POP Servers and deleting messages

I created an account to retrieve my messages from my ISP thru POP, but when I delete them thru Mail, they remain on the server. Is there a setting that I'm missing to keep it synchronized? Thanks.

Hello William.
You can't synchronize mailboxes on the server with a POP type account but you can select when to delete messages from the server when downloaded by the Mail.app.
Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts and under the Advanced tab for the account preferences, select "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message:" and your choices below are:
Right Away
After one day
After one week
After one month
When moved from Inbox
I have it set to Right Away for my POP type accounts.
There is also a "Remove now" button which removes all available messages from the server.

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      2   (
      3      Sno   number(5)
      4   );
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    Message was edited by: marconey

    please post to the appropriate forum. This is forum for OS 10.5 leopard. You need 10.3 [Panther|http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=161].

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      Are you using IMAP or POP?  Also, are you using a popular public IMAP service like GMail, MSN, etc. that can be "auto configured" without having to manually enter the server name?
      Per Google the IMAP bug (which has been fixed some time ago in the Android Mail app but not yet in Motorola's Blur mail app) is triggered by visiting the incoming server settings for the account.
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    you can do it in in Mail too if your account is IMAP. select a mailbox you want to use for Sent in the IMAP section of your account in the lower section of the sidebar. then go to mailbox menu->use this mailbox for->sent.

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    I have few gmail accounts on my Bold. Imap is enabled on ALL gmail accounts of course.
    If i delete a message from web/pc(imap) this message is deleted on my bold ONLY if the account was set *MANUALLY*.
    By "manually" i mean enter a wrong email address in the email address field (with this BIS new version you cannot set manually a gmail address any more) and then modify it filling all fields with the correct settings, email address, imap server etc etc.
    If i setup a gmail address automatically, when i delete a message from web, it won't be deleted from my bold.
    Tried with and without gmail plugin. It seems that this happens only with old accounts, removed and restored but not 100% sure about that... i used to have all my gmail accounts set manually.
    Of course i tried to reset, wipe, send book services thousand of times etc etc. No way... only gmail accounts with manual settings are synch.
    Any solution if i want to use gmail plugin and i want my deleted messages to be synch?
    Thanks a lot, i really don't know what to do....
    Message Edited by Danielem on 09-23-2009 03:16 PM
    Message Edited by Danielem on 09-23-2009 03:16 PM

    hi, did you try pop3 gmail account ?
    and ıf you have problem yet ? you should your gsm operator support and you should want auto sync delete about your gmail account?.. because this is a sync problem and they manage your account only some matter, ı hope that they can help you, and can you tell us thnks lot of;=)
    best regard
    Blackberry support teams in linkedin ...join
    For Russian

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    Hello Kizzyk,
    I would start with taking a look at the settings to make sure that you are able to send and receive messages. If everything looks good then the next step would be to remove the accounts and add them back in. Take a look at the article below for more information and details on how to troubleshoot your issue further.
    Get help with Mail on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    -Norm G. 

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    Call Apple to get the replacement DVD > http://support.apple.com/kb/HE57 When you have the DVD, insert it and install iPhoto. Finally, open  > Software Update and install the most recent version

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