Phone dissabld and cannot connect it to itunes

My son age 3 was playing with my  phone  and  got me disabled  .I cannot connect it with itunes either
I do know my passcode  but  my phone  is dissabled

i found  the solution

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    2) What else can I try (firewall settings, internet options, etc.) to try and get version to to successfully install?  I would really like to get all the benfits of the newer versions.
    3) When I tried to get apple tech support before, they wanted me to pay a ridiculous 69$ fee for phone support.  I just bought an iphone 5....this should entitle me to a fresh 90 days of phone support, right?  The reason I ask here is that I could hardly understand the "tech" that answered the phone when I called for tech support last time, and to be honest, it really ****** me off that they wanted to try and milk me for another 69 bucks....I've purchased every iPhone since the 3Gs came out (pre-ordered at that), and have nearly gone broke purchasing music from their iTunes store....heck, maybe they're doing me me a favor not letting me into the store, huh?
    Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated,

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

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    Please help me fix my iPod.
    Thank you,

    Error 3194: Resolve error 3194 by updating to the latest version of iTunes. "This device is not eligible for the requested build" in the updater logs confirms this is the root of the issue. For more Error 3194 steps see: This device is not eligible for the requested build above.
    Abov from:

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    On Print dialog in print size choose Custom and then check the checkbox for Scale to Fit Media. With crop to fit checked if image has the same aspect ratio then it would fill the paper else would crop depending on your image dimensions.
    To help you achieve more here is the Print help link for PSE - -7fff.html
    Hope it helps.

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    I don't have an answer for you but from my experience iOS WiFi syncing has always been a hit and miss affair (more miss than hit I'm afraid). I have gotten to the stage where I rarely use the WiFi sync. It is just quicker, easier and much less stressful to use the USB cable. I am having the same issues with all the iOS devices in our family which includes various models of iPhone, iPad and an iPod Touch and have been having them since WiFi syncing was introduced (in iOS5 ???). And then I have not even mentioned my favorite iTunes syncing messages: "Waiting for items to copy" and "Waiting for changes to be applied"!
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    It does however seem as if it is worse with Windows 7. I did not have so many issues with my previous Windows Vista PC.
    Sorry I cannot be of any help.

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    PS: iOS6, Mountaing Lion
    Any ideas?

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    Try logging out of your account on the iPad by tapping on your id in Settings > Store and then log back in and see if it then works.
    If that doesn't solve it then what has worked for some people is going into Settings > General > Date & Time and changing the date to a few months (or maybe a year or two) in the future and then re-trying

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    Hello alankilner,
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Using Proxy: Yes
    Try temporarily disabling this setting by following the steps outlined in this Apple support document.

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    Pls help!

    keg3g's wrote:
    Same problem. I have gone through the troubleshooting and downloaded a program to restore it, but I can't restore it because it's not recognized. So then I uninstalled and reinstalled itunes but it didn't help at all. We've only had it 9 months. Looking for some help on this one cuz I think the warranty is only 6 months
    If you bought it from Apple then the warranty is 12 months.
    Take it to an Apple Store and ask for a repair / exchange.

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    Cured the problem! Reinstalled an earlier version of itunes from (version 10) now everything works as it should. I would suggest that if you are experiencing these problems that you do the same. I must say that it is a brave business decision on behalf of apple to effectively lock out all windows 7 users from their products and sales channels and I can only wish them luck in this very shortsighted policy.

  • "Cannot connect to the iTunes Store" when using WiFi and Cisco VPN

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    Message was edited by: samaki

    We're having the same issue. App Store and iTunes do not work when all traffic is tunneled over VPN. Yet, other applications like Safari, New York Times reader, Telnet, etc... work perfectly fine over VPN. If we have the iPhone switch over to using split tunneling VPN mode, then the App Store and iTunes work since they do not appear to be sending traffic over the VPN tunnel. I can say for certain that no outgoing traffic is being blocked on the VPN servers since I administer those servers. I also did a packet capture on the iPhone wireless session and it appears that the App Store sends traffic over the regular HTTP port. So it really doesn't make any sense from a VPN perspective why Safari would work but not the App Store or iTunes when you're tunneling all traffic over VPN. Our iPhones are using the latest firmware (5F136). If anyone has any update, please do share.

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    I'm also having this problem I've already tried changing the year stuff and its still the same I succeeded once when I toggled my credit card account but after that the same problem occurred.

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    Try connecting to your Mac or PC and using iTunes to sync your iPhone. Disconnect your iPhone after syncing, make sure in Settings>iTunes&AppStore you have your Apple ID and password entered, and launch App Store and sign in. It should work now, but do not sign out from App Store. There seems to be a bug that prevents us from signing in again after signing out.

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