PowerBook freaking out

My PowerBook is possessed. As I am using it the program I'm using closes for no reaon, so i go down to the dock but the dock won't respond. So I go ahead and turn it off by holding down the power button and reboot it. Then Camino shuts down and then Safari for no reason. When it freezes again I turn it off and leave it off for a couple of hours.
When I turn it back on all of the default icons are in the dock and the settings have all gone default. The only information I seem to have lost though is my keychains passwords. Then my computer starts to randomly give me the black box of death that tells me to restart my machine.
After turning it back on one of these times I notice one of my ram slots isn't being noticed (it is has been repaired for this before). So I start saving files to my external where I already have a recent back up and then my computer crashes again. Now my external hard drive is defunct and my laptop is still doing random weird things like not letting me change the desktop picture. It is also reading the ram again. Any ideas?

Either contact AppleCare or an exorcist (preferably Apple)

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
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    1. iTunes Menu > Store > Authorize This Computer
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    I am having a similar problem. Intermittent (seemingly random) display freezes where the screen "fragments" . See the photos:
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    this and no discernible image on the screen is visible, just row upon row of these little square fragments.
    Hardware test shows No Trouble Found.
    Fsck from command line says Volume Appears Ok.
    Repaired Permissions and defragged hard drive with Disk Warrior.
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    Message was edited by: David T. Nethery

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    Do you have the NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics chip? If so, you might be having this problem:
    If you have access to an Apple Store, there is a specific diagnostic test they can run to find this problem. If this is what it is, the repair will be done at no cost to you.
    I agree with eww that you should have reported this problem to Apple before the 1 year warranty was up. No matter what it was, they would have fixed it under warranty. Now unless it turns out to be the NVIDIA problem, you are on your own.
    Good luck!

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    Have you tried running the Apple Hardware Test? It's on Install Disc #1 of the gray discs that came with your computer. I don't know if you can run it given the way your computer is acting up, but if you can run it, you may get an error code which would point towards the cause of the problem.
    Also, if you can, open Activity Monitor (in your Utilities folder in your Applications folder). Select "All Processes" at the top, and see if you have something running amok in the background that is hogging the CPU. This is something that would cause the fans to spin like crazy.
    There is a "Flash Screen" option under the Hearing tab in Universal access, but I don't think that this is the problem here. You could check to see that it is turned off.
    Since the problem persists even when booted from a disc, I suspect it is a hardware problem.
    Do be sure you have an up to date backup before going in--there's a good chance your Mac will have to go off to be repaired.
    Good luck!

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    I'm running an iPad with Retina (Model MD511LL/A) wifi 32gb on iOS 7.0.4, a 27" iMac with OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 and iTunes 11.1.3
    Any ideas? Thanks!
    I hit continue, and this comes up every time.
    Notice how it says iPhone instead of iPad? I have to hit ok multiple times after I unplug the iPad. If I leave it plugged in, this does not go away.

    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
    Not normal. Take it to an Apple Store for evaluation.
    Make a Genius Bar Reservation
     Cheers, Tom

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