Pluggable Protocol not released (?)

I have an MFC application which uses CHtmlView (WebBrowser control) to display HTML data. For displaying, I implemeted an asynchronous pluggable protocol. I did this by adding ATL support to my MFC project and adding an OLE class derived from IInternetProtocol
and IInternetProtocolInfo to my project (using the wizard). My pluggable protocol is defined as follows:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPluggableProtocol :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CPluggableProtocol, &CLSID_PluggableProtocol>,
public IInternetProtocol,
public IInternetProtocolInfo
HRESULT FinalConstruct()
return S_OK;
void FinalRelease()
// IInternetProtocol interface
IInternetProtocolSink *pIProtSink,
IInternetBindInfo *pIBindInfo,
DWORD dwReserved);
STDMETHOD(Abort)(HRESULT hrReason,DWORD dwOptions);
STDMETHOD(Terminate)(DWORD dwOptions);
STDMETHOD(Read)(void *pv,ULONG cb,ULONG *pcbRead);
DWORD dwOrigin,
ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition);
STDMETHOD(LockRequest)(DWORD dwOptions);
// IInternetProtocolInfo interface
STDMETHOD(CombineUrl)(LPCWSTR pwzBaseUrl, LPCWSTR pwzRelativeUrl, DWORD dwCombineFlags,
LPWSTR pwzResult, DWORD cchResult, DWORD *pcchResult, DWORD dwReserved);
STDMETHOD(CompareUrl)(LPCWSTR pwzUrl1, LPCWSTR pwzUrl2, DWORD dwCompareFlags);
STDMETHOD(ParseUrl)(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, PARSEACTION ParseAction, DWORD dwParseFlags,
LPWSTR pwzResult, DWORD cchResult, DWORD *pcchResult, DWORD dwReserved);
STDMETHOD(QueryInfo)( LPCWSTR pwzUrl, QUERYOPTION QueryOption, DWORD dwQueryFlags,
LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, DWORD *pcbBuf, DWORD dwReserved);
CAtlStringW GetContentType(CString &);
CMemFile m_fData;
In my InitInstance I register this protocol using RegisterNameSpace (and UnregisterNameSpace in ExitInstance). This is done by the following:
CComPtr<IClassFactory> m_spCF; // (class member)
CComPtr<IInternetSession> spIInetSession;
if(FAILED(CoInternetGetSession(0, &spIInetSession, 0)))
return FALSE;
if(FAILED(CPluggableProtocol::_ClassFactoryCreatorClass::CreateInstance(CPluggableProtocol::_CreatorClass::CreateInstance, IID_IClassFactory, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_spCF))))
return FALSE;
hr = spIInetSession->RegisterNameSpace(m_spCF, CLSID_PluggableProtocol, m_strProtocol, 0, NULL, 0);
This works on all the computers I have access to and it worked for a few months no. No problems.
But now I got the message from somebody using the application that the application does not terminate. Using logfiles I found out that AfxOleCanExitApp() returns TRUE in CMainFrame::OnNcDestroy. This means that not all COM objects have been released and
therefore the application does not quit (only the windows disappear). Using the debugger (breakpoint at AfxOleLockApp()), I found out that the one COM object which is calling AfxOleLockApp is the asynchronous pluggable protocol (through urlmon.dll).
Unfortunately I can not do trial and error because it works perfectly on all my computers. But since it does obviously not work for a different person I am sure I have a little mistake in my implementation. I have very few COM experience, therefore it may
be that the code above is not perfectly correct.
Does anybody see a mistake in my implementation which could cause the bug?
Thank you very much,

Hmm, no idea? :-(
Another thing which came into my mind:
I call RegisterNameSpace in InitInstance and UnregisterNameSpace in ExitInstance. However, ExitInstance is called
after receiving WM_QUIT, bevor the MFC framework asks via AfxOleCanExitApp() if it will call PostQuitMessage().
Maybe I must do this stuff in the window function? E.g. RegisterNameSpace on WM_CREATE and UnregisterNamespace on WM_CLOSE? This would be before the AfxOleCanExitApp() check...
And: After I cann UnregisterNameSpace, can I be sure that all COM objects are destroyed and released?
Regards, Peter

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    // videoTrack: track control for the video track
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    Codec codec[] = {
    } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException e) {
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    * stop when event "EndOfMediaEvent"
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    try {   
    p= null;
    for (int i = 0; i < rtpMgrs.length; i++)
    if (rtpMgrs==null) continue;
    Logger.log(ambito, refTrazas + "removeTargets;");
    rtpMgrs[i].removeTargets( "Session ended.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Error Stoping:"+e);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    } // end of stop()
    * Controller Listener.
    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
    if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
    evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
    evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
    synchronized (waitSync) {
    stateTransitionOK = true;
    } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
    synchronized (waitSync) {
    stateTransitionOK = false;
    } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvento EndOfMediaEvent.");
    else if (evt instanceof ControllerClosedEvent)
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvent ControllerClosedEvent");
    close = true;
    else if (evt instanceof StopByRequestEvent)
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvent StopByRequestEvent");
    stop =true;
    Many thanks.

    Its a bug on H263, if you test it without h263 track or with other video codec, the release will be ok.
    You can try to use a not-Sun h263 codec like the one from fobs or jffmpeg projects.

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    Edited by: bpenugon on Aug 24, 2010 8:02 AM

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    Dear Friend,
    What you are trying to do is not correct way of checking the concurrency and transaction.
    The reason is as listed below.
    01.Always remember http is a stateless protocol and removing the connection or just closing the browser will never be informed to the database or to the application server thus the transaction monitor (TM)or processor will never release the lock as it will deem that the actor is manipulating the data.
    02.As per locking goes every database is having a �TM� and the default isolation level setting is different like oracle uses serializable DB2udb 7.0 or db2/As400 uses repeatable read. You can change this setting by editing the default setting in the database but be very sure before touching it.
    03.     You can also transpose this with your Application server setting for that piece of code or Globally but again be very sure about it as it will change the entire gamete.
    04.     For releasing lock you have to manually do it or you can change the settings of App server or the Database to release the connection after some wait time.

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    IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.3(12b), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Thu 31-Mar-05 19:08 by jfeldhou
    Image text-base: 0x80008098, data-base: 0x80CCAA68
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    ROM: C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.3(12b), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    RouterC uptime is 8 hours, 16 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:c2600-i-mz.123-12b.bin"
    cisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x203) with 28672K/4096K bytes of memory
    Processor board ID JAD05390K1C (3082946085)
    M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
    Bridging software.
    X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
    1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
    2 Serial network interface(s)
    32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

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    UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:elementController];
    [[self navigationController]presentModalViewController:navController aimated:YES];
    [elementController release];
    [navController release];
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    1)First screen
    2)second Screen
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    then it takes control to second screen
    Even if i released the nav Controller and ElementController , the elements like iubaritem,navigation items are not releasing
    Please help me out

    Cloud programs do not use serial numbers... you log in to your PAID Cloud account to download & install & activate... you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help

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    I would like to know if there is any report on SAP 6.0 that shows all the purchase requisitions that are not released which shows the releease code (the person's name who has to release the PR). In me55 only could be found by release code, and it is required, I cannot has a report
    I think that there is not, but i would like to confirm it.
    Thank you in advance,
    Best regards

    1)Go to ME5A t-code & select DYNAMIC SELECTIONS.
    2)Select "Purchase Requisition" section and you can make use of parameters like Release Code, Release Indicator , Release Status etc., to fetch the required results.
    Hope this helps you in resolving your matter.

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    2. All reports contain parameter fields
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    4. All reports connect to an Oracle 10g server.
    The above requirements have been meet and we have an extremely simple web application that runs the reports. It is working very well other than the crystal report viewer is not releasing the database connections. This is bad because the credentials are on a per user basis and that same user must login to a different oracle application simultaneously. They are being denied access because the credentials are already in use. We do not have control nor influence over the policies in use on the Oracle server. Ideally we would like to control the Crystal Report viewer so that it closes connections after use.
    The web application code is:
    Private Sub viewReports_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
    If Not IsPostBack Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReport()
    'Load the Crystal Report viewer with a report.
    Dim reportPath As String = Server.MapPath(Session("reportname"))
    crViewer.ReportSource = reportPath
    Catch ex As Exception
    Response.Write(Server.MapPath(Session("reportname")) & "
    " & ex.Message.ToString & "
    " & ex.StackTrace.ToString)
    End Try
    End Sub
    Can anyone shed some light on this topic? Thank you

    Hello, Timothy;
    By default, having the report in session will hold it open for 20 minutes.
    If you create the report as a ReportDocument object you can take it out of session and release it more efficiently. That will release the connection.
        Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReports()
            If (Session("hierarchicalGroupingReport") Is Nothing) Then
                hierarchicalGroupingReport = New ReportDocument()
                hierarchicalGroupingReport.Load(Server.MapPath("Hierarchical Grouping.rpt"))
                Session("hierarchicalGroupingReport") = hierarchicalGroupingReport
                hierarchicalGroupingReport = CType(Session("hierarchicalGroupingReport"), ReportDocument)
            End If
            myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = hierarchicalGroupingReport
        End Sub
    In the Form Unload of the Viewer:
                'Take the report out of session
                Session("hierarchicalGroupingReport")  = Nothing
                'Clean up the ReportDocument object
                hierarchicalGroupingReport = Nothing

  • Sending an email from Lotus Notes release 5.0.4a

    I need to write java code for sending an email from Lotus Notes release 5.0.4a.
    Initially, I tried using Lotus Domino Toolkit for java, but the current release, "Lotus Domino ToolKit for Java/Corba release 5.0.8" is not compatible with the notes client/server we are using(5.0.4a).
    Now, I am trying to use "Lotus Domino Toolkit 2.1" which supports notes version 5.0.3 and higher, but I couldnot find out how to use it to send email.
    Is there are other way in which we can connect to Lotus Notes for sending email. I cannot use SMTP as the Lotus Notes administrator is afraid of security issues so there is no possibility that I can connect to Domino server using java mail API by enabling SMTP on the Domino server.
    I would be thankful if somebody can help me to do this.

    First off - This is very "off topic"
    The Domino SMTP server is not hard to lock down. Any Notes Admin worth his/her salt should know how to do it. Try to persuade them to run the SMTP stuff using name and password authentication only, or restrict access to an IP address range. This is all easy stuff.
    Otherwise DIIOP/CORBA is one way to go. If your toolkit jar files don't work with the server then try using the ones on the server. Look in %noteshome%\data\domino\java for the ncso.jar file.
    This works for me on an AS/400 java VM to WinNT/Linux Domino servers of various versions.
    How to create an email using this method is again not difficult. All you really need is a blank database template. You have to create a document with certain fields in it (all documented) and then save it. That's all there is to it.
    Word of warning DIIOP is not very rapid and careless coding can create problems. Ensure that once you have finished a session you make sure you close it else you will have continual connection problems.
    Try searching around the domino/notes groups on how to actually do this.

  • Invoice is not Release MRBR after GR

    *Usually the vendor sends invoice before the good is receipt. The invoice is paid after the GR.*we want the set up
    (1) create purchase order**
    (2) MIRO the PO**
    (3) IR becomes blocked**
    (4) Run MRBR - invoice receipt not released due to GR not having been done.**
    (5) Do GR**
    (6) Run MRBR automatically as a background job
    (7)Check IR freed for payment
    (8) Pay the Invoice
    (9) GR/IR clearing
    When I run MRBR #6 automatically system is not releasing IR for payment.  I also tried tolerance DW, BR and PP-50%.  May be I am not setting them correctly.
    Please advice.
    Thank you,

    Can you tell me how did you achieve point (4)?
    I also have a similar requirement in MRBR to prevent invoices from getting released if GR is not done.

  • Job not released in the given specified time(Job_close)

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    And submitted the job name and job count to the required program
    And closed the job using JOB_CLOSE.
    My problem is the job getting scheduled but not released/ processed automatically by the specified time I need to release it manually through SM37.
    My code.
    SUBMIT VIA job_name and job count
    l_time = sy-uzeit + 60.
                  jobcount             = l_jobcount
                  jobname              = l_jobname
                  SDLSTRTDT            = sy-datum
                  SDLSTRTTM            = l_time
                  STRTIMMED            = 'X'
                  job_was_released     = l_released
                  cant_start_immediate = 1
                  invalid_startdate    = 2
                  jobname_missing      = 3
                  job_close_failed     = 4
                  job_nosteps          = 5
                  job_notex            = 6
                  lock_failed          = 7
                  OTHERS               = 8.
    After the above code execution SY-SUBRC is ‘8’ and And the L_released is having balnk.If I pass start immediately the the job processed immediately. And the L_released is having ‘X’.
    Please help me….

    If you are trying to set up the job to start at some point in the future - use the SDLSTRTDT and SDLSTRTTM, but do not set the STRTIMMED to 'X'.  You can either schedule it for the future (with the sy-datum and sy-uzeit+60 you desginated) or you can set it to begin immediately.  But I don't believe you can do both.
    In your code example, your are setting both the "start immediately" plus giving it a future date and time.
    Give that a try and see if it helps.

  • Function Module not released yet. Has anybody used them in their programs?

    I am trying to use the barcode functionality during a goods movement 101 (using MIGO). As we donu2019t have any control of SAPu2019s barcode functionality thru configuration in MIGO I have developed a custom popup and I am calling this in a BADI implementation MB_MIGO_BADI. Once the user enters the barcode then I call Function module ARCHIV_BARCODE_GLOBAL to save the barcode to the standard tables.
    This Function module is not released to the customers and it was last changed on 11/12/2004.
    My question is should I be using this Function module in my BADI implementation even though it is not released (does not have a release date) ?. Has anyone of have used a unreleased Function module in your programs?.
    Additionally I need this info
    I am using ECC 5.0. If anyone of you is using ECC 6.0 or higher can you please check and let me know if this FM ARCHIV_BARCODE_GLOBAL is released or not or when was it last changed.
    Please advice me at you earlist
    Thanks of your time

    We are not using the above FM. But I can give some Info from ECC 6.0.
    In ECC 6.0 the above FM is realeased for customers.
    Last changed on:28.12.2004 18:28:16.
    You can use the same code in ur Z function module.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Mail.jar is locked when sending a mail using servlet and not releasing

    Hi everybody,
    The mail.jar is locked in tomcat while sending the first message and not released until the tomcat get restarts.
    the problem is not recorded in any logs.
    1. Please create a servlet that sends mail
    2. Send a mail to any mailid
    3. then after the mail is send please try to delete the mail.jar or please deploy the same servlet again with some small changes (for redeploying take place only a few changes is there - please change any strings a little bit)
    then try to send mail using this servlet will not send mail becoause it will not redployed correctely.
    when i removed Transport.send(msg); from code it works fine. but ??
    please help me to recover from this issue. i don't want to turn on tomcat antiJarlocking and antiresourcelocking to true, becaouse this craete many other problems.
    please help me to recover from this issue.

    hi friend
    I am using advanced version of jdk. i i have used many other jar files like mysqlconnector, logging, commonhttpclient, etc.... the only problem is with mail.jar. that locks are released when its use completed, but the lock holds until tomcat shutdown in mail.jar.
    what may be the reason?

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