Pre-new hard drive steps

I was wondering how to properly erase/unistall mac os x 10.4 before installing a new internal hard drive.
  Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

I wouldn't erase a disk before installing a new one. I'd take it out, install the new one, then using SuperDuper or CarbonCopyCloner, clone the old disk to the new one, then erase the old one. Or at least let the MacOSXTiger installation import all the data from my old disk with a firewire connection.
I would expect you to want an external case for your old drive. My favorite one is here:

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    A new Hard drive will not be Mac-formatted, so you will have to do that first. A copy of Disk Utility to do the job is also on the 10.6 Installer/Utilities DVD.
    Boot to the installer DVD, but do not Install. Answer only the "what language" question, and wait a quarter minute for the menuBar to be drawn. Choose Disk Utility from the Utilities menu that appears.
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    I think the issue is installing 10.5 on a different drive than the boot drive. I would recommend swapping the drives, making the 10.5 the physical boot drive and Tiger the secondary.
    I have done two clean installs on two different machines with no issue. A 3rd machine was upgraded with no issues as well.
    Asking other users for sob stories helps no one. Asking for resolution however, is key.

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    I'm posting this question in this category , I hope it's the right place.  Here's my situation and general information. I have a Toshiba L35 S2161 laptop, it's about 5 yrs old, running WinXP Service Pack 3.   just got the blue screen, wouldn't boot, tried everything and I only have the factory provided "recovery" disc that will wipe my drive and lose all my data if I use it.  I hadn't been doing regular backups, so I want to save as much if not all of my data as I can.  I don't want to spend time here going over everything I've tried (boot disc like Knoppix, etc) which didn't work, just need to get to the bottom line and make sure I'm doing the next steps correctly.
    Here's my plan:
    l.  Remove old hard drive from laptop
    2.  purchase new hard drive  - I've been told any drive will work, it doesn't have to be designed for a Toshiba.  I've been looking at best prices, etc. mainly Western Digital.  I may purchase a larger drive to at least get more memory , although I really didn't have that much on my old drive, but had a lot of apparent memory-related problems, freezes, etc.
    3.  Install new blank drive into laptop, using the Toshiba factory recovery disc to reformat the disc and get it ready to receive the data.
    4.  Insert the recovery disc into the drive, turn on the computer and HOPE that it boots it up and installs a fresh install on the new drive.  Not sure what the screen willl show at this point - I've never installed a new drive in a laptop, so will be somewhat nervous at this point to see what happens.
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    6.  This is the step I'm not sure what or how to do next.  I would like to clone my entire old drive onto the new drive but I'm afraid if I do that it might load damaged files that would mess up my new install.  I purchased a disc enclosure with a USB cable (haven't received it yet), and was going to use that somehow.  I presume I will plug it in and it will show up as an external drive and I can access that drive and transfer my priority files or data first and then try to transfer as much more as I can....
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    My laptop is obviously out of warranty, being five years old, and I am not interested in taking it in to repair tech, I want to do this myself and I think I can with a few helpful tips.  Thanks for any help asap...

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    I'm waiting on a new hard drive with a 120 GB (my old drive was 80GB).  I was told not to go above 120 or I'd have partition problems. 
    The SATA drive enclosure powers up the old drive (I can hear the disc spinning) so the disc isn't dead.  If I''d have the full retail vesion of WinXP I would of course have used the recovery console, but I only had the toshiba recovery disc that came with my system.  Also, I couldn't burn a CD boot disc...didn't have access to another computer nor would a tech friend do it for me as he apparently made a disc for someone and their system crashed so I had no choice but to buy a new drive and try to transfer the data via the SATA external drive/usb cable.
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    I also decided against the clone....I was afraid I'd be cloning a bad disc or errors onto a new drive, and didnt' want to stress a possibly wonky drive even more than it possibly is. 
    So, that's where I'm at now!  Thanks so much for any further insight into this....something tells me the recovery disc isn't going to format my new drive but fingers crossed...more thoughts/feedback appreciated!

  • I have a new hard drive as my old one crashed. Everything seemed to transfer fine except for my entire iTunes library. It shows all of my old songs, but when I click on one it states "the song could not be used as the original file could not be found

    I have a new hard drive as my old one crashed. Everything seemed to transfer fine except for my entire iTunes library. It shows all of my old songs, but when I click on one it states "the song could not be used as the original file could not be found.would you like to locate it".
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    The "missing file" error happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, one of its parent folders, or the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout, or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place. In the case of a library moved from one system to another there are also potential permissions issues. See Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.
    Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to Get Info, then click No when asked to try to locate the track. (Due to a bug in iTunes 12 you currently have to say No twice!) Look on the summary tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, a folder renamed, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions. If the difference between the two paths is an additional Music folder in one path then this is a layout issue. I can explain further if that is the case.
    In some cases iTunes may be able to repair itself if you go through the same steps with Get Info but this time click Locate and browse to the lost track. It may then offer to attempt to automatically fix other broken links.
    If another application like Windows Media Player has moved/renamed the files then the chances are that subtle differences in naming strategies will make it hard to restore the media to the precise path that iTunes is expecting. In such cases, as long as the missing files can be found somewhere, you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes. See this post for an explanation of how it works.
    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    Hello again Shadow,
    The way I do this is to:
    1) Install your new hard drive into your iBook
    2) Get your iBook reassembeled
    3) Place your old hard drive in your firewire enclosure
    4) Insert your install DVD into your iBook and restart with the C key held down. When the installer launches, select your language in the first pane, click 'continue' and in the upper dropdown menu in the next page select Utilities > Disk Utility. After DU is open, select your hard drive from the list of volumes on the left (the very top one), and then click the 'Partition' tab to the right. Then select 1 partition (normal) and make sure that you have 'Mac OS Extended (journled)' selected in the lower section. Then click 'partition'
    5)Quit disc utility, which brings you back to the installer. continue with your installation of OS X. In one of the first steps you will see a button on the lower left which says 'options' click on that and make sure that the option 'Installs OS X for the first time' is selected. It will normally be selected by default with a new drive.
    6) After the installation, the Migration Assistant will ask if you would like to transfer your information from another mac. click yes then follow the instructions. but instead of using another mac, connect a firewire cable from your enclosure with your old hard drive installed. The installer will think that this is another mac and will transfer all of your account information and user files (everything!)from your old drive to your iBook's new drive. Just diconnect when it says to and complete the installation sequence.
    You're done!
    Check back again if anything is unclear.
    Message was edited by: DesertSage

  • I purchased mountain lion from apple but never got a disk. How do I install it on my new hard drive, old hard drive failed and is not recoverable according to Apple and Recovery Specialist?

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    Step 1: Buy a new Hard drive that can be installed in your MacBook Pro later, and an External enclose to place it in for now.
    The MacBook Pro before 2010 can not contain the stand-alone firmware to go to the Internet and get a fresh copy of Mac OS X and install it.
    You will need a working Recovery_HD, or to drop back to a 10.6 DVD (if it will Boot on your Mac).
    There may be a functioning Recovery_HD on your existing Boot Drive. If you were running 10.7.4 or later and Time Machine, there may be a Recovery_HD on the Time Machine Volume.
    To check:
    Hold down the Alt/Option key as you restart. This will slowly draw a gray screen and then add an Icon (over several minutes) for each potentially-bootable volume. If any Recovery_HD shows up, take it, and you will be able to get to Internet Recovery and re-download some version of Mac OS X that can be installed on a new drive.
    It is generally far quicker to set up a new drive and install Mac OS X than to struggle with only the primitive tools available only on a DVD or a Recovery_HD. Once you get any version of Mac OS X running, you can get some work done and attempt to salvage first your data, then your drive (if either will be possible).
    By NOT trying to Boot from and use the possibly-damaged drive, you improve your chances of being able to salvage some files off it, since blocks will not be over-written by running Mac OS X from it.

  • I have adobe CS6 on my old hard drive and i wish to transfer it over to my new hard drive. I no longer have the disc which it came on. How do I do this? also i have only ever put a single copy on a laptop and it is alowed 2........if that matters.

    I have adobe CS6 on my old hard drive and i wish to transfer it over to my new hard drive. I no longer have the disc which it came on. How do I do this? also i have only ever put a single copy on a laptop and it is alowed 2........if that matters.

    deactivate (help>deactivate) on your old hd.
    then install using the installation file(s) and your serial number.
    Downloadable installation files available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4, CS4 Web Standard | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.7.1| 5 | 4 | 3 | 2.7(win),2.7(mac)
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.
    window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • I had to install a new hard drive because my old hard drives boot files became corrupted, and i want to get all of my music files off the old hard drive and regain all my play counts/ratings/playlists

    Greetings everyone
    as the title says, ive had to install a new hard drive  and i want to transfer my old itunes library onto the new drive, maintaining all playlists/play counts/ratings etc, album artwork if possible. The old hard drive is installed as a slave drive and is completely acessible, but due to the boot files being corrupted i cannot use it as the main drive and therefore operate my old itunes. Also, my ipod no longer contains my music library as itunes synced without my permission and wiped it.
    The only thing i have tried is copying all of my old music files from the old drive by selecting 'add folder to library' and then the old drive, then replacing the new itunes library.itl file with the one from my old itunes. This restores all my playlists and playcounts but when i try to play any of the songs it says that the files could not be found, and i dont fancy locating  8500 music files individually!
    Thankyou for taking the time to read my post, any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Ah, my reply was based on the assumption that you had a default installation of iTunes.
    i.e you had all your music in the iTunes media folder inside your iTunes folder.
    If your iTunes folder is so small compared to the amount of music you have, you must have a different arrangement.
    This complicates you situation considerably.
    iTunes can cope with moving around as long as all the music is in the iTunes media folder, not not if it isn't.
    Your first step should be to get iTunes working on the old drive. This will involve editing the xml library file so that the drive letter is correct and then rebuilding the library from the xml file.
    Then you will need to consolidate your library which moves everything into the iTunes media fodler. After that you will be able to use my first suggestion.
    Step 1
    Find the iTunes folder on the old drive and copy the two library files somewhere else so you can find them again. That's iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.
    Now open the copy of iTunes Library.xml with WordPad.
    Look for lines starting:
    These contain the paths to tracks.
    You will need to use a find/replace to change the drive letter so that it is correct.
    Make sure that you include enough in the "find" so that you only change the right thing.
    Maybe /c:/ and replace with /d:/ or whatever.
    After that, tell iTunes to use the library on the old drive with a shift key start.
    Hold down the shift key and start iTunes, keep holding the shift key until you are prompted to choose a library. Navigate to the iTunes folder on the old drive and choose iTunes Library.itl.
    Then use the method in the following article to rebuild your library;
    Unfortunately the date added will be today for all tracks.
    If iTunes works correctly after this, consolidate your library
    This copies all tracks into to iTunes media folder and could create a problem if you do not have disk space so don't do it if you are unsure about free disk space.
    Check that iTunes works OK and then use the first method.
    Message was edited by: polydorus

  • How do i install a new hard drive using time machine

    Hi there
    I have purchased a new 1TB hard drive for my Mac book pro (late 2008) model. I have time machine installaed on a seperate hard drive connected with an airport base station. I do not have the orginal snow leapoard/mountain lion OS CD or DVD. Can someone please tell me the exact steps to install the new hard drive .

    You haven't inserted your new hard drive yet?.
    There's two ways
    1. install yourself
    2. or pay someone to install it for you.
    If you want to do it yourself go to google and type in "install new hard drive for macbook pro". sometimes it makes a difference what model your macbook which is why i won't provide you a link just in case its the wrong one.
    Its very easy.
    1. remove all screws and the lid.
    2. remove screws from the black bracket which is holding your hard drive in place.
    3. unplug your hard drive.
    4. VERY IMPORTANT (A MISTAKE I MADE). make sure that you remove the external screws from your original hard drive as these screws are the one thing that hold and stabilise your hard drive and stop movement from happening.
    5. insert these external screws to your new hard drive (there are four screws)
    6. insert and plug your new hard drive.
    7. screw the black bracket in firmly
    8. attach lid and insert all screws firmly.

  • How to install Windows 7 on new hard drive?

    I have changed the old hard drive (500 gb) with a new hard dirve (1 Tera), and now I have two problems: -
    1. How do I install Windows 7 on new hard drive?
    2. My laptop was pre-installed Windows 7 Pro, but all the DVD kit (Application & Drives Recivery Disc + Operating System Revocer), which was provided (by Lenovo) for the laptop is in the Windows 8 Pro. So how do I install Windows 7 Pro, in my laptop while all DVD kits are in Windows 8 Pro?
    by the way this is my laptop spec (for reference) ; -
    * Note *
    I plan to install Windows 7 Pro in my new hard drive using another Windows 7 DVD (Not DVD provided by Lenovo), but how do I get all the Leveno program which found within the 'Application & Drives Recivery' disc (such as ; - Lenovo System Health and Diagnostics, Lenovo Power Control,Lenovo's Fingerprint Reader) to install in that hard drive? (as I tell you before, all the DVD kit is in or only for Windows 8 Pro)
    I hope somebody will help me answer my question,
    Thank You
    Go to Solution.

    I got the solution;
    Answer to question 1 ; using a backup & recovery software to clone my current OS, then transfer to my new hard drive.
    Answer to question 2 ; download all the Drivers and software ( all the application that located on the DVD kit that I have) on Lenovo Official Website.
    or other solution, send it to a computer service shop and let the experts ( the workers) install it for me ( the most simple and safe way).

  • Transferring Purchased Music from iPhone to new hard drive

    Hard-drive burned up and has been replaced. Most music was backed up, but not all. And most of the new music (that hasn't been backed-up) is on the iPhone. But I can't copy the files on my iPhone back to my new hard drive. Obviously there are security measures to keep folks from transferring files all over the place. But it seems that if it's on my iPhone, I must have obtained it legally, and there must be some accommodation for a dead hard drive.
    Same question for my iPhone apps. I'd rather not pay for apps twice, and iTunes won't let me copy them from my iPhone back onto my 'puter. As soon as I sync apps, they'll all disappear, unless there's some way to convince the phone that it's looking at the old, pre-burned-up-hard-drive.
    File>Transfer Purchases sort of worked, but not completely. I have about 600 songs on my iPhone, and it copied about 200 of them to my new hard drive. I have music purchased from iTunes, music copied from purchased CDs, and free downloads (Starbucks, Paste, etc). And there's no trend in what got copied and what didn't. Some of each category was copied, but not all. Very confusing that I can't find a pattern.
    OS X 10.5.8, iPhone 3G with 3.1.3

    Apps issue solved. Or, more accurately, it's a non-issue. iTunes prompts you that you already bought the app and can download it for free. Not so with music, I'm afraid.

  • Can you transfer itunes to new hard drive????

    Had 4th Generation ipod stolen and replaced with 5th generation 60gb ipod, laptop is only 30gb, which was fine with old ipod. Have recently bought a seperate hard drive 250gb. Is there a way to safetly transfer all my itunes songs, photo's, videos, etc onto my new hard drive to release some space from my laptop which is starting to work very slowly, took over 4 hours to install latest version of itunes

    You could follow Apple's step-by-step directions on how to do this by searching on "Move iTunes library" or "move iTunes folder" in the support search. They tell you how to do this, error-free if you follow their instructions to the letter.
    Searching or here prior to posting will get you the answer you need without the wait.
    Please don't follow Slinger's advice, do it once the right way. He misread that you want to move to a new external HDD and thinks you are replacing your internal HDD. The part about copying then to a DVD or (yet another) hard drive so you can then copy them to the proper hard drive (vs. just connecting that new hard drive to the computer with all the files on it to begin with) made no sense as a result. Anyhoo... there is a way to do it, so good luck.
    Here's the link, since I am now worried you may not get all of it right...

  • How can i backup my iPod Touch 4g and save my apps onto a new hard drive without having to save onto the current hard drive first?

    How can i backup my iPod Touch 4g and save my apps onto a new hard drive without having to save onto the current hard drive first?
    My current hard drive is filled up and i'm going to buy a new, bigger hard drive. How can i change the save and backup destination for iTunes so i can backup and transfer my purchases(apps) onto the new hard drive? Without having to backup and save my apps onto the current hard drive because there's no space left on it. Thanks!

    have you tried following the steps given here on the apple's knowledge base site may be they can help you
    here is a video from youtube as well
    also this tutorial

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