Poor error message

I've just fixed a mistake which would have been easier to spot with a
better error message.
I'm using kodo 2.2.4 with jboss-tomcat 2.4.4 and DB2 on Windows XP.
I have an object model which looks something like this:
ItemImpl contains a collection of AttributeImpl which contains a
collection of HistoryItem
My concrete classes are Letter, which extends ItemImpl, StringAttribute,
and CodeAttribute, which extend AttributeImpl, and StringHistoryItem and
CodeHistoryItem which extend HistoryItem.
My mistake was to forget to mention CodeAttribute in package.jdo.
The result was that jboss threw a transaction rollback exception on
commit, but with no explanatory error message at all.

We do a lot of exception wrapping: did you try to call
JDOException.getNestedThrowables() and examine them? I am guessing that
there would be a decent error message in there somewhere.
Having to do this is a tedious process, but it will be solved when we
release our version that supports JDO 1.0 (JDO 1.0's JDOException class
automatically prints out all nested exceptions).
Tom Davies <[email protected]> wrote:
I've just fixed a mistake which would have been easier to spot with a
better error message.
I'm using kodo 2.2.4 with jboss-tomcat 2.4.4 and DB2 on Windows XP.
I have an object model which looks something like this:
ItemImpl contains a collection of AttributeImpl which contains a
collection of HistoryItem
My concrete classes are Letter, which extends ItemImpl, StringAttribute,
and CodeAttribute, which extend AttributeImpl, and StringHistoryItem and
CodeHistoryItem which extend HistoryItem.
My mistake was to forget to mention CodeAttribute in package.jdo.
The result was that jboss threw a transaction rollback exception on
commit, but with no explanatory error message at all.
Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
SolarMetric Inc. http://www.solarmetric.com
Kodo Java Data Objects Full featured JDO: eliminate the SQL from your code

Similar Messages

  • Error message: Display performance will be poor due to incorrectly operating graphics card or driver

    I've been getting this message lately, using clips of .avi footage from a non-HD Flip Video camcorder. First off, my computer has beyond what I'd need to edit this footage—it's an HP dv 3085dx notebook with 6 gigs of DDR3, Intel Core i7 processor, NVidia GeForce GT230M graphics card. It's a loaded machine. That's not the problem.
    The problem is that the red circle with the X in the lower left-hand corner of the screen shows up and gives me this message moments after I start each new project. However, when I click on it, the message is grayed out and it doesn't give me the option of checking the details. Read on to find out how this is affecting my videos....
    When I playback unrendered clips, the playback works fine. After rendering, however, the clips play back with jerky glitches and flashes that weren't there during playback of the unrendered footage. I've downloaded the latest driver (195.81), and that hasn't improved anything. Here's a link to a video I posted on YouTube, to illustrate the types of glitches I've been getting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFeCh6q1JTQ The glitches are particularly apparent during the stretch between 0:20 and 0:28.
    I'm still pretty new to this craft (read: I haven't tried other software yet), so any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.
    P.S. Might there be some downloadable Premiere Elements software updates that would alleviate the problem?

    Thanks for your response. My notebook has a 7200 RPM 500 GB hard drive with about 320 GB free. The .avi files were brought in to PrEl from a WD Passport external drive with about 60 GB (of its 400 GB capacity) free. The project was also being saved to the WD drive.
    I have a Windows 7 64-bit system. I have all the latest versions of my NVidia graphics card driver and Quick Time. I also downloaded the PrEl 8.0.1 update from Adobe. Hardware/software-wise, I'm pretty sure I'm in good shape; I'm thinking there might be some settings that I might want to play with.
    The camcorder is a very basic Flip Video USB camcorder by Pure Digital Technologies (Model #: F260W). It records in .avi format; when you plug the USB in, you can access an application that allows you to save the videos. I use this to save them to the local drive (C:) and then I copy the .avi files from there to the WD Passport. The Passport drive is where I bring in the media into Premiere Elements, to keep space free for the OS to run smoothly.
    The project is set up this preset: NTSC > Hard Disk, Flash Memory Camcorders > Standard 48kHz. As stated earlier, the error message shows up pretty much instantly. To be exact, it shows up about 5-30 seconds after I start a project. Unrendered clip previews playback fine. The raw .avi files also play fine in Windows Media Player. The glitching occurs after clips are rendered.
    So, I think that pretty much covers the four steps from the article you linked me to, plus your questions in the above post. There really isn't much of a workflow before the error occurs. I simply drag a clip into the timeline, render it, and the playback gets that splotchy glitching. Now, it could be that the WD external drive doesn't have enough space or speed to run a Premiere Elements project, but if that's the case, why would the error message point to the graphics card?
    Thanks again, truly appreciated.

  • Songs won't update.  Error message "can not be read from or written to"

    Right, so maybe someone can help me.
    I've had my Nano since Christmas and have never encountered any problems with it until recently.
    Whenever I try and update my iPod (or my husband's for that matter) I get the error message: Attempting to copy to the disk "Gatsby" (name of my iPod) failed. The disk could not be read from or written to"
    Sometimes one or two songs will work, and then I'll get the message. If I try again another few songs will work and I'll get the message again.
    I have tried everything I can think of.
    I have tried resetting my iPod. I've tried reinstalling iPod Updater and iTunes. I've tried restarting the computer. I've tried restoring the iPod to factory settings. And I still have the same problem.
    I tried calling Apple Support but they weren't able to help me much. So maybe someone here has an idea. PLEASE HELP!
    Since I've restored the iPod I no longer have any songs on it. I only have the few that have managed to copy inbetween attempted updates. My poor little iPod is useless until I can fix this problem.
    I have iTunes v6.0.4 and iPod Updater v1.1.1 (the update from 2006-03-23)
    Please help!
    iMac G5 1.8GHz PowerPC   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Well, I know my operating system is up to date. I know iTunes is up to date. I know iPod Updater is up to date.
    I don't think it's a damaged music file, because it doesn't hang on one certain song. It manages to update a few, then I get the error, if I try and update again, it does a few more songs then I get the error again. I've updated dozens of times with the same selection of songs and I've never had a problem.
    I tried resetting the iPod. I tried restoring it.
    Still hasn't helped.
    Someone suggested using fsck from my terminal, but it came back saying everything appeared to be okay. But, my songs are all on my external hard drive, does that make a difference?
    It's never seemed to matter before.
    I don't know what else to try.
    I don't think it's a problem with the iPod itself. My husband's iPod is doing the same thing, which makes me wonder if it isn't my computer, or perhaps a problem with iTunes or the iPod Updater.
    I've tried using a different cable, and different ports, but I still have the same problem.
    Any ideas?

  • Stop the Internal Error Message in Fireworks CS4 or CS3

    About 8 hours ago I ran into what is apparently a fairly
    common problem for many people using Fireworks - the error message
    that wouldn't allow me to save anything. Luckily, I paid attention
    in class long enough to at least know to save my work often, so I
    didn't lose much - just a basic wireframe that I threw together in
    15 minutes or so. Thankfully, I tried saving when I did or this
    would probably be a very tearful night for me. Instead, it's just a
    long night. I can deal with that.
    But, before I pat my iMac on the top of it's screen and say
    "goodnight" I wanted to share with you the secret to "fixing" the
    error message. Hopefully this will help those poor souls in the
    future who need a little guidance from someone who's been there,
    done that, and is too tired to design the t-shirt. This method will
    also work on Windows machines.
    I'm not saying this is guaranteed to work for you, but I'm
    telling you it's worth a shot. It only requires a little of your
    time to do and will hopefully be the fix you need. If it's not,
    please accept my sincerest understanding of your frustration and
    try another method. This fix suggests that you have added, removed,
    or relocated fonts on your computer since the last time Fireworks
    worked properly, however, even if you haven't done any of those
    things I'd still recommend giving this a try. Here's what you do:
    1. Open your favorite font manager software. I prefer the
    pre-installed Font Book on the Mac, but you can use any font
    manager that you want. Some good commercial font management
    programs for Mac include, MasterJuggler, Suitcase Fusion, FontAgent
    Pro, and Font Explorer X. For Windows you might want to try, Font
    Fitting Room, X-Fonter, Suitcase for Windows, OT1 Font Manager by J
    M Berthier, MainType, FontExplorer for Windows, Printer’s
    Apprentice, FontAgent Pro for Windows, Typograf, or FontExpert.
    Those are in no particular order, just in case you were wondering.
    2. select all of your installed fonts - including your system
    fonts. Run your "validate font" command for the font management
    program you're using. Sit back and let it work. I had more than
    6,000 fonts on my Mac, so it took a few minutes to run through all
    of them.
    3. Your font management program should let you know which, if
    any, of your fonts are corrupt, duplicates, or otherwise
    dead-weight. Chances are there will be a few if you're getting the
    internal error message at start-up or save with Fireworks. You need
    to delete or at least remove these fonts from the fonts folder. I
    had, and I'm ashamed of this, 256 duplicates and 135 dead fonts on
    my poor computer. But, in my own defense, I did just reinstall many
    of the fonts a few days ago and was planning to gradually work
    through them to pull out the dead/unwanted ones. I should have done
    that before putting them to disc last time, but no... I wasn't
    4. once you have the fonts removed/deleted that produced
    errors or warnings during the scan with your font management
    program you might want to run the scan one more time just to be
    sure you got everything out. If everything looks good, you can now
    quit/exit the font manager.
    5. here's where things will seriously divide for Windows
    users and Mac users. Therefore, I'm not going to fully explain
    where you need to go or how to get there for this step, but I will
    provide the basics. On your computer, you need to find the folders
    for fireworks that contain your preferences for the program (hint,
    look in the user's appdata folders, which is hidden, for Windows or
    the user's Library for Mac). Inside the preferences folder you'll
    find a file that houses a list of fonts, probably called fontlist
    or something very similar. Delete it. You might also wish to delete
    the cache for the program preferences. Those need to be regenerated
    in order for this to work.
    6. Find your computer's font cache while you're looking
    through the massive amounts of folders and delete the file there
    too for a little added security that this will work.
    7. restart your computer.
    8. open Fireworks and create a new file. Save that file to
    your computer in whatever format you want.
    If the program opened, the file saved, and you didn't receive
    that same old error message, congratulations, it worked! You may
    have to re-establish your preference settings, but you shouldn't
    have any other problems.
    That is the best I can do this evening... or morning I
    suppose it would be. Best of luck to you!

    djbroklee wrote:
    > i'm on the struggle still, i've done the uninstall
    reinstall thing,bought a
    > font manager even though i don't go big on fonts,cleared
    > regedits,you name it.
    > the fight continues.
    > as far as support from adobe they pretty much don't care
    they got my thousands
    > already this quarter.
    > i'm thinking about a system restore now, pretty much
    lost out on those last
    > two days of pay and now that today is about over i have
    nothing to lose if i
    > can't get it fixed.
    > anyone have any ideas out there?
    > it's too bad i committed to adobe before accepting these
    adobe type jobs.
    > worst case i'll do the work on mirage until i can
    finally get the quick
    > background drop of fireworks again.
    > i didn't pay thousands but it has never even hiccupped
    no matter scripts or
    > tasks i crammed into it.
    > this fireworks issue sort of thing is what put me off
    adobe in 2000, no
    > support for issues,and wonky worksmanship.
    > anyone have the answer thow it over to me,i could surely
    use the catch up on
    > getting paid thing right about now.
    An update is being made to address some major problems, if
    you hold
    tight you might find a solution soon.
    Posting Guidelines
    How To Ask Smart Questions
    How To Report A Bug To Adobe

  • My iPhone 5 won't restore, and I keep getting the error messages "9" and "1600."

    So, today has been a disaster for my poor little iPhone. I have been at football camp all day, and my phone has been tucked away in my bag, so no physical damage was done to it whatsoever. At about 3:30, I checked it and it was working fine. At 4, when my camp ended, my phone was dead - with 80%+ battery. It wouldn't display anything, not an Apple logo, not a charge logo, nothing. So, I tried restarting it by pressing the home button and sleep button together for 20 seconds, and it didn't work. I tried doing it for 60 seconds, and it didn't work. So, finally, I get home and plug my phone into my wall charger in hopes of reviving my iPhone, and still no luck. So I've reached my last resort and I plugged it into the computer to restore it. I finally got it to show up, and didn't think there would be any problems. I started getting it restored, and no luck. I got error message 9. I thought it was just unlucky, so I tried again. This time, the process had went a little further, enough to display an Apple logo on my screen, but then I got error message 1600. Ever since then, I've been getting those error messages. I've tried everything. I've rebooted my Mac, changed USB ports, everything. Does anybody know what it might be? I know what both errors mean, and the problems that they are depicting aren't actually happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Cole,
    I did some checking around and this article has some information on your error messages:
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    Error 9 says:
    Error 9
    This error occurs when the device unexpectedly loses its USB connection with iTunes. This can occur if the device is manually disconnected during the restore process. This issue can be resolved by performing USB troubleshooting, using a different USB dock-connector cable, trying another USB port, restoring on another computer, or by eliminating conflicts from third-party security software.
    Error 1600 says:
    Error 1600, 1601, 1602
    Follow the steps listed above for Error 1604. This error may also be resolved by disabling, deactivating, or uninstalling third-party security, antivirus, and firewall software. See steps in this article for details on troubleshooting security software.
    The steps for 1604 are:
    Error 1604
    This error is often related to USB timing. Try changing USB ports, using a different dock connector to USB cable, and other available USB troubleshooting steps (troubleshooting USB connections. If you are using a dock, bypass it and connect directly to the white Apple USB dock connector cable. If the issue persists on a known-good computer, the device may need service.
    If the issue is not resolved by USB isolation troubleshooting, and another computer is not available, try these steps to resolve the issue:
    Connect the device to iTunes, confirm that the device is in Recovery Mode. If it's not in Recovery Mode, put it into Recovery Mode.
    Restore and wait for the error.
    When prompted, click OK.
    Close and reopen iTunes while the device remains connected.
    The device should now be recognized in Recovery Mode again.
    Try to restore again.
    If the steps above do not resolve the issue, try restoring using a known-good USB cable, computer, and network connection.
    If all else fails, this article should allow you to fully restore the phone:
    iOS: Unable to update or restore
    I hope this helps!
    - Ari

  • Error message: ""/Library/StartupItems/IntegoCommon" has not been started because it does not have the proper security settings."

    I recently got a new Macbook Pro. I transferred my info from my old mac. Now when I startup my Macbook Pro, I get this error message "“/Library/StartupItems/IntegoCommon” has not been started because it does not have the proper security settings." I have run Disk Utility, but nothing has changed.

    Uninstall any Intego junk according to its instructions and ensure that all its components have been completely eradicated from your Mac. You may need to download Intego's installer so that you can run its uninstaller.
    Intego will make your Mac run very poorly, unacceptably so. Never install such junk on a Mac.

  • J6480 Ink Cartridge Door Hinges Broke. Door Open error message won't let me print. What can I do?

    Have always been very careful with cartridge & scanner doors.  Pressing OK doesn't remove error message.  Broken hinges will no longer go down, so Door Open message won't go away and preventing printing.

    The problem is the spring tension used to hold the cover open is stronger than the poorly designed weak hinges.
    The way I solved it was to break both the hinges, (pretty easy to do just open and close the cover a few times),  lift the cover up being carefull not to break the ribbon cable (wires) from the cover to the base. Then I pryed out the lower spring plates, these are located in the hinge assembly of the printer and removed the black plastic plunger and  the large springs below it from both hinges. The cover wil now stay closed and allow you to print. You just have to be careful when changing the print cartridges as the cover can open too far now and possibly break the wires going to the top cover.
    Happy Printing

  • I am trying to run gta iv on my mac.. but i am seeing error messages as soon as it begins.

    i am trying to run gta iv on my mac.. but i am seeing error messages as soon as it begins.

    It must be a poorly ported Mac Version . . . From Rockstar (the ones who ported the program over)
    Question: What are the system requirements for the Mac versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas?
    Answer: The following list details the minimum requirements and supported specs for GTAIII, Vice City, or San Andreas on the Mac.
    Supported Operating Systems: Mac OS X 10.5.8, Mac OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard
    Supported Processors: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or higher. This game will NOT run on PowerPC (G3/G4/G5) based Mac systems (PowerMac)
    Memory: 1GB RAM
    Hard drive: At least 9GB of free Hard Disk space
    Graphics: ATI X1600, NVIDIA 7300 GT or Intel X3100 integrated graphics chip
    Input: Keyboard and mouse
    GTA III: 731.9MB
    Vice City: 1.3GB
    San Andreas: 3.9GB
    The following are known issues and details about unsupported Mac hardware:
    Mac mini: Some Mac Minis have the Intel GMA950 graphics chipset which is NOT supported for select game titles.
    Macbook: Some MacBooks use an Intel X3100 graphics chipset which may require a game to be run under low graphics settings or may prevent the game from running at all. MacBooks with an Intel GMA950 graphics chipset are NOT supported for select game titles.
    Macbook Air: Some MacBooks use an Intel X3100 graphics chipset which may require a game to be run under low graphics settings or may prevent the game from running at all.
    Macbook Pro: No known issues
    iMac: Information coming soon
    Mac Pro: No known issues

  • The way I deal with error message 1417, 1418 and 1428

    Firstly, sorry for my poor English, but I would like to share with you my experience, and hope that it may helps you.
    Since the release and update of iTunes 7, I have not faced any problem, but I heard a lot of articles from this forum about the errors 1417, 1418, 1428 and 50 etc. I could not make any suggestion and find a solution about it, all I could do is to copy some threads from some successful cases mentioned on this forum.
    Until yesterday, I finally received a 4th Gen 20GB iPod (around 2 years old)from a friend and asked me whether I could fix it for him, which has been left untouched as a paper-weight for almost 2 months.
    I tried to turn it on, and the screen was completed blank and the device looked dead. Before doing anything I prepared the following:-
    1. A window based PC
    2. A Mac computer
    3. An USB iPod cable
    4. A Firewire iPod cable
    5. An iPod AC charger
    As the iPod was previously formatted on a PC, therefore I tried to plug it with a PC via USB cable, it did not response and not able to get recognized by the PC. I ejected the iPod and connected with an AC charger, after a few minutes, I did a Reset for the iPod
    How to reset iPod
    The iPod showed an Apple sign, it stuck there for almost a minute, the screen then showed a battery with an exclamation mark sign, and after a minute, the iPod turned off itself. I was sure that the iPod carried very low battery, and could not be charged by connecting it with any computer (both Mac and PC).
    I decided to let it have a charge with an AC charger for a bit longer, after 10 minute I did the Reset again, this time a sign of folder with exclamation mark showed up after the Apple sign, and again could not get recognized by a computer.
    I changed my mind, and put the iPod into disk mode
    Putting iPod into disk mode
    Instead of connecting with a PC, I plug it with my Mac using a Firewire cable, it did not response, so I switched the cable to an USB, interestingly, the iPod got recognized and a window pop up indicating that the iPod needed to do a Restore. Therefore I clicked “Restore”, after a few seconds, an Error message pop-up with Error Message 1417, the sign that I have been waiting for quite sometime.
    I ejected the iPod and the screen immediately showed a folder exclamation mark (a sign indicating a corrupted or a failure iPod OS). I am forced to put the iPod into disk mode again, connected with the Mac computer and open the Disk Utility
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    It managed to complete the Restore process, and started to sync with the iTunes. However, it got stuck at the song no.238 from the total of 2000. I left it for an hour, but with no process, instead the iPod became “Hot” and the iTunes showed an Error message of 1428. I ejected the iPod from my Mac computer, the iPod’s screen turn to show the famous killer icon;“The Sad iPod“.
    This time it was totally dead, even failed to put it into Disk Mode and non of the computer could recognize it. Sigh, I hated to do it but I knew that I must did the following:-
    Holding the iPod in my Palm, and hitting it on a surface of a Sofa with 5 attempts.
    Did not surprise me, the iPod turned on and it showed the Language Menu on the screen. So, I put it into Disk Mode and connected with my window PC.
    The PC showed a sign and indicated that an USB device had been connected with it. I opened the iTunes and did a Restore there.
    However, an Error Message 50 showed up, but I were not worried about it, connected it back with my Mac computer with it in Disk Mode. As expected the iTunes opened and allowed me to do a Restore there.
    This time it managed to complete the process and a window of register pop up. After the completed the process, the iPod started to sync with the iTunes again, which finally managed to complete the process.
    I left it connecting with the AC charger overnight. In the next morning, I switched it on and have a play with it, I am so glad as it is working like a charm.
    From the above experience, I would like to share it with the user the following:-
    1. It always better to charge with an ac charger instead of the computer, as when an iPod carrying with very low battery, it may not able to get charge from a computer
    2. Try to connect the iPod with a computer, switching between USB and Firewire
    3. Try to format an iPod with HD problem, with a different kind of computer e.g. Mac or PC, as the formats are totally different, the way it formats may able to solve the bad sectors on the HD
    4. It may get better chance to get your iPod recognized, if you put it in Disk Mode
    I hope the following works in your case as I did.

    a pop up error message says itunes couldnt be configured
    I'd like to have a closer look at that error message please.
    Generate the error message again. While the error message box is open, hold down the Alt key and hit the PrtSc key. Paste the screenshot into an image file (using a program like Paint), and save the file.
    Start a reply here and click the wee camera icon at the top of the reply window. Click "Choose file", browse to the image file, select the file and click "Open". Now click "Insert file" to insert the screenshot into the reply.

  • Desktop Manager "disconnected" and I can't get rid of the error message

    I just purchased a Blackberry Curve 8530, running v5 software, my computer is Windows 7. I installed the 501_b073_multilanguage software that I downloaded from Blackberry's website. When I launch the Desktop manager I get this message: "Before you begin, verify that your current BlackBerry device is connected to your computer." The troubleshooting posts I've seen on this forum include many tips (the ones I've tried are below). One in particular I can't do is "The desktop manager is showing "disabled."
    -Make sure that the user has gone into the desktop manager and selected options > connection settings > detect."
    ... because I can't get rid of the error message dialoge box, and I can't click on the options menu in the BB Desktop Manager.
    I have tried the following:
    uninstalled it and reinstalled it twice - 2nd uninstall was a "hard" uninstall where I deleted the registry files by hand
    moved the cable to the USB port in the back (after trying both the ports in the front) of the computer
    restarted the computer many times
    hard booted the phone by removing the battery
    plugged in, removed, and replugged in the phone.
    The phone is installing correctly when I plug it in, but the software still doesn't seem to see it.
    In the Device Manager, the BlackBerry is showing up under Portable Devices. Double-clicking on it gives me the reassurring "This device is working properly." message.
    The Com1 port is working properly also, according to the Device Manager.
    Double-clicking on the device manager icon to get the properties shows that the Com1 port is "disconnected" -- when I try to configure it it just pops back to the disconnected state.
    If someone has an idea or something I haven't tried I'd sure appreciate it!!
    Go to Solution.

    Okay, folks, after a 3 1/2 hour phone call with a (very patient) telephone support person at Blackberry, here's what I learned.
    You can check your USB drivers this way:
    Plug in your phone into your USB drive. Assuming your Blackberry is "seen" by your computer...
    Go into the Device Manager on your computer (control panel)
    Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers item on the bottom of the list
    Right-click on BlackBerry Smartphone and choose Properties
    Click on the Driver tab
    Click on the Driver Details button
    You should see one driver. I saw two. The one the BlackBerry likes is the RimUsb one.
    So here's what NOT to do: We tossed the entire driver that was the "extra". This effectively made using my mouse and keyboard impossible, as they are USB, and sent my poor husband into the basement to find a million-year-old keyboard (and then a mouse) with the old fashioned kind of connectors (PS2). Bleh. Don't do that.
    Here's what I did that worked (not saything this will work for you -- this modifies the Registry so better do a system backup with that backup and restore if you're nervous about this sort of thing):
    From the start menu, choose run, and type regedit to get into the Registry editor.
    Follow this file path: Computer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Control, Class
    Click on: {36FCE60-C465-11CF-8056-4445535400000}
    If there's an item on the right called "UpperFilters", delete it. (see pictures)
    Hope this helps someone.
    First pic: shows "before"
    Second pic: shows full file path and "after"

  • Please help! I keep getting an error message when i try to install ITunes!

    I keep trying to install the new version of Itunes on to my computer for my new Ipod touch, but I keep recieving an error message that states a program needed to open the program could not be run. I have gone through all of the steps on the troubleshooting page to correct this, and now I need some help! My poor Ipod is going to waste without my music!! Aaaahhh! :S

    Yep. Tried that. And just did it again.
    Still no joy.

  • G5 DVD burner error message? Help please?

    I get this error message when I try burning a 1gb quicktime movie to dvd on my pre installed standard burner. Thanks in advance
    the link below is a screenshot of the error
    Im at a loss and ready to by another
    below is the dvd burner profile
    Firmware Revision: A606
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2000 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
    Media: No

    The error "internal target failure" appears on PCs using this drive as well, so it appears that it's not a Toast specific error.
    However, in my browsing, no one seemed to be able to tell if it was a true hardware failure of the drive, or if it was caused by poor quality media.
    I'd try other brands of media and a lens cleaner before flashing the firmware. And, if you do decide to flash the firmware, the current, official firmware for that drive is here. The link in MLCinma's post contains hacked (region free) firmware and is outdated in any event.
    Let us know what brand of media you're using and what speed you're burning at.
    The DVR-106D has had lots of reports of failures, so it could very well be the drive. At least a replacement DVR-111D will only cost you about $40 - $50.

  • Ovi store error message...need help!

    hiya i was looking thru apps on the Ovi sore and after just one page or scrooling an error message pops up saying "The operation could not be completed due to an error". why is that? as far as i know my signal is fine and i have unlimited internet on my phone tariff and i got to update the phone's software. please help!

    I also get this message and the BBC iPlayer was available for download, downloaded it and have not been able to access it yet. Very poor - We need an answer I am using the 'New' X6 - Come on Nokia give us a shout

  • Connection failed is a failed error message

    In iPhoto, as well as in other software that uses the iPhoto library (e.g. setting a Desptop photo), I get the error message "Connection failed - The server "xxx" may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again." There is just one button: OK. Clicking OK causes the dialog to go away – for all of 1.5 seconds! Since it stays ontop of all other windows it effectively renders the computer unusable.
    My guess is that I have imported some photo from that server once upon a time, after upgrading to OS 10.6, and that the iPhoto library routines keep looking for that server any time the database is opened. There is no way to tell it not to. There is no way to find out which photo is the culprit. There is no way to avaid making the mistake in the first place, since I didn't get a warning to move the photo to my harddisk first (if that is what the problem consists of, as I suspect).
    In other words, this is a poorly designed software, and it needs to be FIXED A.S.A.P. It's aboslutely damaging for Apple every day this bug remains in the OS. Just fix it and fix it now.
    The fix must (1) include dialog that explains to user what will happen during import and the consequences of user's choice, (2) include possibility to IGNORE future connection failed in the present session, (3) include way to search for files on remote servers and (4) option to remove and fix the database so it becomes coherent.

    So, if a server isn't available anymore, by your words "You've corrupted the library"...?!
    I "imported" several photos from a NAS-drive, and now iPhoto (in combination with iMovie) complains with the "Connection failed" once for every file that references that NAS-drive, which isn't available.
    So how can I see which files aren't really "imported" but just "referenced", so that I can delete them? (I.e. alternative 3 and 4 of UE:s suggested fixes.)
    PS. I totally agree with UE on his other suggested fixes as well.
    iPhoto '09 on Lion

  • PSE 8 - How do I fix the error message: An error has occurred reading files or writing to disk...?

    I am using Photoshop Elements 8 on Windows 7 (64 bit). I have all my photos stored on an external hard drive connected by usb. The photos were transferred onto the HDD from a Windows XP machine. I bought a new computer  so I installed Photoshop 8 and imported all my photos to the organiser from the HDD. I have also taken some photos yesterday which I have uploaded to the HDD.
    Now, when I want to delete a photo I check the box to say I want it to be deleted on the hard disk and I get the error message: 'An error has occured while reading files or writing files to disc. The disc may be full or there may bea problem with the source media.' This does not happen with the photos I uploaded yesterday, only the ones which were put onto the HDD from the XP machine.
    Please could someone help? I have tried the File>Catalog> repair and optimise functions. I have reinstalled the software. It still does the same.
    Thank you in advance

    David GW wrote:
    The error message goes on to say, Please check your device settings or consult your device documentation regarding resolving writing errors. Which device do you think they are referring to?
    Sorry, but I would have thought that this was rather obvious! The only device capable of being written to under these circumstances is your CD drive; after all, it's a CD you are trying to create...
    You have two potential major causes of problems here. The most common cause of these difficulties is the disks themselves - you only need a batch with poor reflectivity to cause all sorts of read errors, so that's the first thing to try - using a different brand of disk to write to. The second thing you have to realise is that CD writers have a finite life - the lasers in them simply don't last for ever, and towards the end of their lives the power behaviour tends to be a bit erratic, and it tends to fall off somewhat - which causes the same sorts of errors, simply because the dye doesn't get evaporated efficiently. This causes mis-formed pits, hence the read errors. The only solution here is to install a new drive.
    When it comes to reading, commercial CDs have a much higher reflectivity than ones you write yourself, so often these will play whilst your own will fail - a common cause of confusion, this. But it's worth checking; if you get failures to reproduce all of the tracks from a commercial pressed CD, then almost certainly your drive is failing.

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