Powerpoint and live video

Hi all,
What I am doing is a powerpoint of old videos and pictures to be shown on a TV during the performance of a show. What I have now been tasked with, within this powerpoint they want a video camera live view of the show to be included.
Now I have looked at Windows Media Encoder, but my Video capture card isnt compatible.
So i looked at Flash media live encoder, but I have no idea where to start, so can someone please help me stream my video camera through my usb video capture card to powerpoint using Flash media Encoder. My video capture card box is a HT VIDBOX NW06 by honetech.
Thank you.

Hi SusProdFin,
The recommended way to share video clips in Lync 2013 is to use PowerPoint 2013 presentations. Playing video via PowerPoint in Lync 2013 has been used very successfully in many meetings.
But if you don’t want to play the video in that way, I’m afraid you have to look for the third-party solutions.
A related thread for your reference.
Best regards,
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    i have made a few test with Flash Lite 3.0 and Flash Media Server 3  and I have to say that it is pretty easy to stream FLV Video files and  Live Video from local web camera to mobile phone. Here are a quick  instructions how to do it in Windows (I will publish Linux version  later).
    Play FLV-video from Flash Media Server 3:
    Install Flash Media Server 3 (download developer version)
    There are a few sample FLV files in applications/vod/media folder, so you can use one of them for testing
    Create a new Flash Lite 3.0 file in Flash
    Add a new Video symbol to library
    Drag this Video symbol to Stage and give instance name to it: video
    Type following programming to timeline:
    // make a new video-object
    var video:Video;
    // make a new NetConnection-object
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    // check connection status from server
    nc.onStatus = function(info:Object):Void {
      if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
    // start streaming video to phone
    function startStreaming() {
      ns = new NetStream(nc);
      // play sample.flv from server
    // show info to user
    status_txt.text = "Connecting server...";
    // connect FMS 3 video on demand service (default port 1935)
    Go to Publish Settings...
    Set Local playback security: Access network only
    Publish your SWF-file
    Send your SWF-file to your phone
    Test and you should see FLV-video playing in your phone
    Play live video from Flash Media Server 3:
    Install Flash Media Server 3 (download developer version)
    Install Flash Media Encoder 2 (Windows only)
    Start Flash Media Encoder 2
    You should see your live camera in Input screen
    Press Start-button to start sending live video to Flash Media Server 3
    Create a new Flash Lite 3.0 file in Flash
    Add Video symbol and programming as you did earlier
    Modify your programming:
    // in startStreaming()-function
    // Flash Media Encoder 2 publish stream name is "livestream"
    // start connection to Flash Media Server 3
    // Flash Media Encoder 2 publishes Flash Media Server's default
    // live publishing point, so connect it
    Publish, test and enjoy
    box office movies

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    Try this :
    1: stop any stream.
    2: go to  root_install\applications\livepkgr\events\_definst_\liveevent and delete any .stream file that is in there
    3: Go to   root_install\applications\livepkgr\streams\_definst_ any livestream folder that is in there for example if you streamed with name livestream12 there should be a folder with the name livestream12, delete it.
    4: Then try streaming a single bitrate stream by adding to the FMLE the following parameters 
    FMS Url :  rtmp://localhost/livepkgr
    Stream: livestream?adbe-live-event=liveevent
    5: go to sample player and add this url to the field : http://localhost/hds-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/livestream.f4m
    *If you have a public IP do the following :
    1: go to http://www.osmf.org/configurator/fmp/#
    and add this url  : http://public_ip/hds-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/livestream.f4m (replace localhost with your public IP)
    and from the advanced tab say that it is live.
    Give it a try!

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    "... Cisco ACNS provides both live unicast and multicast streaming services and on-demand access in which digital media files are cached locally for retrieval and viewed over the WAN at LAN speeds (Figure 3)."
    And the second statement in
    "Cisco Digital Media System 5.1 Design
    Guide for Enterprise Medianet":
    "... For Digital Signage and Enterprise TV live content, multicast is required as the transport. Cisco ACNS
    does not support unicast to multicast conversion for the delivery method used by Digital Signage and
    Enterprise TV. For this reason, Cisco ACNS does not provide any benefit for live content...."
    Is there an difference or is this an failure?

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    Is there a way to have all my Scart leads plugged in and be able to flick between the DVD, Video, Wii and live Television? Please Help.
    Go to Solution.

    notoriousdbp wrote:
    What other input options does your TV have - does it have an AV (red, yellow and white inputs).  If so I'd stick the Wii through that without using the scart adapter that comes with the Wii.
    Those multi scart adapters will do the job but they are a bit clumsy and you often end up wondering what input you're watching.  Does your VCR have 2 Scart Sockets (normally 1 output only and one In/Out)
    Other than that I would go for (are you sitting comfortably) - 
    DVD into VCR (In/Out socket)
    VCR out into Vision Box
    Vision Box to TV
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    Vision Box into TV
    Aerial Lead to VCR input
    VCR Output aerial to Vision Box
    Vision Box aerial to TV
    That way you could watch the VCR via good old fashioned RF - like I say this assumes your TV has an AV input and your VCR has 2 Scart sockets. - I'm also assuming your TV is an older model without a component AV option?
    As Sparko's only had the service for 4 months then I assume (s)he has a Black vbox and they don't do RF out so then second option is out. The first option you suggested should just work though without the need for a switch.

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