Price Field in iTunes???

For some reason (and I never noticed until yesterday) I have a "Price" field in iTunes? How do you get rid of it? I can select which fields are viewable in the main "Library" field but the "Price" field isn't an option. I never noticed the field before and I use iTunes all the time. Is it supposed to be there? If not, how do I get rid of it?

I don't know... It's gone now. I know the iTunes Store has the price field but for some reason I also had it in my Library view. Strange,, but glad it's gone now. Thanks!

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    It is still Free. The Subscribe label seems to appear if your episodes are encoded in AAC format instead of MP3. Perfectly legitimate thing to do, although it limits your audience to iTunes and a few other AAC capable players.

  • Can we edit Gross Price field in Sales Order

    Hi experts,
    According Help document (help - under Sales A/R/Sales Order-Sales document content tab ) as follows, userwe should be able to edit gross price field in Sales order
    Enter in this field the unit price including tax. SAP Business One calculates automatically the unit price before tax and the tax amount, based on the tax code in the row. After pressing the TAB key, the Unit Price field and the Tax/Unit field are updated accordingly.
    The tax amount is calculated as follows:
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    But when I set up in form setting visible and active for Gross Price,  though I AM NOT ABLE TO EDIT GROSS PRICE FIELD
    Is it bug in SAP ? I
    Samir Gandhi

    Hi Samir Gandhi,
    You may check SAP Note Number: 1060666 to see if it applies to you.

  • PO - Service tab gross price field is in display mode

    Dear all,
    My client requires
    Contract relase order with reference to Service contract, the price for the service codes which is adopted from the service contract, it is picking and displaying it contract release PO. But the gross price is in changeable mode. But i need the gross price field is in display mode. it should be in display mode while creating realse orders for contract.
    Expecting your earlier response
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Raman,
    If you follow the steps mentioned in the note 30316 you will be able to find why the price in the contract is in changeable mode...and then we will be able to change the price to display mode.
    Note: 30316
    1.  In Transaction SE37, display function module MEX_FELDAUSWAHL and set
        a break point at the first statement.
    2.  Start the program where you suspect a problem with field selection.
        The program should stop at the break point set above. Copy the
        import fields I_AUSWAHL0, I_AUSWAHL1, I_AUSWAHL2, I_AUSWAHL3,
        I_AUSWAHL4, I_AUSWAHL5, and I_AUSWAHL6 to the list of field names.
        The corresponding field contents show the field selection reference
        keys that are composed as follows:
    3.  You can check the field selection reference keys found in
         Customizing. For purchase requisitions, the Transaction code is
         OMF2, for purchase orders it is OMF4, for contracts OMFA, for
         scheduling agreements OMF7, for requests for quotation it is OME8.
        Tcode: OLME  Contract  Define Screen Layout at Document Level
    4.  All keys from the AUSWAHLn fields are used to determine the field
         selection and their status. They are set according to the following
         See the matrix in the note
    Alternatively, the following can be stated:
         o  Field status 'Hidden' takes highest priority. This means that if
            a reference key has defined the field as 'Hidden', all other
            reference keys are overruled.
         o  Then follow statuses 'Display', 'Mandatory', and finally
            'Optional'. Accordingly, a field is assigned the attribute
            'Optional' only if all reference keys for the field are set to
    I hope this information helps you to resolve behaviour.
    Best Regards,

  • Price field is not becoming invisible from the item overview of SRM quote

    Hi All,
    I am facing a very unique problem . I need make certain fields invisible in the SRM quotation . One of them is the price field at the item level.
    I have used BBP_UI_CONTROL_BADI for the same. However the field is NOT becoming invisible from the item overview. It is becoming invisible from the item detail but NOT from the item overview.
    Is it because the field is defined as display only in the code ?
    I have implemented note 1062639. Other than this price field I am able to make all other fields invisible from the item overview.
    Code :
    IF iv_fieldname eq 'BBPS_BID_UI_ITEM-PRICE'.
            cv_invisible = 'X'.
    IF iv_fieldname eq 'BBPS_BID_UI_ITEM-PRICE_UNIT'.
            cv_invisible = 'X'.
    Does anyone have any suggestion as to how to solve the problem ?
    Ajali Sen

    Dear Poster,
    As no response has been provided to the thread in some time I must assume the issue is resolved, if the question is still valid please create a new thread rephrasing the query and providing as much data as possible to promote response from the community.
    Best Regards,
    SDN SRM Moderation Team

  • Unit Price Field is in-active on a Purchase Order for a Normal User

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    One of my A/P user is unable to enter price on a Purchase Order as the PO Unit Price field is inactive. I have given this user full authorization on PO and activated the unit price field from form settings as well but as such nothing is happening. Can anybody tell me how to get it activated.

    +Naveed Jameel wrote:
    <<Hi All,
    One of my A/P user is unable to enter price on a Purchase Order as the PO Unit Price field is inactive. I have given this user full authorization on PO and activated the unit price field from form settings as well but as such nothing is happening. Can anybody tell me how to get it activated.>>+
    Hello Naveed,
    Have you given read only or full authorisation to the price list group associated with the price list used for your BOM?

  • Net price field should not be edited in PO, when created reff. to contract

    Dear friends,
    I have a requirement like this.....
    User referring the contract in creating the purchase order, details of the contracts are copied in to the purchase order. the price field is in edit mode....
    requirement is that user should not edit this field, the price carried from the contract should be not edit mode. this is to be hapen only when purchase order is created referrence of contract.
    here we are using only the standard document type is used for creating Purchase orders with and without the referrence of contract.   
    Thanks in advance...

    What I did for a client was implementing enhancement (user exit) MM06E005 to perform checking during PO creation.
    OSS note 310154 explains how to issue error messages from ME21N from the user exit.

  • Problems with the 'Comments' field in iTunes

    First, sorry for my english (I'm danish).
    I've read a lot of threads here and everywhere else, but can't find a solution for my exact problem. I use Windows Vista and the newest version of iTunes.
    Most of my mp3 songs (35.000) are put directly in album folders to the folder 'D:My Music from another computer via a USB drive and the songs already have id3 tag information on them.
    I then add the albums to iTunes and most of my tag information is now updated in iTunes. Names, Artists, Genre, Year, everything is okay. By the way the songs have ID3v2.3 tag information. I see that in my Mp3tag v.2.42 application.
    But the problem is with the 'Comments' field:
    Those tags (originally put to the songs directly in the proberties of the song in Windows Explorer) will simply not transfer to iTunes 'Comments' field. And if I write something in the iTunes 'Comments' field this will not show up in the fields properties in windows Explorer. It looks like the 'Comments' fields in iTunes and in the proberties in the song are not connected at all!?
    I then found out, I could let iTunes convert the ID3 codes, but nothing happens except from when using v. 1.0 or 1.1, because then the comments tag are transferres, but unfortunately all the tags will only show 30 characters!!!
    And there's also a different story:
    A few albums though are put directly on my computer by using iTunes to import the CD. These songs have ID3 v.2.2 tags, so I guess iTunes import files in that format?
    And here it's a little different story. If I put comment data directly to the file proberties in Windows Explorer (after the CD's been imported to iTunes), the comments will show up in iTunes, but only as several 0 and 1 digits! On the other hand, if I put information directly in iTunes 'Comments' field it wil show up correctly in the file proberties! But it's only a few songs/albums that are handled that way.
    Well, bottom's line, I want to see my comments tags (which are allready there in the song's proberties) when I browse my music in my folders in Windows Explorer and I want to see the exact same comments if I go to browse my music in iTunes. That should not be a problem ... but it is not ...
    Can I please get a solution or at least an explanation, and hopefully in not too tecnical terms.

    I, too, hope someone will answer this! I am hoping to catalog my entire CD collection in iTunes and I want to include the storage box number somehow, thinking that "comments" would be a good place to do so. If I cannot do that I'll try to find a program other than iTumes to do it. Does anyone have any suggestions on this topic? ...perhaps I need to open a new thread?

  • ML81N Problem with price field.

    Im trying to enter a service through ML81N. When I enter the PO and complete the service number, the sevice line doesnt show the following fields:
    Gross price field.
    per unit of meas.
    why it happend?
    The user can enter the service.
    Thanks in advance for your help

    No need to apologise, that is why we are here, you are certainly NOT asking for too much. You are being very helpfula and providing more detail as we need it.
    We enjoy helping people to get the most out of SAP and so your question is a good one.
    One thing that you can do in an SAP purchase order is to move the columns around. So firstly get the user to check to see if the required columns are there but perhaps they ahve to scroll to the right to see them.
    Each user can save there own format for these columns and so this user may have saved different settings to yours.
    So let me know if they have found the columns futher to the rioght of the screen and we can help you to get them to the left so that they are visible straight away (basically you click once on the column header and then click and hold the button down, you can then drag the columns left and right and let go when they are where you want them. The the user clicks on the icon in the right hand corner of the item "window" (it looks a bit like a spreadsheet) and then saves this as their default.
    I would suggest that you play with this a bit first, it does take practice to get it right.
    (also try clicking on the dividing line between the Qty and the next field in case the user has reduced the column width to zero (in the same way that you would do this in excel)
    If this is not the problem then let us know and we can try other options.
    It could be that the user has an EFB parameter in their userid that is preventing the display of pricing info.
    Thanks for your thanks by the way, they are a strong motivation.
    Steve B

  • How do I search the comments field in iTunes 11

    How do I search the comments field in iTunes 11 for windows

    I was suggesting you untick it.
    New search behaviour
    Old search behaviour
    Thinking that the old behaviour might prove more fruitful.
    If that doesn't help can you post a screenshot that shows what you're doing and why you think you're getting the wrong results?

  • How Can I Set the Search Field in iTunes?

    In applescript...
    In another app - I have copied a song title to the clipboard...
    Q: Now - How Can I Set the Search Field in iTunes to the clipboard contents?
    Q: Also how can I also open the main library itunes window?

    Hi Rev Dave,
    Q: Now - How Can I Set the Search Field in iTunes to
    the clipboard contents?
    Unfortunately the only way I can think to achieve this involves the use of "UI Scripting". The other previous posters have given you the preferred method you should consider using. If you want to script iTunes so that you visually see the search take place in iTunes you'll need to use the method shown in the script I've posted below.
    Q: Also how can I also open the main library itunes
    Cyclosaurus has given you the answer to this part of your question already.
    Here is a script that (though ugly IMHO) should achieve what you are asking for:set theSearch to (the clipboard) as string
    tell application "iTunes"
    set allPlaylists to playlists
    repeat with aList in allPlaylists
    if name of aList is not "Library" then
    set view of front browser window to aList
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    set LibList to playlist "Library"
    set view of front browser window to LibList
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "iTunes"
    if "iTunes" is not in name of windows or ¬
    focused of window "iTunes" is false then ¬
    keystroke "1" using command down
    keystroke tab
    keystroke theSearch
    end tell
    end tellIn order for the above script to work you need to have "Enable access for assistive devices" enabled in the "Universal Access" section of the "System Preferences" application.
    If you have any further questions about the above script feel free to ask.
    Hope this helps...
    iBook G4 1GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   640 MB RAM

  • How to make net price field in Purchase Order Uneditable

    Hello all,
    I am facing a problem. During creation of purchase orders the material price is picked up from the Info Record, but the net price field is editable. Please guide me how through standard SAP can i make this net price field uneditable.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Ritesh,
    You can goto:
    SPRO-MM-Purchasing-Purchase Order-Define Screen Layout at Document Level
    from here you select ME21N-Selection group-Quantity and Price.
    Make the price and price unit as DISPLAY.
    By this it will show only display for price, but you have to take not that there is also condition tab which user can change the price, this price is from INFOREC.
    Goto to M/06 select your Condition type, In Manual entries maintain "D"-Not possible to process manually

  • Credit price field in  VBRP

    Hello ,
    Why  some  of  the  discounts  are  not  included
    in the  credit  price  field  calculation  VBRP-CMPRE?
    Is  this  customizing  issue  of  the  discount  conditions?
    Thanks and  Best  regards

    Your question is not clear.
    If your credit management is active and if you assign Subtotal as 'A' in your pricing procedure after all your calculations are done, the Net amount while will be verified for credit check will appear in VBRP-CMPRE.
    This has nothing to do with dicount conditions. If you want some discount condition to appear in VBRP, you will have to assign a subtotal to it, and then it will update VBRP for KZWI1, KZWI2, etc fields.
    Hope it is clear.

  • [ALV] Price field got truncated 2 digits after pressed 'Save'

    Dear experts,
    In ALV change mode, user change the data directly in ALV report.
    There is one field which stores price information as defined with  Domain-WERTV8.
    When user input any price data, then press 'Save'. Then the price data will be truncated 2 digits always.
    For example:
    If user input 2222, then after saved, the ALV report will show as 22.22.
    What we want is the ALV report still will show 2222 and updated to the table as 2222.  But right now above issues existed...
    If we change the table directly via SM30, the price data will not be truncated and no issues.
    Please kindly let me know if any where has issues???
    Thank you so much.

         I think the problem is the currency key is not referred in the field catalog. The currency key should be referred always, while using currency in ALV.
        If you are using LVC_S_FCAT, pass CURRENCY field with the required currency like USD,LYDN etc. If the currency field is different for each line item, populate the currency field in the internal table and pass the fieldname declared for currency key in the internal table to CFIELDNAME. Also, decalre the currency field as type CURR in the internal table.
    wa_fcat-COL_POS      = '1'.
    wa_fcat-FIELDNAME   = 'PRICE'.               "Price field in internal table INT_OUTPUT
    wa_fcat-TABNAME     =  'INT_OUTPUT'
    wa_fcat-CURRENCY   =  'USD'.
    wa_fcat-CFIELDNAME = ' CKEY'.            "Currency Key Field in internal table INT_OUTPUT
    APPEND wa_fcat TO int_fact.

  • PO price field in PR

    Hi folks!!
    PO price field in valuation tab of PR is used for price adoption in PO, but this field is not visible in valuation tab page of PR.
    Please let me know how to make this field available

    HI ,
    First You have to Check your Document type for which you want the Valuation price.
    See the Valuation Price ,depends on the Doc type and the type of Item Category used
    For Example if you are Using a Material ,it copies the Value and dispalys from THE Material Master accounting View Moving Average Price.
    if it is a D --then services then it comes from the service master ,ot the price maitained against the service line item
    if it is a B-- Limit case PO,it comes from the Limits Maintained.
    If it is Consignment K -- then there would be only Quantity ,no value in this case.
    If it is U, it is Stock transport Order.. where the Price would the master MAP.
    so it is all the Effects the Valuation Price in PR.
    if your Case comes in any of the above and till also it is not comming then ,it is a True case of Screen layout change made against the creation of a Variant in SHD0.
    IN the T code For the T code ME51N
    for the Program SAPLMEGUI --Screen Number 3320.
    in this make the Valuation Price Feild might have made invisible.
    so make it optional.
    if it is also not the case then in the Standard Config setting of the t code only they have hidden the Feild
    Please check against the T code SE80. --Program SAPLMEGUI --Screen Number 3320.
    Hope so the above helps

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