PPPoE error on Time Capsule

I am having intermittent problems with my Netgear Router and Time Capsule. Around 2 or 3 times a day I lose my internet connection to my Mac. The green light on the Time Capsule starts flashing orange and when i check in Airport Utility I get an error message stating that no PPPoE server can be found. The internet light on the Netgear Router (model no. DG834GT, running in modem only mode) is still solid, as is the light for the ethernet connection to the TC. I then turn the Router and Time Capsule off for 30 seconds and power them back on, and once both have fully restarted all works well again.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be going or how i might troubleshoot this issue?

You dont need to be using PPPoE.
Your netgear is your modem/router which connects to talktalk.
Setup your TimeCapsul in bridge mode. To do that goto your airport utility.app in your /Applications/Utilities
Select your Time Capsule. Choose manual setup.
Click on the 'internet icon' in the toolbar.
on the 'connection sharing' drop down menu select 'Off Bridge Mode'
then update.
Then on your mac goto SystemPreferences-->Network
look on the list of available ports and delete any that have PPPoE reference.
Then apply.
Now try connection to your wireless network.
At this point you may want to login to your netgear router and turn off its wifi. As your TimeCapsule is your wireless access point.

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    There should only be one device setup to provide the PPPoE service for your network. If you have the Time Capsule setup to do this, you must make sure that your computer is no longer trying to do the same thing at the same time. In other words,,you need to delete or at least make the PPPoE connection not active on your computer.
    If you are using Leopard or Snow Leopard on your computer, click the System Preferences icon and then click Network. Look for a PPPoE connection that displays your user name and password. Makes sure that this is not active. You would only want the PPPoE connection on your computer active when your computer is connected directly to the modem. If the Time Capsule is connected to the modem, you must turn off PPPoE on your computer.
    Then power off your network. Start the modem first, then the Time Capsule and then your computers.

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    Suggest that you see # C17 in Pondini's excellent support document.....Time Machine -- Troubleshooting.....for all the steps.

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    How old is the TC?
    What OS and utility are you using? If you use 6.3 utiity you must turn on ipv6 local link otherwise it won't work in some situations.
    See Apple's belated doco.
    You can load the older utility into Mountain Lion with a bit of fiddling.. for an older TC it works better.
    If you need help with that google for install 5.6 utility mountain lion or ask.

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    There is no usefull data at the TC.

    If it helps I am getting the same message, I have reported it to Apple and they have someone working on it. Mine stopped backing up after having a new hard drive installed. I can however back up to the same time capsule from my laptop.

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    The backup disk image "/Volumes/Time Capsule/Karla Laura Smith's MacBookPro.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).
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    The unplugging was of power, if you were unplugging ethernet .. that will not do anything.
    The issue is explained here.
    C17 http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    If a restart of the TC is not adequate you maybe in the 2% that has other issues.. please try a full network restart in correct order.. with everything off.. modem.. then TC.. then clients.. with 2min gap to allow modem and TC to finish boot process.

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    I had the same issue, and found a solution at: http://www.foreverwarm.com/using-time-capsule-with-a-windows-pc/#
    The lack of adequate documentation from apple on this makes it unduly difficult...
    Good luck!

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    Have you downloaded and installed the following updated Mountain Lion compatible driver and software for your model?:
        http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=mp-107723- 1&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&os=219&product=4073738&sw_lang=
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    Oldest Backup: 27 November 2009
    Latest Backup: Failed
    The error message (in the icon) is:
    Make sure your computer and the backup disk are on the same network, and that the backup disk is turned on. Then try again to back up.
    Latest successful backup: 27/11/2009 at 22:17
    Help appreciated!

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    The server “WC-TIME-CAPSULE.local” may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again.
    How can I solve this issue? ABSOLUTELY ALL my files are backed up in my Time Capsule. PLEASE HELP!!!
    Thanks in advance,
    DJ Walter Capote
    Miami, FL
    MacBook Pro
    Running MAC OS X
    Version 10.6.8
    Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    TIme Capsule
    802.11n (4th Generation)
    Version 7.6.1
    Message was edited by: DJ Walter Capote

    Reset to factory and do the setup again..
    Otherwise you do have one of the other issues.. but you are connecting from SL.. not Lion??
    There was a couple of work arounds mentioned in one of the threads.. but really you should ring apple and get them to fix it.. If you look at the Log in the TC this is being caused by some AFP server drop out issue..
    Try reading this thread from the end backwards.. as some of the ideas at the beginning were wrong or development of understanding was primitive at first.
    But for me it is utterly consistent.. flash a TC to 7.6 or later.. server interrupted messages begin maybe a day later but then continually.. flash back to 7.5.2 they stop.. I have the TC bridged though.. not the main router.. I have several ideas of what is causing the issue..
    If you want to be more scientific, try opening the arp table in the Mac and see if you can ping the TC, by name and IP address. Give me the result of that.. if the issues continue.

  • Time machine file errors using Time capsule

    I have been using a time capsule to backup my Intel Imac (2.8Ghz 1TB HD) for about 8 months. when it works it works but twice now I have had failures that have resulted in me having to start from scratch.
    Things I have tired have been
    Removing the latest files from the time capsule folder and retrying
    removing the com.apple.timemchine.plist file from preferences
    Of course all fail and my last backup (started 6-27-08) is not toast. What makes me mad is I can still access the data fine using TM but it will not continue to update. I created a folder on my TC to place the old sparse bundle in and am now currently 8gb into 1 100gb backup.
    How can I avoid having to do this every 3-6 months. Is this normal or is there something unique to my system?

    this happens because you must have removed the mounted virtual volume with your filevaulted home directory from TM exclusion list. when you are logged in go to TM system preferences->options. normally, you should see your filevauled home directory on the exlcusion list. that means that the mounted virtual volume with your home directory is excluded from backups. if you remove it from the exclusion list then TM will back it up unencrypted as a separate hard drive. so if it's not on the list do the following. delete the file /library/preferences/com.apple.timemachine.plist. then go to TM system preferences and set it up again. check that the mounted home folder is on the exclusion list. then it won't be backed up anymore in the unencrypted form and the only thing that will be backed up is the encrypted sparse bundle itself.

  • Wiki error after time capsule restore

    follow a disk failure, I restored the entire os (SnowLepoard Server) and applications from a timecapsule backup. All works except for the Wiki. The webserver is up and responds fine to other pages. However, clicking on the wiki hosted on the os server, I get the error
    Service unavailable!
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
    Error 503
    All the files for the wiki are restored and available (I can click on them through Finder and read them ok).
    Any ideas why I have this problem ?

    See log file for above problem..
    Aug 19 12:43:42 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   import MimeWriter, tempfile, rfc822
    Aug 19 12:43:42 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]: /usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/calendarserver/tap/caldav.py:49: DeprecationWarning: mktap and related support modules are deprecated as of Twisted 8.0.  Use Twisted Application Plugins with the 'twistd' command directly, as described in 'Writing a Twisted Application Plugin for twistd' chapter of the Developer Guide.
    Aug 19 12:43:42 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   from twisted.scripts.mktap import getid
    Aug 19 12:43:42 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]: /usr/share/wikid/lib/python/twisted_overrides/microdom.py:176: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
    Aug 19 12:43:42 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   assert (oldChild.parentNode is self,
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/bin/twistd", line 19, in <module>
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     run()
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/scripts/twistd.py", line 27, in run
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     app.run(runApp, ServerOptions)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/application/app.py", line 694, in run
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     runApp(config)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/scripts/twistd.py", line 23, in runApp
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     _SomeApplicationRunner(config).run()
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/application/app.py", line 423, in run
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     self.logger.start(None)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/application/app.py", line 251, in start
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     observer = self._getLogObserver()
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/scripts/_twistd_unix.py", line 140, in _getLogObserver
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     logFile = logfile.LogFile.fromFullPath(self._logfilename)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/python/logfile.py", line 47, in fromFullPath
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     os.path.dirname(logPath), *args, **kwargs)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/python/logfile.py", line 147, in __init__
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     BaseLogFile.__init__(self, name, directory, defaultMode)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/python/logfile.py", line 39, in __init__
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     self._openFile()
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/python/logfile.py", line 152, in _openFile
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     BaseLogFile._openFile(self)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:   File "/usr/share/caldavd/lib/python/twisted/python/logfile.py", line 74, in _openFile
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]:     self._file = file(self.path, "w+", 1)
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.wikid[81948]: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Library/Logs/wikid/error.log'
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.wikid[81948]): Exited with exit code: 1
    Aug 19 12:43:43 digoserver com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.wikid): Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
    Aug 19 12:43:46 digoserver org.clamav.freshclam[81949]: LibClamAV Warning: Cannot dlopen libclamunrar_iface: file not found - unrar support unavailable
    Aug 19 12:43:46 digoserver org.clamav.freshclam[81949]: ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/freshclam.log).
    Aug 19 12:43:46 digoserver org.clamav.freshclam[81949]: ERROR: Can't open /var/log/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!).
    Aug 19 12:43:46 digoserver com.apple.launchd[1] (org.clamav.freshclam[81949]): Exited with exit code: 62
    Aug 19 12:43:46 digoserver com.apple.launchd[1] (org.clamav.freshclam): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

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    MacDoz wrote:
    I too am getting the same low disk space issue on my Time Capsule, and have not been able to find an answer anywhere given that I thought the Time Capsule was meant to automatically delete old back-ups.
    Those are two different, independent, things.
    Since you can use a Time Capsule for things besides backups, there's a built-in warning (the flashing light) when it gets near full (exactly how full is not clear).
    Time Machine is separate; when it doesn't have space for a new backup, it will delete the oldest backup(s) as necessary, if it can, to make room for new ones.
    The handling is a bit different, though, for Leopard vs. Snow Leopard.
    In Leopard, if you have the +Warn when old backups are deleted+ box checked in Time Machine Preferences > Options, it will fail with a message. All you have to do is remove the check.
    In Snow Leopard, it will delete old backups as necessary, do the backup, then send a message if you have the box, now worded +Warn after old backups are deleted,+ checked.
    See #C4 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting for details.

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