Premium rate number on my bill

BT has billed me for a premium rate call to an 0906 number for a call i didn't make. I've looked it up and it comes up as a company I have never heard of. Customer services are telling me I have to pay for it. I am the only adult in the home and I wasn't at home when the call was supposed to have been placed.

Hi Keith,
yes I have a sky box.
These are the details for the number from phonepayplus.The call was supposed to have been made on 28 may 2012 at 16.51 lasting 5 minutes and 3 seconds.
Customer care number:
0798 538 6167
Search result provided by:
srex ltd
Service connected on:
02 May 2012
Service terminated on:
This service is still operating
Name of service:
customer support service
Type of service:
srex ltd has not provided this information
Service description:
srex ltd has not provided this information
How much does this service cost?
srex ltd has not provided this information
If you would like to find out more about this service or have a question about it then you should contact srex ltd
33 albert street
c01 1ru

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    Sat 26 Jan 15:34 0911 100 0054 Premium Rate 4:41 £ 7.350
    Sat 26 Jan 15:25 0911 100 0054 Premium Rate 4:42 £ 7.370
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    No, I do not work for BT, the only BT employees on this forum are the forum moderators.
    Title of this forum is,
    Join the conversation in our Customer Support Community
    This is where customers help each other get the most out of BT products & services. If you need direct help from BT or have an urgent problem please Contact Us.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    s-teem wrote:
    Thanks How do I prove that the numbers were not called from my landline? Will TalkTalk have this info?
    Now that is the problem.
    The calls may well have been made from your landline, but not necessarily by you. If no-one else has access to your property (or dect access to say a cordless system) - e.g. relative, cleaner etc, then there is a slight possibility of a dodgy engineer making these calls say at the exchange or the street cabinet. It could even be an exchange software fault.
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    Mr S Yates

    I'm sorry but I can't see how I or any customer can help you with your problem.  I'm not even sure the mods can help as this appears an accounting problem and it has already been investigated.  you can try the mods but I not sure how they can help
    contact mods
    can take up to 3 working days for mods to contact you
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    If you contact the phone carrier (I assume T-Mobile) they should be able to block all premium rate numbers from contacting your Mother. I had the same problem using them with receiving unsolicited sms for which I was charged & a quick call to 150 via the mobile phone to that carrier sorted it.

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    From  which table we can find a PO number for corresponding billing document number(VF03)?

    hi RAVI,
    Go to T.code SE16
      enter table name VBRK-->enter
       billing doc type,billing doc no,,
    waiting for reward points

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    Can any one help me out to make the number ranges of billing doc and accounting doc same every time.
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    Thanks in advance

    Create or change the same interval for the BILLING DOCUMENTS & ACCOUNTING DOCUMENTS in VN01 and FBN1*
    For BILLING DOCUMENTS assign this Number range in the VOFA transaction code for the Billing document tyes*
    For ACCOUNTING DOCUMENTS assign this Number range in the FBN1 for your company code and fiscal year*
    activate the External Field [] . this is mandtry
    please check and revert back.
    Anup Shukla

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    I have a requirement which I have described below. It would be helpful if you can mail your suggestions on the below.
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    The same should get transferred to accounting.
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    Thanks & Regards,
    Ph: +49 1520 4358506

    Hi midhun ,
    This is sai ,
    I dont know whether this is precise solution for your rpoblem or not . but i have an idea regarding that
    If the document is reversed then another document will be created for reversal
    So in document type settings you have an option for using another exchange rate

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    In which case, contact Adobe directly and ask them
    Contact Customer Care

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    My User has created the Consignment Fillup order and Dlivery for that order.
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    What you have faced is not at all an issue.  Its a standard behaviour only.  Though you are not generating commercial invoice here, you can generate (F8) proforma via VF04 in bulk.  Either you can generate one proforma per delivery or consolidate multiple deliveries into one proforma which it depends on VTFL copy control for the field Data VBRK/VBRP.   There if you maintain 001 or 007, you can club multiple deveries and if you maintain 003, one proforma per delivery can be created.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    Go to SPRO>>>IMG>>>Sales & Distribution>>>Billing>>>Billing Documents>>>Country-specific features>>>Maintain Maximum No. Of Billing Items.
    This is where you can define a maximum number of items allowed for all billing documents within a given sales organization.
    However, maintaining data here is not enough alone to bring about a billing split by number of billing items.
    You must also go to copying control for order/delivery to billing document at item level under "Data VBRK/VBRP" and maintain routine 006 "individual invoice limited" or a similar routine that accesses the data maintained here.

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    Hi All,
    The Sales and Distribution billing document creates the accounting document.
    I want to change the current exchange rate type which is appearing in the accounting Doc.....How to attach a new exchange rate type to the Billing Doc?
    Thanks in advance!

    If you want to use a different exchange rate type for SD documents, you can assign the different exchange rate type in Customer Master in Sales Area Data - in Sales Tab. (Use Transaction code XD02)

  • Delivery number for a billing document

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    How to retrive or get the preceeding delivery document number from a billing doc.I have tried for VF05 but its restricts me by only specifying a single customer to be selected.I dont require this.
    I require the list of billing docs generated within a particlar billing period and their respective delivery numbers.
    The copy control settings in VTFL might have helped me but the reference number that was maintained was only POrder number.
    Please comment

    Hi ,
    You can get this from the docment flow
    Goto VF03 and give the  Billign docment number and click on Contro + F1
    It willl take u to the docment flow.
    There u can see the preceeding docment that were created for this Billing docment
    If you want the docments  from a table , then goto VBFA table which is the table for Docment flow and
    Give the Billing docment nmber and select the docment category as J and then u can retrieve all the Deliveries for that particlar Billing docment
    Hope it is clear

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    Hello SAP Experts,
    I have a customer requirement to determine the "pricing exchange rate" as "C Exchange rate determination according
    to Billing date" in Billing documents ONLY for specific Sales Org and customer Country and NOT for ALL sales orgs.. This field is present in the Item level copy control setting.
    This will ensure Exchange rate will be based on "Billing date" and NOT from date copied from Sales order for that specific Sales org.
    Can I write this validation in the Billing document User-exit -RV60AFZC to achieve this functionality? Or there would be some Configuation required?
    If anyone has worked upon this kind of requirement or know the method to achieve this, can you please help me?
    Thanks in advance.
    Umesh Karane.

    In that case, you can try with  USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP.  Alternatively, you can also add this logic to your existing routine assigned in Delivery to Billing copy control against the field "Data VBRK/VBRP".  Similarly, for all such copy controls as you mentioned.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    To locate the serial number:

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