Podcast Software Does Not Work!

I download my podcasts at home on wifi so that I can listen to them when I am in my car. Sometimes they show as downloaded, when I attempt to play them, the play arrow is greyed out. Other times the cloud symbol shows up but they will not download from the cloud. What am I doing wrong?

No. Mac OS 10.7 removed support for Power PC application architecture (Rosetta). Any application which requires PPC architecture will not run with Mac OS 10.7. There's no way around that.
In order for Adobe software to stop functioning, you must have Creative Suite 2 applications or older. If that's the case, you may not be eligible to upgrade. Only CS2 or newer apps are avaialble to upgrade currently.
Be aware Adobe is changing it's upgrade policy with the forthcoming release of Creative Suite 6 sometime in 2012. At that time only CS5 users will be eligible for upgrades. Or, Adobe (wrongfully) wants you to pay for a sunscription based application service. (Personal comment: Adobe is really doing a disservice to a large customer base if this announcement really goes into effect next year. It smells a great deal like corporate greed. )

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    No. Mac OS 10.7 removed support for Power PC application architecture (Rosetta). Any application which requires PPC architecture will not run with Mac OS 10.7. There's no way around that.
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    Be aware Adobe is changing it's upgrade policy with the forthcoming release of Creative Suite 6 sometime in 2012. At that time only CS5 users will be eligible for upgrades. Or, Adobe (wrongfully) wants you to pay for a sunscription based application service. (Personal comment: Adobe is really doing a disservice to a large customer base if this announcement really goes into effect next year. It smells a great deal like corporate greed. )

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    Hi Vidya,
    Thanks for posting your example. You may want to remove your workspace details from the previous posting, or at least update the password on the workspace. I've taken a look at your example and initially couldn't see anything wrong with your tree query. However, when I ran your query in SQL Workshop, it only returned one row, which would explain why you were only seeing one node in your tree! I've updated your query to use a WITH clause, and the tree is now working correctly. I believe you've hit an underlying database bug where the CONNECT BY query is only returning 1 row, when in fact it should return > 1 row. By re-writing the query to use a WITH clause, you can get around the problem.

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    Quicken 07 - No
    Quicken Essentials - Yes, but the milage varies   
    Have a look at > App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps

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    Here's their  reply, so the software is not compatible with Lion and no fixes in vew:
    Dear customer,
    Thank you for contacting Belkin Technical Support.
    I understand your concern and I would certainly be happy to help you.
    I regret the Inconvenience caused,
    Based on the Information provided, I am afraid to state that the Belkin software doesn't support MAC OS X Lion 10.7. As there are no drivers for it. We are aware of this issue. Our Engineers are working on it. We do not have any update about the new release for MAC OS X Lion 10.7. However, will keep you updated if there's any.
    Should you have any further questions, please take a moment to review our Knowledge Base at http://belkin.com/support
    Please ensure that in order to reply to this email, or access any attachments, you must follow the link shown above and click 'update' at the bottom of the email to be able to respond. Do not reply to [email protected] as we will not receive your email.
    Thank you,
    Mousin M D
    Technical Support Agent
    Belkin Technical Support.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please review the System Requirements for the RIM Desktop Software:
    As you see, with XP, SP3 has been required for quite some time...so none of the more recent Desktop Software versions will work for you. But, those System Requirements pages are kind of messed up right now (three tabs claiming to be for "6.0.1", but with different information on each).
    If you cannot obtain SP3, then you will need to fall back to older and older versions of the Desktop Software until you find one that works under SP2. Old versions can be found here:
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
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    Fetal position is not required to initiate crying, but is the most commonly used option. What specific error number are you seeing? One way to test if the media is corrupt is to try copying all the files to a directory on another Win7 machine. If you can copy everything off the media, chances are they're intact. Also if this works, you can just copy the files from this directory onto a USB drive. To prep the drive which obviously must be sufficiently large enough to hold all the files, the USB drive must be set "active" so it can be booted from. The first disk should be copied to the root of the USB drive just as it is on the media. Subsequent disks need only copy the image files (.SWM) to "...\ZZIMAGES\ZZIMAGES". Finally edit the file in the root, "DATA.INI" and set "CDNUM=1" and "CDMAX=1". You should be able to boot from this USB and recover now assuming you can copy the files from the optical media.

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    I use the "Automatically sync all" podcasts option. I find that none of the other options meet my needs. I want all new podcasts copied to my phone, but I also want at least one podcast to remain on my phone even if it has been listened to. This is so I can easially downlod podcasts via the phone when away from my main computer for a significant length of time (trips, vacation, etc).

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  • Satellite P105 mat****a dvd drive does not work with Win 7

    I need an upgrade on my dvd for my vintage Satellite P105.
    I want the fastest dvd burner possible at this time because I am a movie fan and keep them in digital storage.
    1) First should I go get an external drive or can I get top performance with an internal dvd replacement from a parts dealer or Toshiba?
    The problem is when I upgraded to windows 7 things changed. I lost my sound but solved that by using a legacy driver for Visa as apparently the sound "board" on the laptop is made for only Vista. Next I found the dvd drive which is a mitsu****a UJ-450s internal does not work or is extremely slow in backing up movies from discs or files. The available burner software also seems intended for Vista as performance was acceptable then. Even the dvd burner software does not work.
    2) So, my question to the mavens of multimedia is: What should be my next move?
    3) Should I go external and face the USB bottle neck or
    4) go for the bus speed on the internal dvd?
    5) Given that an internal dvd is better as it is exactly a dvd-ram/IDE as it currently is, or some other bus configuration.
    6) Most importantly, what dvd burner would give me 18x speed with current software like ConvertXtoDVD and fit as an external or -- better -- as an internal dvd replacement or my slow drive currently?
    Of course, if you could give me a model number and direct me to sales it would be much appreciated.
    Thank you all in advance.

    1) First should I go get an external drive or can I get top performance with an internal dvd replacement from a parts dealer or Toshiba?
    You should know that not all internal ODD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ODD?>>>>>>>>>> devices are compatible. You will need to use an compatible and supported ne and such device could be ordered from an local ASP.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ASP?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
    But its more expensive as an external CD/DVD device therefore you could also choose an external one which would be compatible with all possible notebooks and computers.
    Makes sense
    2) So, my question to the mavens of multimedia is: What should be my next move?
    As mentioned. Good option would be to buy an external ODD burner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Okay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    3) Should I go external and face the USB bottle neck or
    External device are compatible with all computers and are cheaper>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>yes, but isn't the data thru put slower with an external via USB or should I get firewire?>>>>>>>>>>>
    4) go for the bus speed on the internal dvd?
    If you have the money for an internal device and want to use it only with P105 then you can choose also an internal burner.>>>>>>>>>>>>they are $96 here at toshiba site>>>>>>>>>>>>
    5) Given that an internal dvd is better as it is exactly a dvd-ram/IDE as it currently is, or some other bus configuration.
    As far as I know its an IDE interface but the device would support master or slave or c-sel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what is c-sel????>>>>>>>>>>>>> settings. As mentioned, you have to buy an Toshiba recommended one.>>>>>>>>>>>>>the one sold here would be recommended, would they not?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    6) Most importantly, what dvd burner would give me 18x speed with current software like ConvertXtoDVD and fit as an external or -- better -- as an internal dvd replacement or my slow drive currently?
    Look point 5)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>so you agree that a bus connection is superior to a USB then?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Thank you for your prompt reply. Could you comment on my questions add to your message?

  • 8830 - tethering capability does not work after os upgrade

    I upgraded the software on my 8830 world edition from to to increase functionality of business use.  The tethering capability that i had with the previous version of software does not work.  Installed newest version of VZAccess Manager from Verizon.   Nothing.  The phone has great coverage with all five bars as 1xEVDO.  When modem mode is enabled on the phone via tethering, the signal switches to 1x only and I get an error message stating server is not responding.  HELP!!!  I am on the road a tremendous amount and greatly rely on the connectivity that the blackberry provides.  Thanks.
    Message Edited by bwilloby46 on 01-26-2009 09:44 PM
    Message Edited by bwilloby46 on 01-26-2009 09:45 PM

    Update -
    After last reset and reupgrade with the newest firmware for hardware version 1 I could config the router and connect 2 computers with wireless - but only for about 15 mín - then they lost connection and could not reconnect.
    I did then get the newest update for hardeware version 2 - just to try and upgraded with that and got success, and now I have reset the router again and config it and those 2 computers are connected and have been for 1 hour now. So seems to be working - is it okay to have the firmware for hardware version 2 on my version 1 router?
    Any thought what is going on - could it be that the other firmware had not loaded compleytle or?

  • CS5 does not work... I have asked ADOBE to stop selling until fixed!

    Message I sent to ADOBE after they dug into my RUINED flash file and lost more than 100 hours of design time... I am so PISSED OFF I cannot see straight!  I cannot believe they are actually selling CS5 with the known problems... The software DOES NOT WORK!
    Thank you... but seriously Bro this is absurd.  You tell ADOBE couldn’t take another 6 months and BETA this out?  Does ADOBE realize there design software is more expensive than everyone else's?  And it should perform as such and this problem is not a small issue, my system crashes constantly ruining files that may have hundreds of design hours invested and ADOBE is selling this version?
    I am making a FORMAL REQUEST that ADOBE STOP selling CS5 until these bugs are worked out.  Tell the if they feel that’s not a good idea ask TOYOTA how that’s working out for them?  Designers like me put so much time into our work there is NO WAY I will risk losing what could amount to ten-of-thousands of dollars in design time by working in CS5.  You have forced me to sit aside the money I invested in CS5 because I cannot trust the build!  How can ADOBE knowingly sell CS5 with these errors?  The software does not WORK!

    Yes. The Yosemite upgrade is notorious for damaging CS5 installs. Please reinstall and let us know how it goes.
    Also make sure Yosemite is upgraded to 10.10.1
    The reinstall will set your instal to 12.0.0  If Help > Updates does not work, go here Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh
    download and apply the updates for Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw.

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