Precision of systimestamp

alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6';
select systimestamp from dual;
I get the output
07-NOV-05 PM +05:30
Why is systimestamp having only a precision of 1/1000second.Is there any way
to increase the precision?I want it to have a precision of 1/1000000 second.

very easy, migrate to linux ;-)
windows have only millisec
Message was edited by:
Laurent Schneider
most unixes, solaris, aix, have microseconds

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  • Precision In TIMESTAMP

    Hi all;
    I know timestamp data types has up to 9 precison after seconds.(Ref:
    SQL> SELECT systimestamp FROM dual;
    02-FEB-07 PM +02:00
    SQL> BUt above query has 6(default for timestamp precision) digits and after 3 digits they become zero.(207000).
    What i need is to display timestamp exactly 9 digits:
    SQL> SELECT systimestamp FROM dual;
    02-FEB-07 PM +02:00
    SQL> Are there any ALTER SESSION command or any others to achieve this situation?
    Thanks, Regards...

    First is atomic so it will use one timestamp for all insert statements.
    For second insert, if timestamp has 9 digits of precision(now it has 6) it may pass constraint(Am i right?)
    SQL> SELECT * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Compaq Tru64 UNIX: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> drop table t;
    drop table t
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> create table t( d1 timestamp);
    Table created
    SQL> alter table t add constraint uq_d1 unique(d1);
    Table altered
    SQL> insert into t select systimestamp from all_objects where rownum < 1000;
    insert into t select systimestamp from all_objects where rownum < 1000
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.UQ_D1) violated
      2  BEGIN
      3    FOR i IN 1 .. 1000 LOOP
      4      INSERT INTO t VALUES (systimestamp);
      5      COMMIT;
      6    END LOOP;
      7  END;
      8  /
      FOR i IN 1 .. 1000 LOOP
        INSERT INTO t VALUES (systimestamp);
      END LOOP;
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.UQ_D1) violated
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    02-FEB-07 PM
    02-FEB-07 PM
    02-FEB-07 PM

  • Change the timestamp fractional seconds precision default

    How do you change the database level default for fractional seconds precision from 6 to 9 so the systimestamp function will show all 9 digits for fractional seconds?
    Edited by: PickLPeach on Aug 17, 2011 11:32 AM
    Edited by: PickLPeach on Aug 17, 2011 11:33 AM
    Edited by: PickLPeach on Aug 17, 2011 11:34 AM
    Edited by: PickLPeach on Aug 17, 2011 12:02 PM

    AIX 5.3 is a IBM version of UNIX which we have running on the PowerPC processors. The PowerPC processor does supply nanosecond information.
    Our issue is three fold.
    1) Make the PowerPC processor provide the nanosecond information. That was found at this link ==>
    2) Once we supply nanosecond time from the operating system, how do we make Oracle sysdate and systimestamp use this time?
    3) Once Oracle sysdate and systimestamp is using the nanosecond information, what database, system or session parameter must we change to make our default fractional seconds precision of 6 become 9 system wide?
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  • Please specify short text more precisely

    Hello All
    when i create a free text sc and reffered a material group GOA item text are same.
    sc description text = goa item text same (product category GOA)
    i get this error "Please specify short text more precisely" while creating a PO (classic)
    SAP options to make error message to warning message in ECC Version = 00
    Appl.A = 06
    No. = 474
    Cat = W
    what are the business impacts will be there if i make E to W.

    06474 is a MM-PUR error . It will also have effection to MM prochase order process.
    Error message 06 474 with item category W and M contracts occurs if the
    material on the PO has the same short description (text) as a non-stock
    item from the referring contract.
    If you change the description of your short text on the PO item (ex.
    text1) or you insert a material master with a description the error
    message will not appear.
    The error message that is generated is part of standard functionality.
    It is designed to prevent you from having a duplicate material.
    IF ekpo-ematn IS INITIAL.                               "371796
    IF ekpo-txz01 NE space AND ekpo-konnr NE space AND
       ekpo-txz01 EQ kekpo-txz01 AND
      ( kekpo-pstyp EQ pstyp-munb OR kekpo-pstyp EQ pstyp-wagr ).
       PERFORM enaco_2(sapfmmex) USING '06' '474'.         "371796
       mmpur_metafield mmmfd_short_text.                   "431879
       CASE sy-subrc.                                      "371796
         WHEN 1.                                           "371796
           MESSAGE w474 INTO gl_dummy.                     "371796
           mmpur_message 'W' '06' '474' '' '' '' ''.       "371796
         WHEN 2.                                           "371796
           MESSAGE e474. "specify the short description of the item
        WHEN 3.         "<   message not customized        "371796
           MESSAGE e474.                                   "371796
      ENDCASE.                                             "371796
    ENDIF.                                                   "371796
    The code listed above is where the error is generated. When there is no
    material master (EKPO-EMATN) and the short text on the PO (EKPO-TXZ01)
    is the same as the short text on the contract (KEKPO-TXZ01) and the
    contract is item category M (PSTYP-MUNB) or W (PSTYP-WAGR) then the
    error is generated.
    You can set the message to 'W' in SPRO t-code:
    SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Environment Data >
    Define Attributes of System Messages
    I hope this information will help you.

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    Thank you.

    have in mind that you always have to fill 1 pixel to see anything as the panel has a 1 pixel grid.
    i guess the thing about double precision is in the contains(...) or crosses(...) methods of the geom.* objects.
    its nothing about drawing. how can you draw finer than the 1 pixel grid.
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  • Exporting with precise length?

    Hey everyone,
    Relatively new to Logic, but not a total DAW dummy. The problem I'm having is kind of infuriating but otherwise I love the software.
    Basically, I am building 4- and 8-bar loops in Logic at a tempo of 103 BPM. I have uploaded my samples to a beat sequencer and am triggering them via MIDI. I then quantize the samples according to Logic's 103 BPM grid. Once I have a loop of either 4 or 8 bars, I export its track as a WAV file. Under normal circumstances, I then load the WAV file, which should be precisely 4 or 8 bars long at 103 BPM, into my sampling pad (Roland SPD-SX). With the click on the Roland set to 103, I should be able to play the loop and have it repeat indefinitely without it "creeping".
    What I described above would be my best-case scenario. Thankfully, this has worked many times for me. In fact, I can double-check that it's working by using the Tempo Match feature on the Roland-- if I tell the Roland that the loop is 8 bars long, it infers that the tempo is 103 based on the length of the WAV. This works perfectly.
    Until today. I did my same system as always, exactly as described above, no hitches. But when I load this new loop in the Roland, it creeps and gets ahead. The Tempo Match check? Roland says my loop is 103.4 BPM. I was careful to not make a mistake in Logic; Logic told me it was 103.
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    I called Roland and confirmed the issue is not with the sampling pad. Does anyone know why this is happening now and never happened before, and could someone please tell me how I can be more precise with the export length in Logic so that my pad's Tempo Match feature correctly reads the length of the WAV loop to arrive at 103 (instead of 103.4) BPM?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time.

    Logic's track export ends the exported file at the end of the audio so that if the last sound ends before the end of the four bars, it will not add the small amount of silence to the end of the file to make it come out even.
    Set your left and right locators precicely at the loop start and end (4 or 8 bars), turn cycle on and bounce the loop instead of exporting it.

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    All versions of Photoshop get their fonts from your OS.  Just install any missing font wherever Windows keeps fonts.
    I don't do windows myself.

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    My company makes and calibrates precision resistance, capacitance and inductance standards. These are not transducers, yet they posess calibration data that would benefit from 'internal storage'. Some data could event be represented as a polynomial or a table (capac vs. freq; resistance vs. temp)
    Is there a standard like TEDS for 'source' components; or could TEDS be used to create a built-in datasheet? (Call it "SEEDS", Standards Equipped with Electronic Data Sheet ;-) .
    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
    If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
    "You are what you don't automate"
    Inplaceness is synonymous with insidiousness

    As of now, if there is such a standard, I am unaware of it. However, there may be a way to do something like this using TEDS. The IEEE 1451.4 (TEDS) standard does include an optional calibration section where different types of calibration data can be stored. So you may be able to utilize TEDS to store information about the resistors/capacitors/inductors. However, National Instruments software does not currently read in the calibration information and automatically process it.
    Something else that could be considered is that along with the calibration section there is a user data section in TEDS format that allows the placement of ASCII data.
    Also, with NI-DAQ 7.2, you have the ability to read in a bitstream from a TEDS sensor. So it is also possibl
    e to develop your own format and read in the binary information and process it using LabVIEW. However, you would have to understand IEEE 1451.4, and how to write in the proper checksums, and then create your own TEDS sensor, but I do believe it is possible.
    Interesting Idea! Keep them coming!
    Justin T.
    National Instruments

  • How can I change the precision of a numeric array indicator using property nodes ?

    I want to change the precision of a numeric array indicator programatically using property nodes. I tried to see all the array properties but I couldn't find it. URGENT !!!

    If you want to change the precision of an element in an array you must first get the reference to the array element. Then raise the reference to the more specific class of a digital numeric. Use a property node connected to that reference to set the precision. See the attached vi for an example.
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

  • How to specify precision and scale for a datatype in create procedure statement

    Specifying precision and scale in the datatype when creating a procedure does not work:
    create or replace function SqlTxFunctionTesting(inparam in number(9,2)
    Error(1,48): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following: := . ) , @ % default character The symbol ":=" was substituted for "(" to continue.

    user4928701 wrote:
    Specifying precision and scale in the datatype when creating a procedure does not work:
    create or replace function SqlTxFunctionTesting(inparam in number(9,2)
    Error(1,48): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following: := . ) , @ % default character The symbol ":=" was substituted for "(" to continue.
    And one of the cons in the PL/SQL language in my view.
    The language does not allow parameters to be declared in the fashion you are attempting to. Even declaring a subtype and using that, does not enforce either the precision or scale, on the parameter value passed.
    Even worse - the parameter value can be a different data type all together from the defined parameter type - and a silent and implicit data type conversion will be done at run-time.
    So you can expect run-time errors in your code unit caused by the caller passing invalid values, despite the compiler okaying the call from the caller to your code.
    There are pros and cons to this approach. But if you are from a very strong type language environment like C or Pascal, you tend to see more cons than pros in this specific case.

  • What is the point of Precision and Scale in Number Type?

    Version :11.2
    What is the point in having PRECISION and SCALE in number type? If you create the column with just NUMBER ie.without
    specifying precision or scale , you can enter numbers with any precision and scale.
    SQL> select * From v$version where rownum < 2;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> create table t1 (col1 number);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (223.9939394);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (88.228384);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (9.34);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (000.00);
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from t1;
             0Did you ever have a business scenario where a Numerical column should store values only with a fixed precision and scale ?

    Omega3 wrote:
    Version :11.2
    What is the point in having PRECISION and SCALE in number type? If you create the column with just NUMBER ie.without
    specifying precision or scale , you can enter numbers with any precision and scale.
    SQL> select * From v$version where rownum < 2;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> create table t1 (col1 number);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (223.9939394);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (88.228384);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (9.34);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t1 values (000.00);
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from t1;
    0Did you ever have a business scenario where a Numerical column should store values only with a fixed precision and scale ?Lots of business requirements for specific precisions and scales.
    A persons Age may required to be stored as whole numbers of no more than 3 digits.
    A sum of money may required to be stored with no more than 2 decimal places of accuracy e.g. GB Pounds and Pence or US Dollars and Cents
    A unit of length may required to be stored in metres with 2 decimal places for centimetres
    A shoe size may be required to be stored with one decimal place for half sizes
    Yes, you may just create all of them as generic NUMBER datatype, but creating them with precision and scale can provide additional information about the limitations expected for the values stored, especially for things like reporting tools that may use the specified precision and scale to determine how to display the values automatically (by default).
    If you start questioning "what's the point?" then you may as well say what's the point in having a NUMBER datatype when we can store numbers in a VARCHAR2 datatype? or what's the point in having a DATE datatype when we can stored dates as VARCHAR2 datatype? etc.
    No point in asking such a question because there's almost always a point to these things (and if there isn't they get deprecated in later versions).

  • Short text vs contract item text-Please specify short text more precisely

    Hello all
    1. creating free text PO w.r.t material group for reference to material group contract
    2. miselanious - SHORT TEXT vs Contract MATERIAL group miselanious SHORT TEXT are same
    now i get error Please specify short text more precisely
    Why SAP set as E . if i make W . what are the impacts.
    -> Purchasing
    -> Environment Data
    -> Define Attributes of System Messages
    -> System messages (double click on it)
    Add a new entry
    Version = 00
    Appl.A = 06
    No. = 474
    Cat = E
    if i set W , i could create PO successfully. ..
    Why SAP KEPT ERROR for this matter?

    Thanks Jurgen
    Note 371796 - Msg 06474: Please specify short text more precisely
    ME21N, ME22N, ME23N
    Message 06474: "Please specify short text more precisely" for a purchase order with reference to a material group contract.
    Additional key words
    ME21, ME22, material description
    Cause and prerequisites
    In the new transactions for the purchase order, the system displays the message for a material group contract with reference, which is correct, if there is an assigned material without a material number and the short text, which was copied to the purchase order from the contract to help you, was not changed to the actual material text. In this case, the short text of the material should be more specific in the purchase order than that for the material group in the contract.
    For situations in which the specification of the purchase order text does not need to be checked, the message could be made adjustable in Customizing.
    In Transaction ME21 and ME22, the text is not copied and must be entered manually. However the system then no longer carries out a check.
    For situations in which the specification of the purchase order text for contracts with the item category material group should not be checked, this note enables you to set error message 06474 in Customizing.
    See the advance corrections.
    any impacts what itcause damage to business.
    bullet points. i will freeze the thread.

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