PowerDesigner 16.5 Recommended Maintenance

I have installed the 16.5 Information Architect 32bit base (   Do you recommend I install an SP03 EBF over the base to get the latest maintenance and, if so, which of the 3 EBFs below I see listed on the SAP SYBASE support portal should be used?  I'm assuming the EBFs are cumulative and no other intermediate SPs, PLs, etc need to be first applied as prereqs. 
EBF 22451: 16.5 SP03 PL01
EBF 22756: 16.5 SP03 PL02 PowerDesigner x86 
EBF 22249: 16.5 SP03 x86
Thanks in advance.

Hi John,
You need to install EBF 22249: 16.5 SP03 x86 first. Then you can apply EBF 22756: 16.5 SP03 PL02 PowerDesigner x86.
The SP upgrades you from 16.5.0 to 16.5.3.
The PL applies the latest bug fixes to 16.5.3.

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    anything else?
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    Good morning!
    If you leave your Beige turned on 24/7, the OS will automotically perform daily/weekly/monthly maintenance scripts. If, however, you're like me and many others who only turn on your Beige when you use it, then you'll need a utility to do this at those times. A very popular (and personal favorite) is Macaroni (shareware), available here - http://www.atomicbird.com/ Macaroni will perform those scripts and repair permissions on an automatic, scheduled basis.
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    Clean caches -- these are files and logs than can build up and start to slow your machine, eventually. I also clean my caches once a month, using Onyx (freewware) available here - http://www.titanium.free.fr/ There are many many utilities out there for this action. Another popular one is Panther Cache Cleaner (just search on Versiontracker for it, I've lost the URL).
    I'm probably more cautious than most, probably because we're so remote and far from any hands-on tech help, but I also regularly boot from external FW drive and run Diskwarrior. Generally, I do all this maintenance stuff the first Sunday of the month, a schedule that I can actually remember.
    MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MAINTENANCE is backing up files and systems. I backup to my external FW drives using SuperDuper (shareware) available here - http://www.shirt-pocket.com/ There is also freeware called Silverkeeper from LaCie - http://www.lacie.com/silverkeeper/ I happen to prefer SuperDuper because of it's interface -- it explains every step in detail before it's performed and then repeats and asks if you're sure that's what you want to do before proceeding, something I like because I sometimes get distracted and blythely click "OK" buttons without paying attention ...
    That's about it for my preventive measures. Don't forget to periodically run disk repair on your external drives as well.

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    Hi Geoffrey,
    See my post here (System Maintenance & Cleaning Up.. <small>( msg # 2.: Posted Sep 22, 05 5:48 pm )</small>) for a safe, cautious maintenance of your Mac.
    You should never need to run any of the tasks in OnyX, Cocktail, etc, and Su-Lynn (msg # 2) has a very good approach: do not run a task if you don't know what it does.
    Steve Sha,
    let me clarify, about the nightly automatic maintenance:
    These three Periodic tasks do not affect performance, only some log files size. They are not important on our small systems, so running them once or twice a month is fine.
    "the appropriate time, which is 3:15-5:30 am"
    There are three different tasks that take between 1 minute and 10 minutes at most. Here:
    3:15am every day (daily task, <small>takes 2 minutes</small>), 4:30am on Saturdays (weekly task, <small>takes 5 minutes</small>)(*), and 5:30am on the first day of each month (monthly task, <small>takes 2 minutes</small>).
    (*) (<small>3:15am on Saturdays since Tiger</small>)
    Note that since 10.4.2, a strange launchd behaviour makes it possible to have the tasks run automatically, even if your computer sleeps at night, but only if you NEVER shut it down (which is very unlikely...).
    Good maintenance!

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    Do a backup, using either Time Machine or a cloning program, to ensure files/data can be recovered. Two backups are better than one. 
    Run Disk Utility/Repair Permissions (Applications/Utility Folder). Run until it reports no errors. If there is a recurring error, see the article on what permission errors can be ignored. 
    Disk Utility
    Disk Utility Repair Permissions You Can Safely Ignore 
    General Maintenance Recommendations
    Maintenance Quick Assist
    Maintaining Mac OS
    To get to the Recovery Mode hold down command - R during a restart.
    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    If the problem is still there, try booting into the Safe Mode.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application uninstaller. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About

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    Most important rule: don't let the mac's hard disk get as full as you might on a PC. Preferably leave at least 10% free space. Never let it get below 1 or 2 Gigs free.
    OSX defrags itself. That's built into the filesystem -- though it works better if you don't fill up the hard drive.
    The other reason not to fill up the hard drive is that OSX wants to use a lot of it for virtual memory.
    If the computer runs 24/7 all the maintenance routines run automatically in the middle of the night. If you don't run 24/7, then you can run a program like Yasu to do the maintenance routines:
    Second most important rule: don't run other programs when installing system updates. And best to verify your hard drive with Utilities > Disk Utility before installing system updates.
    Third rule: if you force the computer off by holding down the power button for 5 seconds, run DiskUtility when you restart to verify your hard drive.
    Fourth rule: don't relocate any of the standard system folders.
    Helpful tip if a program hangs: the OSX equivalent of CTL-ALT-DEL to kill a program is CMD-Option-Esc.

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    This is a topic which will draw as many emphatic for and against responses as overnight shut down or not, defrag or not, optimise or not, and so on.
    I agree with Neil. I believe that OS X has progressed sufficiently that repair permissions has become redundant and so I do not do it on any regular basis.
    Some folk may refer you to an Apple Support Article 303602. That Article in its 4 May 2006 version, titled "Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Mac in Top Form" suggested Repair Permissions should be done "after upgrading or installing new software". The Article was however revised on 15 May 2006 to be titled "Top Tips to Keep Your Mac in Top Form" and the item on Repair Permissions [along with two other recommended maintenance tips] was removed. It is my view that the conclusion to be drawn here is that Apple no longer considers Repair Permissions to be a required maintenance procedure.
    Many users have adopted a "Repair Permissions" mantra for a cure-all over several years. I dropped it sometime in 10.3.
    But, to each his own.
    TiPB 867   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Video choppy after adding audio

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    I've seen previous posts regarding this topic suggesting exporting the video with sound track and re-importing. I can't do this because I'll have to go back later to shorten or lengthen clips depending on how the rest of the season goes. I also read you can solve it going back a version in QuickTime, but I can't do that with 10.4. I have playback set to Standard under preferences. I'm using an external firewire drive with 30gb available. iMovie is stored on my internal drive. I've ran all the recommended maintenance on my mac. Does anyone have other suggestions?
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   800mhz 768Ram
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   800mhz 768Ram

    Same problem here. Do you have a lot of audio clips? I'm working on a project with around 40 audio clips, and I find that if I delete half of them (no matter which half), the choppy video is gone. Very frustrating, and I hope there's an answer soon which doesn't require buying a new computer.
    Titanium Powerbook G4 867Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    Last night I used it as I normally would and then put it to sleep. This morning I cannot wake it -- even the power button has no affect.
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    Does anyone have any idea what I can do to bring my PB back to life?
    I upgraded to 10.4.3 three weeks ago, and things have been fine. I routinely perform all the recommended maintenance procedures (permissions repair, "periodic" tasks). As I said, this machine has been utterly reliable.
    I'm mystified -- and despondent.
    Can anyone recommend anything besides a trip to Apple?
    Thanks in advance.
    PowerBook G4 15" Aluminum   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   768 MB RAM

    Greetings Jag --
    Unfortunately, I think Jrsy may be right and a trip to the shop may be necessary.
    The only thing I could think of is to advise you to follow all of the steps outlined in the following Apple Kbase article on "what to do if your PowerBook G4 won't turn on." http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=50959
    I realize that a failure to awake from sleep isn't exactly a failure to turn on, but both problems bring you to the same place for almost the same reasons, so I thought it might be worth following the steps set forth in the article. A PMU reset is one of the steps, preceded by a PRAM reset, and, as you can see, the last step is talking your PB to an AASP.
    Good luck and post back no matter how its resolved so we'll all know the solution to this mystery.
    -- JDee

  • Cant start Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP10

    Running SP8 have no issues. But when I upgrade to SP10, my webserver wont start. Here are the details.
    Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP10 B09/04/2008 10:26
    failure: CORE3170: Configuration initialization failed: Error running init function load-modules: dlopen of /opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/lib/libj2eeplugin.so failed (A file or directory in the path name does not exist.)
    Launching browser....
    The file mention is even there.
    # ls -lt /opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/lib/libj2eeplugin.so
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 306414 Jun 14 2007 /opt/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/lib/libj2eeplugin.so
    Appreciate all your inputs. Thanks.

    I just now installed Web Server 6.1 sp10 on AIX 5.2 machine works fine both with JDK 1.5 and 1.6 :
    First I ran with JDK 1.5 (version shown below)
    #java -version
    java version "1.5.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap32dev-20080315 (SR7))
    IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3
    AIX ppc-32 j9vmap3223-20080315 (JIT enabled)
    J9VM - 20080314_17962_bHdSMr
    JIT  - 20080130_0718ifx2_r8
    GC   - 200802_08)
    JCL  - 20080314and then changed in https-<instance>/config/server.xml, "javahome" to point to JDK 1.6 :
    <JAVA javahome="/comps/jdk/16/aix/" serverclasspath=...>The exact version of JDK 6 I used is shown below :
    #/comps/jdk/16/aix/jre/bin/java -version
    java version "1.6.0"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pap3260sr2-20080818_01(SR2))
    IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, J2RE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4
    AIX ppc-32 jvmap3260-20080816_22093 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    J9VM - 20080816_022093_bHdSMr
    JIT  - r9_20080721_1330ifx2
    GC   - 20080724_AA)
    JCL  - 20080808_02h4. oslevels
    # oslevel -q;
    Known Maintenance Levels
    # oslevel -r
    # oslevel -r -q
    Known Recommended Maintenance Levels
    5200-00h4. How I built JDK
    * Go to [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/service.html|http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/service.html]
    * Click on "Fix Info" link from Java 5.0 32 bit [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/j532/fixinfo.html|http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/j532/fixinfo.html]
    * Click on SR7 link [http://www-912.ibm.com/eserver/support/fixes/fixcentral/pseriespkgoptions/apar?fixes=IZ18002|http://www-912.ibm.com/eserver/support/fixes/fixcentral/pseriespkgoptions/apar?fixes=IZ18002] and download the JDK.
    * You may have to create a soft links for sh (most probably only for Web Server 7 onwards)
    # cd java-home
    # ln -s bin sh
    # cd jre
    # ln -s bin sh* You may have to fix soft links in your JDK (especially links which point to /usr/java5/jre/bin) if your JDK is not installed on your local machine and you have copied that directory to another machine : for instance <JAVA-HOME>/bin/java should point to ../jre/bin/java rather than /usr/java5/jre/bin
    * Due to [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=179363&tstart=30|http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=179363&tstart=30], you may have to download security policies (jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar and jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar)
    o Go to [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/security/50/#sdkpol|http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/security/50/#sdkpol]
    o Click on "IBM SDK Policy files" link i.e. [https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=jcesdk|https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=jcesdk]
    o Downloaded "Unrestricted JCE Policy files for SDK 1.4" from that location (after login) [http://www6.software.ibm.com/.../unrestrict142.zip|http://www6.software.ibm.com/.../unrestrict142.zip]
    o Unzip unrestrict142.zip file and replace the two jars (US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar) in appropriate places in JDK.
    Same steps for JDK 6.

  • IMovie '11 won't let me detach audio after importing from iPhoto.

    The option is gray in the menu. I selected the clip I wanted, but it's still not letting me proceed. Any thoughts?

    You are not missing anythng. The way to do it is to select the clip and then go to the Advanced menu and select Extract Audio. That's exactly what you are doing.
    If it is not working, then probably your iMovie preferences have become corrupted. I suggest that you try the oft recommended maintenance procedure of deleting preferences and then doing a permissions repair.
    To delete preferences, close iMovie and trash the file named com.apple.iMovie.plist found in User (the house icon)/Library/Preferences. Then repair permissions by using the Disk Utility app on your Mac, which is located in the Utilities folder. Click on Disk Utility and then select your hard drive icon located in the pane on the left side of the Disk Utilty window. Then click on repair permissions and wait 3-4 minutes for the permissions to be repaired. Then relaunch iMovie. iMovie will replace the .plist file that you deleted.
    Make sure that you have sufficient disk space for iMovie to operate: 20 GB is often recomended on this site.
    Make sure that all iLife programs are updated to current.
    Hopefully that will solve your problem.

  • Updated to X.4.9 all applications have ground to a halt

    This may be a topic that has been posted before But I've gone back through the topics and haven't found one that addresses this issue.
    I just upgraded a G5 w/ 1.5 Gb RAM to X.4.9, and through the normal Apple updates it is now up to X.4.9. Since that time almost every application takes up to 5 minutes or more to load. The performance I had in X.3 has gone right down the tubes, ie. the eject key on the keyboard functioned last night, but when I started the unit up today it stopped functioning. Everything just seems to take 3x longer to do.
    Any suggestions
    Thanks in advance

    The overall system performance will be sluggish until the Spotlight indexing is completed which I forgot about.
    Repairing disk permissions is not near as important as checking your boot volume for any directory errors with Disk First Aid repair via Disk Utility when booted from your Tiger install disc which should be done before installing a major OS update such as 10.4.9 and before installing Tiger over a previous OS X version such as Jaguar or Panther with your Tiger install disc.
    Check this link for recommended maintenance for OS X which isn't much focusing on the Maintenance Myths section.
    Regarding having only 6 GB of free hard drive space available, check these links.

  • Problem installing DS 5.2 on AIX5.

    We are having problem installing Sun One Directory Server 5.2.4 on the AIX 5.3.
    I try to run ./setup is comes out with java class not found error like "Install Result" below
    - Install Result :
    # ./setup -nodisplay
    The java class is not found:  SunONEDirectoryServer52-zip
    - os patch level Check
    # oslevel -rq
    Known Recommended Maintenance Levels
    I heard no problum to install in AIX5.3.
    but I guess reson OS Patch Level in 5300-06.
    I had been installed "Success" in 5300-05.
    please help me.
    Thank u.
    Edited by: AvengerKang on Nov 18, 2007 11:02 PM
    Edited by: AvengerKang on Nov 18, 2007 11:49 PM

    AIX 5.3 is not a supported platform for Directory Server 5.

  • Repair Permissions with/without Tiger disk?

    I was wondering what the best way is to repair permissions. Should one repair them booting off the Tiger disk or can one just open disk utility and repair the permissions while running on their hard drive?
    Also, my new iMac came with two disks. I also have a Tiger disk from when I purchased Tiger for my PowerBook. If it is necessary to repair permissions from the disk, which disk should I use? Can I use the Tiger disk or should I use one of the disks that came with my iMac?

    Regarding your first question, it makes no difference so there isn't any need to boot from the install disc to repair disk permissions.
    Regarding your second question, the same applies but you should use the Tiger install package that shipped with your new iMac to run repair disk via Disk First Aid when booted from the iMac's install disc on your iMac's boot volume which is much more important than repairing disk permissions.
    The Tiger retail install package is not Universal - it is for a Mac with a PPC processor only and your new iMac has an Intel processor.
    Check this link for system troubleshooting procedures which includes running repair disk, repairing disk permissions and system and user cache cleaning.
    And this link for recommended maintenance for OS X which isn't much focusing on the Maintenance Myths section.
    And this link about running repair disk via Disk First Aid.

  • Premier Elements 3 renders but then stops

    This has happened before but at present I am working on a 3 hour video. It will go through all the steps (taking 3-4 hours as expected) but then just stops with the overall progress bar at about 45% and the current progress bar at about 5%. There is no error message and the DVD is not affected. I have put similar projects onto the same 8.5Gb discs before. When this has happened before, I have used other software to put a copy onto my HDD and then tried again. Sometimes this works!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Depending on what you're using for source files, Premiere Elements could require as much as 150 gigabytes of free, clean, defragmented space on your hard drive to create a 3 hour DVD, Geoff.
    The fact that this seems to work for you intermittently might well indicate that the problem is too many "invisible" temp files taking up space, too much junk in your media cache and too much fragmentation -- in addition to the possibility that you simply don't have enough hard drive space to do it. (Remember, if you're editing video on your C drive, the operating system is constantly paging to and fragmenting the drive as you work.)
    You can try our recommended maintenance. (You'll likely find several gigabytes of junk files you didn't know were there taking up space on your drive.)
    But things could also depend a lot on what you're using for your source files. Video captured over FireWire from a miniDV camcorder works most efficiently. Non-DV-AVI footage, such as video from a DVD or hard drive camcorder, needs a lot more rendering space. And photos, if they aren't sized to 1000x750 pixels, can slow or choke the program's processing completly.

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