Presets missing in 3.3

I installed 3.3 yesterday and all my presets are missing.  This includes presets installed from OnOne software.  Where did they go and how do I get them back?  I also do not like the grey icons on the menu bar ... boring!!

Missing presets:
Your prsets should be in your user Library
     ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture/
or the system Library
     /Library/Application Support/Aperture/
If you do not find them there, restore the presets folders from these libraries from your backup.
Grey icons: This has been discussed in several threads, see e.g.
Why O Why did Apple removed the sidebar colors?

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    "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
    Also, in any project when I'm creating a new sequence, there are no useful presets. I found the sequence presets folder, and they're all in there, but they don't show up from within Premiere.
    Also, when I import AVCHD .MTS files, I get video but no audio, even though they play ok in VLC
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    1. Sign out, restart Premiere, sign back in
    2. Recreate the Adobe Premiere Pro preferences and plug-in cache. (using shift/option combo)
    3. uninstall premiere, reboot, run cleaner script, reboot, reinstall premiere
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    I am aware of this page:
    and this page:
    Some pages I've come across have suggested running the cleaner script multiple times, but you can really only run it once, because after the first cleaning, when you run it again nothing shows up on the list to be cleaned.  Are there still remnants of Adobe stuff left on my machine uncleaned by the cleaner script that I need to delete manually?
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    Well, it took a long time, but I eventually got it working properly.  All of the presets and codecs show up, I can import AVCHD files properly with audio, and the project I couldn't open before now opens fine, so it turned out not to be a corrupt project. It looks like the problem was that the cleaner script didn't actually clean everything it should have, and I had to do it all manually.
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    Thanks again for your suggestions, Neil.

  • PSCS5 x64 - Levels Presets missing

    PSCS5 x64
    Levels> Presets missing
    1) where are these files supposed to be located?
    1) what is the extension for the presets?
    example: Curves presets are: .acv

    Okay, I've located the out-of-the-box presets:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Levels>dir
    Volume in drive C is C - NoelC3
    Volume Serial Number is 00ED-C11E
    Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Levels
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Darker.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Increase Contrast 1.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Increase Contrast 2.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Increase Contrast 3.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Lighten Shadows.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Lighter.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Midtones Brighter.alv
    04/07/2010  02:12 AM               630 Midtones Darker.alv
                   8 File(s)          5,040 bytes
    The above would be the folder for the 32 bit Photoshop on a 64 bit Windows system.
    This would be where you'd find the 32 bit files on a 32 bit system, or the 64 bit files on a 64 bit system:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Levels
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Presets\Levels

  • PE7: Project Presets missing

    I searched for previous threads on this topic and performed the recommended steps to fix it:
    1. Tried reinstall>restart.
    2. Tried uninstall>restart>cleanup>restart>install>restart
    3. Deleted pref file and forced PE7 to create a new one.
    None of the above steps helped. The project presets are still missing when I try to create a new project. I am forced to stick with 'DV NTSC Standard 48khz'. Can someone help me with this? Maybe someone can upload their presets in a zipped file and tell me where I should unzip them in my PE7 install structure.
    Windows XP SP3, Pentium 4 processor, 1GB RAM.

    Hi Bill,
    sorry for the mixup...there was 2 threads working on this.
    This thread....
    Re: PE7: Project Presets missing
    I was posting in this one.
    This thread has the answer....
    Mar 11, 2009 4:35 PM
    Premiere Elements 7 missing project settings...
    17. Sep 11, 2009 2:25 PM  in response to: (Jeff_Fabiani)
    Re: Premiere Elements 7 missing project settings...
    See the last post on this.
    Hi all,
    There is an even easier way to do this - avoiding the installation and all
    that... Just follow the steps below:
    1) Download the Premiere Elements 7 trial version from (or even
    better - I have attached the file to this post)
    2) Run the extractor but cancel the install-process. Now all installation
    files are extracted in a folder. In my case I extracted to "\desktop\Adobe
    Premiere Elements 7"
    3) Open the folder '\Adobe Premiere Elements 7\CoreTemplates' with in the
    folder you extracted to.
    4) Extract the file '' to a folder of your choice
    5) Now copy the folder (and subfolders) with the same language code of your
    PRE7 installation (In my case I copied the 'en_US' folder) into the Adobe
    program folder in a subfolder you name 'Settings'. (In my case running a
    danish windows the path is 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements
    When finish you shold have a folder called 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe
    Premiere Elements 7.0\Settings\en_US' with subfolders..
    And voila - settings is back in the startup window...
    Hope this clears things up.

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    Am I missing something in CS6?

    Both the CS5 and CS6 v13.0.1 "Cube" models have problems.
    The CS5 cube has good geometry with no gaps between faces, but the left and right faces have U and V directions swapped, which results in their textures being rotated by 90 degrees.
    Faces except the right are initialised with an empty 512 x 512 pixel texture but the right face texture has the size of the main document, which very often will not be square and results in that texture being stretched on the square face of the model.
    The model is presented with back face toward the camera when the 3D layer is created.
    The CS6 v13.0.1 cube has good UV mapping, but the front face of the model is misaligned, which results in edge gaps being rendered as lines.
    Faces except the front are initialised with an empty 512 x 512 pixel texture but the front face texture has the size of the main document, which very often will not be square and results in that texture being stretched on the square face of the model.
    At least it is presented with front face toward the camera when the 3D layer is created.
    It's astounding that in v13.0.1 that something as simple as a cube model is still botched. There really must be a shameful deficit of software testing at Adobe Photoshop.

  • FAQ: Why are some codecs and sequence presets missing from my installation of Premiere Pro?

    If you're having problems with sequence presets and codecs missing from Premiere Pro, see this document for solutions for this activation issue.
    This document relates to the following problems:
    missing sequence presets when creating a new sequence
    Encore error: "Encore will not launch in non-royalty bearing mode. The application needs to be serialized with a royalty bearing serial number."
    When opening a project in Premiere Pro: "Error Adobe Premiere Pro: This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
    When importing footage, the footage is missing audio or video.
    These failures are all because Premiere Pro and Encore use some codecs that require activation before they can be used. If activation of these codecs has failed, these codecs will not be available to use.

    1. Deactivate
    2. Uninstall everything Adobe
    3. Run Clean Script CS4 2 or 3 times. Look here:
    4. Reinstall and activate
    5. Update
    Why did this happen? Because you have in the past used a trial version or your installation was faulty.

  • "Media offline" - when it's not, and presets missing!

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    In addition to this, it looks like some of my sequence presets are missing - the DSLR presets seem to be non-existant! This is not good! Has an adobe update gone wrong?!
    Any suggestions as to what's causing this, and a solution? Thanks!

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    nzmaximus wrote:
    The files are stored in a folder on my desktop, not on an external drive.
    Sounds like you've got more than just a "reversion" problem to worry about... you seriously need dedicated drives for your footage, especially working with HD! Don't EVER store footage on your desktop!

  • Xdcam preset missing

    I have recently installed the CC suite that includes Premiere Pro CC.
    The version I am using is Premiere Pro CC v8.1, Caravan (I don’t what “Caravan” refers to).
    I have no problem playing the files I’m mostly using like, DNxHD 120 and v210, (AVI & MOV containers).
    However the MPEG2 OP-1a with MXF container I cannot. The error message I get is:
    “Unsupported format or damaged file.”
    On previous version of Premiere Pro CS6 & CS 5.5 I still can play them without problems.
    On top of that I saw that the XDCAM preset are not showed anymore in the preset list of Premier Pro CC and it looks like codecs are missing.
    I have deinstall the whole adobe CC suite by following instructions I found on the Adobe support site  and I re-installed it but it haven’t solve my problem.
    I spend time on the forum to look at a solution but haven’t found the answer on my problem.
    According the specs of Premiere Pro CC, it should support natively the MPEG2 OP-1a.
    Any solution to resolve that?
    Thank you

    I have resolve the problem:
    Signed out from Adobe CC
    Reinstalled workstation from scratch
    Applied all windows updates
    Installed Adobe CC
    All XDCAM presets are now active and everything seems to be right in place.
    It seems that any previous or different installs like trail or education can occur problems for any new or different licence install, even if running the Adobe cleaner.

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    In the Presets pane, is the list of presets empty?
    Or, is the Presets pane missing?


    Just installed Soundtrack Pro.Excellent app. but the factory presets for Space Designer and other plug-ins are missing. I can't find any reference to installing presets in the manual or help guide. Does anyone know what I need to do. The plug-in suite was the main reason I installed Soundtrack Pro so I would appreciate any guidance on this. I have downloaded the latest upgrades but still no presets?

    Same problem here - When I installed STP there were no presets but they showed up after I did an Pro Applications Update. My computer just bonked on the new OSX 10.4.4 Update and I had to archive and install OSX from my factory disk. Everything is working again but my presets are missing and did not show up when I reinstalled the Pro Applications Update. Any help would be much obliged.

  • Plugin Presets Missing

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    anyone have any ideas? any at all!?

  • Audio presets missing

    Audio presets are missing in Premier Pro, video presets are there. Not sure why they aren't. This is Adobe Creative Cloud

    If there are no presets for audio effects or transitions then how do we get the basic audio effects and transitions since none are showing up?
    That's a different problem.  The effect and a Preset using that effect are two separate things.  You can have the effect without any Presets.  But you're saying you don't even have the effect?
    Post a screen shot of the Effects folders.

  • Presets missing on installation from LR 4 to LR 5

    Hope this is an easy one to answer.
    LR 5 according to Matt K.( on Killer tips, ..   presets will migrate from LR 4 to LR 5 upon installation.  Mine did not and my friends did not.  All that are present are the default ones, no others at all.
      However I do have them on my hard drive, about 200 , LR and OnOne presets that were in LR 4 .
      Question:  if I uninstll LR 5 and reinstall it is there a chance it may pick them up and install them next time.?  (LR 4 is still installed..  maybe this is why it skipped them?).  OR Do I have to install them manually and not rely on LR 5 to find and install them?

    I missed your post ...  sorry, yes the check mark is in the box and I presume it stays there now since I have manyally installed all my presets?

  • Presets Missing?

    I was finally able to reinstall 1.0.1, but now my factory presets for filters such as Space Designer, Platinum Verb, and so on...are missing. Do you have to load these some how or select a preference?

    SoundTrack Pro presets are usually installed in:
    SoundTrack Pro impulse responses are usually installed in:
        /Library/Application Support/Soundtrack Pro/Impulse Responses/
    You can extract files manually from the DVD and put them where they belong if they're missing. Using Pacifist may help:

  • Presets Missing CS6

    Good day all,
    Don't use the program too often but discovered today while installing Jarle's Presets that my Magic Bullet presets are missing.
    Also when I close the Effects window and then reopen it the recently installed Jarle's Presets are missing as well.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks, in advance,

    I think this is about Adobe's presets... Missing Presets/Activation so I don't if it covers other vendor items

  • Presets Missing in Lightroom 4 on my Mac

    When I am in the develop mode on my Mac in Lightroom 4, the presets are missing.  I am new to LR4, and also to my Mac, however, I am very familiar with LR as I was using LR3 on a PC prior to this purchase.  How do I get them to show up?  It appears that they are there, but, I cannot open them or expand them.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Victoria,
    I tried to reply to you, but, it looks like it didn't go through.  Anyway, I think I have figured my issue out.  My issue was this, when I was in the Develop module and wanted to use the Lightroom default presets, such as Lightroom B&W presets, I could see the group headings and an arrow, but, could not expand it to see the actual presets.
    So, I went under the Lightroom dropdown and into Preferences and then into the Presets folder and clicked on the button that says Reset all default develop settings. 
    I am not 100% sure that this is what worked, but, they are now there and available.
    Thanks for your question.  I am relieved that they are now there.

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