Pre 2 battery life

Here's my thread about the Pre 2 battery life.
If you have a Pre 2, please post your thoughts/results.  
Upon getting my Pre 2 the first issue I noticed was battery life. After only an hour or two of intermittent use I was down 25%.  I have now conducted a lot of testing and can say the following:
The Palm Pre 2 uses battery power when idle far more than most phones.  Even with no SIM (but not in airplane mode) with wifi off, gps off, bluetooth off, the phone uses 15% in 8 hrs of idle time.  Doing nothing.  In airplane mode it uses only 4% over those same 8 hours.  With the SIM in (but not in use, only email checking) it uses more like 25% over that same period.
Improved (decreased) power usage while idle would be a great thing to see as a focus of WebOS development.
Post relates to: Pre 2 p102una (Unlocked NA)

I had the Palm Pre 1 which was really bad, for battery.
I have 5 email accounts, and Facebook, and calling, and some surfing, and the odd game.
I bought the Amzer 2800 Battery, with the back. which worked great on my Pre 1, and, instead of lasting 4-6 hours, my Pre 1 worked for over 24 hours. The only down sides for me was the size of the back, but it was not the biggest back amzer does, and not That Big, however there was a bit of glare in photos taken indoors, or towards sun. And the Amzer case was shiny black, and a bit easier to open, and when you drop the Pre 1, unlike with the original Palm back, the Amzer large case, Amzer battery, and Pre would hit the floor and bounce all different placed, which is not good. However, the Amzer Battery was lovely and worked Great. (my Pre 1 has a thousand dings, and cracks, in it, but still works)
A year later, I bought the Pre 2, and noticed the Amzer 2800 Battery fitted and worked. (I had called Palm, before I received the Pre 2, and they confirmed the battery for Pre 2 is same as the one in the Pre 2, as are the backs the same. although they recomended using recommended Batteries,)
I decided to buy the Amzer 1400 for my Pre 2, which is the same size as the Palm branded battery, and lasts longer, so I can use it with the touchstone original back, that comes with the Pre 2.
Also, i noticed in the suggestions from Palm, on ways to save on batteries, there is a suggestion to force to 2G, if you cannot force to 3G...
However, If you are with the 3 Network (at least here in the UK) I don't think you can do that, as 3 UK were saying that they disconnect phones that are not 3G, and that they disconnect phones that are continually on the 2G network, as 2G has to be paid for, wheras 3G is their own network. So setting phone 2G only for a long time, will cost 3 a lot of money, and 3 say they will be disconnected.

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    Alright, that's it. I'm sure this post doesn't meet forum standards for plethora of reasons, but I'm a poor little private liberal arts university student who is desolate now that his $3,000 laptop isn't getting top-notch battery life, so mods, please dig deep in your hearts and don't delete. Thanks, yous da best.

    There were a number of posts from folks with various models about a downgrade in battery life after an upgrade to Mountain Lion - so you aren't alone. However, since you're still under warranty, I would take the machine to your local Apple Store or an AASP and have them diagnose the problem. Could be that your battery just isn't up to par (and I'm assuming that you've all updates installed?)...
    Good luck,

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    Thanks for the reply. My battery was just recently calibrated and was working fine until yesterday, so I'm pretty sure that is not the case.
    I also have been reading that installing Adobe Photoshop might also be the problem, which I also did Wednesday night, though looking at the activity monitor, there are no processes that would be overrunning.
    Anyone else have an issue similar to this?

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    The battery life on the Bionic is great when compared to other 4G devices. If you purchased an extended battery and still have poor battery life, we know it's not a defective battery.  This could easily be the software or an application that is causing the issue. I've personally dealt with a couple 3rd party email apps that drastically reduce the battery life of the Bionic. Have you tried a master reset yet? If you've already done this, and you see no improvement, I would exchange the device under the 14-day Worry Free Guarantee.  If you are outside of that period, you can call the warranty number pre-stored in your contact list. 
    Thanks for posting! Please let us know how things work out. 

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    Hi Andy!That's unbelievable power loss of your phone!I haven't experienced something similar but I have tried some different things;Let's say it's fully charged at 24:00 when I usually try to get some sleep ,I delete cache,turn off WIFI and 3G and DON'T leave it in the charger,it's still fully charged at 07:30!really I have some problems and issues with the battery power but your problems are seriously worse!maybe you should contact your provider or where it's from cuz this isn't normal!Good luck I hope you will fix it!Kind Regards

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    1) Battery Saver Life remaining around 1day 9hours.
    2) Battery Status Full Charge Capacity varies between ~1350 & 1420 mAh.
    3) Charging using approved Nokia Lumia 800 chargers.
    3) Three charging cycles completed.
    Cheers for the help.

    After the update and a hard reset;
    The max battery ranges between 1322 and 1478
    For the 1st few days I was getting about 26hrs out of it so quite a leap from 6-9hrs but this morning the phone was dead after 16hrs - with most of that time just on standby.
    Plugged in the charger and there's a battery charging image but after 15 mins I still can't turn the phone on to make a call (with charger in).
    During this time my Blackberry 8520 was charged up on Saturday and the battery power shows 3 bars left out of 5.
    The Lumia looks really nice but I think it's covering up internal outdated junk and the only thing that's keeping it selling is smoke and mirrors marketing.
    335 hrs standby time  -  nearly 2 weeks!!! 
    55 hrs of music playback - over 2 days!!!! 
    It's like they plucked the numbers out of the sky... "this will sell it"!
    My phone is now coming up to 2 months old and all this "there's a patch to fix it" has proved nonsense. Sure they've increased it a little but I'm sure I could have got more life out of it by setting the brightness to low myself.

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    Thank you for the suggestion to use the Search bar. I wouldn't have thought of that.  Unfortunately, I had already made these adjustments when iOS 7 first appeared. They helped a little then, but I would gladly go back to the pre-iOS 7 days if I could.  I did disable the Time Zone and Usage features, but as my default mode has been to keep Location Services off to preserve my battery (because of draw of iOS 7),  I can't see that untoggling these two sub-features will make any differenence. Leaving iCloud off doesn't seem like a reasonable suggestion.  What is the point of the device if one has to disable so many features in order to be able to live with it? I can't imagine that was the designer's intention.

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    I was wondring if I were the only one experiencing this...

    This is not even funny Jason... Really.
    I now have a completely clean phone, installed anew through DFU. Now backups restored. Just setup my mobileme email on it and installed 2 (two) applications. iSip and DevInfo. Having push notifications and push email enabled, I'm loosing power at a rate of *8%/hour while in standby*.
    Restoring my backup (which, by the way, is not an "option" but a rather important continuity pre-requisite) lets me have the same horrible battery performance. Turning push notifications and mail push off and booting the phone after that makes battery drain disappear (~1% every 1.5 hours).
    Apple declares that using "Push" drains the battery 20% more. Even if this is an approximation, we're not even close to approximately 20% or 30% or even 40% increase. We're talking about battery drain growing 12-fold!
    So pray try to help us – poor users – instead of repeating the link we've all seen thousands of times and that, frankly, has very little to do with how our iPhones perform in real life.
    Thank you.

  • Battery Issue. I only have an hour worth of battery life at 86% with minimal background lighting and only one web page open.

    I currently have a macbook pro with about 130 charge cycles that was purchased in August 2012. After about an hour unplugged with no activity only an hour and 54 minutes remain w/ 86% battery. According to coconut battery the battery health is at 85%. Should I bring the macbook into the apple store? Earlier today I lost 20% of my battery life in 20 minutes with only word open. I recalibrated the battery as well and I havent had any improvement.

    purchased in August 2012.
    I recalibrated the battery
    Your model Macbook does not need calibrating according to article - Calibrating a portable computer battery
    Current Apple portable computer batteries are pre-calibrated and do not require the calibration procedure.  These computers use batteries that should be replaced only by an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) and later
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009) and later
    MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009) and later
    MBP Battery Troubleshooting:
    To check for a bad battery, go to Apple/About This Mac/More Info
    In the System Profiler window, select the Power entry & look for Health Information.
    If next to Condition it says "Check Battery" then your battery is probably on the fritz.

  • Thinkpad Twist battery life and beefier internals?

    I understand the battery life on this thing leaves a lot to be desired, and from what I've seen that's from the i5 4gb model. My question is if I were to order the i7 with the SSD and 8GB would the added power significantly impact battery life?
    I dont know alot about computers but I would imagine the additional CPU power would eat up more juice. And with an already suspect battery life could that be something I would need to think about?
    Are the new drivers helping out at all? I'm seriously considering getting a twist but a major hangup is the battery life. Thanks for any help in advance.

    7 hours battery time is probably with 40% screen brightness and SSD installed.
    When i tested the pre-production model, i was getting around 5 hours on 50% brightness and just internet browsing.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Sporadic Battery Life

    I just ordered the new MacBook (as in I got it yesterday) and in the past hour I've watched the battery life and it changes drastically without any change in my activity. (I'm listening to music on iTunes, and I have Safari open with 2 tabs) I have the setting on the time available and it currently says 7:27, but just 2 minutes ago it said 6:50, and now it's already changed to I'm not really sure what's up?
    I saw somebody else request the information about the battery, so:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: 9G0200C7PE1NA
    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: bq20z451
    Pack Lot Code: 0000
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0201
    Hardware Revision: 0002
    Cell Revision: 0165
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 4866
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 5684
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 1
    Condition: Normal
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): -742
    Voltage (mV): 11987
    Message was edited by: kerstea

    The time is merely a snapshot of how long your battery could last if the exact set of circumstances at that moment were to continue indefinitely. Anytime your Mac's condition changes--anything from reloading a page in Safari to pre-loading another song into memory to some hidden process doing its things to the fan kicking up a bit--will change the time.
    As your battery drains, the time will fluctuate less.
    Since this is a brand-new Mac, you should be calibrating your battery sometime soon:
    Some additional reading:

  • Battery life vastly improved by webOS 1.4

    I just wanted to say thanks for how much battery life is improved in webOS 1.4.
    The amount I use my phone, it's usually in the red by the time I go to bed (heavy use will wear it out in the afternoon, light use it's fine until nighttime, but average use, it just barely lasts as long as I want it to).
    Until I upgraded to 1.4.
    With 1.4, yesterday I was still at 83% battery after 12 hours away from the charger (with fairly light use, but still, that's an amazing improvement).
    Today having used the phone heavily, after 14 hours away from the charger, the battery sits at 50%.
    This is a huge improvement over before, and, if memory serves, also substantially better than the iPhone 3G.
    If webOS 1.5 can make as huge an improvement in speed and snappiness, you might even get jwz back as a customer!

    Hi there
    I have found that since the update my battery has also been far worse. I didnt have any patches or anything like prior to the upgrade and for a week after it was still 'normal' but the battery was bad.
    I then added a a percentrage battery patch from preware (it shows the percentage on the top bar on every screen) and have been keeping an eye on the it 
    i have found that even when on airplane mode with my alarm on at night , that its dropped by 5% - 10% where before 1.4 it was like 1 - 2 percent.
    also no change in my usage - google reader and google talk really is what i use day to day.
    I leave 3g and the actual signal is great.
    i havent factory reset  the phone or anything and will remove the patch / preware to ensure its not a memory leak
    fyi - two other peeps in my team at work have pre's and they have have noticed same problem on their non patched phones
    UK gsm phone

  • Battery Life and the 1.4f10 SMC Firmware Update.

    Since the 1.4f10 SMC Firmware Update makes the fan to run constantly at a low speed, will that affect the battery life?
    Anyone notice any big decrease on battery life?

    The fan should account for a pretty small amount of total energy consumption in any notebook computer (my guess would be about 2%) - but that assumes it kicks on once in a while and not running constantly.
    Since the upgrade, my fan has been running non-stop while on AC with peripherals plugged in, but not as much when I disconnect everything and run on battery. I think the battery is driaining faster but I do not have good data pre-upgrade. It would be great if someone could post a pre and post upgrade battery performance test. If you do, make sure to do a callibration first:
    MacBook1,1   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   PowerBook 15" PPC 1.67

  • What should the battery life on my 13" Macbook air be?

    I have a 13" macbook air (mid 2012) and the battery life is around 2.5 to 3 hours.  I know after a while the strength of the battery diminishes but should i only be getting about 2.5 hours?  I am still under apple care till 2015 should I have apple look at it and repair/replace battery?  I know on the newer 13" models the battery is 12 hours (new processor and chips) but still shouldn't my battery last longer than 2.5 hours?

    It should get a great dea; ,pre tjam 2 1/2 hours. First a question. Is this the actual amount of time you are getting or is it the estimate provided by the battery menulette icon? The estimate is often very wrong.
    But assuming this is actual battery life, the first thing to do is run the Activity monitor, click on the CPU tab, and then click on the % CPU column so the little triangle is pointing down. This will give you a list of all the processes your computer is running and at the top of the list you'll see the ones that are taking up the most power. Also, if your Dock is hidden, temporarily unhide it. Now click and hold the mouse button on the Activity Monitor icon in the Dock. You'll get a little menu. Select Dock iCon and then CPU Usage. This icon will give you blue bars for each CPU core. Lots of blue means high CPU usage and lots of grey means low CPU usage.
    As you use your computer keep an eye on the AM icon. If your battery problem is due to high CPU usage you'll see the bars in the AM icon showing lots of blue frequently. It may be due to the program(s) you are using. For example, VMWare and Windows 8 are battery killers. So are 3D games. But if you are word processing, checking email, etc you shouldn't see more than a glimmer of blue most of the time.
    If it turns out you don't have high CPU useage the problem could be the battery and that means a trip to the Apple store.

Maybe you are looking for