and type anything you want, then delete it. Click the field again. There is now a single space there! (invisible to user at first) that has saved all your formatting! If the user starts typing, it will be properly formatted. Make sure to save your document with the field "Text" having only the properly formatted space.
    Other Notes:
    There 100% is a value in the javascript to set line height. Otherwise, copying the ".richValue" of a field wouldn't allow this to work. Problem is, no one seems to know the syntax and can't find it in the API. My challenge to you guys is to find it! We've proven it exists. If we can find the syntax then we can avoid these complicated workarounds.

    Sorry, when I instruct you to adjust settings in the "appearance settings," I actually meant the options settings. Sorry for the confusion!

  • Permanently save line spacing in a multi-line text field

    Me: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, Windows Vista
    (I think the people who will be using the form have Reader 7 on Windows)
    I work in a doctors' clinic, and we use phone message sheets to document conversations between the patients/us/nurses/doctors, and I scanned the form and made it into a fillable PDF for our secretaries to fill out more quickly. The "message" area has pre-printed lines on it, and the multi-line text field I placed there needs to match up to the lines. I used the Rich Text Formatting options to set it to "Exactly 24 Points," but I can't get it to KEEP the formatting permanently. The only way I could get it to save the formatting in that field was to put a space in it and then save it, and then give that to the 2 phone secretaries. It works perfectly the first time, but instead of just closing/re-opening the file to start a new message, one of the secretaries highlights everything in the "message" field and deletes it... which deletes the line spacing formatting. I've told her
    b numerous
    times to leave that starting space in the field, but she "forgets" so all of her messages look messed up. So is there a way to force that line spacing
    ???? Here's a shrunken screenshot of the field -- I wish I could just erase the lines altogether so the spacing wouldn't matter, but the secretaries type/print the message out, then the nurses/docs write on the page with pen so the lines have to stay.

    You can set the font size of the text. Then play with the underlines in the original document to match the needs of the font that is used. Print to a new PDF and then use replace pages to put the new page into the form without changing the form fields. I was able to do this with a word processing document by adding underlining in the document with 12 pt and setting the font to 12 pt in the text field. You can play with the font, the border of the field, and the underlining in the original document to get the desired result. Is this optimal, probably not. However it does the job.

  • TS4644 How do i permanently delete my credit card info from my iPhone?

    I saved my debit card information on my iPhone 5s iOs 7 device a while back so i could purchase an app and some music. Now my bank account that is connected to that debit card is in the negative at the moment. I have 12 apps that have been needing to be updated for the past 2 weeks and when i try to update them, it says there is a problem with your billing info. But i don't want to buy anything, i just need to update my apps! it won't even let me download a free app! please help me permanently delete my debit card info. I don't have another credit card to replace the other one.

    Hello RachelWaller7,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Follow the directions in the article below to change your payment type to none.
    Change or remove your payment information from your iTunes Store account (Apple ID)
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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