Playback head.

I did something to change the playback head in LP8. When I hit the spacebar, playback starts one bar prior to my highlighted 'green' section.
In my other projects, the spacebar starts playback in the highlighted 'green' section.
Where do I fix this?

Sounds more like a corrupted project to me. I had this happen from time to time. The only fix I found was to alter the Song's starting point from 0 1 1 1 to 1 1 1 1. Evr since then I will not let projects start befor 1 1 1 1 because this somettimes causes this faulty behaviour. So in case your song does not start at 1 1 1 1 try my suggestion and report back if that helped.

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    hmmm... why do you need the onEnterFrame there?
    can you describe in more details on exactly what you want to

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    I opened D12 and could not see the problem you're experiencing. Does the playback head not progress even if you start your movie on any frame? If you'd to email me offline with a screenshot and extra info, I may be able to help in finding what the problem is. Email is [email protected]

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    be sure there isn't anything else accessing your drive....file auto checking...etc.
    try seeing if the behaviour changes by alternating the preferences for playback, best performance vs high quality.
    it's hard to understand why this would be an issue with proxy footage. enable the checkbox to warn you when drop frames occur. just to see...
    does this only happen when editing 5k footage or can you reproduce it with other footage?
    is it a fast 7200 rpm disk? might it be too full?
    because you're using proxies, it sounds like something is slowing the hard drive down such that it's not accessing fast enough.

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    Red, yellow, and green render bars and what they mean

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    Florence wrote:
    thx for replying.....
    if i shift the regions to bar 2 and then start playback about half a bar before the start then it plays fine - but this is SO lame!! Is there not an option anywhere to deal with this - maybe something that makes the playback head start just before ?
    in the pro studios is never used..
    Professionals requires a lot of SMPTE sync... for movies or for make MTV Music video of your song... or for Jingles...
    have never see the number 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... before starting a jingle???
    usually the correct workflow is to start at or later...
    do you know somthing about SMPTE sincronization?
    It's too annoying having to manually place the cursor at a point where it will actually play the arpeggio back! (also in cycle mode this is impossible - so even more hassle!)
    I'm sorry but i think that it is not so annoyning...
    in any case you can use Garage Band or other not Professional software.
    hope this helps.

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    Welcome to the forum
    to render your footage go to Sequence\render all\ both
    but really, you should not have to render your footage if your sequence settings match your clip setting

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    I have the same problem
    You can post your computer specs?
    It seems that not everyone is complaining about it

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