Powerpoint 2010 not reading Powerpoint 2007

My work colleagues have Powerpoint 2007. I have powerpoint 2010.
When we exchange presentations, all works fine UNLESS there is a chart with data (e.g bar charts, web charts) - and then the data is not visible to those with a different powerpoint. Any ideas what is happening? Everything else is fine with the
compatability. I have tried opening in PPTX and then saving under PPT but still no data.

Did you mean even when you save the pptx file to .ppt, chart still cannot be displayed?
In most occasions, Powerpoint 2007 should be compable with PowerPoint 2010.
We recommend you upload your document to Skydrive, so we can get into it to help you better.
Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support

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    I assume that 2007 and 2003 of PPT were on different machines. I suspect it is either in the setup of PPT or you are not embedding fonts in the PDF. Be sure you are NOT using the Standard settings file, but select Print or Press.

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    Hi There,
    Yes you need to uninstall Adobe Presenter first before upgrading your Office as Presenter is an addin to the PowerPoint. As such there is no issues using Presenter 10 in Office 2010.

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    It may vary. I have seen some strange results from OFFICE 2007, where there apparently are some hooks built into the MS software. You might try with OFFICE 2003 or OpenOffice. I have used OFFICE 2003 for some things and gotten excellent results, where OFFICE 2007 created issues. I know that it is OFFICE 2007 since I also played with different versions of Acrobat for Office 2007 and got the same strange results, where things were fine with OFFICE 2003. There may be an issue with the
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    ...any vertical text appears as a mirror image (backwards).  How can
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    The text is not mirrored. Instead, it is running bottom to top. Maybe
    you need to rotate the lines 180° in the original. The fonts throughout
    the document are horribly kerned, which is one of the signs of font
    substitution. It looks like the font used to compose the document is
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    Which Adobe software & version, or subscription service, are you using?

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    animation just shows up as a non-animated object. It doesn't have
    any of the animated qualities of the original powerpoint.
    See this link to see what I'm talking about:

    I would agree that recording the animation as it plays in PPT
    could help. That is how I have done several of my animations rather
    than import them.
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    Captivate screen to only cover the area of powerpoint where the
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    view and click the play test button to record but only record the
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    captivate red box go a way and then click the Play button in
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    the resulting animation is very large. I prefer the smaller slide
    size animation/recording.
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    Is there a rule of thumb on which method is best?
    Thank you, Jean

    A lot depends on what you are after. If you use the printer, you will likely need to use a custom page setting to fill out the page properly and not leave spaces on the sides. I think the standard PPT page is 8.5X10, not 11. PDF Maker (or the Save As Adobe PDF) in PPT sets the size appropriately when I have used it. PDF Maker also adds links and such as appropriate, but the printer does not. Your other option is to use the Save As PDF or XPS which is the MS conversion.
    When I tested, the print did go to an 8.5X11 with a border to fit on the page. The other three techniques created the PDF in the same page size as the PPT. The PDF maker and Acrobat menu methods gave the same results, but the file was about 2X the size of the MS method. I did not check the properties that created this different size, but you would have to look at the different options for the creation and see how they compare. The Adobe approach can be kept small also, but may not have used the same options as the MS approach.
    If there were links, then the print will not embed these links and bookmarks, but the other techniques will. Maybe that helps some.

  • Cannot embed 3D PDF into powerpoint 2007

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    it is saved automatically as .pdf file,
    it is able to open and rotate in the acrobat reader,
    then in powerpoint 2007, when i want to embed it,
    i click the embed 3D button, the add 3d data window appear,
    but in the file selection, the .pdf file is not supported.
    only those .u3d, .cad, ... are supported, and i tried these, they can be embeded.
    but i am confused, how can i really embed the .pdf file to powerpoint?
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for both of your help.
    I am still not quite understand how the OCX means.
    Does it mean the "embed 3D" button appeared in powerpoint or some other kind of software?
    Currently what I did is export the 3d model in the .pdf to a .u3d file.
    then I can choose the .u3d file and embed it since this format is supported. And I can rotate it in powerpoint. But the only problem is it's now in perspective view and I cannot change it to orthographic view inside the powerpoint.
    Even in the .pdf I set the default view to orthographic, the exported and embeded is still perspective.
    So is there any way to export it as orthographic model?

  • Embedding SWF into Powerpoint 2007....

    I use this method to place a SWF in Powerpoint 2007. (see below).
    My question is... how do I make the path relative and not absolute? So whatever path/destination I put in the "Movie" property is absolute and if and when I sent this PPTX file to someone (like in a folder) the SWF no longer plays. I wanted to make a path that is relative... so instead of putting "C:\Use\Profile\Desktop\Flash.swf" I wanted to know if I could do something like "Flash.swf" and then it'll play the SWF since it'd be in the root (or maybe a subfolder).
    Place SWF in Powerpoint 2007:
    1.  Click Office Button.
    2.  Click “Powerpoint Options”
    3.  Under the “Popluar” tab check “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon”. Click OK
    4.  Click the “Developer” tab.
    5.  Click the “More Controls” button (wrench/hammer icon)
    6.  Choose “Shockwave Flash Object”. Click OK.
    7.  Cursor turns to crosshairs. Drag box to house the object.
    8.  In the “Properties” pop-up, find “Movie”.
    9.  Under “Movie”. Paste in the path of the file. (i.e. C:\Users\Profile\Desktop\flashAnimation.swf
    a.  Try to put the SWF in the same root location as the PPTX.

    You can insert a .swf file into PowerPoint using the method you described with both an absolute and a relative path. But that will just insert it and play it as a linked file.
    What you seem to want to do is to embed the file. That's tricker. The .pptx file extension apparently has a known and unfixed bug that won't let you embed a .swf. There's nothing out there, that I could find that may be of help. But you could try these two steps:
    In the properties panel for the insered swf, find the EmbedMovie property and set it to "True".
    Then Save As... your Presentation to the older file format (.ppt not .pptx). This may show up in the Save menu as "PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation".
    This may work, you should take note that the file size should increase significantly. If the Presentation's file size doesn't increase, then you know it hasn't been embedded and the animation will not play if you email the file (because it's not included).

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    Hmm. I must be doing something wrong. So here is what I did.
    I created a shape that is just two points to create a line, as you did with your mask version. Then I made a null for the "Kite" layer you used. I then put in your expression, replacing "Kite" with the name of my layer. The expression then gives me this error:
    "AE Warning: property or method named '2' in Class 'Array' is missing or does not exist. It may have been renamed, moved, deleted, or the name may have been mistyped. A property expression referencing it was disabled.
    'Scale' (line 7) of layer 3 ('Shape Layer 1') in comp 'Comp 1'
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