Ploblem with Import

Hi Gurus.
I'm trying to do a impdp from DB Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production (Unix) to a DB Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release (WinXP).
grant imp_full_database to sys;
grant READ,WRITE ON DIRECTORY Exports to sys;
impdp 'sys/*** as sysdba' dumpfile=FILEEXPORT directory=Exports schemas=TEST
I getting this error.
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Conectado a: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
ORA-31694: fallo de la tabla maestra al cargarse/descargarse "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01"
ORA-02354: error al exportar/importar datos
ORA-39774: parse of metadata stream failed with the following error:
LPX-00007: unexpected end-of-file encountere
Thanks in advanced.

Retransfer on the target db the export dump file (if you are using FTP transfer it in binary mode) and check the filesize on source and target machine.
As your export file seems to be corrupted

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    Most phones only allows importing of draft and archived box for SMS.
    To do a restoring, you need to backup the SMS as a .nbu file using PC Suite and restore later.
    If you got an SD card, you can also do a backup on the SD Card (backup.arc) then restore later (reset and restore: backup.arc and mmc).
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    First, do not use MP3 in Logic, the sound quality is less than AIFF, WAV or CAF, and Logic has to decode it for playback, making it a heavier burden on the CPU than an uncoded audiofile, such as AIFF, WAV or CAF.
    Secondly, audio files are independent of Logic's tempo. If you bounce down an audio file in any format (other than Apple Loop), it will play back at the same speed, +regardless of Logics' tempo setting+, either at recording or playback. Logic doesn't 'think' anything. The BPM is only important to MIDI tracks, or to the spacing between audio files. The audio files themselves *are not affected* by the tempo setting. If you import an audio file of tempo 167 into a 120 BPM project, the file will still play at 167, only Logic will indicate the wrong bar positions.
    regards, Erik.

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    Can you restore that JSON backup in a new profile?
    Did you make sure that it is really a JSON backup and that there is no missing or hidden other file extension?
    A JSON backup starts with: {"title":"","id":1,"dateAdded"
    A HTML backup starts with: <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
    You can try if you can restore that JSON backup in a new profile.
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems
    See Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)
    Please for administration of this support site, make possibility to quote someone's answer, on this way is dificult to answer somebody who wrote some suggestion!
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    Man i'm not totally noob i repeat 2nd time here, and normally that i know to create new profile, and that i tried that, but that didn't help!
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    If somebody from firefox support team read this, i can give you Remote desktop access to my computer to try solve this problem, like other serious company
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    Corel are you from firefox support team? Please don't write same suggestions, cause i know to read, and i understand well if you write once some suggestion!

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    I woke up this morning with the same problem (all was fine last night).  Only way to get all my mailbox folders back was to use Time Machine while in Mail, choosing the backup file from previous night and selecting EACH MAILBOX to restore (23 for me).  All appears okay so far today (except some of my accessories in the menu bar are gone). 
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  • Internal table with Import and Export

    Hi All,
    Hi all
    Please let me know the use of <b>Internal table with Import and Export parameters and SET/GET parameters</b>, on what type of cases we can use these? Plese give me the syntax with some examples.
    Please give me detailed analysis on the above.

    Hi Prabhakar,
    There are three types of memories.
    1.we will use EXPORT/ IMPORT TO/ FROM MEMORY-ID when we want to transfer between ABAP memory
    2. we will use GET PARAMETER ID/ SET PARAMETER ID to transfer between SAP MEMORY
    3. we will use EXPORT/IMPORT TO/FROM SHARED BUFFER to transfer between external memory.
    ABAP MEMORY : we can say that two reports in the same session will be in ABAP MEMORY
    then they both are in SAP MEMORY.
    EXTERNAL MEMORY: TWO different logons will be in EXTERNAL MEMORY.
    To fill the input fields of a called transaction with data from the calling program, you can use the SPA/GPA technique. SPA/GPA parameters are values that the system stores in the global, user-specific SAP memory. SAP memory allows you to pass values between programs. A user can access the values stored in the SAP memory during one terminal session for all parallel sessions. Each SPA/GPA parameter is identified by a 20-character code. You can maintain them in the Repository Browser in the ABAP Workbench. The values in SPA/GPA parameters are user-specific.
    ABAP programs can access the parameters using the SET PARAMETER and GET PARAMETER statements.
    To fill one, use:
    This statement saves the contents of field <f> under the ID <pid> in the SAP memory. The code <pid> can be up to 20 characters long. If there was already a value stored under <pid>, this statement overwrites it. If the ID <pid> does not exist, double-click <pid> in the ABAP Editor to create a new parameter object.
    To read an SPA/GPA parameter, use:
    This statement fills the value stored under the ID <pid> into the variable <f>. If the system does not find a value for <pid> in the SAP memory, it sets SY-SUBRC to 4, otherwise to 0.
    To fill the initial screen of a program using SPA/GPA parameters, you normally only need the SET PARAMETER statement.
    The relevant fields must each be linked to an SPA/GPA parameter.
    On a selection screen, you link fields to parameters using the MEMORY ID addition in the PARAMETERS or SELECT-OPTIONS statement. If you specify an SPA/GPA parameter ID when you declare a parameter or selection option, the corresponding input field is linked to that input field.
    On a screen, you link fields to parameters in the Screen Painter. When you define the field attributes of an input field, you can enter the name of an SPA/GPA parameter in the Parameter ID field in the screen attributes. The SET parameter and GET parameter checkboxes allow you to specify whether the field should be filled from the corresponding SPA/GPA parameter in the PBO event, and whether the SPA/GPA parameter should be filled with the value from the screen in the PAI event.
    When an input field is linked to an SPA/GPA parameter, it is initialized with the current value of the parameter each time the screen is displayed. This is the reason why fields on screens in the R/3 System often already contain values when you call them more than once.
    When you call programs, you can use SPA/GPA parameters with no additional programming overhead if, for example, you need to fill obligatory fields on the initial screen of the called program. The system simply transfers the values from the parameters into the input fields of the called program.
    However, you can control the contents of the parameters from your program by using the SET PARAMETER statement before the actual program call. This technique is particularly useful if you want to skip the initial screen of the called program and that screen contains obligatory fields.
    Reading Data Objects from Memory
    To read data objects from ABAP memory into an ABAP program, use the following statement:
    IMPORT <f1> [TO <g 1>] <f 2> [TO <g 2>] ... FROM MEMORY ID <key>.
    This statement reads the data objects specified in the list from a cluster in memory. If you do not use the TO <g i > option, the data object <f i > in memory is assigned to the data object in the program with the same name. If you do use the option, the data object <f i > is read from memory into the field <g i >. The name <key> identifies the cluster in memory. It may be up to 32 characters long.
    You do not have to read all of the objects stored under a particular name <key>. You can restrict the number of objects by specifying their names. If the memory does not contain any objects under the name <key>, SY-SUBRC is set to 4. If, on the other hand, there is a data cluster in memory with the name <key>, SY-SUBRC is always 0, regardless of whether it contained the data object <f i >. If the cluster does not contain the data object <f i >, the target field remains unchanged.
    Saving Data Objects in Memory
    To read data objects from an ABAP program into ABAP memory, use the following statement:
    EXPORT <f1> [FROM <g 1>] <f 2> [FROM <g 2>] ... TO MEMORY ID <key>.
    This statement stores the data objects specified in the list as a cluster in memory. If you do not use the option FROM <f i >, the data object <f i > is saved under its own name. If you use the FROM <g i > option, the data objet <g i > is saved under the name <f i >. The name <key> identifies the cluster in memory. It may be up to 32 characters long.
    Check this link.
    Reward points for helpful answers.

  • Problem with import file type setting

    Problem with import file type settings - In preferences>general I select "wav encoder" But then going to tools>Create it still says "create mp3 version".
    Can't find a way to overcome this. Thanks for any help.

    Doublechecking, roy. After making the preferences change, are you leaving the General tab by clicking the OK button down the bottom-right-hand corner of the tab?

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    From looking at the specifications of your camera (SJCam 4000), we know already what video compression your camera is using. It is H.264.
    A file should be supported by Premiere Elements 11. On what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 11 running?
    Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer? And, are you running QuickTime and Premiere Elements 11 from a
    User Account with administrative privileges? Please go to Premiere Elements 11 Publish+Share/Computer/QuickTime to confirm that you find
    presets there for the QuickTime choice there.
    What are the properties of these files - is it 1080p30 (1920 x 1080p30)  or something else? Do you know if this camera is recording with a variable or
    a constant frame rate?
    Please review and consider and then we will decide what next.
    Thank you.

  • Issues with importing from excel

    I have been running into a several issues with importing from Excel.
    First my configuration
    I am running SQL Developer ver 1.5.5 Build MAIN-5969
    I am on a Windows XP Professional Version 2002 with Service Pack 3
    I am importing into an Oracle 10g database.
    1. SQL Developer doesn't work on Excel 2007, I have to save all my files into Excel 97-2003 format before I can use them.
    2. If I run into an error loading and stop the process, SQL Developer doesn't release the Excel file and I get a sharing violation if I try to save the spreadsheet without closing SQL Developer.
    3. I have found that I have to set print area to the area I want to work with, otherwise the import wizard tries to keep adding rows.
    4. When using the Import wizard, it keeps adding commas on fields with numerics unless I specify the column in excel as text. Currently the column is formatted as General in the spreadsheet or I can change the wizard format to say the column is an integer, but it actually is just a code field with numeric characters so it may have leading zeroes that I need to keep.
    This might be related,
    I have a column in excel defined as text but only contains numerics. It is of length 4, but the wizard sets a precision of 5 with a datatype of VARCHAR2. If I try to change it to 4, I get an error saying the field is not large enough. Yet, when I do a LEN on the column, it only gives me a 4. I have other fields in the same sheet that a 3 position numeric and 2 position numeric and those are fine. I am thinking this is related to the comma being inserted in a numeric field for anything greater than 3 positions.
    5. Importing excel dates to oracle dates doesn't work. I have to convert the excel date column to text then import as a VARCHAR, then convert to Date once in the database.
    6. The default of nullible is not set on any columns and I have to set them before the import. (I would prefer it set to nullible and I have to uncheck the box to make it not nullible. I would prefer to import all of the data and then deal with the nulls after they have been pulled in)
    7. When I select header columns included it uses that as the column names. Is it possible to do the name length check then? It has bit me a few times where I try to import and forget to check the name length and then I get an error when I start running the import.
    8. If one of the columns to import has all nulls, then the precision comes out to 0 and if it isn't changed an error occurs on import. Could this situation default to a precision of 1?
    9. It would be nice if there was a completion message displayed and a cancel option while running.

    On point 3.
    I have a column in excel that consists of numbers. 4 digit numeric codes. Ex, 1111, 2345, etc
    The column's format is general. It displays as just 4 numbers.
    When I start the wizard initially, the column appears with data as 1,111, 2,345, etc, on the Data Preview screen.
    It determines the precision to be 5 on the column definition screen.
    If I change the precision to 4 then continue, that field will error out when I verify with "not big enough to hold the data in source columns"
    If, I change the excel column to a TEXT column.
    Excel still displays as 1111, 2345, etc
    The wizard then displays the same data 1111, 2345 on the Data Previeiw screen
    Yet, when I get to the column definition screen it still sizes it as a 5
    If I change it to a 4, I get the same error when verifying.
    If I leave them alone as 5, then it processes just fine.

  • Load of big files in BPC with import package

    I need to import many files (.txt) with 1,5 million of data lines in BPC with import package.
    But BPC is limited to 500 000 lines for each import.
    Have you got a solution ?

    You have two options.
    1. use import into FACT table -> Cons : System will be offline.  Pros : faster performance. No limit
    2. if you should use import package,  split file and put it into one folder and create a custom package that will handle those data file one by one.      Cons : Need to make a custom package   Pros : No system offline.
    I hope it will help you.
    James Lim

  • Help with importing files

    Hello everyone,
    [I'm running RoboHelp 5.0.2 - Flash Help. We have purchased
    the Bronze help package and the support doesn't know why we are
    having problems. We are using Visual Source Safe on a Windows
    I work for a small company that is planning to "roll-out" our
    new roboHelp site within a few days. We are having trouble with
    importing our .doc, pdf, and xls files. Here's what happens:
    I have a topic and I go to create a text.
    I highlight the text I want linked
    go to "Insert hyperlink"
    choose "Link to file"
    Browse to my file.
    When I click on Okay it ask if I want it brought inot my
    project. I click yes.
    I then notice that RoboHelp puts it in the baggage files (
    well most of the time it does)
    I save, check everything in.
    When I go to v iew it in Primary layout it saids "file not
    Help I'm going crazy. My boss thinks I don't know what I'm
    doing. :(

    Hi MJ,
    Not sure exactly what the issue is with your help project,
    but I have links to pdf and doc files in my project and they work.
    When I click View Primary Layout, it brings up the output files
    that are generated to a different location than where the working
    files are. Is that how your project is set up? Because when I open
    a file via a link within the output, it calls the file from the
    same directory where the output files live (not from a baggage
    file). Is this what you are doing as well? This process has been
    working for me.

  • Problem with importing

    Hi all, I recently downloaded elements 11, and I imported some photos okay, but now it starts to import, gets about half way, and a box saying elements organizer has stopped working. When I went into problem details, it said appcrash. any ideas wot be goin on. (Im importing photos in raw) Regards. Paul.

    Thanks for the reply jon. I was only importing 152 pics. off my nikon camera. I re downloaded elements 7 on to the puter, and they went straight on there with no trouble, so I would of thought they would go straight on to elmnts. 11. ho hum.and strange.
    Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:58:39 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Problem with importing
        Re: Problem with importing
        created by 99jon in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Hi Paul  What are your system specs. Raw files are usually quite large so the process could be draining your memory (RAM). Are you importing from camera or from your hard drive. In the case of the latter try importing one folder at a time or in smaller batches. You can select files and drag and drop into the organizer. You must drop on the dark gray area between the left and right side panels (if both panel are visible).
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  • I've been using LR with my Nikon D3200 for a year or so. Shooting in RAW/NEF no issues with import etc until I updated LR and now I can't get LR to allow me to select when I try to import. It does show the images but they're grayed out and not able to be

    I've been using LR with my Nikon D3200 for a year or so. Shooting in RAW/NEF no issues with import etc until I updated LR and now I can't get LR to allow me to select when I try to import. It does show the images but they're grayed out and not able to be selected. Any thoughts? TIA

    Greyed imaged in the Import dialog box mean you have already imported the photos into Lightroom, so there is no need and no benefit to importing them a second time.
    Just go to the Library module, search for the desired photos, and resume working on these photos.

  • Problems with import slides powerpoint

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    What I can do?

    there have been lots of issues regarding this, however, I
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    Hope this helps.
    Tony :)

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    Has anyone had similar problems and/or know of a workaround?

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