Please help me in APO following APO questions or functions.

Hi gurus,
          I am BW consultant and i didnt work much on APO planning book areas side.. But i need to respond to my users on these explanations to solve the tickets and also we have limites resource team. They wanted to know what is Univariate Forecast (Ctrl+f8) is for.. his question is the second button from right looks like "z" like(Univariate Forecast) , he wants to know what is this for and can we lock it out... It actually comes in end user training, but i wanted to give some info and close this ticket, please help in this.
2) What is the use of these "selected objects" area, Can it Go awa? When u select from the "selected objects" area, the reset button doesnt work and you must exit the spread sheet and reenter the data..
Please help in the above 2.. as i didnt work much on APO i couldnt deliver..thanks in advance

Karan, I empathize your position. You must ask your resource managers to correctly staff the project with right skills or ask for training. It is incorrect of your resource manager to expect you to solve tickets in an unknown area. Protest!
Coming to your Q
1. The icon is for doing forecasting based on historical sales or shipments as the case may be. there are authorization objects to block the icon for certain users (for that refer to Security team - refer link the other way is to go into the design button in the planning book and uncheck univariate forecasting.(under "Navigate to Views" section of first tab)
2. I do not quite follow what you mean by selector area. Refer to
for further clues

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    hope it will help you.
    reward if ehlp.
    How to create a New smartfrom, it is having step by step procedure
    step by step good ex link is....
    Here is the procedure
    1. Create a new smartforms
    Transaction code SMARTFORMS
    Create new smartforms call ZSMART
    2. Define looping process for internal table
    Pages and windows
    First Page -> Header Window (Cursor at First Page then click Edit -> Node -> Create)
    Here, you can specify your title and page numbering
    &SFSY-PAGE& (Page 1) of &SFSY-FORMPAGES(Z4.0)& (Total Page)
    Main windows -> TABLE -> DATA
    In the Loop section, tick Internal table and fill in
    ITAB1 (table in ABAP SMARTFORM calling function) INTO ITAB2
    3. Define table in smartforms
    Global settings :
    Form interface
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB1 TYPE Table Structure
    Global definitions
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB2 TYPE Table Structure
    4. To display the data in the form
    Make used of the Table Painter and declare the Line Type in Tabstrips Table
    e.g. HD_GEN for printing header details,
    IT_GEN for printing data details.
    You have to specify the Line Type in your Text elements in the Tabstrips Output options.
    Tick the New Line and specify the Line Type for outputting the data.
    Declare your output fields in Text elements
    Tabstrips - Output Options
    For different fonts use this Style : IDWTCERTSTYLE
    For Quantity or Amout you can used this variable &GS_ITAB-AMOUNT(12.2)&
    5. Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program
    Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program.
    Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once to SMARTFORMS
    Declare your table type in :-
    Global Settings -> Form Interface
    Global Definintions -> Global Data
    Main Window -> Table -> DATA
    Written by : SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and ABAP/4 Programming
    At the end of your program.
    Passing data to SMARTFORMS
    call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
    formname = 'ZSMARTFORM'
    VARIANT = ' '
    DIRECT_CALL = ' '
    NO_FORM = 1
    OTHERS = 3.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'ERROR 1'.
    call function FM_NAME
    SEND_ERROR = 3
    OTHERS = 5.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    you can check this link here you can see the steps and you can do it the same by looking at it..
    1. In Tcode se11 Create a structure(struct) same like the Internal table that you are going to use in your report.
    2. Create Table type(t_struct) of stracture in se11.
    3. In your program declare Internal table(Itab) type table of structure(struct).
    4. Define work area(wa) like line of internal table.
    5. Open Tcode Smartforms
    6. In form Global setting , forminterface Import parameter define Internal table(Itab) like table type of stracture(t_struct).
    7. In form Global setting , Global definitions , in Global data define Work area(wa) like type stracture(struct).
    8. In form pages and window, create Page node by default Page1 is available.
    9. In page node you can create numbers of secondary window. But in form there is only one Main window.
    10. By right click on page you can create windows or Go to Edit, Node, Create.
    11. After creating the window right click on window create table for displaying the data that you are passing through internal table.
    12. In the table Data parameter, loop internal internal table (Itab) into work area(wa).
    13. In table there are three areas Header, Main Area, Footer.
    14. Right click on the Main area create table line by default line type1 is there select it.
    15. Divide line into cells according to your need then for each cell create Text node.
    16. In text node general attribute. Write down fields of your work area(wa) or write any thing you want to display.
    17. Save form and activate it.
    18. Then go to Environment, function module name, there you get the name of function module copy it.
    19. In your program call the function module that you have copied from your form.
    20. In your program in exporting parameter of function pass the internal table(itab).
    SAP Smart Forms is introduced in SAP Basis Release 4.6C as the tool for creating and maintaining forms.
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to execute simple modifications to the form and in the form logic by using simple graphical tools; in 90% of all cases, this won't include any programming effort. Thus, a power user without any programming knowledge can
    configure forms with data from an SAP System for the relevant business processes.
    To print a form, you need a program for data retrieval and a Smart Form that contains the entire from logic. As data retrieval and form logic are separated, you must only adapt the Smart Form if changes to the form logic are necessary. The application program passes the data via a function module interface to the Smart Form. When activating the Smart Form, the system automatically generates a function module. At runtime, the system processes this function module.
    You can insert static and dynamic tables. This includes line feeds in individual table cells, triggering events for table headings and subtotals, and sorting data before output.
    You can check individual nodes as well as the entire form and find any existing errors in the tree structure. The data flow analysis checks whether all fields (variables) have a defined value at the moment they are displayed.
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to include graphics, which you can display either as part of the form or as background graphics. You use background graphics to copy the layout of an existing (scanned) form or to lend forms a company-specific look. During printout, you can suppress the background graphic, if desired.
    SAP Smart Forms also support postage optimizing.
    Also read SAP Note No. 168368 - Smart Forms: New form tool in Release 4.6C
    What Transaction to start SAP Smart Forms?
    Execute transaction SMARTFORMS to start SAP Smart Forms.
    Key Benefits of SAP Smart Forms:
    SAP Smart Forms allows you to reduce considerably the implementation costs of solutions since forms can be adjusted in minimum time.
    You design a form using the graphical Form Painter and the graphical Table Painter. The form logic is represented by a hierarchy structure (tree structure) that consists of individual nodes, such as nodes for global settings, nodes for texts, nodes for output tables, or nodes for graphics.
    To make changes, use Drag & Drop, Copy & Paste, and select different attributes.
    These actions do not include writing of coding lines or using a Script language.
    Using your form description maintained in the Form Builder, Smart Forms generates a function module that encapsulates layout, content and form logic. So you do not need a group of function modules to print a form, but only one.
    For Web publishing, the system provides a generated XML output of the processed form.
    Smart Forms provides a data stream called XML for Smart Forms (XSF) to allow the use of 3rd party printing tools. XSF passes form content from R/3 to an external product without passing any layout information about the Smart Form.
    SmartForms System Fields
    Within a form you can use the field string SFSY with its system fields. During form processing the system replaces these fields with the corresponding values. The field values come from the SAP System or are results of the processing.
    System fields of Smart Forms
    Displays the date. You determine the display format in the user master record.
    Displays the time of day in the form HH:MM:SS.
    Inserts the number of the current print page into the text. You determine the format of the page number (for example, Arabic, numeric) in the page node.
    Displays the total number of pages for the currently processed form. This allows you to include texts such as'Page x of y' into your output.
    Contains the total page number of all forms in the currently processed print request.
    Contains the name of the current window (string in the Window field)
    Contains the name of the current page (string in the Page field)
    Is set to 'X' after a page break (either automatic [Page 7] or command-controlled [Page 46])
    Is set as soon as processing of the main window on the current page ends
    Contains the name of the raised exception. You must trigger your own exceptions, which you defined in the form interface, using the user_exception macro (syntax: user_exception <exception name >).
    Example Forms Available in Standard SAP R/3
    Simple example; invoice with table output of flight booking for one customer
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_01 but with subtotals
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_02, whereby several customers are selected in the application program; the form is called for each customer and all form outputs are included in an output request
    Advantages of SAP Smart Forms
    SAP Smart Forms have the following advantages:
    1. The adaption of forms is supported to a large extent by graphic tools for layout and logic, so that no programming knowledge is necessary (at least 90% of all adjustments). Therefore, power user forms can also make configurations for your business processes with data from an SAP system. Consultants are only required in special cases.
    2. Displaying table structures (dynamic framing of texts)
    3. Output of background graphics, for form design in particular the use of templates which were scanned.
    4. Colored output of texts
    5. User-friendly and integrated Form Painter for the graphical design of forms
    6. Graphical Table Painter for drawing tables
    7. Reusing Font and paragraph formats in forms (Smart Styles)
    8. Data interface in XML format (XML for Smart Forms, in short XSF)
    9. Form translation is supported by standard translation tools
    10. Flexible reuse of text modules
    11. HTML output of forms (Basis release 6.10)
    12. Interactive Web forms with input fields, pushbuttons, radio buttons, etc. (Basis-Release 6.10)

  • Hi . please help me to back my security question i have in my account 25$ i dont know if my account are acctive or unacctive please help me

    hi . please help me to back my security question i have in my account 25$ i dont know if my account are acctive or unacctive please help me i dont know what i do

    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then go to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into your account. Then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you should see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer 2 of your questions) then you won't get the reset option - you will need to contact iTunes Support or Apple to get them reset.
    e.g. you can try contacting iTunes Support : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Account Management , and then 'Forgotten Apple ID security questions'
    or try ringing Apple in your country and ask to talk to the Accounts Security Team :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down this page to add a rescue email address for potential future use :

  • Thanks.. can u please help me out in one more question. how can i transfer files like pdf, .docx and ppt from my laptop to iPhone 5 ? please its urgent.

    thanks.. can u please help me out in one more question. how can i transfer files like pdf, .docx and ppt from my laptop to iPhone 5 ? please its urgent.

    See your other post
    First, i want to know how can i pair my iPhone 5 with my lenovo laptop?

  • Please help me to rest the security question i have forget them please i hope you help me right way

    please help me to rest the security question i have forget them please i hope you help me right way

    Call Apple to help reset your Security Question.

  • Please help me to reset my sequerity question. Which is I completely forget

    Please help me to reset my sequerity question. Which is I completely forget

    Click here for information. If the option to have the answers emailed to you isn't available or doesn't work(the email may take a few hours to arrive), contact the iTunes Store staff via the link in the 'Additional Information' section of that article.
    Without a rescue email address, you can't reset them yourself. Nobody on these boards can reset them for you.

  • Support ,​ ​ This is Thamer mohammad  ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .​ ​ Best wishes

    Support ,​
    This is Thamer mohammad
    ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .​
    Best wishes

    These boards aren't Apple Support; nobody here can reset the questions. Click here, phone Apple, and ask for the Account Security team, or fill out and submit this form.

  • Please please help me I forgot my security questions and I don't think I have a rescue email what should I do . Please help

    Please please help me I forgot my security questions and I don't think I have a rescue email what should I do . Please help

    You need to contact Apple. Click here, phone them, and ask for the Account Security team, or fill out and submit this form.

  • HT5312 Dear Apple Support ,  I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .  Best wishes

    Dear Apple Support , I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .  Best wishes
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    Please do not post personal information on a Public Forum.
    I have requested the Hosts remove it for you
    For your issue...
    See Here > Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
              Ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
    Or Email Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    More Info >  Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    You can only set up and/or change a Rescue Email Before you forget the questions/answers.

  • Dear Apple Support ,  This is amany alnajjar ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .

    Dear Apple Support ,
    This is amany alnajjar ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .

    The Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
        c. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.

  • Dear Apple Support , This is ***Abdurrahman*** ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account . Best wishes,

    Dear Apple Support ,
    This is ***Abdurrahman*** ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .
    Best wishes,

    The people on these boards aren't Apple Support and can't do that for you. You need to ask Apple to reset your security questions; ways of contacting them include clicking here and picking a method for your country, phoning AppleCare and asking for the Account Security team, and filling out and submitting this form.
    They wouldn't be security questions if they could be bypassed without Apple verifying your identity.

  • I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .

    rt ,
    This is ***majed*** ,I can't remember my security question answers , so Please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account .
    Best wishes,

    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then the steps half-way down this page give you a reset link on your account :
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer your questions) then you will need to contact iTunes Support / Apple in your country to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down the HT5312 link above to add a rescue email address for potential future use

  • I can't remember my security question answers , so please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account : ********  , Best wishes

    I can't remember my security question answers , so please help me to Create new Security Question for my Account : **********
    , Best wishes
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    We are fellow users here on these user-to-user forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post (it's not a good idea to post personal info on any public forum).
    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) on your account then the steps half-way down this page will give you a reset link on your account :
    If you don't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer your questions) then you will need to contact Support in your country to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down the HT5312 link above to add a rescue email address for potential future use

  • HT5312 please help me i forgot my securety question

    hi . please help me i forgot my security question

    You need to ask Apple to reset your security questions; this can be done by phoning AppleCare and asking for the Account Security team, or clicking here and picking a method, or if your country isn't listed in either article, filling out and submitting this form.
    They wouldn't be security questions if they could be bypassed without Apple verifying your identity.

  • HT5312 i did not provide secure email, now i also forgot the answers of secret question, please help me to reset the security question.

    Please help me to solve this issue T_T

    If you don't have a rescue email address then see if the instructions on this user tip helps :

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