Pre-Post Processing Examples

I'd like to learn more about how to use the Pre-Post Processing feature in the Apex Listener.
Does anyone have any examples or documentation on how to do this?

So i've answered my own question in part:
Here is what I did:
1. created a procedure named web_log_prc that inserts some session data into a table (web_log) in the Apex Application's parsing schema.
2. granted execute privileges on that procedure to apex_public_user.
3. In the post-processing text field in the apex listener admin page i entered the name of the procedure: <username>.web_log_prc
Now when I click around in the app, rows get generated in the web_log table.
My intend was to capture Oracle session data and tie it back to a particular Apex user. As expected, the username logged is apex_public_user.
Is there a way to capture the session identifier that the connection pooling mechanisms use to send the data fetched from the database back to the correct Apex user?

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    Hello group!
    Oracle 8.1.7
    We use XSQL Servlet scripts (great framework!). We tried to provide single entry point into our webapp. We want to replace XSQLServlet class, and gain control of our servlet environment (transactions, thread synchronization, logs...).
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    throws ServletException, IOException
    XSQLServletPageRequest req = new XSQLServletPageRequest(request, response, myContext);
    //TransactionController implements the XSQLRequestObjectListener
    req.setRequestObject("transaction",new TransactionController(req));
    XSQLRequest xsqlrequest = new XSQLRequest(request.getRequestURI(), req);
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    Thanks for your time

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    After Processing.jpg ‏3241 KB
    wp_ss_20130912_0005.png ‏1705 KB

    After Processing (2).jpg ‏3166 KB
    wp_ss_20130912_0006.png ‏1597 KB


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      params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
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      for (int i = 0; i < bulkParameters.length; i++) {
    parameters = bulkParameters[i];
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    String lName = getParameterValue(parameters, "Last Name");
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    return new BulkEventResult();

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    As far as I understand, there is no hard and fast rule as to what goes into pre and what goes into post. If you are doing a trusted recon then there is no pre will 11g and you have only post but if you are doing it from the OIM profile page then you can have either one and would depend upon your use case and requirement.
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  • Problems with pre-mapping process operator in owb 9i

    I was trying to use the pre-mapping process operator in owb 9i. Problem is that the manual does not specify how the inputs need to be connected to this operator.
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    VLD-2451 : Illegal connection to pre-mapping process operator
    I am trying to learn how to use OWB 9i from the manual. So my interpretation of the use of the pre-mapping process operator may be wrong.
    In any case kindly help,

    Pre-mapping process is use to perform some operations preceding to mapping operation itself.
    For example, if your mapping is designed to incrementally append data to table for the definite time interval (witch is a parameter of the map operation) you might want to perform the table data cleanup for that period. That will allow for reload data number of time.
    In this case you have to define the procedure witch perform cleanup and than include the call to that procedure as a pre-mapping process.
    Other examples of pre- and post mapping process is disabling referential integrity before loading and re-enabling them after loading.
    Anyway, OWB documentation has clear definition for pre- and post-mapping processes.

  • Best Practice Reuse - Post Processing

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    To monitor Cluster (OS Level):
    I suggest you use a powerful tool "CHM" that already comes with product Grid Infrastructure.
    What do you do to configure? Nothing ... Just use.
    Cluster Health Monitor (CHM) FAQ [ID 1328466.1]
    See this example:
    To monitor Database:
    The purpose of this article is to illustrate how to use the new 10g manageability features to diagnose
    and resolve performance problems in the Oracle Database.
    Oracle10g has powerful tools to help the DBA identify and resolve performance issues
    without the hassle of analyzing complex statistical data and extensive reports.
    Hope this help,
    Levi Pereira
    Edited by: Levi Pereira on Nov 3, 2011 11:40 PM

  • Problem using pre-mapping process operator in owb 9i

    I was trying to use the pre-mapping process operator in owb 9i. Problem is that the manual does not specify how the inputs need to be connected to this operator. Following is what I went through -
    I created a mapping table operator and a mapping dimension operator and connected these two. Then i created a pre-mapping process operator selecting the LTRIM function. Further I connected one of the table attributes to this pre-mapping operator as input and connected the output of this pre-mapping operator to the appropriate dimension operator attribute. On performing Validate, following error message was flashed -
    VLD-2451 : Illegal connection to pre-mapping process operator
    I am trying to learn how to use OWB 9i from the manual. So my interpretation of the use of the pre-mapping process operator may be wrong.
    In any case kindly help,

    Pre-mapping process is use to perform some operations preceding to mapping operation itself.
    For example, if your mapping is designed to incrementally append data to table for the definite time interval (witch is a parameter of the map operation) you might want to perform the table data cleanup for that period. That will allow for reload data number of time.
    In this case you have to define the procedure witch perform cleanup and than include the call to that procedure as a pre-mapping process.
    Other examples of pre- and post mapping process is disabling referential integrity before loading and re-enabling them after loading.
    Anyway, OWB documentation has clear definition for pre- and post-mapping processes.

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    I use to watch videos via and was able to use the post processing features in the AMD driver to improve the picture quality.
    Now, it no longer works. Is this because hardware acceleration isn't working?
    For a while I was able to use it in Internet Explorer, Sometimes in Firefox but never in Chrome. Now even with internet explorer it doesn't seem to work correctly.
    I am using the latest flash versions for all platforms and the latest browser and driver version from AMD too.
    Has Adobe changed something with the latest version of flash which cause a problem with the AMD Driver? Why is there no longer a Hardware Acceleration check-box in Internet Explorer?
    I am using Windows 8.1 and I have the setting in the AMD CCC "apply current vdieo quality settings to internet video" checked. I have made sure in Firefox and Chrome hardware acceleration is enabled both in flash player settings and in the browser settings.
    Thanks for any pointers you can give.

    It may be for you, but it isn't for me in Internet Explorer, by comparison though, there is the box available in Chrome and Firefox...although in Chrome it doesn't do anything.
    I did some more testing; With Internet Explorer hardware acceleration seems to be dependant on the website you watch.
    For example, using IE to visit the post processing options work fine, but when on they do not. Is there any reason why this is?
    As for other browsers, it seems hardware acceleration just isn't working at all since post processing never works on chrome.
    On Firefox it seems to behave the same way as IE, e.g it works on some sites but not others.
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    ALC-PDG-16003-16003-000: com.adobe.livecycle.generatedpdf.client.ConversionException: ALC-PDG-016-003-An unknown/unexpected error occurred during PDF post-processing.
    I get the same error when trying this conversion from the Administration Console. I am using JBoss/turnkey. I do not have Adobe Acrobat running on the server computer.

    Hello Ramya,
    I am not finished checking but I did make some progress. Testing from html file located on the server machine, I use the url for file. For example if the file is named foo.html and it is located in directory c:\adata then the file url is
    That works for me using adminui, and from calling the web service.
    The example in the quickstart ( converting the default page at ) does not work for me just yet. Still get the post pdf processing error.
    If not doing so already, check the server log to see if any additional debug information is provided.

  • Post Process Event Handler ----Unique Constraint Violation--Create User

    Hi Evryone..
    I am creating the user using the create user request template and there is one level of approval for this.
    I have one pre process event handler which populates one field A and one post process event handler which updates some 3 fields in the user form .
    In request template itself we had placed value as "ABC" for field B and this field B will be overridden in the post process event handler with Value as "XYZ" .
    Now when i raise the request the user is getting created in OIM but the value XYZ is not getting replaced in the field B.
    Below are the errors which i got in the logs while executing post process event handler :
    <Mar 28, 2012 10:25:58 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.iam.callbacks.common> <IAM-2030146> <[CALLBACKMSG] Are applicable policies present for this async eventhandler ? : false>
    <Mar 28, 2012 10:25:59 AM CDT> <Warning> <org.eclipse.persistence.session.oim> <BEA-000000> <
    Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.3.v20110304-r9073): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DEV_OIM.UK_UAR_ATTR_NAME_VALUE) violated
    Error Code: 1
    bind => [10, User Login, null, null, null, 10, DUMMY14, null, null]
    Query: InsertObjectQuery([email protected]658269)
    Exception at usrIntf.updateUser IAM-3050128 : Cannot reserve user attribute User Login with value DUMMY14 in OIMDB. Corresponding request ID is 10.:User Login:DUMMY14:10
    I checked reservations table and there are no records in that table.
    Has any one faced this issue..if so how it can be resolved..

    Are you trying to update the User ID? As far as I know during create user requests, OIM reserves the user login as it goes through approval and you cannot update that directly I think. I haven't tried it but can you tell me which fields you are prepopulating and which are you updating? Are there any OOTB fields in this or UDF?

  • Post Processing Time

    Just had a general question about post processing. We have moved in BI Publisher ((5.6.3) E-Business 12.1.1)) in a big way meaning we now have hardly any concurrent programs of sql*plus, Oracle Reports or PL/SQL type. This means we have a lot of post processing - 2500 approx. reports a day with more to come I imagine.
    Is there any danger in adopting BI Publisher this aggressively? Is there an optimal time which reports should be running with post processing for instance a percentage of total time of the concurrent request for example if a report takes 5 minutes to run how long should it take to post process 10% of the total time or is it depend on the size of the output?
    Thanks in Advance

    HTML is a simple format (Text).
    Excel is more complicated and requires more time to generate. The same applies for Word and PDF output.
    Maybe the processing power and memory of the server are not high and this does not help generate the output faster.
    I have a workaround for you, generate an XML file (which should finish faster) and open it in Excel.

  • Post Processing Steps after Support Package Stack Application

    I'm curious if anyone has any guidelines for post processing steps (or pre-processing) when applying Support Package Stacks to their Development Infrastructure (Developmend Workplace and the Central NWDI Server).  We have just upgraded a couple of developers local engines and developer studio to SP stack 19 from SP stack 14 and are experiencing some problems.  We also applied the J2EE stack and appropriate SCA files to the NWDI server.
    After the support packs it looks like our DTR files are gone (when reimporting configuration via Developer Studio the SC's are there but there are no DC's inside of them).  Additionally, it looks like we have to manually reimport the newest versions of SAP_BUILDT, SAP_JTECHS, and SAP-JEE.  Another thing is that old Local Web Dynpro DC's are now complaining about class path problems and different versions of files.  We followed the documentation for applying SP19 exactly as the documentation says for a Java Development Usage type.  Is there a checklist or something that anyone has for steps to perform after the application of the support packs?

    I think I'm missing something.  Now I see the code and DC's inside the DTR.  However, when I try to import into NWDS no DC's come in (the software components exist, but no DC's in them).  Additionally, the CBS web ui reports that my software components do not contain any DC's even though I see them in the DTR.  What things can I look at to determine what I'm missing here?
    Thought I'd add some more info..after applying the support packs, we imported the new SAPBUILD, SAP_JTECH, and SAP_jee SCA'S into our track as we required some functionality from the newer build SCA.  We also reimported our old archives back into the system by manually checking them in assuming this would fix the problem with us not seeing the source in the NWDS or the DTR.  After the import, the CBS no longer sees our custom DC's, but the DTR does (both in active and inactive ws).  When importing the dev configuration into the NWDS our custom DC's no longer appear, but SAP's standard SCA's do.
    Message was edited by:
            Eric Vota

  • Problems with pre-mapping process in owb 9i

    I was trying to use the pre-mapping process operator in owb 9i. Problem is that the manual does not specify how the inputs need to be connected to this operator.
    Following is what I went through -
    I created a mapping table operator and a mapping dimension operator and connected these two. Then i created a pre-mapping process operator selecting the LTRIM function. Further I connected one of the table attributes to this pre-mapping operator as input and connected the output of this pre-mapping operator to the appropriate dimension operator attribute.
    On performing Validate, following error message was flashed -
    VLD-2451 : Illegal connection to pre-mapping process operator
    I am trying to learn how to use OWB 9i from the manual. So my interpretation of the use of the pre-mapping process operator may be wrong.
    In any case kindly help,

    Essentially the pre (and post) mapping processes are executed before and after the mapping logic. These are separate procedures in the generated package and are "stand alone" from the main package procedure holding the actual mapping diagram.
    If you want to use LTRIM, there are 2 supported ways:
    1) use an expression, this means you feed the column you want to do the expression on into the expression operator, open the code editor and select from the transformations (or type ltrim......) and then link the result to the target object
    2) use a transformation operator, choose ltrim from the Oracle library and connect the operator as I stated in use case 1
    We do not encourage you to use a filter to do transformations, it is better to use the operators that are intended for transformations.

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