Permanent, persistent network mount?

I'm looking to set up a permanent, persistent network mount from my OS X Leopard Mac to my Windows server.
But here's the thing: I don't just want this this to mount on startup/login - that's easy, so I beg you, don't respond with the "drag it to your Startup Items, etc." trick. I want it to exist AT ALL TIMES. On initial login, when the Mac wakes from sleep, after fast user switching, after I haven't accessed the share in three days - ALL THE TIME. In short, God help me, I'd like to find a way to make my Mac behave like my Windows PCs: I want my Mac's network share to behave like a mapped drive in Windows.
I've been looking to do this since I got my new MacBook Pro - it'd be just amazing if someone could show me how to do it. It's maybe the only thing in the OS where I prefer the Windows way of doing things to the Mac - here's hoping I've just missed it.

I am in the same situation as you and need to know how to do this just as network drive mapping works in Windows.
I have seen a few scripts but they are short on handling the sleep situation.
I will be watching this thread so if you do find a solution please let me know.

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    >How do I set up a network wide Domain?
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    >How can I get a "Network Mount" option? It's greyed out.
    Where are you looking?
    In order to setup mounts you need to first designate one or more share points on the server (directories to share). Use Workgroup Manager to do this.
    Then you can mount the directories on the clients. There are several ways of doing that depending on what it is you're trying to achieve.
    >Do I have to use LDAP? If I do, can I without DNS?
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    Open Directory is an LDAP-based directory server. It's generally the preferred way of managing a network of machines and hosts. LDAP requires working DNS, so you should have DNS for your network - it will save a lot of headaches down the road. It's pretty easy to setup basic DNS for a small network.
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    LTICleanup is supposed to remove mapped drive at the end of a deployment.
    Check what the logs say in C:\windows\temp\deployment logs\ 
    You can also try to add to your customsettings.ini file the variable FinishAction=Restart
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    Any expert advice here would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, hope I explained this well enough.
    Intel Imac Mac OS X (10.4.8) Lab- Education Intel iMacs - PPC eMacs

    I don't think the logins take too long, we may wait 30 seconds or so for the students to login. We have had problems when 60 kids leave and 60 more come in, some login and after the username and password are entered, the login begins then locks. The Apple tech guy thought that could be aggravated by the 4 network mounts. I just sort of thought that with students and teachers accessing 4 different hard drives, that it wouldn't tax one drive as much. I agree that a longer login is a small price to pay for faster working speeds.

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    Oracle 11g
    Solaris 10
    Getting below error :
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-39001: invalid argument value
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 79
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3444
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3693
    ORA-06512: at line 64
    p_part_name VARCHAR2(30);
    p_msg VARCHAR2(512);
    v_ret_period NUMBER;
    v_arch_location VARCHAR2(512);
    v_arch_directory VARCHAR2(20);
    v_rec_count NUMBER;
    v_partition_dumpfile VARCHAR2(35);
    v_partition_dumplog VARCHAR2(35);
    v_part_date VARCHAR2(30);
    p_partition_name VARCHAR2(30);
    v_partition_arch_location VARCHAR2(512);
    h1 NUMBER; -- Data Pump job handle
    job_state VARCHAR2(30); -- To keep track of job state
    le ku$_LogEntry; -- For WIP and error messages
    js ku$_JobStatus; -- The job status from get_status
    jd ku$_JobDesc; -- The job description from get_status
    sts ku$_Status; -- The status object returned by get_status
    ind NUMBER; -- Loop index
    percent_done NUMBER; -- Percentage of job complete
    --check dump file exist on directory
    l_file utl_file.file_type;   
    l_file_name varchar2(20);
    l_exists boolean;
    l_length number;
    l_blksize number;
    p_partition_name := upper(p_part_name);
    v_partition_dumpfile :=  chr(39)||p_partition_name||chr(39);
    v_partition_dumplog  :=  p_partition_name || '.LOG';
             IF v_rec_count != 0 THEN
               INTO v_ret_period , v_arch_location , v_arch_directory
             END IF;
         utl_file.fgetattr('ORALOAD', l_file_name, l_exists, l_length, l_blksize);      
            IF (l_exists) THEN        
             utl_file.FRENAME('ORALOAD', l_file_name, 'ORALOAD', p_partition_name ||'_'|| to_char(systimestamp,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') ||'.DMP', TRUE);
         END IF;
        v_part_date := replace(p_partition_name,'P');
        h1 := (operation => 'EXPORT',
                                  job_mode  => 'TABLE'
              dbms_datapump.add_file (handle    => h1,
                                      filename  => p_partition_name ||'.DMP',
                                      directory => v_arch_directory,
                                      filetype  => DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_DUMP_FILE);
              dbms_datapump.add_file (handle    => h1,
                                      filename  => p_partition_name||'.LOG',
                                      directory => v_arch_directory,
                                      filetype  => DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_LOG_FILE);
              dbms_datapump.metadata_filter (handle => h1,
                                             name   => 'SCHEMA_EXPR',
                                             value  => 'IN (''HDB'')');
              dbms_datapump.metadata_filter (handle => h1,
                                             name   => 'NAME_EXPR',
                                             value  => 'IN (''SUBSCRIBER_EVENT'')');
              dbms_datapump.data_filter (handle      => h1,
                                         name        => 'PARTITION_LIST',
                                        value       => v_partition_dumpfile,
                                        table_name  => 'SUBSCRIBER_EVENT',
                                        schema_name => 'HDB');
              dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'COMPRESSION', value => 'ALL');
              dbms_datapump.start_job (handle => h1);
                  dbms_datapump.detach (handle => h1);              

    Hi ,
    I tried to generate dump with expdp instead of API, got more specific error logs.
    but on same path log file got create.
    expdp hdb/hdb DUMPFILE=P2010110800.dmp DIRECTORY=ORALOAD TABLES=(SUBSCRIBER_EVENT:P2010110800) logfile=P2010110800.log
    Export: Release - Production on Wed Nov 10 01:26:13 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining
    and Real Application Testing options
    ORA-39001: invalid argument value
    ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
    ORA-31641: unable to create dump file "/nfs_path/lims/backup/hdb/datapump/P2010110800.dmp"
    ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
    Additional information: 3Edited by: Sachin B on Nov 9, 2010 10:33 PM

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    I think I just found out why- Go to finder->preferences->general->check connected servers and see if that helps.
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    Mount the volume. Then go to Accounts in System Preferences. Select the Login Items and drag the disc from the finder to the list of items.

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    Which option would put the least amount of load on the network.
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    Fair point. You cannot yet compress the database with FROM ACTIVE DATABASE. So the staging area would be better if that is your concern. But in any event RMAN is the way to go as mseberg stated. Using a network mount is pretty much the same as FROM ACTIVE DATABASE, it is all going over the network if you are just going to copy the files. But putting the compressed RMAN backup into the network mount area so that you can access it at the standby site will do both for you then :^)
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    If you mean the "Enable nework mounting of this share point" check box in the Network Mount tab under Sharing in Workgroup Manager, you may have to authenticate by clicking the lock next to the "Where" dropdown.
    Out of curiosity, what do you plan to do with this?

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    10.9.4 clients and server, and server version 3.1.2
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    Any idea how I can get this to work transparently?

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    Furthermore, I use the location edit always on, and cannot get any highlighting feedback when I highlight (it just stays white with black text). It does in fact highlight (I can copy and paste, or delete just fine), I just can't see what is actually highlighted.
    Anyone else having these issues? I'd like to gage what others are seeing and enter in a bug report or two for these issues if others have them.
    Screen shot:

    mrbeard wrote:archassault-keyring 20140202-3
    archassault-mirrorlist 20140527-1
    Closing: … pport_ONLY

  • Determine cause of network mount?

    Is there a way, in MacOSX 10.9, to determine what alias/directory/whatever is triggering a network mount? I have an application (iospirit Remote Buddy, to be exact) that triggers my computer to attempt a network mount whenever I open it. I have tried competly removing the application and re-installing, and it still does it. However, it does NOT do it when launched from a different account. As such, I'm thinking there must be an alias or the like in my user account (which was copied from the other machine) that is still pointing to the network share I used to do the copy from which is being accessed by this app. If I could somehow determine WHAT alias specifically is triggering the share mount, I could then fix/delete it. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    If you get the warning as soon as you log in, it's probably caused by one of your login items or a system modification that loads at startup or login. Ask if you need help identifying it. A common offender is "AdobeResourceSynchronizer," which is a component of some Adobe products.
    Step 2
    If there's an icon representing the server in the sidebar of a Finder window, hold down the command key and drag it out.
    Step 3
    In the Finder, press the key combination command-K or select
    Go ▹ Go to Server...
    from the menu bar. In the upper right corner of the window that opens is a Recent Servers popup menu represented by a clock icon. From that menu, select
    Clear Recent Servers…
    and confirm. Test.
    Step 4
    Open the Print & Scan pane in System Preferences and delete any network devices you no longer use.
    Step 5
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    ~/Library/PDF Services
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return. A folder may open. If it does, move the contents to the Desktop, or to a new folder on the Desktop. Log out and log back in. Test. If there's no change, put the items you moved back where they were and continue.
    Step 6
    Open the folder
    as in Step 5 and move the file named "loginwindow.plist" items in that folder to the Trash, if it exists (it may not.)
    Log out and back in again, and test.
    Step 7
    Other possible causes are references in the iPhoto, iTunes, or iMovie library pointing to the server, and bookmarks in the Preview application.
    Try rebuilding the iPhoto library.
    Step 8
    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Rght-click or control-click the highlighted text and select
    Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu.* The application Directory Utility will open.
    In the Directory Utility window, select the Directory Editor tool in the toolbar. Select Mounts from the Viewing menu in the toolbar, and /Local/Default from the node menu, if not already selected. On the right is a list of names and values. By default, the list is empty. If it's not empty, post a screenshot of the window and stop here.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). Open a TextEdit window and paste into it (command-V). Select the line you just pasted and continue as above.
    Step 9
    Open the following file as you did in the last step:
    It will open in a TextEdit window. The contents should be exactly this:
    # Automounter master map
    +auto_master          # Use directory service
    /net               -hosts          -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid
    /home               auto_home     -nobrowse,hidefromfinder
    /Network/Servers     -fstab
    /-               -static
    If there are any other lines in the window, post them. Otherwise, close the window.

  • Creating a persistent network drive mount

    There was a former post on this, but I have a further question. I have followed the instructions in the previous topic: "Connect to the drive manually first, then go to System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items tab and add the connected drive to the list."
    However, now every time I log into my Macbook a Finder window pops up showing the contents of the network drive. The above instructions helped get the drive mounted, but now I'm getting the Finder window at login.
    Help is appreciated!

    i picked up the following Apple script from another thread - i haven't tested it so no guarantees - but it is supposed to achieve what you want:

    +mount volume "afp://<devicename>.local/<volumename>" as user name "<accountname>" with password "<accountpassword>"+
end try+
    the key would be that above AppleScript runs at log on. it should just place the drive's icon on the desktop.
    good luck !

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    Anyone have any ideas?

    -43 fnfErr File not found; Folder not found; Edition container not found; Target not found.
    My 1st guess would be bad/corrupt Links/Aliases, my second a bad .plist, but... it sorta implies "lookup" problems in your context.

Maybe you are looking for

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