Primary hard disk suddenly vanished!

This morning I got a lot of pacman updates mostly for gnome 3.14. everything went fine and after the upgrades I did my usually day to day work. I also powered off the system few times during the day and everything was fine.
But in the afternoon, when I wanted to log back into my system (after it had been locked), it wouldn't work! So after a few attempts that log in didn't respond, I restarted the system. after the restart I noticed GRUB isn't working (complaining about not finding hd0) and after a few tests, it didn't go into GRUB either! After "verifying DMI pool data...", a curser just blinks and nothing happens!
So using the installation USB I booted into a shell and after running lsblk, to my supprize I saw that my boot hard disk is not being detected at all! I also checked the BIOS menu and it isn't detected there either! I even opened my case and checked all the connections, they are all firm.
Does this mean my hard disk has stopped working!?!? or might there be a software problem? it is only about 4.5 years I am using it! I would really appreciate any guidance on this issue.
Thanks in advance

I changed the cables and the SATA ports to this drive with the others and only this hard drive seems to be having a problem, the others are detected in all permutations of cable and SATA ports.
I guess so. I have done a lot of heavy data analysis (read/writes) over these 4.5 years with this hard drive and I guess the GNOME 3.14 update was the last thing It could tolerate! Thanks...
Last edited by makhlaghi (2014-10-17 12:37:29)

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    I'm guessing it's connected via USB, however, if connected via firewire I'll include the following links.
    USB and FireWire Quick Assist
    What to do if your computer won't recognize a FireWire device
    Dealing with FireWire problems (drives not mounting, devices unrecognized, etc.)
    Common fixes for USB device issues (unrecognized, etc.)
     Cheers, Tom

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    Dear Thomas,
    Thank you for your reply again and yes the support of a cyber friend is much appreciated.
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    Best wishes and thanks for the support,
    Powerbook G4 12inch   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Thanks very much for your time,
    -- Naveen

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    Then I quit Quicktime Player.
    And I shut down the computer.
    I turned on the computer and checked Disk Utility. I have about 26 GB of space.
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    I normally use vlc to watch movies.
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    Turn on power, press F10 to enter BIOS mode, Go to Diagnostics and run Hard Drive Test if any test fails you need to replace the part.
    The failure ID will either be a Smart or Disk Self Test failure - both would indicate that your Hard Drive is failing and will need to be replaced.
    If your notebook is still under warranty, contact HP and arrange to have the drive replaced.
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
    ****Click the (purple thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post) to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

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    Where can i find the "jumpers set to cable"? is it a switch?
    On the back of the drive, next to the ATA interface port will be a block with five rows of two pins. That's the jumper block. The jumper settings for the drive are usually indicated on the drive label. The jumper itself is a small plastic block with a metal contact plate inside that bridges the pin pairs. Tweezers are recommended for changing the jumper's position.
    You should see something like this:
    ______1 2 3 4 5
    (ATA | | o o o o o |
    CNX) | | o o o o o |
    The jumper would be across one of the sets of numbered pins in my crude illustration.
    a vent in my flat the was connected to the outside wall and was letting cold air in, and at night in the UK its getting pretty cold. the start up disk is fine but do you think this could have caused the directories to get damaged?
    Not likely. Modern drives monitor themselves pretty well and would detect a low spin-rate caused by the drive being cold and compensate. It would have to be pretty darned cold in the room for the drives to begin suffering for it..

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    grub> root (hd0,0)
    grub> find /grub/stage1
    grub> setup (hd0)
    grub> quit
    I've also tried installing GRUB with "setup (hd0,0)" instead of "setup (hd0)", without success.
    This ran fine, exactly like with all the other PCs I've successfully performed this procedure on in the past. However, this laptop is refusing to boot from the new disk. There's no sign of any activity, either - just a flashing cursor in the top-left corner of the otherwise blank LCD panel. So I'm guessing that either the bootloader is failing immediately, or the laptop isn't executing the bootloader at all.
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    Can anyone suggest why the T60p is not booting, please? And also how to fix it? Is there any extra initialisation that I need to do in the BIOS, for example? (I haven't seen any...) The disk *does* appear in the BIOS's list of bootable media. Or maybe there's some special code that needs to be written into the MBR that GRUB doesn't know about?
    The disk is a 320 GB 7200rpm Western Digital drive, and the Lenovo/IBM salesperson assured me that it was fully compatible with a T60p laptop without the need for any extra firmware.
    Thanks in advance for any ideas, because I'm completely stumped at this point.
    N.B. This is a Linux laptop, and so Windows-centric suggestions aren't going to help me.

    You said you can't get into Windows safe mode, have you installed Windows on the hard drive?  Are you able to get into the BIOS for the controller?  
    If you aren't able to access the BIOS for the controller, it may be due to bad RAM.  If you are comfortable installing RAM and you have some extra laptop RAM of the same type (I think it's DDR3 for your controller) laying around, you can try swapping out the RAM.
    Was your hard drive damaged through some event, or did it just stop working?
    AC - LV Solver

  • How to install labview 6.1 in a primary hard disk not named "C:"

    I try to install Labview 6.1 F.D.S in a computer under W2K where the system disk is "E:". When the setup program start to copy the file (Part 1 of 27), an error appear "Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\". I have tried to change the letter of the disk but it is impossible because it is the boot disk.
    Is it possible to do this style of installation or not ?
    Best regards
    S. Maury
    Responsable Technique
    Technical Manager

    On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 05:15:12 -0500 (CDT), StephaneM
    >I try to install Labview 6.1 F.D.S in a computer under W2K where the
    >system disk is "E:". When the setup program start to copy the file
    >(Part 1 of 27), an error appear "Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\". I
    >have tried to change the letter of the disk but it is impossible
    >because it is the boot disk.
    >Is it possible to do this style of installation or not ?
    >Best regards
    After the liscence agreement there should be a destination folder.
    This is where LabVIEW will be install just change it to where you
    would like it installed.
    "There are very few problems that cannot be solved by
    orders ending with 'or die.' " -Alistair J.R Young

  • External Hard disks suddenly "Access locked"...

    Help!! :))
    Whilst doing a Disk Utilities Permissions Repair on the system disk (Leopard)... After successful repair, all external disks are now locked and won't allow access.
    Opening the INFO panel (Comand + I) for each disk simply reveals that the Read /Write privileges area is set to "custom".
    Unlocking the Padlock using System Admin name and Password does not allow me to change the "custom" denomination back to "Read / Write".
    Any ideas please...?
    Many thanks.

    Hi Kieran
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    You can not write to them because they a formatted windows NTFS.
    See >
    If you want to use an external disk with both PC's and Mac's, you will need to re-format it MS-DOS/FAT-32.
    If you wish to use them with only the Mac's, you will need to Format then GUID partition/Mac OS X.
    See >
    *+Proceed with caution when re-formatting disks+:*
    1. Before re-formatting any drive you will need to backup the current data on it to a computer or another drive, because re-formatting will erase all the data on the drive.
    2. Fat-32 has a file size limit of 4GB and will not allow single file transfers greater than 3.7 or 3.8GB.
    3. You may not be able to change the format or write to many media players without special software.

  • Time Machine filling up my primary hard disk?

    I have a 2 month old Intel iMac with a 1 TB drive and about 300 GB of data on it. I ran time machine and got a full back up to an external 1 TB drive and all worked great. Then I learned about excluding files so I deleted my TM backup on the external drive, configured TM to exclude system files, and turned TM back on.
    It gives me the count down to the next backup and then begins and I get "Time Machine Error". This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 1099.6 GB but only 926.2 GB are available.
    I did this step over a few times and tried various things knowing that I only had about 300 GB of data. But then I looked again and found that my 1 TB drive was full; only 2 GB is available. There must be 700 GB of files hiding somewhere because I can't find it with the finder. My next step will be to use the terminal and look around, but it would be easier if someone knew where TM creates its temp files.
    Any idea on how to get rid of TM's temp files?

    oh my bad. I hate it when people don't read posts carefully. i guess I am guilty of that as well. I'll look into this, but are you sure these are "hidden" temp files. have you done the obvious stuff like repair permissions in disk util, holding down option while you empty the trash, that sort of thing.
    Your best bet is terminal. but you could have used the "Delete all backups of ((whatever you decided that you wanted excluded))" feature in TM instead of deleting your entire TM backup.
    Message was edited by: erik graham
    Message was edited by: erik graham

  • How can I format Linux OS from my primary hard disk

    I had windows xp professional , but on top of that I installed Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.6,
    I want to revert the process ,
    Please help.

    You cannot go back to Windows option as it was overwritten with Linux parms.
    I would suggest to re-install Windows Xp ,create a new partition and install Linux on it.
    Its working for me with no issues.

  • Compaq CQ40-337TU hard disk not detected/#​10008-repl​ace hard

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    it only means you need to replace your hard drive.but if cant replace it then there are some ways to revive your hard drive but it doesn't mean it will last. you can search it on google revive hard drive.

  • HP dv4-1225dx "Hard Disk Error" 3F1 on startup with eSATA HDD attached

    The whole internet is void of information on this specific error code, so here it is, lo and behold, the ONLY English-language Google result for this error message:
    Hard Disk Error
    Please run the Hard Disk Test in System Diagnostics.
    Error code:
    Hard Disk 1 (3F1)
    F2 System Diagnostics
    For more information, please visit: (illegible due to colored text)
    Specifically, the "Hard Disk 1 (3F1)" part, that's nowhere to be found online. Tons of pages about 3F0, apparently the primary hard disk. No, this is an error regarding the secondary hard disk, attached via eSATA.
    Problem is, there's NOTHING wrong with the attached drive, other than this error on startup. No SMART failures. Comes up and works fine in Windows. Scanned 100% OK. It'd be nice if there were a way to bypass this error automatically, but I always have to hit F2, then Esc to abort its forced diagnostic routine.
    It's a WD My Book Studio, 750gb, attached via eSATA. Doesn't happen if I leave it unplugged during startup... but SATA is a connection that likes to be present on startup. The system, as in the title, is a dv4-1225dx laptop, running Windows Home Server (Server 2003), but previously running Windows 7 Home Premium. Vista is evil.
    It's also my home server, as of about yesterday (when I set it up and started getting this message). The system seems to crash pretty routinely over the past few days and every time it reboots, it hangs at that stupid "Hard Disk Error" message. Not a pretty sight when I'm away from home and want to access something, like my email. Is there a way around this message hanging the system?
    edit: Not to mention the world's most buggy fan-control algorithm, worst heatpipe design on the planet, no AHCI mode control, and terrible system management (battery went dead on you at 40%? tough... remove battery to continue using your computer). LOOOOTS of bugs in this terrible BIOS.

    Thanks for the link, it helps clarify that there's a difference between "3F1" and "301" - hard disk error and SMART error. In other words, it's reporting a generic "Error", not even that the drive may be/is failing.
    In this case, the drive isn't failing, at all. It's a BIOS bug.
    I put the drive on an ExpressCard eSATA controller, and it works fine. Unfortunately, since I'm the only one using this sort of configuration and getting this error, I imagine there won't be any work done to fix the bug

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