Permanently archiving mail

I have an iphone, imac, and Mac Book pro.
I sync all mail using mobile me.
I want to keep a permanent archive of every message sent and received.
I want this archive to be stored on the mac book pro.
What is the best way to set this up?

Perhaps I am missing something, but why are you trashing messages when you prefer they be archived? You are probably better off creating a folder for archiving, then putting your sent mail there along with any other messages you want to archive. On your Mac, if you use Apple's Mail, there is an "archive maibox" feature under the "mailbox" pull down menu.
Archiving mail also opens up a huge can of worms from a technical standpoint and a legal standpoint. You can find lots of information on this subject by doing a google search. If you are interested in archiving email related to your work, you should probably talk with your employer to find out what, if any, policies may govern email archiving in your organization.

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    Tap the back arrow that saysMailboxes until there is no back arrow just a title saying Mailboxes. You should see two sections under it, one that says Inboxes and another one that says Accounts. Under the Accounts you should see a list of your mail accounts (if you have more than one), select the account you want to add the folder to and it will take you to the lists of folders for that account. Inbox, Drafts, Trash... At the top you will see the Edit button that will allow you to add a folder.

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    Ross Bevin

    Hi Ross,
    From the description, the problem is that the archive.pst file you created in Outlook 2003 doesn't display anything when opened in Outlook 2013, right? If I've misunderstood something, would you please provide a screenshot so that we can understand this
    issue more clearly? 
    What's the file size of the PST file? It may cause unexpected problem if the file size exceed the limit. See:
    In addition, we can try to use the Inbox Repair Tool to scan and repair the PST file to check if it helps:
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    If these archives were saved with Jaguar or Panther Mail, it does make a difference since the mbox format used with Tiger Mail is significantly different than the format used with previous versions.
    You can use the Import Mailboxes feature. Imported mailboxes are placed within an Import named folder kept separate from existing Tiger Mail mailboxes and messages.

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    If you are using iCloud, quit the Mail app if it's open.
    Open System Preferences > iCloud
    Deselect Mail then re select it.
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    If you aren't using iCloud. with the Mail app open, from the menu bar click Mailbox > Rebuild
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    # the time we want to archive from
    set theArchiveCutoffTime to ((current date) - (32 * days))
    property theCount : 0
    tell application "System Events"
      set targetProcess to count (every application process whose name is "Mail")
    end tell
    tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
      set thisAccount to pop account "TargetProcess"
      set thisFolders to mail folder of thisAccount
    # find the "Inbox" of topFolder and "Mail ARCHIVE" of on my computer
      repeat with thisFolder in thisFolders
      if name of thisFolder is "Inbox" then
      set theInbox to thisFolder
      else if name of thisFolder is "Mail ARCHIVE" then
      set theARCHIVE to thisFolder
      end if
      end repeat
    # find the archive "Inbox"
      repeat with thisFolder in mail folder of theARCHIVE
      if name of thisFolder is "Inbox" then
      set theArchiveInbox to thisFolder
      end if
      end repeat
      set theArchiveTarget to theArchiveInbox
    # archive the Inbox
      repeat with theMessage in message in theInbox
      if time received of theMessage < theArchiveCutoffTime then
      move theMessage to theArchiveTarget
      set theCount to theCount + 1
      # we get messages from oldest to newest
      exit repeat
      end if
      end repeat
    # archive sub-folders
      repeat with thisSubfolder in mail folder of theInbox
      # find the archive subfolder corresponding to this
      repeat with thisARCHIVEubfolder in mail folder of theArchiveInbox
      if name of thisARCHIVEubfolder is name of thisSubfolder then
      set theArchiveTarget to thisARCHIVEubfolder
      end if
      end repeat
      # archive messages
      repeat with theMessage in message in thisSubfolder
      if time received of theMessage < theArchiveCutoffTime then
      move theMessage to theArchiveTarget
      set theCount to theCount + 1
      # we get messages from oldest to newest
      exit repeat
      end if
      end repeat
      end repeat
    end tell
    I'm working in AppleScript Editor v2.6.1 (152.1), Microsoft Outlook 2011 v14.3.5, OSX 10.9.4 Mavericks.

    Ok, red_menace above me had a shorter and more elegant solution to the question, I'm adding this just for another example.
    To solve your problem I'd make a mail rule that looked for any messages with "Filename:" in them (along with whatever criteria you wanted, like sender, domain, etc). The mail rule would execute the Applescript. My assumption is that the "Filename:foobar" text could be anywhere in the email, not necessarily the first thing in a paragraph, so I had to parse it differently.
    The results end up in a datalist, (theFilename {} ) that you can parse later to collect all filenames found in whatever messages were processed.
    I realize this could be cleaner, hope it's not hard to follow, but I did it really fast. It works flawlessly for me, picking out the name of the file no matter where in the email it appears.
    using terms from application "Mail"
    on perform mail action with messages theSelectedMessages for rule theRule
    repeat with aCounter from 1 to count theSelectedMessages
    set theMessage to item aCounter of theSelectedMessages
    set theContent to content of theMessage
    set theWords to every word of theContent
    set theFilename to {}
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
    repeat with thisLoop in theWords
    if (text item 1 of thisLoop) is "Filename" then
    set end of theFilename to (text item 2 of thisLoop)
    -- rest of your logic goes here the display is just to show it finds the filename, take it out!
    display dialog theFilename ¬
    buttons {"OK"}
    end if
    end try
    end repeat
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    end repeat
    end perform mail action with messages
    end using terms from
    Message was edited by: stephen.bradley Typos for the win!

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