Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6.1 window paint problem

In case anyone else has this problem....
Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6.1 upgrade is just released and allows video capture of HDV (high def 1440 x 1080i) video.
Problem:  In Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6.1, the "logging/capture window" does not repaint correctly when logging/capturing HDV (NTSC 1440 x 1080i) video.
Symptoms:  When the video stream starts, the window should be displaying the video stream, but it is black.  If you pop up another window overlapping the "logging window" and then close it, the logging window starts displaying the video, but only on the part that was not overlapped, the overlapped part remains black.  If you slowly drag the overlapping window away, the "logging window" now displays the video stream except a few pixels at the edge where you dragged away.
Changing the screen resolution does not seem to matter.
It looks symptomatic of a Video card driver problem to me.
Adapter: MSI GeForce 6600 256 MB card
IRQ: 16
Bus: PCI Express x16
Memory: 256 MB
ForceWare version 71.84
Processor: dual Xeon 2.8 Ghz
MSI clocks at default settings.
Windows XP Professional SP2
DirectX 9.0c
The utility Check3D (from Pinnacle I think) shows the video card / drivers seems to check out OK.
Don't know if it is a Pinnacle problem or video card problem, but I suspect the video card / drivers, because the program is probably doing the same thing in standard definition as high definition, and it works ok in standard definition.  I think most people use AGP cards with LE also.
If anyone else can confirm this or has ideas to try, much appreciated.
(holy cow, is there a way to hide those jittery emoticons?)

You can open 6.1 files in Cp version 6.01.  So that IS an option, though albeit probably not a very palatable one if you've just upgraded everyone around you to 6.1.
If your main reason for developing in 6.1 was the drag and drop interactions, you may not have been aware that there have been AS3 widgets available to do drag and drop in Captivate since version 4.  Those widgets are also now compatible with all Cp versions up to and including 6.01 and 6.1.
More information here: -drag-and-drop-widget-comparison
Free trial versions downloadable here:

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    I would appreciate someone trying this out. Even if it doesn't happen for them.
    Or maybe there is a glaring Error in my code.... And if so I could fix it..
    Here is an exmple program to demonstrate this.
    Two classes, The JPanel was obviously meant to do other things but I cut it down..
    The main:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    public class Test extends JFrame
         public Test()
              Container content = this.getContentPane();
              content.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              URL url = null;
              Class ThisClass = this.getClass();
              StarPanel panel = new StarPanel( url );
              content.add( panel , BorderLayout.CENTER );
              this.setVisible( true );
         public static void main( String[] args )
              Test Example = new Test();
    }The JComponent - with overrriden paintComponent()
    import java.awt.Image;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.MediaTracker;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
         cut down version
    public class StarPanel extends JPanel
    private Image image = null;
    private boolean imageLoaded = false;
         public StarPanel( URL imageLocation )
              this.setOpaque( true );
              loadImage( imageLocation );
         public boolean isOpaque()
              return true;
         public Image getImage()
              return this.image;
         public boolean hasImage()
              return imageLoaded;
         public void loadImage( URL imageLocation )
              boolean goodLoad = true;
              boolean Test = false;
              Toolkit T = this.getToolkit();
              image = T.getImage( imageLocation );
              prepareImage(image, this);
              MediaTracker Tracker = new MediaTracker( this );
              Tracker.addImage( image , 0 );
                   Tracker.waitForID( 0 );
              catch( InterruptedException IE )
                   System.out.println( "Interrupted loading Image for StarPanel: " + IE.getMessage() );
                   goodLoad = false;
              Test = Tracker.isErrorID( 0 );
              if( Test )
                   goodLoad = false;
              if( !goodLoad )
                   imageLoaded = false;
                   imageLoaded = true;
              Tracker = null;
         sans any error checking
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
              super.paintComponent( g );
              Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
              boolean T = g2D.drawImage(this.getImage(), 0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), this );
    }I have tried quite a few different approaches to remove or minimize this problem, and have read everything I can here on paintComponent() and etc
    Help would be appreciated.
    No dukes cos I somehow have less than 0.
    Arrg my code was all neat - before I pasted it in to the code tags.

    I tried your code and did not notice any painting problems. I'm using JDK1.4.1 on Windows 98.
    I don't see any problems with your code. Here is the thread I usually recommend when people want to add an image to a component, in case you want to run another test:

  • Video Format Total Solution: How to Convert and Edit Video on Windows/Mac

    More and More video formats are coming out with different video encoders and it makes our spare time more and more colorful. However, it is not to say that there is no problems. Actually, different video formats make it difficult to share video with others, even your own camcorder and iPod. Is there an easy way to convert videos effectively. Yes, there is.
    In this article, I will show you guys how to convert videos on windows and mac.
    Part 1. How to Convert and Edit Videos on Windows
    For Windows users, you need a Video Converter( to do that for you.
    Here I use Aiseesoft Total Video Converter(
    Step 1: Download and install Aiseesoft Total Video Converter
    After you download it to your computer, double click it and it is really easy to install.
    You just need to click “next” and it will complete it in seconds. It will automatically run after installation.
    Step 2: Load Video
    Click “Add File” to find the video that you want to convert and click “open”. It will be loaded automatically.
    Step 3: Select the target to decode
    In the “Profile” drop download list you can find your target according the usage of your output video, such as if you want to put the video on your iPod touch, you can select the “iPod” in the first list and “iPod touch 2 MPEG-4 640*480(*.mp4)” in the second list.
    Step 4: Set Advanced Parameters
    After you select the right output profile, you can click “setting” button to set your advanced parameters. You can adjust video and audio settings separately. In video section, you can change “video encoder”, “resolution”, “frame rate”, “video bitrate”In audio section, you can change “audio encoder”, “sample rate”, “channel”, “audio bitrate”If you want to save this profile and settings and use it next time you can click “save as” button to give a name to it. And the next time you want to use it you can find it in the profile list named “user defined”.
    Step 5: Choose a Destination
    To browse and find a output folder for your output files or just the default one.
    Finally, Click “Convert” button to begin your conversion, here in the converting
    interface you can choose “shut down the computer when conversion complete” or “open output folder when conversion complete” or you just do not choose neither one.
    Tips: How to Edit the Output Video
    This video converter is also a video editor, you can use it to edit your output video as follows:
    1. Effect:
    You are allowed to adjust the “Brightness”, “Contrast”, “Saturation” and you can choose the “deinterlacing” to make the video more enjoyable.
    2. Trim:
    In “Trim” section you can pick up any part of the video to convert.
    There are two ways to select the part of the video you want. One is set the start and end time in the box. The other one is to drag the start and end button in the processing bar.
    3. Crop:
    This function allows you to choose a certain play area to convert. That means you can choose a part of the screen you like to convert. For example, you just like the tv in the middle of the screen, then you can drag the frame around the preview window to select the tv and the output preview will show you the output video.In this section you can also choose the “zoom mode”, such as “keep original”, “full screen”, “16:9”, “4:3”.
    4. Watermark
    In the section, you can add a watermark on the output video to show people something, such as your name, website, studio name or other things. The watermark could be words and picture. You can adjust the transparent of the watermark easily to make it more beautiful.
    Part 2. How to Convert Video on Mac
    This time you need a Video Converter for Mac(
    Step 1: Add File
    Click “Add File” button to load the video you want to converter
    Step 2: Choose profile and adjust settings
    You can find your output video format from a drop-list called “Profile”You can also adjust the specific settings of the output video, such as “Resolution”, “Bitrate”, “Encoder” and so on.

    @ Tamwini
    Your only goal is to sell software.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

  • In iTunes on my windows 7 PC, the Edit/Preferences dropdown window,some of the tab windows are not large enough to see all options that are available.  The borders of the window cannot be draged larger.  As a result, I can not uncheck or check some box's.

    In iTunes on my windows 7 PC, in the Edit/Preferences dropdown window,some of the tab windows are not large enough to see all options that are available.  The borders of the window cannot be draged larger.  As a result, I can not uncheck or check some box's on several of the preferences pages.  The Apple people at the store did not help.  I have lownloaded the latest version of iTunes and this is still an issue.  HELP.

    Is there really nobody else with this problem? Really?

  • What's a good app to use to put two photos on a single page like Windows Paint?

    I have a OSX Lion with an iPhoto app. I would like to put two photos on a single page like Windows Paint. What's a good app for this? Is there a Windows Paint app for Mac or something similar?

    You can print two photos on a single page with iPhoto, you can put two photos on a single page with Pages, Word or any word processor. Or are you trying to edit two photos together?
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    The Gimp (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Pixelmator ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate. You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

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    Chaning sharing, changing permissions, changing read only does not work. If I transfer pictures from my iPhone to my computer and then try to edit them in Windows live Photo Gallery, I get an error that says the file is in use by another program. This problem started the same day I started using photo stream. Please help. I've tried resetting my photo stream, deleting my photo stream folder on my computer...nothing works. I can not even change the orientation of a photo once i've transfered it from my iPhone to my computer.

    Hi Amish,
    I should have mentioned that I have signed out of the iCloud Control Panel several times and no syncing occurs.
    Thanks for your response anyway. I appreciate your feedback.

  • [SOLVED] GNOME 3.8 annoying window resize problem

    Hello all fellow early-adopters :-)
    A very annoying quirk I've noticed, moving from GNOME 3.6 to 3.8, is that it no longer remembers, nor retains, the size/positions I set for many of my application windows. For example, my mail client (Evolution) is sized to fill most of my screen (centrally), with Empathy and Skype as long narrow windows on both sides - giving me a nice, broad "communications" overview on that particular desktop (with dev tools etc open on others).
    On 3.6, this layout was retained during my session, as well as next time I started these apps up.
    In GNOME 3.8, not only does it insist that these windows are always started as small little bunched-up windows that I need to resize, but every time a window displays a notification/warning (message in internal yellow bar inside the window - such as loss of internet connection, mail retrieval failure etc) it resizes the windows spontaneously to a stupid, small size that overlays the other windows. This is driving me crazy!
    Where can I learn a bit more about how window sizing / positioning works in GNOME 3.8, or is it finally time to switch to awesome wm? I want to love GNOME 3.8, I really do. It's so slick, but so... unpolished.
    I want to dig in an assist with problems like these, but I need some pointers to some background material first to understand the problem. Is it the window manager? Is it the app?
    ** UPDATE: Doing a full system upgrade, as of May 18, 2013, has resolved this annoying problem. My windows now stay where they belong, and start with the same size they were closed with. GNOME is now pleasant to use again :-)
    Last edited by dawid.loubser (2013-05-21 13:37:25)

    dawid.loubser wrote:Thanks for the suggestion drtebi - I'll give it a try.
    I really like GNOME 3.x though (and would like to understand the windowing behaviour), but if the annoying quirks are insurmountable, I will happily switch.
    Man I love GNOME 3.x. I admire the courage they had to change, basically, everything, and I find myself more productive with my GNOME 3 Arch box than with my good ol' Slackware KDE 4 box. I just hate those bugs - for example I filed a task in their bugtracker for this window resize problem I have with gedit. If it's a love/hate relationship, I think it's marriage ^_^
    With the 3.8 upgrade, deadbeef was having a similar problem with window size/position. I just recompiled it against the latest GTK+3 package upgrade (that came after the 'big upgrade' here on Arch) and it was fixed. But not with gedit
    bwat47 wrote:
    Man I really hope this gets fixed soon, because aside from this one incredibly annoying issue I am loving gnome 3.8.
    I get the feeling gnome badly needs more beta testers, sizable regressions like this in "stable" releases happen way too often sad.
    I get the exact same feeling. Well bugs exist everywhere, there's no denying. But I think it would be wiser to 'alternate' the nature of each major stable release - one focusing on new features and one focusing on fixing bugs. For example if the only new features in GNOME 3.10 were the AppsFolder full implementation and the introduction of gnome-calendar, and the rest of the development cicle being devoted to fix bugs, I'd be more than happy.
    Like Fedora and Ubuntu, the fixed 6-month release cycle colaborates with the bugs. They don't do like Debian or Slackware which are released 'when they are ready'.
    EDIT: fout (yet) another bug. At least with facebook chat (haven't tested with other telepathy plugins) the buddy tray icon appear duplicate. Anybody with the same issue?
    Last edited by lmello (2013-05-02 14:06:06)

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    To access your Mac hard drive from Windows, you would want to check out MacDrive 7, which is really good.
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  • Tiffs blurred when viewed in CS5 but clear in windows paint?

    Hi there
    Yesterday I discovered that when I load tiffs into CS5 they are slightly blurred and the colour changes, when I load them into windows paint they are crystal clear and the colour is as it should be. To double check I obrained some free tiffs online and they also show up blurred and with more colout saturation, this only seems to happen with tiffs and has stopped me dead in my tracks.
    I would be grateful if anyone could help me...  I have added an example of one of my photographs here, if you look closely you will see the photoshop image on the left loses detail and appears slighlty blurred, also the colour is more saturated. The windows paint version is crystal clear and the colour is true.
    I just can't figure out why the free windows paint is opening up a clearer unaffected image whilst the premium photoshop software opens up a less clear and colour changed images...
    I am hoping it is simply a case of my having the wrong setting somewhere in photoshop and someone can put me on the correct path..
    Many thanks
    Example.....       In both images compare the small tree situated above the large post on the right, the thin branches on the "right  hand" version are more detailed...
    Many thanks
         ...............................  Click to enlarge ...........................................

    Regarding the colour differences, check the colour profile of the image. It looks like your image has Adobe RGB profile but that is being ignored by Windows Paint and Paint is displaying it as if it has sRGB profile. If you prefer the less vivid appearance of the image in Paint then use Photoshop to assign sRGB profile to the image and resave it. Menu Edit > Assign Profile (not Convert to Profile).
    You are not displaying the same image in each half of your comparison, anyway. Here they are after colour matching by changing profile. I think one of your images is blurred because it was resized at some stage of editing.
    Click the animated GIF or open it in another browser tab to play it.


    Please help!! I am a user of the Blackberry Desk Top Manager, running under Windows XP Service Pack 4.5. I recently downloaded the latest version of Desk Top Manager and I am getting the following error: - Flashing intermittently, whilst running the newly downloaded Desktop Manager - "Windows Installer Preparing to Install". I have removed the programme, downloaded it again from Blackberry's website and run my Windows updates to no available. I have now been advised that I must format my entire computer and reload Windows, which seems to be a rather onerous solution, as I have been using Blackberry's Synchronisation Programme for over a year successfully before this took place. I should appreciate it if you would let me know how this problem on my IBM Think Pad Laptop can be cured.

    halimsujanto wrote:
    Hi all..
    I am having the same problem with desktop software 6, but my problem is more like this..
    The Windows Installer pop-up during installation and cannot continue, it seems that windows installer 4.5 is the cause, but I cannot uninstall windows installer 4.5 because many of my programs were using this..
    In this knowledge base solution it says to run BlackBerry Desktop Software.msi, but on BlackBerry Desktop Software 6, it need to run from setup.exe and cannot continue.. so I cannot install desktop software 6 on my computer, but I am able to install older version desktop software ie. version 4.2 to version 5.
    I think that I am gonna reply here instead of making new thread about windows installer 4.5 and Desktop Software 6, please move if I did wrong.
    PS. Bifocals..
    The link you provided is missing. Or it just back to BlackBerry Technical Solution Center page and I tried searching the KB13781 with no success.
    Please if there is other link that may be good for my problem.
    Thank you very much.
    Hi ihalimsujanto and welcome to the forums!
    My first concern is that you do have a version of desktop manager that you can maintain your device and PIM data with, do you?
    Please post back with as much detail as possible regarding your hardware and software setup.
    Also post what steps you have taken to resolve the issue. The more detail we have the better we can help you. I'll reread KB 19300 and find what happened to my broken link.
    Please review this Microsoft Knowledgebase  Article ID: 555175
    How to resolve Common "Windows Installer" Problems
    Methods 3 and 4 may be pertinent.
    Let us know how it goes!
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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