Premiere Elements 3.0 problem

Will premiere elements 3.0 work on the hp mini 1000 with the lower resolution of 1000x600?
Please reply asap....i need to know fast...
thank you

In my opinion, you're going to be very unhappy trying to run it on any "mini" system. Even a standard, widescreen laptop barely has room for the entire interface. And, believe me, when video editing, you'll appreciate as much real estate as possible -- as well as as much system power and hard drive space as possible.
But you still haven't said what type of video you plan to edit or how long you anticipate your projects to be. Maybe, for very short videos with minimal effects or editing you'll be able to do it -- but if that's the case, why not use MovieMaker? It's free with Windows and it uses a lot less system resources.
These computers are built for basic business functions like word processing and e-mail, not for intensive things like video editing.
As we say in the specs I recommended to you above, you want lots of power, lots of RAM, hundreds of gigabytes of hard drive space and a very large monitor (if not a dual-monitor system) if you want to really do any serious video editing. Go with the minimal specs, and you'll likely run into constant frustration and limitations.
Any thoughts to the contrary, Robert?

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  • Premiere Elements 12 output problem

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    First, thank you for your prompt response.  This is the first time I have used Premiere Elements 12.  I don't seem to have a manual for the software.
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    When I go to the timeline in Expert view I do see an orange-yellow line above the timeline.  It runs the whole length of the project.
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    Where can I find a manual?
    Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 06:31:03 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Premiere Elements 12 output problem
        Re: Premiere Elements 12 output problem
        created by Steve Grisetti in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    A lot depends on a lot.
    What operating system are you using? What processor do you have and how much RAM and how much free space is on your hard drive?
    How long is your project? What model of camcorder is your video coming from and what format and resolution is it?
    Have you ensured that your project file is saved to its own folder, with no other project files in this folder?
    When you add your video to your timeline in Expert view, do you see a yellow-orange line above the clips, along the top of the timeline? This indicates a mismatch between project settings and video specs.
    If you are on a Windows computer, have you set up your computer to get both Windows and Microsoft Updates -- and have you manually gone to Windows Update and ensured you have even the optional updates that don't install automatically?
    When did you last run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter?
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  • Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Effects Problem - HELP

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    One option would be to convert your odd AVI-MPEG file to DV-AVI, which is what PrE loves most. This FAQ Entry will give you some tips on doing that:
    I use an older file conversion program, DigitalMedia Converter 2.7, but it is NOT freeware. Also, Deskshare, the publisher, has released newer versions.
    Good luck,

  • Premiere Elements 9 technical problem - please help

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    Here are some additional information:
    Adobe Premiere Elements 9 Mac/Windows edition (seperate installing dvds) - legally purchased
    Latest MacOs - orignal
    No external codecs
    No illigal programms
    Only legal software
    I will appreciate you help.
    Kind regards,
    p.s. I use Premiere Elements for few years so I know what to do or wat to click to export file or create DVD

    I found the source of problem
    I mentioned that my problems have started when I had added text so I removed all text made by Elements text tool (I noticed that after rendering these object was still with red line instead of green).
    So now everything is ok so I'll prepare all texts as a psd transparent files and it will be great
    So it is Adobe's error - I hope they will prepare some fix for it.
    Anyway, thank you guys for help and support.
    I hope I'll finish my project this night because two unsleeping nights are to much for me
    Take care,

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    If the download is completed in the Adobe Download Assistant you can temporarily turn off the feature to verify the checksum.  The following steps will allow you to temporarily disable this feature:
    Open the Disk Utility located in Applications/Utilities
    Go under the Disk Utility menu and select preferences
    Deselect the option to verify checksums
    Try mounting your DMG file
    I would recommend turning this feature back on though after the installation is complete.  Also if you notice this happening on additional files it can indicate a problem with your Internet connection.

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    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. For network problems when using the current version which is now Premiere Elements 12, please contact Adobe via its Adobe Chat.
    Click on the following link, and then find and click on Chat Panel to discuss
    Premiere Elements
    Downloading, Installing, Setting Up
    Downloading, Installing
    Chat Panel
    Contact Customer Care
    I have set the web page to the Chat Panel level. If it does not hold the setting, then you will need to navigate to Adobe Chat using the topics
    above as guidelines. If you end up seeing only Ask the Community instead of Chat Panel, then try again later. Chat has been having in times
    when it is unavailable due to updating. It is an on and off situation lately. Chat has the option to do remote control of your computer for
    troubleshooting purposes. We do not.
    At the moment that I am hitting the "Add Reply" for this post, only Ask the Community option is being displayed at the Adobe Chat contact link.
    Please let us know the outcome.
    Thank you.

  • Re: Premiere Elements 8 NVidia problem

    I can't work with windows seven 64 bits with this new version.
    After few seconds run time error VC++ when i insert video and accept improve mode
    Crash without message in effect module
    I don't know if the problem comme from seven RC version or Premiere Elements 8.

    Heron62 wrote:
    Crash without message in effect module
    This sounds like the nVidia driver problem many of us have had (there are around half-a-dozen threads about this).
    If you have an nVidia graphics card and are running nVidia driver 190.62 then remove (and do not reinstall) the PhysX / Steroscopic3D features from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
    Who knows - this may also fix the VC++ problem. If it does, please let us know as it extends the forums knowledge of this nVidia bug.
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  • Premiere Elements 9.0 problem uploading Project

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    Basically, what are you uploading your project to?
    Your Premiere Elements question should be posted in the Adobe Premiere Elements Forum (video editing) rather than in the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum (photo editing). A moderator should be along shortly to move your thread there.
    In the meanwhile I will ask the following
    1. On what computer operating system are you running Premiere Elements 9 and are you running Premiere Elements as the 9.0.1 Update?
    2. When you talk about uploading a project, exactly where are you in the project....Share/Online/YouTube or some place else?
    3. What are the properties of what you have on the Timeline? And, what have you set as the project preset based on the properties of those source media? What is the total duration of your Timeline content?
    4. Please describe your computer resources: 32 or 64 bit system, installed and available RAM, free hard drive space?
    The properties of your source is important since their format may be a factor in the low memory messages.
    Looking forward to your follow up in the Adobe Premiere Elements Forum.

  • Premiere Elements 4.0 Probleme beim Exportieren

    Hallo liebe Profis,
    nun habe ich es endlich geschafft, das Hochzeitsvideo zu schneiden und einen richtig tollen (meinen ersten) Film mit Menü, Kapitel usw. daraus zu machen.
    Die Länge des Films beträgt ca. 01:48:00 Stunden.
    Ich bin mit Windows XP, Premiere Elements 4.0, einer großen externen 300 GB Festplatte, von der lediglich 40 GB belegt sind und einem Arbeitsspeicher von 1024 MB ausgestattet.
    So, nun möchte ich natürlich das Video exportieren und ich dachte erst einmal auf die externe Festplatte, denn ich weiß nicht, wie groß der Film am Ende sein wird und welche DVD ich dafür brauche. Das wäre dann irgendwann mal eine andere Frage.
    Das Problem:
    Ich kann den Film nicht exportieren. Die Fehlermeldung ist Nicht genügend Speicherplatz auf Laufwerk zum Erstellen von temporären Dateien für den Brennvorgang
    Ich exportiere so: Ich geh auf den Reiter Verteilen, dann Datenträger, wähle Ordner 4,7 GB oder auch 8,5 GB, habe beides probiert, dann die Ordnerposition (mein externes Laufwerk), PAL_Widescreen_DolbyDVD und bei der Qualität habe ich schon alles durchprobiert. Die beste wäre natürlich toll, auch bei der niedersten klappt es nicht.
    Ich wäre Euch dankbar für Hilfe, ein paar Tipps, Anregungen, Hinweise oder was Euch so einfällt, denn ich weiß erst einmal überhaupt nicht weiter. Die Mühe soll ja auch nicht umsonst gewesen sein....
    Bei google und den Foren habe ich mein Problem bisher nicht gefunden. Auch über einen Link, in dem dieses Thema bereits besprochen wurde, würde ich mich sehr freuen.
    Danke schon jetzt!

    Hallo Achim,
    da du anscheinend häufiger größere Projekte bearbeitest, kannst du mir sicher auch eine Meldung erklären, die mich bei der Neuanlage von Projekten in Premiere Pro CS3 permanent nervt:
    Wenn ich versuche Videoclips von meiner Datenpartition zu öffnen, so taucht diese, im Gegensatz zu der Partition mit dem Betriebssystem und den Programmen, nicht in der Liste der Laufwerke auf.
    Und zudem erscheint das rotierende bunte Etwas (Mac OS) und schließlich nach einer Ewigkeit die Meldung:
    Verbindung fehlgeschlagen. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht vorhanden oder zurzeit nicht in Betrieb ...
    Ich vermute, dass dies eventuell mit den Voreinstellungen - Arbeitslaufwerken zu tun haben könnte. Habe in der Hilfe nachgelesen jedoch keinebefreidigende Antwort dort gefunden.
    Gibt es da eine Auflösung? Danke schon mal für einen Tip

  • Premiere elements 9 trial problems

    Ok, so I downloaded the trial for premiere elements 9 about a week ago, and realised I had to update my graphics drivers for my Nvidea GeForce GT220 graphics card. Basically it told me the drivers were uncompatable and should be updated.
    I did so, and I'm now running the newest driver 260.99.
    I however, still get the message telling me to update the driver. The preview and playaback sectiosn do nto show an image and are isntead constantly frozen when in the editor, and all around it's generally slow.
    I've checked my system and I meet all the minimum requirements, yet, it still says the driver is out of date. I really need help to fix this problem as I now only have about 23 days left of the trial.
    Did anybody else get this? And if so how was it fixed?

    Welcome to the forum.
    There are several threads on the "baddrivers.txt" file, and users getting the error message, even after updating their video driver. After the update of the driver, removing that bad drivers text file, and re-booting has fixed things. Some users have had difficulty finding that TXT file on their systems, to delete it. A Search of this forum for "baddriver.txt" (without the "s) should yield several threads, and in a few, the users have given the exact Path to the file on their systems. This FAQ Entry also addresses this issue.
    Also, on the upper section of the main forum page, there is a sticky (changes between two messages) and it shows what is disabled in the trial version.
    Hope that this helps,

  • Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Uploading Problem - HELP

    I recorded some footage with Bandicam, then editted it, using a lot of clipping and cropping of the footage to give it a widescreen look. When I uploading it, I choose the setting of "High Definition Video for YouTube". When it finally uploaded, it looked out of wack. Footage was shrunk down and the cropping was off. When I re-uploaded it under the setting of "Flash Video for YouTube" it came out perfectly, just not in high quality. What setting should I use this time?

    The Tutorial Links Page may also help
    Premiere Elements FAQ List (2 pages of FAQ as of September 2013)
    Premiere Elements TIPS List (6 pages of Tips as of September 2013)

  • Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Loading problem

    I have loaded Premiere elem 10 onto my laptop, it loaded without the activation code being requested, it failed to load a shortcut to the desktop and will not run. I have been onto the Adobe chat line, which was completely hopeless, no help what so ever.
    Can anybody suggest a solution. I purchased the 5 CD box version of Photoshop Elements 10 & Premiere Elements 10....Photoshop loaded and runs ok. I have loaded the Win version of Premiere,
    Thanks in anticipation. Kindog

    We know exactly zero about your system, so this isn't going anywhere. Also there are install logs that may provide a clue...

  • Adobe Premiere Elements Trial Installation Problem

    When I try to install the Premiere Elements trial, I keep getting the message, "Sorry an error has occurred.  The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author."
    Please help!
    Thank you,

    Download agfain using a suitable browser like Firefox and using this method:
    Direct Download Links for Adobe Software

  • Adobe Premiere elements 12 publishing problem.

    After making a video in Adobe Premiere Elements 12, I decided to publish it to my computer. However, once it finished rendering it only came out as an audio. The visual video didn't show at all. It played as if it were a song. How can I fix this?

    If your videos worked with Premiere Elements 10, then they should work with Premiere Elements 12.
    From what I have read in this thread, your source seems to be files in amv video format (proprietary) which seem to have relations to MotionJPEG video compression and .avi file extension. Challenging, but. What is the actual file extension of your amv files?
    AMV - MultimediaWiki
    If you can post a sample of one of these videos that are going into your Premiere Elements 12 project and losing sound in the export from Premiere Elements 12, I would be glad for the opportunity to check it out for you in various versions of Premiere Elements, including 10 and 12. You might send the sample in a Dropbox link posted in your thread reply.
    My only requirement is the assurance that you have permission to work with these videos. YouTube license does not allow for downloads of its videos. A person can create a YouTube account, sign into YouTube, can upload a video, and later download his or her own, but not the video of others without permission.
    I still do not see the support for the file in Premiere Elements (any version). But if you say that the file worked in Premiere Elements 10, as I said, it should work in Premiere Elements 12.
    More later.

  • Help! Starting Premiere Elements 10: A problem has occured with the licensing... Error 213:11.

    When starting the product, this error comes up:
    I tried several reinstalls with/without admin rights, with/without diabled antivir software, as testversion and with a valid licence key. All under Windows 7 32bit.
    What can I do?
    Thx, Guenter

    Configuration Error the steps should still be applicable for Premiere Elements 10.  For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at  Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issue you have described.

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