Playlist Question / Advice

Hey guys, I recently went from a 80 gig player to 16 gig player and wanted some suggestions as to get a nice playlist together. This is what I want to do:
I want to synch 10 gigs of music, chosen at random from my entire catalog.
is this possible? is there a way to cap media type to a certain gig, etc, while also choosing random tracks?
Any help would be awesome!!

To make a random playlist to sync to your iPod go to File>New Smart Playlist.
Uncheck "Match the following rule"
Check "Limit to" put "10" in the number box, choose "GB" from the first list box, choose "Random" from the next list box. Check "Live Updating"
When you want to change the selection in the smart playlist just delete everything in it and it will add a new selection.

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    I usually avoid linking to other forums, but in this case, there is a similar discussion over on MacNN forum setting up a Mac Pro to use RAID.
    Apple RAID software has continued to improve. The difference in performance between Apple and SoftRAID has narrowed to the point both are excellent. SoftRAID though alerts you on any I/O time out or read/write errors, and use a stripped read which is nice, when or where it is needed.
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    Some can take their existing SATA drives to get started. And probably has some drives that can be used for backups and such.
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    Sonnet Tempo E4P:
    SeriTek Case: $525
    Or something cheaper,
    Dual bay case to use with 2 ODD ports and NewerTech kit:
    (takes some work to access those two ODD SATA ports, but worth it, always on)
    OWC XLR8 Specials, usually have Friday specials:
    10K Raptor $210 vs WD RE2 750GB $220 if you look under hard drives.

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    Unfortunately, since Apple refunded your money it will not be possible to resubscribe to iTunes Match at this time. Unless Apple has changed the policy, when they give a refund, the person has had to wait a year to resubscribe. If you still want to resubscribe you should contact support again and work with them.

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    The exclamation mark next to a song means it is no longer where iTunes is looking for it. iTunes won't let you add such "missing" songs to a playlist. Possible reasons for a song going missing are that you or some third party software has moved or deleted it, or a folder that contained it, or that the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter, or a configuration file has changed making iTunes look in a slightly different place from before.
    Select one of the songs with an exclamation mark, press CTRL+I to Get Info, say no when prompted to locate it, then note down the location from the Summary tab that begins file://localhost/ - please post back this path as given. Hopefully you can find the file this entry in your library is supposed to be connected to. Assuming you can please post back this path as well. These two items of information may suggest a fix through folder manipulation or a configuration change.
    If things have got a little more disorganized then, as long as the tracks still exist to be found, my FindTracks script should be able to reconnect them to iTunes. FindTracks uses some fuzzy matching routines and searches for multiple potential locations. For more details see this thread. Start by selecting the tracks of a single album and then run the script. Your media folder should normally be detected automatically, e.g. as C:\Users\<User>\iTunes\iTunes Media, but you can edit the path if it is wrong or a particular batch of lost files are stored at another path. If it works as expected you can then move on to fixing the rest of the library in bigger batches.

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    Well I hear what you are saying, but as you pointed out, these things seem to be beyond the current capability of the iPod. On that same note, this 5th Gen video iPod I have is my very first iPod and while I do love it, I am actually rather shocked at the limited features it has or what I feel are obvious things it should be able to do but doesn't.
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    So that is my long winded way to say, your idea of a changing play list with a dynamic shuffle sounds great, but considering I can not even remove a song from the iPod without a computer, must be blinded by the light if I touch the controls of my iPod while in a dark car, and my choices of screen and font colors are about the same as Henry Ford offered on his cars, don't hold your breath!

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    Is there no way for the videos to play one right after the other non-stop, just like my music playlists?

    I think by default, videos (and podcasts) are set to "Skip when shuffling". If your iPod is in shuffle mode you can start one item but your iPod will stop if all the other items in the playlist are programmed to skip. Either turn shuffle off, or go into the tags of the videos and un-check the skip feature.

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    Also, for running, I was considering getting an iPod sensor. Which should I get if I buy the 2g Touch?
    Thank you very much.

    Hi Farhan,
    While playing a track in the playlist touch the artwork to summon the "scrub bar", to the left of this is a small oval symbol with tiny arrows, touch this to turn it on (goes blue) to repeat current album or playlist, touch twice to repeat track, third time it goes white and is off.
    The symbol on the right "X" is shuffle, but you knew that already.
    Have fun,
    Message was edited by: Duddo
    Message was edited by: Duddo

  • Basic Questions/Advice

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    1.) I am not sure if I need DVD Studio Pro or if iDVD will be sufficient?
    Based on what you described it sounds like you can do this in iDVD if you have it (you probably do) DVD SP opens up more control and other features, but also has a higher learning curve. But based on your description none of those things are necessary for you right now.
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    A standard DVD should work on both standalone players and also computers (that have DVD Drives of course) - there are issues in general where some computers or players can behave strangely, but for the most part iDVD will work fine. Strangely enough, I have friends who cannot get DVDs authored in DVD SP to work properly on some of their players, yet iDVD discs work fine.

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    Smart playlist are for selecting specific songs, not sorting.
    If you are sorting everything you don't need a playlist.
    Select Library /Music and sort on *Play Count*.
    Can't select a secondary sort column though (with either a playlist or the library).

  • Smart Playlist Question

    I started to notice something the other day. I'm not sure if the problem is new or if I am just using Smart Playlists more.
    This is what's going on. I create a Smartplay list in iTunes. All is good it syncs to my iPod.
    What I am having problems is the play lists becomes static. After the initial creation, I have a few playlists that are Random songs; like a random 1 hour, 2 hour, and 10 hour. I'd like these to be updated at every sync if not every time iTunes is opened.
    Am I miss understanding Smartplay lists? Is there a way to do what I am looking for?

    Do you have live updating checked on your SPL criteria?

  • Importing playlist question

    How can I move a playlist from my Ipod to Itunes? Long story on how the playlist is no longer on Itunes.

    There are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. I believe these three will all clone data such as playlists, playcounts etc.
    iRepo Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod Access Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    TouchCopy Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)

  • IWeb and iTunes Playlist Question:

    I would like to add an iTunes-Playlist to my Website. When I select the Playlist in the Media-Browser, iWeb creates a List with arrows pointing to the right. They are the same as they are in the iTMS. Where do they point??

    I got it... I published the site to a folder, that works also for that. The arrows point to the iTMS...

  • Video Storage / Mirroring Question & Advice

    Good Day
    I am assembling about 5 years worth of video from tape, card and disk and putting it all onto a Drobo Pro w/ 8x2TB drives. The drive should be big enough. And my plan is to just get another Drobo if need be and daisy chain them together. I am not editing off of them (Drobo ***** for that!), just need a very reliable backup / storage solution.
    However, due to my paranoia, I want a mirror of the drive(s) just in case there is a fire at the office, flood, theft etc. Just can't have all this footage existing in 1 location.
    We are a small operation so things like Xserve seem a little much to me. Any ideas on options? Is it as simple as we have to get a second Drobo and make a copy of the main one and keep it off site? Is tape backup a good option? Online would be great, but 20TB+?
    Need advice! Thanks in advance

    You will need Screen Spanning Doctor(SSD) with your iMac to get 2 different screens. Of course, if you are a UNIX geek and know how, you can turn off mirroring in the terminal. SSD is a lot simpler for us non-geeks. You should be able to find it on or
    With an expanded screen, you might still be unable to use your 1920x1080 or whatever because of VRAM limitations.. I was able to run the 14" and 19" in thousands of colors, but not millions from an iBookG4. I can run the 19" at 1280x1024 and the 15" MacBookPro at 1440x900 in millions, but the MPB can handle a 30" at millions. With the iBookG4, I had to have SSD to get an extended screen. I am pretty sure the iMacG5 required that, too.
    Hope this helps.

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