Printer Button Dissapeared

I just installed Photoshop 7 on my Windows 7 64 bit machine and when I go to Page Setup the Printer button to select my printer is Gone.
Its on my XP 32 bit machine....
Whats the problem?
Is this driver related or Software related.

You need to get a 64-bit driver, or at least a Win 7 compatible driver, from the printer manufacturer's site – if there is one!
You didn't tell us what printer!

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    Presently we are in BW 3.5 version with support pack 22. We enhanced the html code based on ' How to ... Web printing with MS Excel' document. We imported the transport file which contains package and ABAP Classes.
    After click on the print button on Web report, it was giving the same result area in the same page instead of giving the excel open or save options.
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    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Is BI Publisher desktop (MS Word add-in) a possibility? This would allow you to use MS Word to create your output template (RTF) that would result in a properly formatted PDF. Of course, you'd have to right an updated version of the query without HTML embedded. Just thinking outside of the box.

  • Print Button Derived From a Select List Is Not Working

    I followed the instructions "Creating a PDF Report from Derived Output Format"
    In order to derive the output format, you need to create an item that contains the list of formats to select from. Perform the following steps:
    1. Under Items, click the Create icon.
    2. Click Select List.
    3. Make sure Select List is selected for Select List Control Type and click Next.
    4. Change the Name to P<#>OUTPUTLIST and click Next.
    5. You need to specify the list of output types for the report and the bottom of the page. Select the Create or edit static List of Values
    6. Enter the following values and click Apply.
    Display Value Return Value
    Word RTF
    Excel XLS
    7. Select No for Display Null Option and Click Next.
    8. Change the Label to Output Format and click Next.
    9. Enter PDF for the Default and click Create Item.
    10. Now that the list of output formats is created, you need to change the Output Format when the Print link is selected. Under Regions, select the Print link.
    11. Under Printing, select Derive from Item for Output Format and select the item you just created P<#>OUTPUTLIST for Item and click Apply Changes.
    12. Click Run Page.
    13. When the report is displayed, select Excel from the list of Output Formats. Note: In Oracle Application Express 3.1, the XML format was added
    14. At the bottom of the report, select the Print link.
    15. A window appears asking you which program you want to open the Excel file with. Click OK (or Open depending on what browser you have) . Excel is open and the report is displayed. Close the Excel window.
    16. You can also create a button to produce the report based on the output format rather than clicking the Print link at the bottom of the report. Click Edit Page.
    17. Under Buttons, click the Create icon.
    18. Accept the default and click Next
    19. Select Create a button displayed among this region's items and click Next
    20. Enter P<#>_Print for the Button Name, enter Print for the Label and Request and select HTML Button for Button Style. Then click Create Button
    21. The region printing link contains the id of the region. Since you want to invoke the print from a button instead of the link you need to create a branch and specify the FLOW_XMLP_OUTPUT_R### parameter in the Request field for the Action so the application knows what to do when the Print button is pressed. Under Regions, select the Print link.
    22. Ctrl-C the FLOW_XMLP_OUTPUT_R### section of the Print URL field. Since you are going to invoke the print from the button, you can remove the Print in the Label Link field and click Apply Changes.
    23. Under Branches, select the Create icon.
    24. Accept the default and click Next
    25. Enter the current page for the Page and paste the FLOW_XMLP_OUTPUT_R### parameter that you copied into the Request field and click Next.
    26. Select P<#>_PRINT for When Button Pressed and click Create Branch
    27. Click Run Page
    28. Select XML for the Output Format and click Print.
    If I use the link at the bottom of the report region when I set the print options on the print tab of a report, it will print out in both pdf and rtf formats. I get an error with the Excel format. The print button isn't even working. When I select the button, nothing happens.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hello Andy,
    I ended up putting in a ticket with Metalink. It is a known bug it seems. This is what the rep said:
    These bugs are fixed in the next ApEx patch 3.1.2. Patch 3.1.2 is expected (tentatively) in 2 weeks at the
    The bug fixes for these bugs have been backported to 3.1.1 and the one-off patches (patch 7202883 & 7156139) can be downloaded from metalink. One-of
    f patches do not undergo the normal full regression testing, as is done for the
    full APEX 3.1.2 patch set.
    Once 7202883 and 7156139 were applied, I was able to download in all formats.

  • Print button on Web report.

    Hi gurus,
    We were trying to add a print button on Web report for printing the result area on the Web report.
    We followed the steps which has given in the How-to-guide How To Web Printing with Microsoft
    Excel document.
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    1. Support package should be above 19 for BW 3.5 version
    2. Add HTML code in the WAD Template
    3. Import Transport file into the System.
    4. Apply OSS notes 736568 and 737082 to BW
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    The transport file contains the Package u201CZPK_WEB_PRINTING_WITH_EXCELu201D and ABAP Classes u201CZCL_RSR_XLS_GRIDu201D,
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    Please guide me how to resolve the above issue or is there any way to get the printing the web report?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you want to print the web page directly then you can define a button using Java script and you can do it.
    Define java script code to print the page
    for ex define a button and call function for print.
    i cannot attach the code. but you can solve with java script
    Edited by: M.A on Jul 24, 2008 4:22 PM

  • Print presentasion without Print button on printout

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    We tried many ways:
    1) We put in presentation initialization method a statement setVisible: false and print.this. Unfortunately a button still visible on printout.
    2) We wrote a new method for a Print button: setVisible:false, print.this. Again a button is visible in the printout.
    3) We make a presentation without buttons at all and tried to put print statement in initialization method. Now we lose a control of the buttons and cannot terminate a presentation.
    4) We make a presentation without buttons at all and tried to put print statement in initialization method and immediately cancel a presentation with submit(). Again we lose a control of the presentation.
    May be some of you can give us a helping hand.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you got any update please send it to me.
    my email id is [email protected]
    Brijesh Kumar Singh

  • Using the print button to print then close a document

    I use Live Cycle Designer to create my Adobe documents.  I am working on a kiosk project and one of the menus navigates to a document page that has PDF documents and forms for users to print out.  The way the kiosk is designed, I would like for my pdf file to close after the print button is selected.  I recieved a solution in the general Adobe forum, but later found out the script does not work if the document was made using Live Cycle.  Any suggestions???  Is it possible??? Thanks.

    Open your PDF file in adobe livecycle designer, select print button on PDF.
    Go to windows(in adobe designer menu bar) and select Script Editor - In Show dropdown list select postPrint event and copy paste the code below-

  • Crystal report print button greyed out in user citrix sessions

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    We have compared users that can print against users who can not not print and not found anything at the network, file permissions, application permissions, printer setup setting level.
    Also, if we were to take citirx completely out of the discussion, what might cause the print button to be greyed out in a crystal report when it is displayed (not the developer, but in the minmal window that shows the export, print, magnify options only).

    Check with Epicor. We don't know how Epicor implemented the solution so it's kinda like you asking a mechnic to fix your car, but he can't open the hood to see the engine.
    A tip; this is more than likely due to permissions. So, compare between boxes thast work and don't work. Use [Process Monitor|] to track permission issues.

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    Are you using Crystal Reports for Eclipse?  If so, there is a new version out that suports Excel exporting:

  • Is it possible to create a Print Button?

    Is it possible to place a print button on an iWeb page so folks when viewing it online can print the entire contents of the page. The page(s)are quite long so one must scroll down to view it in its entirety, but when attenpting to print from the browser, only the first part of the long page will print. Maybe I answered my own question ... does this mean that iWeb pages should not be set longer that normal letter size?

    You can also copy and paste the text into TextEdit and print that to a PDF. Then, create a button that says "print" and hyperlink that to the PDF. That way, anyone wanting a printout would have a nicely formatted document and you can include contact information in the document as well.
    Most sites I go to just have "print" go to a plain "black text on white background" version of the same text that the user then uses command-p (control-p on PC's) to actually initiate the print, so that'd work as well.

  • Need to make a print button in indesign

    I need to make a print button in indesign for a brochure. I have made several buttons by using the create button toll but there is no 'print' option in the list of behaviours.
    can anyone help me with this please.
    The final output is a pdf and the brochure has a print button on every page.
    Can anyone help please

    You can duplicate any form field to all the pages you like... to all pages or just some pages.... Forms>Edit Fields>Duplicate

  • Ideas for Adding a Quick Print Button to VA01 Overview Screen

    Problem Statement:
    Our users would like a "quick print" button on the VA01/VA02 application toolbar that immediately spools the Order Confirmation output to the printer.  Our users want to print the output on demand, i.e., they do not want the output to automatically be printed when the order is created because a printout is not always needed.  We already have condition records created with Dispatch Time set to 3 - Send with application own transaction.  However, it takes 7 or more clicks to print the output on demand by navigating the menu (Extras > Output > Edit...Further Data...etc.) and changing the Dispatch Time to 4 - Send immediately when saving.  This is a big ergonomic issue and a time killer.
    Although the number of clicks to print are less when printing the output from the VA02 initial screen (via menu Sales document > Issue Output To), this is not acceptable when creating new orders.  Really need an on-demand, quick print button on the VA01 screen.  As an aside, we have a totally custom transaction for preparing sales order data (shopping cart-like way of finding materials and entering required data) that then calls VA01 and fills in all of the information.  When saving in VA01, the user is returned to our Z-transaction so asking the user to subsequently run VA02 to print is not practical.
    Current Output Determination:
    We have custom output type ZBS0 (copy of BS0).  Condition records for print medium are set to Dispatch Time = 3.
    1.  Searching these forums, it appears custom code (extension or user exit?) can be written to call RSNAST00, or something similar, to automatically send output having a Dispatch Time = 3.  Where can I find more information on exactly how to do this?
    2.  Do transactions VA01 and VA02 (Overview screens) have extensions that allow a print button to be added to the application toolbar?  We would want to call the custom printing code from the button to send the output.
    Any feedback on how others have solved this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    Warm Regards,
    P.S.  Using GuiXT is not an option for us.

    We had similar issues with printing packing list and picking list by the warehouse people.
    We created a new ztransaction with input fields of delivery number, output type, number of copies and a check box for repeat output(in case if the output was already printed).
    You can also create a new Z-transaction with input fields of Sales order number(mandatory field), output type (Default it with value of ZBS0), number of copies (default it with 1) and a check box. On executing the transaction You can provide a message if the output was already printed so that the user can select the check box to repeat the output and execute. You can also print multiple SO by giving a range value if required.
    If you do not want the user to enter the new ztransaction every time, try providing a menu path to the new z-transaction from the existing z-transaction which you are using for order entry.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Print button issues.

    Hello everyone,
    In order to 'flatten' our pdf forms so that they cannot easily be modified, we have decided to print all of our completed forms to a virtual .pdf writer. Now, we could have all of our users click file-->print-->select 'cutePDF Writer' from the printer drop-down-->hit OK-->Type in a file name for the new .PDF-->hit OK... but I was hoping that I could make their lives easier by adding a button to do most of this for them.
    After scowering the depths of the internet, I found this script that I've added to the click event of a button:
    var objPrintParams =;
    objPrintParams.interactive = objPrintParams.constants.interactionLevel.silent;
    objPrintParams.printerName = "cutePDF Writer";;
    This effectively handles everything up to 'Type in a file name for the new .PDF' step... but there are some issues.
    The first is that some of our users may not have cutePDF installed. As it is, the script doesn't throw an error if the printer does not exist. Without the printer installed, clicking the button seems to have no effect. Both pre- and post-print events fire as if the printing worked, even though it didn't. I would like to have a helpful message for the user, but I can't think of a way to check if it failed. If I could get a list of printers, I could check it before trying to print... but; doesn't work, and that was the only thing that i could find to list printer names.
    The second issue is that a message is displayed to inform the users the the document is trying to print. "This document is trying to print..." I get that this is a security measure, but the user is pressing a button called print, and having to click a second time may get annoying. Additionally, if they click no by accident, this response is stored until they restart reader... clicking the print button again does nothing.
    Ultimately, I'd like to get rid of this message... but if I can't do that, I'd like for it to show each time that the user presses it, both for consistancy, and to allow them to change their minds without having to close out reader, losing all of the filled fields that they entered.
    I know that this might be asking the impossible, but I would appreciate any help with this.
    - Scott

    In the designer, highlight the print button. On the Object palette locate the presence dropdown (near the bottom of the palette). Change the pressence to "Visible (Screen Only)".

  • Print button on Playbook

    Is there a print button for WORD, Exel, PowerPoint To Go, etc.?  No where to be found.  What's up with that?

    this would be great! if we can print from the playbook. it can use the same as Google Chrome's print cloud. some printers also have WiFi connection. would be great in the future as the playbook is great for school.

Maybe you are looking for